Read Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6 Online

Authors: Crystal Jordan

Tags: #contemporary romance;vacation romance;California;Baja;Mexico;Ensenada;road trip

Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6 (8 page)

BOOK: Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6
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“Thank you, Ben. Really.” Her relief was palpable. “I’ll repay you, of course, and…I don’t know how I’d have made it through the last day without you.” She rolled her eyes. “Though I’m not going to thank you for blackmailing your way into this trip, I am glad you’re here now.”

He brushed his lips over hers, the contact light. They both had morning breath, so prolonged contact would kill any romance in the gesture. “That’s enough for me. I’m glad I could help you.”

Her tongue swept out to lick her lower lip and he bit back a groan. Long days or not, he still burned for her.

“Let’s eat before it gets cold.”

He lifted another plastic sack from the diner. “I got the girls some fancy oatmeal and toast, but that was all they had on the menu that looked flavorless enough for recent food poisoning survivors.”

“I’ll take it to them.” She grabbed the bag and walked down the hall.

He busied himself by setting their breakfast out on the coffee table—since there wasn’t a dining room table to speak of—and started to unload the groceries in the kitchen. He had no idea where anything was supposed to go, so he stuffed the refrigerated items in the fridge and lined the rest up neatly on one counter. The girls would figure it out.

“Nice.” Nora grinned and settled cross-legged on the floor between the couch and coffee table. “Are you going to eat?”

“Yep.” His stomach growled loudly. “I doubt you could keep me from it.”

“You doubt it?” She arched a challenging eyebrow. “I’ll give you a blowjob if you skip breakfast.”

He froze, his mouth dropping open. His mind formed the image far too easily and a shudder swept through him. For a BJ from her? Hell yes, he’d go without a meal. He narrowed his eyes as he sat beside her. “You little witch.”

She smirked. “Made you consider it, didn’t I?”

“If I thought for a second you were serious…”


“I wouldn’t hesitate, sweetheart.” He leaned in to whisper in her ear, pleased when she shivered. Then he took a deliberate bite of his scrambled eggs.

“Maybe I was serious.” She picked up her sausage, eyed it suggestively, then popped the whole thing in the mouth.

“Evil.” He shook his head, fighting a grin. Okay, he had to admit he enjoyed their sparring when it really was in good fun, and they were both in on the fun.

“Didn’t hear you complaining the other night, Hudson.” She winked and dug into her food with gusto.

“You’ll never hear me complain about that night, Kirby. Ever.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Eat your breakfast.”

“Hey, maybe I like slightly evil women.” With that, he applied himself to his French toast and eggs.

They ate in companionable silence and it was nice. It was rare that they’d been alone in each other’s company and not sniped at each other. Far too soon they were scraping the bottom of plastic containers. A pity, but he had the rest of day in the car with her. Maybe they’d continue this pleasant trend. When she rose and he got an eyeful of her pert ass, he decided pleasant wasn’t quite enough.

He pushed to his feet and followed her to discard his empty carton. When she tried to step past him, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed his lips to the soft skin at her nape. “Want to share a shower?”

“In my sister’s apartment?” The scandalized tone didn’t quite hide her excitement, and he felt her slight quiver.

“The bathroom door has a lock, and those two probably passed out in their oatmeal.” He scraped his teeth over the tendon that connected her shoulder to her neck. Her breathing sped and she dug her nails into his forearm. “We can be quick. Want to wager on how fast I can make you come?”

“No,” she gasped.

“No, you don’t want to bet, or no, you don’t want to do bad things in the shower?” He was going to hate it if she picked the second one because being this near, hearing the little hitch in her voice, had made him harder than steel. His cock throbbed like a tooth ache now that he had even the hint of an opportunity to get naked with her again.

“I…” She moaned when he sucked her earlobe into his mouth. “I…”

“You?” He nibbled down her throat. “Tell me what you want, Nora.”

“I can’t think.” She laughed, the sound unsteady.

He smoothed his free hand up her torso to cup her breast. The nipple was already tight, jutting into his palm. He circled it lightly with his fingertips, coaxing another low moan out of her. He shuddered, pulling her backside against his front. “You over-think things sometimes, sweetheart. This? You just need to feel. Let me make you feel good.”

“Oh. God.” She pressed her ass into his groin, as if testing how hard she could make him.

