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Authors: Willow Brooke

Enlisting Her Heart (2 page)

BOOK: Enlisting Her Heart
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Chapter Two


Violet took one last glance in the mirror, and smoothed out her little strapless white lace dress. She had swept her unruly curls into a loose side bun against her neck, secured with a jeweled butterfly barrette. Her make-up was light except for her eyes, which she had done smoky and paired with a sheer pink lip gloss hoping to bring a more seductive look to her ‘girl next door’ image. For some reason she was nervous. “It’s only a beach party,” she muttered to herself. She couldn’t help but feel excited. This was the first beach party she had ever been to, and knowing that Hulk and Kodiak would be there only added to it. She slipped on the little white matching wedges Vince had picked out to coordinate her outfit and walked out the door.

The team had all gathered at the tables on the beach for dinner. Cabo was known for its dining and wild bonfire parties on the beach. With five star dining and endless drinks with live bands performing, it was a party fiesta.

Mrs. Sanders sat at the end of the table with Michael at her side, not knowing what to do with herself. Dom and Michael had pulled her back to the table twice after she had attempted to make her way into the kitchen to help prepare the food. “I don’t see why the chef got so rude. I only suggested he change to real butter instead of using that coconut oil stuff.” Her eyebrows furrowed in a pout.

“You’re on vacation, Martha. The whole point is to relax and let them do the work.” Michael laughed.

“Well it doesn’t feel right just sitting here,” she harrumphed. Her frown was short lived. Violet walked up, capturing all their attention. Mrs. Sanders smiled at how fast Hulk and Kodiak tripped over themselves to offer her a seat next to them, and had to stifle a laugh when she took a place between them. Since she was the designated matchmaker of the group, her plan of keeping Kodiak and Hulk seated close worked. Those boys might not know what they wanted, but she knew what they needed.

“Hi, everyone. Hope I’m not too late…” she greeted.

“It was well worth the wait, baby. Damn, you look good enough to eat,” Romeo teased. Both Hulk and Kodiak glared at him.

Violet smiled. “Thanks. I think…” Just then the waitress came and took their order, serving them drinks while they waited. Like at home, the group fell into a comfortable conversation, stopping only to bow and give thanks before their meal.

As the evening wore on, they all migrated toward the huge fire pit and stage area to enjoy the party. The natives put on spectacular shows, from dancing to magic and fire breathing. Violet swayed to the beat of the music amongst some of the others, watching with envy as Rock and Maverick swung Alaina around the dance area. In another corner, Mrs. Sanders and Michael danced slower, keeping their bodies in a slow intimate two-step despite the upbeat tempo. Even Joker had tapped into his romantic side and twirled Bella, both totally lost to the world around them. She couldn’t help but giggle when her eyes fell upon Dom and Vice. He appeared totally out of his element, but like always still dominated their steps, holding on to her in a claim for everyone to see. Dom moved over Vice in a more sensual sway, keeping her attention and remaining her only focus. Everywhere Violet looked, love surrounded her. Even the whore dogs of the family had found girls to woo and impress with their fancy footwork—Romeo with a hot little native, and Juju with a blonde who was barely in her twenties. Violet let out a sigh, dreaming of the day she had her own men who’d rope the moon for her. Her thoughts drifted to two special somebodies and her heart dropped. Having feelings and a connection with two guys wasn’t as storybook romantic as it seemed. How Alaina snagged her two beaus amazed her. For months she had been flirting shamelessly with Hulk and Kodiak, only to get static from one end or another. Maybe she should just ask them, ‘Hey, let’s have a threesome’. However, that’s not what she really wanted. She wanted love…and commitment.

Violet hadn’t heard Hulk approach and jumped when he draped an arm around her shoulders. “Shit! You scared me!” She playfully smacked his chest. The butterflies fluttered in her tummy. She had always found dancing one of the most romantic actions and fantasized about having a man whisk her away and sway her into the throws of passion, but so far the best she had was a couple drunks cop a feel at the old bar Alaina used to work at. It was a woman’s dream—one which more than likely wouldn’t ever come true. Still, a girl could dream, couldn’t she? Her dreams usually ended with disappointment from the unrealistic picture she painted, but that was who she was. A normal girl with her head in the clouds, or a book whenever she could.

