Espino, Stacey - Surrounded by Wolves [Wolves of Climax 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (5 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Surrounded by Wolves [Wolves of Climax 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“A lot of things happen this deep in the wilderness.”

Cassidy sighed, unwilling to argue when he clearly didn’t want to reveal anything to her. They seemed to be driving further away from civilization, the mountains looming to the right of the truck. She wanted to ask where they were going, feeling slightly on edge from the gossip and her own terrifying experience last night. Garret was foreman of the mine, but she really didn’t know him at all.

The headlights cut cone-shaped patterns on the uneven road ahead of them. She braced herself, holding her breath for much of the trip. When he finally cut off the road onto a narrow path between the trees, she was sure she’d seen her last days. Then the warm glow from a small window permeated the darkness ahead, sending a calming effect through her. It was a beacon of safety from the night.

“They live out here? In a cabin in the woods? Year-round?” She imagined the roads this far out would be nearly impassable in the winter months.

He turned to her after cutting the engine. “Are you afraid?”

Did her voice give her away? Could he sense her apprehension, or her even stronger lust? Before she could answer, there was a loud bang on the passenger window. She squealed and instinctively leapt toward Garret. His arm came around her in a protective embrace, so warm.

The door opened. “Sorry to scare you, little one. We’ve been anxiously awaiting your arrival.” She remembered seeing him at the mine, but didn’t know his name. He looked like a Viking with a neat red goatee, chinstrap, and shaggy red hair under a toque. He had light skin, a strong jaw, and thick lips. Even with the bulky hunter’s jacket and hoodie on, she could tell he was no little boy beneath. His upper body leaned into the truck, the scent of burning cedar lingering on his coat. “What’s the matter? Don’t tell me you’re feeling like Goldilocks right now?”

Garret growled behind her. “That’s Little Red Riding Hood, Patrick.”

Patrick laughed, a hearty sound, his whole face lighting up when he did. He had a scruffy, bad-boy look that was all Canadian, all male. “That’s right! Doesn’t she meet the Big Bad Wolf?”

“Something like that,” she said, suddenly feeling shy. Was Garret going to leave her alone here? She wanted him to stay with her, provide her with the same sense of security she had whenever he was near.

“She needs sleep, warmth, and protection,” said Garret. He didn’t even exit the truck, allowing Patrick to slide her along the bench and out the door. She turned back to him with a pleading look. “I’ll see you bright and early on the jobsite, Cassie. You have nothing to worry about. My men will be on their best behavior.” She had a feeling he wouldn’t have left her at the remote cabin unless he had one hundred percent faith in his team, which provided some consolation.

Patrick slammed the truck door shut and waved to Garret as he reversed his truck back down the path and out of sight. She could hear insects now, droning around them. Even the moonlight fought to reach them under the thick forest canopy. She reached out and snagged Patrick’s jacket, suddenly fearing the dark and unknown now that the bright headlights were gone.

“You don’t have to be nervous with us. I promise we won’t bite unless you ask.” The humor in his voice settled her nerves somewhat. He led her to the small cottage, similar to hers a few miles down the road, only better kept.

When they entered the cabin, she first noticed the warmth, like passing through a wall of heat compared to the nippy evening chill. At this time of year, in the late summer, the days were hot and evenings cold, extremes she’d have to get used to. The second thing she noticed was her sexy cowboy, Travis, lounging on a threadbare sofa in front of the fire. He wore only jeans, his upper body exactly as she’d imagined when he had her pinned in the office. Her gazed followed his broad shoulders and collarbones to that chiseled chest. He was golden compared to Patrick, both different, but equally desirable.

There was a kettle on the woodstove, two reclining chairs, and a coffee table in the room. Everything was simplistic, rustic, no signs of female influence.

Evan entered from the bedroom, bracing an arm in the entryway separating the only two rooms. His big, burly frame was surprisingly toned and lean muscled. He too only wore low-cut faded jeans, displaying the indent of his hips and thin trail of erotic hair below his navel. Evan didn’t smile. The boyish quality he revealed earlier had vanished. She looked between these three edible men, all staring at her intently. Her pussy throbbed, so achy, so needy. It was like having a box of assorted chocolates and not wanting to pick just one when they all appeared so tasty and tempting.