“I’m gonna come in my pants if you keep that up,” he growled.

“Then you’ll really need a shower.” Her tone was just a little too husky to be teasing, and she didn’t stop rubbing against him.

“Yes. Care to join me?” He nudged the neckline of her shirt aside with his nose and nipped at her shoulder.

A short little gurgling laugh spilled from her. “Yes. I would like to join you. I know I shouldn’t, for a million reasons, but…I want to anyway.”

Hot damn.

“Come with me.”

He moved slowly, pulling her along gently, as if he might startle her into changing her mind if he went too fast. He scooped up the straps of both their overnight bags as they walked, drawing her into the bathroom. He let her shut and lock the door, stepping into the small room so she could bolt if she wanted to. Sure, he had no shame about seducing her into coming with him, but staying had to be her choice. He dropped the duffels on the Formica countertop.

With a deep exhale, she leaned back against the door and looked at him. Well, he should put on a show if she wanted to watch, right? He tugged the hem of his T-shirt out of his basketball shorts, inching the garment up and over his head. When he draped it over their bags, her gaze was glued to his bare torso. He swept a palm over his pecs, pausing to tweak his own nipple.

Her breath caught and she bit her lower lip.

“You have no idea how much I’d rather it was you touching me.”

“Don’t stop,” she whispered.

“Touching myself?” Oh Jesus, the woman was going to kill him.

She nodded, desire reddening her cheeks and brightening her eyes. If he’d always thought she was lovely, it was nothing to how she looked now. He’d been completely ignorant of how utterly captivating she was when she was turned on. Swallowing hard, he ran his fingers down the centerline of his chest, his stomach, and stopped at the waistband of his shorts. He paused just long enough to make her wonder, and she leaned forward as if urging him to finish stripping. After pushing his shorts and briefs down in one motion, he let gravity drag them to the floor and stepped out of them.

He cupped a hand around his cock, circled his fingers around the shaft, and stroked upward. Rubbing his thumb across the head to smear the bead of moisture there, he met her eyes. “Take off your clothes.”

She nodded, but her gaze dropped to his groin, watching him fondle himself. Without looking away, she untied the bottoms on her scrubs and they puddled around her ankles. She shucked her top and bra, then shoved her panties down and took a step toward him.

“You’re amazingly beautiful.” And she was, all flushed cheeks, sparkling eyes, creamy skin with tight pink nipples and a triangle of dark red curls between her thighs.

“You’re not too bad yourself.” Her grin was cheeky. “But as pretty as the picture is, I want to get to the hands-on part.”

He pumped his dick through the ring of his fingers. “I’m already there.”

“I noticed. I’m tempted to make you keep it up, but I’m dying over here.” She tipped her head coquettishly. “I’ll turn on the shower, you grab the condom?”

“You’re on.” He released his erection and reached for his toiletry kit where he’d stashed the new rubbers he’d bought.

The sight of her bending to adjust the spigots, where he got an unobstructed view of her sex, made a rough sound rip from him.

“Shh.” She glanced over her shoulder, waggled her eyebrows, straightened and hopped under the spray. “Coming?”

“God, I hope so,” he answered and she snickered. He donned the condom and followed her in, keeping his back to the water. He slid the glass door closed, crowded her against the rear wall, and bent to cover her mouth with his. She stood on tiptoe, meeting him halfway.

She hummed softly, her tongue twined with his, and she pressed her body into his. The flavor of her was sweet and tart and perfect. He gathered her near, lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his waist while her shoulders remained against the tiles. The kiss was wild, all lips and teeth and tongue. It made him burn from the inside out.

God, he couldn’t wait, he needed her so desperately, but she seemed just as impatient, digging her heels into his ass and her nails into his back. He hitched her a little higher, his hands gripping her hips tight as he positioned her so that the tip of his dick probed at her entrance.

Gravity let him impale her on his cock, and he sank in to the hilt. Her slick walls clasped his shaft and he had to review tort law in his head to keep from coming then and there. The shower created an enveloping cloud of steam that caressed their skin, and the spray pelted across his back. The sensory overload was almost more than he could bear. He held onto his restraint with the very tips of his fingers.

“Hurry,” she gasped, breaking the kiss. “I don’t want to wait.”

