Enslaved [Freedom Be Damned 1] (Siren Publishing M?nage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Enslaved [Freedom Be Damned 1] (Siren Publishing M?nage Amour)
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Evelyn was confident nothing would happen to her at this strange house behind its high, electrified fence, but it was still reassuring to know the three men would look after her and her business if there was trouble. It was about an hour’s ride out to the house. The journey would take longer in a car, as her motorbike was able to zip through gaps in the traffic and was always first at the traffic lights. But still, it was not really all that far from the city, although a hell of a walk if someone did escape from the house, she supposed.

Once she was out of the traffic, Evelyn thought about how strange it was that three men had come to her office. Most people came alone. Occasionally a man would come with a woman, or two women arrived together. But three men? That had never happened before. There was a definite chemistry between the men. They were very comfortable around each other, smiling and nodding at each other’s comments, almost like family. Yet only Trevellyan was related to Aurelia, so she guessed they weren’t family. Likely they were old college buddies or teammates from a sporting group, she decided, shrugging her shoulders under her leather jacket as she turned off the freeway onto the secondary road that would lead her to the call center.

But her mind kept returning to the very handsome threesome and the fact they’d searched her out to send on her on this mission. Mission. She snorted.
Like I’m with the CIA or something!

Much of her work came as a result of phone calls or e-mails, from word-of-mouth recommendations. In fact, she doubted if most of her customers even knew where her office was. They phoned, said what they wanted picked up and when it had to be delivered by, and she went and got it and delivered it. If the schedule was very tight, she added ten percent to the charge as she couldn’t afford to upset any of her steady customers by delivering other pre-booked parcels late because of the emergency jobs. Which often meant she had to re-plan her pick-up and delivery route to fit everything in on time. That was another advantage of the bike. She could ride down laneways and through parking lots to cut corners off her journey, and shaving two minutes off here and ninety seconds off there could mean the difference between meeting and missing a deadline.

Evelyn also knew which buildings had the slowest elevators, and always ran up the stairs to those clients, seeing it as an enforced fitness routine as well as a time-saver.

The big, old house looked exactly as the men had described it, with pale-cream clapboards, a shingle roof, and a wide verandah to the side overlooking a hill. It was surrounded by a very high metal fence as they’d said. As she drew closer, she could see the fittings on it that told her it was electrified.

Why? Why an electric fence around an old house out here? Whoever would attempt to rob a call center? That really doesn’t make sense. Now, if they had extremely valuable breeding stock on a farm, I could believe it. But a call center? Nah.

Evelyn pulled up at the gate, took off her helmet, and looked into the camera mounted there. Pressing the intercom button, she waited.

A woman’s voice said, “Yes.”

Evelyn said, “I’ve got a parcel for Aurelia Sommers. Has to be signed for by the recipient.”

“I’ll come down and sign for it.”

“Are you Aurelia Sommers? The paperwork specifies signed by the recipient.”

“Honey, ain’t no one gonna know who signs.”

“No way, Jose. I could lose my courier license over it. Can’t Aurelia come down and sign herself?”

“She’s on shift right now.”

“So call it a bathroom break, and tell her to hurry on down,” said Evelyn, inserting just a little bit of frustration into her tone, like a busy courier would do.

The woman sighed, and then there was a minute or two of silence until the gate began to open. “Drive up to the door. That’ll be faster than us walking to you,” she said.

“Okay.” Evelyn hung her helmet from the grip of her motorcycle, and slid through the narrow opening in the gates to ride the quarter mile to the front door. Arriving there, she switched the bike off and got the parcel out of her luggage bag, along with the paperwork to be signed. She climbed the few stairs to the stoop and waited patiently for the door to open. It was a solid wooden door, but nothing out of the ordinary, just the type of thing to be expected on a house of this era.

A middle-aged woman with graying hair and a plump figure swung the door wide, a slender blonde woman half hidden behind her.

“Aurelia Sommers? Do you have any photo ID on you?” asked Evelyn, hoping she wasn’t pushing too hard, but it was a question she did ask from time to time in her work.

The blonde pulled a wallet out of the pocket of her jeans, showing her driving license, and Evelyn handed her the parcel and the paperwork. “Sign here and here,” she said, pointing to the relevant places.

Aurelia tucked the parcel under her arm and scribbled on the paperwork, while Evelyn took as good a look around herself as she could without turning her head much.

When Aurelia handed back the papers, Evelyn flipped her book closed and smiled at the two women. “Thanks.”