“Sorry,” he laughed. He watched her look on at the couples dancing and grinned. As if on cue, the band began a slow melody. “May I have this dance?” He bowed melodramatically, kissing the back of her hand. Violet giggled at his display and nodded, her heart jumping in her chest.

“I’d be honored, kind sir.” She allowed him to lead her into the sea of bodies and was half shocked when he pulled her against him closely. Violet looked up, almost swearing that his emerald eyes were glowing. His hair had grown out from its usual bic smooth shave and shaped into a neat high and tight. The torches and fire danced across his features mesmerizingly, almost making her stumble when he spun her into a turn and dipped her. He held her there, slowly leaning down. His eyes didn’t break from hers until their lips were a mere breath apart. Just when she was sure he’d kiss her, he spoke.

“You look beautiful tonight.” Violet fought the urge to tilt her head the slight distance that remained between them. He pulled her upright, keeping their eyes locked and his lips close to hers.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Her eyes fluttered shut when he leaned in, brushing his mouth against hers. She didn’t know if she was imagining it all or it was reality, until she felt his moist tongue trace along the seam of her lips. She parted for him to gain entrance, feeling the fire ignite as soon as they made contact. Hulk kissed her softly, pressing with just enough pressure, melting her. Violet had always had a thing for a man who took charge, and Hulk was no exception. When his tongue slid against hers, Violet’s knees went weak. He kept it soft and sensual, but the underlying demands had her blood pumping through her veins.

Hulk groaned from the sweetness of her lips. He hadn’t expected her to comply so easily, much less meet him with the same amount of enthusiasm. In fact, he half expected her to slap him. When she leaned into him, lacing one arm up around his neck to pull him down tighter, he fought for control. Going without a woman for so long had him chomping at the bit. His breath caught in his chest, refusing to deliver oxygen to his brain. No. He wasn’t going to rush things with her. This was about more; and as much as he wanted to strip her down and ram into her sweet spot he refused to deny himself by getting all of her. He let his mouth give just enough insinuation of his desires before pulling away. When she looked at him stunned, he grinned. “Peach. My favorite.”

Violet looked at him, trying to get her mind to function to understand what he was talking about. When she didn’t reply, he chuckled. “Peach Bellini?”

Her drink. Right. She hadn’t drank enough to be drunk per se, but the fruity frozen cocktail had her relaxed and feeling the music in his arms. “Oh, yeah. It’s my favorite too,” she smiled back. He spun her around, leading her across the floor with ease. “Where did you learn to dance so well?”

“My mother always loved dancing. So, when dad was deployed or working late nights, she taught me.” He laughed remembering, “We’d move all the furniture out of the front room and put on some of her old records or eight tracks and cut a rug. From disco to ballroom, our little party of two would last into the wee hours of the morning.” Violet listened, feeling the sentimental value of each word. It was hard to think of Hulk disco dancing, but the faraway gaze in his eyes warmed her heart. He hadn’t spoken about his folks much.

“Where are your parents now?”

“Dad died in combat when I was nineteen. Mom passed the next year from a broken heart.” Hulk’s eyes misted, so Violet pulled him tighter. It was no wonder the man held on to the group so tightly. They were his only family left.

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” She reached up and kissed his cheek softly. He couldn’t help but smile at her sincerity.

“My mother would’ve loved you. You have the same spunk and excitement for life that she had.”

“She sounds like an amazing woman. I wish I could have met her.” As the song changed to a more upbeat tempo, Hulk changed his footwork. As he spun her out into a spin and then pulled her back, Kodiak walked up.

“May I cut in?” he said, not tearing his gaze from Violet. She looked between them, unsure how to respond. She cared for them both in different ways. Where Hulk was intense, Kodiak was fun. Before she came up with an excuse to leave, Hulk surprised her.

“Sure.” He pulled her tight and dropped a kiss on her forehead before handing her to Kodiak. Before she could speak, Kodiak had pulled her away into the sea of bodies.

“I’ve wanted to get you in my arms all night.”

“Well, now that you have me here, what are you gonna do with me?” she teased. He whipped her around, flinging her out into a spin and pulling her back before lifting her up over his head. She laughed, having more fun than she had in a long time. Kodiak pulled her up close and smiled. “Eat your heart out, Patrick Swayze.”