“As you wish.” He caught her mouth again, hoping the kiss would smother any noises they might make, and began a pounding rhythm designed to drive them swiftly to the brink of insanity.

It was a race against his own self-discipline.

She threw her head back, sobbing for breath. Her sex fisted around him once, and she whimpered, “Ben.”

Ah, Christ. Just hearing her say his name like that, a breathless, needy plea, was enough to send him spiraling out of control. He gritted his teeth on a groan.

“I’m going to…” The sentence ended in a low moan, and he knew she’d gone over the edge.

Thank God. The last tenuous fetter on his self-restraint snapped. He hammered into her, and the feel of her inner muscles clenching around his dick was so fucking good he thought his skull might explode.

One, two, three more thrusts and he drove deep and froze, come jetting out of him. He shuddered again and again, emptying himself into her. So good. So fucking good. He closed his eyes, rested his forehead on her shoulder, and gulped in air, waiting for his muscles to stop shaking and his heart to stop racing.

She hugged him close and he could hear the ragged rush of her breath in his ear. They stayed that way for several minutes, until he sighed and managed to leverage himself upright.

“We should clean up before the hot water runs out.” She unhooked her legs and slipped down to stand.

“Exactly. I’m not a cold shower kind of guy.” He turned sideways and waved her past. “Ladies first.”

She quickly soaped up, shampooed and conditioned her hair, and rinsed off. It took her no more than three minutes from start to finish before she hopped out of the shower. Then it was his turn to wash, and all the while he could see her through the glass, taking a towel from the cupboard, drying off, grabbing her cosmetic case out of her bag, brushing her hair and teeth. When she went to pull out a new set of clothes, he watched her head cock to the side.

“All of my dirty clothes are clean.”

The neutral note to her tone made him unsure what she thought of that.

“Yeah, I did a load of wash after you crashed in Hazel’s room last night. There’s a laundry room at the top of the stairs on this floor.” He scrubbed shampoo into his hair. “I figured you hadn’t packed more than a day or two at most. I didn’t, anyway. Since the food poisoning put us behind schedule…we needed more outfits. Plus, one of yours was covered in barf.”


Again, her voice was more bemused than anything else. Was she hiding that she was annoyed he’d gone through her stuff? “I checked the instructions on the tags. Everything was washed in the right temperature. I didn’t mix whites and reds.”

He dunked his head under the water and rinsed. After shutting off the shower, he climbed out and took the folded towel she proffered.

She brushed at the skirt of her flowery dress. “Anything is better than puke-crusted clothes. Thanks, Ben. You’ve been…insanely helpful and nice the last couple of days.”

“I can be nice, you know.” He finished with the terry cloth and hung it over the glass door.

She nodded, her smile a little self-deprecating. “I wouldn’t have put money on that two days ago, and I’d have lost that bet.”

Dear God. Had she really just admitted that she no longer considered him the lowest lifeform on Earth? Some emotion he didn’t want to identify burned in his chest. Since he couldn’t think of a thing to say that wouldn’t ruin the moment, he hauled her into his arms and kissed her hard. The sweet taste of her was so addicting, he’d never get enough.

When he pulled back, his cock had risen in a semi-erection. Of course. “You should go or I’ll bend you over the vanity.”

She closed her eyes. “I’m not sure if that’s a warning or an invitation.”

“A little of both.”

“Okay, I’m going.” She picked up her bag. “Hopefully, the coast is clear.”

“I’ll give you a couple minutes before I follow, just in case.” He waved her off, knowing his dick wouldn’t calm down until she was outside of his reach. “I can brush my teeth really slowly or something.”

She winked and slipped away silently. He took his time getting ready, putting on jeans and the black dress shirt he’d worn the day he’d jumped in her car. It took little time to drag a comb through his hair and brush his teeth. Not that he ever needed much more grooming than that—he preferred a low maintenance style. Though he usually shaved before he showered because his electric razor did best on dry hair and skin. Ah, well. He could skip a day. There was no way in hell he’d have paused the sexiness in the name of scruffy facial hair.

After stuffing his discarded clothes and toiletry kit into his duffel, he was ready to exit. He hoped that was a long enough window for Nora, but he had no idea if anyone else was even awake. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he stepped into the hall.

BOOK: Ensenada Escapade: Destination: Desire, Book 6
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