She turned and left the house, noting the walls and flooring on her way out and scanning all around her as she went down the steps.
But I haven’t learned much.
She climbed back on the bike.

She had to wait a few minutes for the gates to open enough for her to leave the property, and she waved her thanks as she headed back toward the city. The return trip was trouble-free, and Evelyn deliberately went directly to her office, wondering if she was being watched or monitored by the people from the house. If so, there was no way she was going to check the paperwork or look at her bike for potential bugs. She wanted to remain totally innocuous in the call center’s eyes, and her office was the place to go as a registered courier.

She parked her motorcycle on the sidewalk in front of the building as she always did, locking it securely and taking the luggage bags inside with her. Once in her office, she shut the door and opened the paperwork. As well as the neat, cursive signature,
Aurelia Sommers
, was, in tiny print,
I’m well and happy, but something feels a little weird. Please check money is going into my account each month.

“Aha, there is a problem, although possibly only a minor one.” And Evelyn smiled at the thought of spending more time with Trevellyan, Vaughan, and Merrick, three sexy-as-hell men who made her pulse pound. She couldn’t wish anything bad on Aurelia, but the opportunity to get to know the men better was exciting indeed.

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Chapter Two


“You’re wearing a hole in the rug,” said Vaughan only half jokingly to Trevellyan as he paced the length of the room.

“We should have gone to work. At least it would have helped pass the time,” added Merrick.

“What? You could have concentrated on data and spreadsheets when Evelyn might this very minute be meeting with Aurelia?” asked Trevellyan.

“We aren’t going to know anything about Evelyn’s trip to the call center for a couple of hours yet. And watching you walking up and down is not exactly high excitement. Mind you, spreadsheets aren’t all that exciting either, but still, it might have kept my mind off Aurelia,” said Merrick.

“I can think of other things to do on that rug. Things far more pleasurable than pacing up and down. Things all three of us can do together,” said Vaughan, a naughty gleam in his eyes.

“Oh, I like the way you think.”

“Fuck? Now? On the rug?” asked Trevellyan.

“It’s more interesting than what we’re doing at the moment,” said Vaughan.

“Hey, I like that idea. It’s got my vote. I’ll go get condoms and lube,” added Merrick.

As always with his lovers, the atmosphere in the room went from playful to lust in a heartbeat. They’d been together for over two years now, yet they still aroused each other with a simple look or a single word. Trevellyan had no idea how that happened, but it did, and he couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough to free his suddenly aching dick.

Merrick came back from the bathroom carrying a box of condoms and a jar of lube. He was already naked. Trevellyan grinned. God, he loved these men. They made him happy even when he was worried sick about his cousin. And about Evelyn, too. From their Google research, she’d seemed the perfect person to send into the lion’s den. But now, having met her, he had a crazy urge to protect her. It was stupid, he knew. She was more than capable of looking after herself. But still, something about her called to a deep, innermost, secret part of him. The part that wanted a woman as well as the two sexiest men a man could ever be blessed with.

They’d actually set out to share a woman a couple of times, but finding a female interested in sleeping with three men was a hell of a lot harder than they’d expected. In the end, a company called Superior Vacations had set it up for them, and it’d been a great experience, but too much trouble to arrange very often.

He really should concentrate on the good things anyway. What he, and Merrick, and Vaughan had was very special indeed. They understood each other, thought the same on so many vital issues, and argued just enough to prevent their lives settling into a rut. Not to mention how easy on the eyes the other two were. Big men, both of them, over six feet in their socks, and with solid muscles throughout their bodies. Vaughan, at forty, had the first slight hints of gray in his hair, and damn if it didn’t make him look sexier than ever. Merrick was the epitome of a bad, bad biker with his black hair and eyes and heavily tanned skin. Just looking at him made Trevellyan think dark and dirty thoughts, some of which were about to come true right now.

Trevellyan knew his partners and knew he was going to be in the middle today. The only question was, who was he going to fuck and who would fuck him? His cock lengthened and hardened further. They were all content to fuck and be fucked, and sometimes did both in the same evening. They also all still enjoyed a woman from time to time, although now they were so strongly partnered, they no longer had individual encounters with women, only the few times they’d jointly shared a woman. Having a woman of their own would enhance the relationship, Trevellyan thought, but was not worth the risk of losing the closeness, companionship, and love they’d built between them. Abusing the other men’s trust was not an option for any of them.