“Thank you for cutting all that wood, Evan,” she said, wishing she had been able to thank him properly earlier.

He didn’t reply.

“You all live here together?” She swallowed hard. Usually others did the talking. At work in the city she was known as the shy one, but standing around idly felt even more awkward than attempting to talk to these men.

“That’s right,” said Patrick, kicking off his untied work boots. He shrugged off his jacket and tugged his sweater over his head. Once just in his tight gray tank top, she noted all the tattoos spanning the length of his arms. He noticed her looking, and began to run his hands up and down his skin as if hoping to hide his ink from her. “Hope you don’t mind bunking with men. This ain’t the Holiday Inn, but we’ll do our best to ensure you enjoy your stay.” Where had the humor gone? His words had promises attached, and not just because she’d get fresh sheets or complimentary towels. Patrick wouldn’t take offense if she told him she needed a good, hard fucking. If any man could provide it for her, he would certainly get the job done.

She tried to study his tattoos, trees and wolves and dark symbols she’d never seen. It was artistic and interested her, not to mention ink on men did wild things to her libido.

“You look cold, baby doll. Come sit by the fire.” Travis patted the small space on the sofa near his waist. Did he expect her to sit up against those six-pack abs and just pretend he was an old piece of furniture? Her throat felt dry, and she froze in place.

Patrick began to undress her, peeling off her coat as if she were an obstinate child. It was late. Maybe they’d let her go straight to bed where they were out of sight and mind. She had to work with these men tomorrow, so had to keep some level of professionalism between them. Didn’t she?

“What do they mean?” she asked, daring to lay her palm on his forearm after he tossed her coat on a nearby chair.

He hesitated, but continued to answer her. “It’s kind of like a monument on my body to show respect for the land, animals, and great cycle of life.”

“Interesting…” He’d answered her sincerely. She found the opportunity to ask questions that Garret would never answer, too tempting to ignore. “Is it true Gregor Mining owns a lot of the forested land around these parts?”

“Didn’t Garret talk to you about his land?” asked Evan, entering the room in a slow, deliberate stride. “No, I guess not. He’s not much of a talker, is he?” When he was only a couple feet from her, he blatantly regarded her body from top to bottom. “You’ll have to ask Garret Gregor about that.”

? He owns the mine? I thought he was just the foreman.”

Patrick put his muscled arm around her and led her to the sofa. “Evan, chill out.” He swatted Travis’s legs off the end cushions and dropped down with Cassidy. “We’re all part owners, but let’s just say that Garret is the majority shareholder.”

Travis chuckled. “You’re getting diplomatic in your old age, Red.”

The fire crackled, consuming the logs in the hearth. It smelled like the country, bringing up pleasant memories. She watched the flames lick the wood, shifting from orange, white, and red. Her mind was weighted down with too much. Cassidy needed sleep and a lot of it.

“Did Garret give us any ground rules for our guest?” asked Travis, sitting higher in his seat. “Besides keeping her safe?”

“He may have said something about best behavior, but I can’t really recall.” Patrick’s hand strayed closer until his palm was on her thigh. Did he realize his long fingers were touching between her legs, that sensitive flesh that made her quiver?

“Best behavior? That depends on the guest though, and we know so little about our little visitor.” Travis dropped his legs and shuffled closer until she was sandwiched between all those taut muscles and heat.

“Tell us what you want, Red Riding Hood,” said Patrick, leaning against her, his breath close to her ear as he spoke. “Can we be a little naughty tonight?”

Did he actually just say that? Did they often share women in their little getaway from the world?

“We should let Evan decide. He seems to love kissing Garret’s ass, so if he gives the thumbs-up, we’re good to go,” said Travis.

As Patrick turned to face the back of the sofa where Evan stood, arms crossed over his thick chest, his hand skimmed so high he grazed her pussy. In a flash she felt her face flush, her heart pounded in her ears, and her stomach did flips. Was she actually considering getting kinky with these three strangers? Her body had certainly committed, but her brain was still fighting for decency.