Violet smiled at his reference. “That’s one of my favorite movies.”

Kodiak snorted. “No way. That’s a lame movie! It’s cliché. A failed attempt at Romeo and Juliet, where instead of death do part, the ending he drives off into the sunset.”

“It’s about summer love. Sexy dancing, hot love, and forbidden desires with some kickass music,” she retorted.

“I’ll give it that. The music was awesome, but the guy was a tool. He should have chased her instead of the other way around. Any guy that doesn’t go after you, doesn’t deserve you.” He spun her again, dancing circles around the other couples. “The ending should have been a happily ever after. I hate the parting is such sweet sorrow endings. It’s bogus, bullshit. There is no way a real romance would have just ended with the vacation. Did they not have mail? Hell, it’s not like the dude had a job he couldn’t leave…”

Violet choked back a giggle. “Wow. I see you have given this quite a bit of thought.” The song ended and she turned to leave when he pulled her back against his body. His outlook on the romance warmed her heart. Most men didn’t read that far into a movie, let alone romance. Was he a closet romantic?

“Where you going?” He joked, “What, a man can’t have his opinions on love?”

Violet shook her head, trying to figure him out. He surprised her around every corner. Guys thought about getting laid, plain and simple. “I…I thought maybe I should get back…” She tried to make an excuse but fell short, her need to find out more about the gentle giant becoming a must. The little voice in the back of her mind reminded her that Hulk had agreed but it still made her feel guilty. It was no secret she had feelings for him, and vice versa. But Kodiak… She cared for him too. Whether it was more than just a friendship she didn’t know and wasn’t ready to figure it out yet. True, he was sexy as sin wearing a tight pair of jeans and a blue shirt that made his sapphire eyes sparkle, but so far she hadn’t been successful. His brown hair had grown out some, getting soft curls on the longer part of his norm military cut. Violet wanted to run her fingers through it and see if it was as soft as it appeared but refrained. The band had taken a break and the DJ had taken over, pumping “Cowboy” by Kid Rock. In a flash, Kodiak had positioned his leg between hers and pulled her against him, gripping one hand low on her back and the other high on her ribs. If not for the wicked flash of orneriness in his eyes, she would have pulled away. His intentions weren’t solely honest, but then again, the hunger that radiated off him made her knees weak. “Watch the paws, you big bear.” She laughed.

“Mmm. I’ll do my best. See if you can keep up with this cowboy, baby.” His hard muscles flexed against her, twisting and grinding.

Violet grinned. “
I’ll do my best
,” she mocked. In a blink of an eye she turned, swaying in a circle, stopping with her ass inches from his groin. With each beat she shimmied down, arching her back to touch the sand. When she worked herself back up, her tantalizing little dance had him growling. Back and forth they went, amping up the stakes with each chord of the song. Their hands explored, their bodies entwined. When he spun her and grinded up against her hips, she couldn’t help the gasp that escaped at the massive hard-on that pressed against the crack of her ass. By the time the song had faded into another equally alluring song, Violet was in the groove. Ironically, the song that now pulsed around them was “Bump N’ Grind” by R. Kelley.
Great. So much for reserve.
Violet stole a glace at the crowd and was relieved to see far worse going on than the display they were giving. With her mind at ease, she fell into a hypnotic, erotic pace.

Kodiak sent a thank you toward the heavens. The song couldn’t have been more perfect. Not only did he get a chance to dance with her, he now had an excuse to grind all up on the fiery redhead who had haunted his dreams for months. Her little body was even sexier than he had imagined. And the way she moved…dayumn. She was a walking wet dream. “Watch it, little lady. You might be starting something you can’t finish.” He winked. Her eyes narrowed, her lips curving slightly. She pressed into him, grinding against the pup tent protruding from the seam of his jeans he was so desperately trying to hide.

“Or maybe you are scared you can’t handle me.” Kodiak fought the urge to claim her right there and then.

It had taken all of Hulk’s willpower to keep from marching over and knocking the fuck out of Kodiak when he saw his hands rub all up on Violet. His anger had charged forward, rearing the ugly green head of his jealousy. But as they danced, he had a different idea. She seemed to be enjoying herself, which was all he wanted. Instead of ruining her night, he decided to push past his own hang-ups and test the waters some.

BOOK: Enlisting Her Heart
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