He stared at Merrick. His partner was rolling a condom on while watching Vaughan remove his tighty whities. Vaughan appeared oblivious to Merrick, but Trevellyan felt sure he was playing to the audience, wiggling his ass just a fraction more than was needed, stroking his cock as it sprang free from the underwear. Yup, Vaughan was acting the part of a stripper all right.

Trevellyan sat cross-legged on the rug and slapped Vaughan’s ass. “Let me lube you?” he asked hoarsely, licking lips that had suddenly gotten dry.

Vaughan got onto his hands and knees, wiggling backward, flaunting his ass as it inched closer to Trevellyan. All the breath stopped in Trevellyan’s chest, and he had to force himself to drag air into his lungs. “Damn, you’re hot,” he whispered.

“It’s good to be appreciated,” replied Vaughan, laughter in his tone, his head twisted so he could watch the others, and his eyes sparkling with pleasure.

Merrick punched Trevellyan’s arm. “If you kneeled up, too, I could get started on your ass and wouldn’t be left sitting in the cold here, all alone.”

“Poor, pathetic, lonely Merrick. Can you hear the violins playing?” sighed Vaughan, laughter bubbling through the false sympathy.

“I’m underappreciated.”

Merrick began to lube Trevellyan’s ass, and immediately, he had to concentrate on what he was doing, to separate it from what he was feeling, or he was likely to come before the party began. It was such an intense experience, to lube and be lubed, to touch and be touched, to watch two other cocks growing and fattening just exactly as his own was.

Merrick’s cock looked pale against the darker color of his skin. Only a narrow strip across his ass was lighter colored, not tanned, and as Merrick’s cock grew it reached the darker skin of his belly making a sexy contrast.

The brown hair surrounding Vaughan’s cock held no hint of gray, and that was erotic, too, as Trevellyan kept expecting to see some lighter hairs there, and the more he looked, the more he longed to suck Vaughan’s dick deep into his own mouth.

But the sensations were so arousing it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on anything except the need to fuck and be fucked. Vaughan’s rear entry tissues were stretched and softened now. He knew his own were, too. “Enough with the foreplay. Let’s fuck,” he said.

“Thank God,” gasped Vaughan.

“Feeling a tad impatient?” teased Merrick.

“Hell, yeah.”

I’ll be on the bottom,” said Merrick, sitting on the rug, legs spread wide apart and dick standing straight up.

Trevellyan stood over Merrick trying to decide which way to face. Ideally he would be able to face both men, but with this configuration, he could only see one of them. Of course, he’d be feeling the other one and wrapped around by both bodies. But did he want to watch the face of the man he was fucking, or that of the man who fucked him?

He finally decided to watch Vaughan so he could tell when the man was on the point of coming. So he dropped to his haunches and placed himself on Merrick’s lap, looking outward. Merrick held his own cock still with one hand and guided Trevellyan into place with a hand on his hip. Trevellyan gasped as Merrick’s cock pushed inside him. It felt so good to be spread wide and filled by a long, hot dick. Every time was a new experience. No matter how many times they did this, each time he was struck anew by the sensations of a cock pushing deep inside him, stretching him wide open, dragging along his walls, and making every nerve ending stand up and beg for more action.

When Merrick was rammed balls-deep inside him, Trevellyan opened his arms to Vaughan. “Climb aboard.”

Vaughan kneeled, his legs wide apart, and wiggled his ass into position, once again teasing the other men with a slow hip-dance as he settled into place. “I love being on top. It’s the best position. I can see both your faces and feel everything you both do,” said Vaughan, pushing his butt down harder into Trevellyan’s lap.

“Yup. Every position in the pile has its advantages. I get to feel you both, with Merrick inside me and me inside you.”

“And I get to control the speed of the action. Being a control freak, that’s my favorite part of the game,” added Merrick.

“So shut up and start fucking already,” said Vaughan, slamming his ass down harder on the other two men, using his thigh muscles for balance.

Trevellyan groaned then concentrated as Merrick thrust upward. It took them a few strokes to synchronize their movements. It was harder than it looked to move so many bodies up and down in perfect timing. But they’d done it frequently before and were used to each other’s quirks.

In a few minutes, they were raising and lowering their bodies in perfect harmony, guided by Merrick’s insistence on taking it slowly to increase the tension. Not that they needed to build to a climax. Trevellyan could have come just by looking at the other two men at this point.

Trevellyan’s arms were wrapped around Vaughan, holding him close. Merrick’s were, too, so their bodies overlapped and were a tight unit. Backs and chests were pressed together, thighs and legs were intertwined or resting on each other, and their mouths kissed, licked, and sucked each other’s faces, shoulders, and necks.