“You both know damn well we’re supposed to keep her warm, give her a shower, and make sure no harm comes to her. That’s it.”

Travis tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. He had the bluest eyes, emphasized by the deep-golden hue of his skin. His body looked so tempting to touch in the soft cast of firelight. Would he be rough or silky under her exploring fingers? The urge to reach out and feel all those ripped muscles was a challenge to control.

“Since we only have cold water, she may need a shower buddy. I promise to keep her warm and safe while I get her clean,” teased Travis. As much as she knew he was trying to rile Evan, she knew he’d also gladly do exactly what he said. Cassidy had never shared a shower with a man, and the idea was titillating. Imagining their naked, sudsy bodies rubbing up against each other in the confined space made her more desperate for release. The cabin suddenly felt too small, as if the four walls were closing in on them.

“I’ve got the right mind to call Garret. You two are making fools of yourself with our special guest.”

“Where is Garret?” she asked. Why did he just drop her off? Did he live far? She hoped his men could give her a better insight into the man, the foreman, who refused to open up to her even in the slightest.

“Don’t worry about him now. He patrols the forest every night in search of poachers and loggers. A crew member has been missing a few weeks, and he’s determined to find him. He’s a one-man recon unit,” said Travis. “Only worry about what you want, darlin’. It’s just you and us now.” He was so close she swore he’d lean in and kiss her. Her mind was processing so many things at once. Was Garret the man who’d kidnapped or killed the hikers and miners? Who in their right mind scoured the pitch-black, wolf-infested forest in search of trespassers every night?

There were more immediate concerns, too. The fact she felt ready to explode from all the stimuli building pressure in her cunt, making it harder to ignore their games. Patrick and Travis were both open flirts, Evan more reserved, but she could see the conflict in his eyes. If she said yes to the men on either side of her, would he join in?
What am I thinking?
Agreeing to let her coworkers double- or triple-team her in their lonely shack would likely haunt her until the day she died. She could already hear the diner gossip about the colossal slut who worked at Gregor Mining. Cassidy had never shared a man, never mind sculpted men like these. It was always “wham, bam, thank you ma’am,” and they were out of her life. Sex was vanilla, tasteless, and not worth the effort in her experience.

“I’m not sure what I should want,” she said honestly, hoping they’d offer to convince her.

Chapter Five

Patrick might have been a wolf, but he was also a man. Surely Garret didn’t expect him to keep his hands to himself when presented with such a treasure. There was something enticing about the girl, and he’d bedded many in his days. At least once a month they’d venture to one of the larger towns with a truck stop. There were always plenty of whores willing to service the pack. Sometimes he indulged. Other times he couldn’t be bothered. It was usually Travis desperate to release his pent-up sexual aggression on one of the willing women.

But this little beauty was bashful, gentle, with a sweet, sensual fragrance that succeeded in making his cock uncomfortably stiff. He’d been instantly attracted to her at the mine, but up close made a world of difference. It took all his resolve to not mount her right on the sofa, especially when he could scent her pheromones—more potent than fear to a shifter. But even though his kind was designed to mate with only human women, he had a feeling he’d break a slight thing like her. She was so fragile, strengthening his protective instincts. No wonder Garret couldn’t resist caring for her, even though he fought his natural inclination to truly enjoy her.

It was up to the alpha to choose their mate. If Garret announced Cassidy would be their woman, he’d accept the decision in a heartbeat. But that man was obstinate, never enjoying the pleasures of life like the rest of them. He was obsessed with finding Matthew. As much as Patrick worried for his friend, if he hadn’t returned by now, he never would. They’d scoured every inch of forest, which had been no easy task. Occasionally they’d pick up on his scent, but lose it just as quickly. Patrick was the last man to see Matthew. They’d been hunting wild rabbits on one of their nightly shifts. They’d separated at the border where their land met Rockford-owned forest. Patrick never saw him again. That was weeks ago, but Garret refused to lose one of his pack, his mind a mess as he began the internal blame game. One day he’d be certain the loggers they warred with had something to do with the disappearance. Then it was the wolves from the Rockford Mine. The unknown was the worst.

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Surrounded by Wolves [Wolves of Climax 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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