Trevellyan loved the slightly sweaty taste of his partners. The longer the sex lasted, the sweatier they all became from the intense exercise, and also from the sexual tension. To him, the salty taste on their skin was an integral part of making love.

The speed was increasing now, each of them using thigh muscles and hips to push up into each other, then relax down, their cocks sliding in and out, moving faster and faster as the desire to come became more and more immediate.

Trevellyan untangled one arm and gripped Vaughan’s cock. It was hot, hard, and huge. Vaughan was obviously very close to coming. Vaughan placed his hand on top of Trevellyan’s. Trevellyan reached backward to grip Merrick’s waist. He wanted them to be completely united when they came. Merrick’s arms were already around both Trevellyan and Vaughan, and Vaughan had a hand on each of them, too, so by reaching back, Trevellyan had closed the loop, and now all three were connected to each other by their cocks, their hands, and the skin of their chests and backs.

As if he’d flipped a switch, their pace increased, and within a nanosecond, all three were powering into each other, pushing up and slamming down again. Such extreme speed could result in only one outcome.

“Now, now,” said Merrick.

Trevellyan pushed back onto Merrick’s cock then jack-hammered up into Vaughan. Every inch of his skin was sensitized to his partners. His dick was more than ready to explode, and he could tell both other men were ready, too. He didn’t need Merrick’s words. They were just the icing on the cake. His body knew from the feel of the two cocks, from the look in Vaughan’s eyes, from Merrick’s gasped breaths.

His cum burst into the condom, jet after jet releasing from him into Vaughan. At the same time, Vaughan’s hot seed burst over both their hands, landing on their bellies and thighs, dripping down to anoint Merrick as well. Then a blast of heat in his ass, combined with several ragged thrusts instead of Merrick’s usual measured strokes, told him Merrick had come, too.

For a few seconds, they all continued pumping, and then Trevellyan rubbed Vaughan’s seed over his chest.

Vaughan held his up cum-covered hand. “Want a taste?” he asked Merrick.

“Hell, yes. Nothing tastes better than you two do.”

That was so true. He loved their tastes, too. But just watching Merrick lick Vaughan’s cum off his fingers was damn erotic.

They sagged into each other’s arms for long moments, and then they started to untangle themselves.

“Time for a shower, I guess,” said Trevellyan.

“Let’s wait ten minutes. I rather like shower sex,” said Vaughan.

“You’re ready to go again?” asked Merrick.

“In ten minutes I will be.”

Trevellyan laughed. Yup, these were the men he loved. It was impossible not to enjoy their company and their humor. And they’d definitely taken his mind off Evelyn and Aurelia for a full half hour.


* * * *



By the time they were out of the shower, dried, and dressed again, Vaughan was thinking a nap would be a good idea. But Evelyn had phoned, and Trevellyan was rushing them out the door to see the note himself.

“You know what she said. Evelyn read you the note. Wouldn’t it make more sense to sit here and figure out how we’re going to get a look at Aurora’s bank statements without ending up in jail?” he asked. He knew he was wasting his breath, as Trevellyan’s hand on his shoulder was firmly encouraging him forward.

“I want to talk to Evelyn, to get every last tiny bit of information she learned from her visit,” Trevelyan replied, still hurrying them all out to the parking lot.

Yeah, well, he wanted to talk to Evelyn, too. She had exactly the intelligent, active kind of mind he liked, as well as a body a man could lose himself in. Long, dark hair tied neatly in a ponytail. All lush curves yet with a definite hint of muscle underneath. Womanly, but not flabby. Soft, but with an underlying hint of firmness. Just like her personality. It was her attitude that he’d noticed first. Something about her really set all his bells ringing.

Merrick took the car keys from Trevellyan. “Not to be rude, friend, but right now, I don’t think your mind is on the traffic.”

Trevellyan grunted, and Vaughan worked hard to hide a grin. Yeah, that about summed it up.

Vaughan had helped Trevellyan conduct a background check on Evelyn. Using the Internet, it was amazing just exactly how much information could be discovered about a person. All without even bending the laws, much less breaking them. Evelyn was admired for her work ethic, her dedication, and her integrity. She was the stand-out person for the job she had just completed so easily. He was eager to know how she’d gotten inside the building. Was it as simple as it appeared? And if so, why hadn’t they been able to speak to Aurelia? After all, Trevellyan was a close relative. Or was it that they were men? Was the call center some kind of female enclave where women weren’t allowed to be in contact with men? But again, that didn’t make sense. He was sure Aurelia wasn’t a virgin. Oh, she wasn’t promiscuous or anything, but before she broke up with her last boyfriend, they’d been living together, so she wasn’t afraid of men or anything like that. Vaughan sighed. He’d know soon enough, he guessed, but now he was as eager as Trevellyan to get to Evelyn’s office, and not just to look at her body, either.

Vaughan envied Evelyn’s parking her motorcycle on the sidewalk. They’d finally found a parking space three blocks away, but it had taken Merrick ten minutes of circling around the nearby streets to get it.

In silence they hurried up the stairs to Evelyn’s office. The door was open, and she was typing furiously on a laptop.

“Be with you in a moment,” she mumbled, not looking up, her fingers flying over the keyboard.

Trevellyan took the chair in front of Evelyn’s desk, Merrick and Vaughan leaned against the wall. The room was tiny. It had a desk, three chairs, and a filing cabinet with a coffeemaker on top of it, plus a cupboard under the window. But once the four of them were in it, there was no room to move, Vaughan thought. Then he remembered she’d said mostly people didn’t come here. She went to their office and picked up parcels and delivered them. So in that case, a big office was likely not needed.

Vaughan raised his head at a whirring noise. Evelyn stood, opened the cupboard door, and took some pages off a printer. “Your report and your account,” she said, handing them to Trevellyan.

“Where’s the note Aurelia wrote?”

Evelyn just waved at the papers in his hand.

Vaughan stepped up behind Trevellyan to look over his shoulder. Merrick did exactly the same thing on Trevellyan’s other side. Evelyn had scanned the delivery receipt, and there was Aurelia’s signature and in tiny, neat printing beside it,
I’m well and happy, but something feels a little weird. Please check money is going into my account each month.
Exactly as Evelyn had told them. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Thank you. How did you manage to succeed where we had so spectacularly failed?” asked Trevellyan.

“Yeah,” said Vaughan.

“It was just as we’d said. I had an official reason to be there. It made sense. You were just people Aurelia hadn’t requested. You could have been anybody, and they had no reason to let you inside. When I refused to let the woman who answered the intercom sign for the parcel, she got Aurelia and let me into the front hallway of the house,” said Evelyn.

“Details. Tell us every single thing that happened. Everything you saw, everything you thought,” said Trevellyan.

Evelyn was amazing. She spoke without stopping to think, or to refer to notes, or anything for maybe ten minutes. She painted a very clear picture of the house, the woman, and Aurelia. The building was as clear in Vaughan’s mind from Evelyn’s words as if he was standing in front of it again. He could imagine the older woman, see Aurelia.

“Thank you, that was very comprehensive. Unfortunately, I can’t see any leads to investigate apart from her note,” said Trevellyan on a sigh.

“That’s what I told you. I can’t see any likelihood of me being able to earn that ten thousand from you. Did she give you access to her bank account before she left?” asked Evelyn.

“I doubt it. She did leave some papers with me, but I don’t think it’s anything like that.” Vaughan watched as Trevellyan’s shoulders slumped. He put a hand on the shoulder nearest him and gently massaged it.

“I have a friend who’s very computer savvy. He’s not a hacker, just into IT. He’d likely help you, and he’s not too expensive,” Evelyn offered.

“Awesome. Have you got his business card?” asked Merrick.

Evelyn opened a drawer and riffled through a handful of business cards, before passing one to Trevellyan. “Here you go.”

She stood, seeming to indicate the meeting was over. Suddenly, Vaughan didn’t want to go. Didn’t want this to be the last time he saw her. Without thinking of his friends, he blurted out, “Can we take you to dinner? Tonight?”

His gaze was fixed on her face. She seemed surprised but not unhappy. Quickly, he flicked a glance at Trevellyan and Merrick. Both looked hopeful.

Evelyn glanced down at her jeans and boots. “I’ll need an hour to get ready.”

“Shall we pick you up at seven then?” he suggested.

“I’ll meet you there,” she said firmly. “Which restaurant?”

Vaughan looked at Merrick. He hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. But it was Trevellyan who answered. “Papa Giovanni’s in Main Street. He has a great range of food, and we all like the atmosphere there.”

“Okay, see you then.”


BOOK: Enslaved [Freedom Be Damned 1] (Siren Publishing M?nage Amour)
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