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Authors: J. A. Hornbuckle

Everybody Falls (40 page)

BOOK: Everybody Falls
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He spent a few more seconds trying to find an space, to create a tear to get the fucking thing open. The mood was shifting and he could feel the frustration within himself building.

"Here." He saw her holding out a hand. "Give it to me."

Jax handed her the box and watched as she rolled to a sitting position as he leaned back on his heels.

"I swear to God, Jack. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and getting on the stinking pill," she announced firmly with a frown. "These damn things cause us so much trouble."

His eyes were glued to her as she twisted and turned, her fingers moving over every surface of the cellophane. Finally, she brought the box to her mouth and tore into it, ripping the plastic away, the foil wrappers spilling out onto her chest and stomach.

She shoved one at him as she pushed the all the others onto the floor, dropping the now mangled box there as well.

He just sat there, mouth agape, holding the foil packet between his thumb and his forefinger.

"What?" she asked, a frustrated note apparent in her tone.

"You are so fucking awesome, Tiger," he said in reverence.

"I'm glad you think so," she said, her face breaking out in a grin. "Now, are you going to put that damn thing on or not?"

She rolled back down and opened her legs as she let a hand trail down her chest, her stomach, over her navel jewel. He lifted his eyes and saw the grin was gone but the oh-please-fuck-me-light was back and burning bright.

His eyes followed her fingers as they slid further down, watching her touched herself until they reached the source of her wetness. He brushed her hand away and leaned down, way down, until his mouth was millimeters away from her heat.

"The smell of you turns me inside out," he admitted, dragging his eyes to hers, as his tongue dipped. "Your taste brings me to the point of coming, Baby."

Her hands threaded through his hair as she arched, a deep groan escaping her kiss-swollen mouth.

The condom long forgotten, he moved her legs so he could fill his hands with the warm globes of her ass, bringing her more firmly to his mouth, his busy tongue.

"Yes," she hissed. "God, yes, Jack."

It wasn't enough, though.

He wanted to taste her deeply, to feel her as she came apart on his face. He released her cheeks, draping her legs over his shoulders and moved to insert two fingers inside the drenched core within her.

"Aw, damn," she panted, throwing her head back, her hips thrusting as a full body shudder rolled through him in response.

He couldn't help his own moan as he felt her insides begin to pulse, begin to flood as her orgasm hit.

Not waiting to wait another moment, another fucking second, Jax fumbled to find the condom he'd dropped and ripped the wrapper off with his teeth. In one hard stroke, he covered himself and shot up from between her thighs.

"I need you, Lace," he ground out against her mouth, holding himself by the base as he stroked himself along her leaking wetness. "Need inside you so fucking bad."

She lifted her legs to capture him as he gently eased into her tight, hot chamber.

"Goddamn," he growled, sinking into her heat, going out of his fucking mind with how her body grasped at him. "Fuck me, Baby."

Their hips joined and retreated, bodies filling and withdrawing, the speed increasing with every thrust, every release. The sounds that echoed in the space of his room were of bodies rhythmically rocking, muffled mouths moaning, groaning in carnal delight.

Jax tore his mouth away, needing to concentrate on not coming too soon, not wanting to reach it before she did. Her mouth was close to his ear as she began to whisper.

"You're consuming me, honey. Devouring me, while you jam your hot, hard cock inside my wet pus…"

"Fuck, Lace. Shut it," he begged, his voice breaking. Hot darts stabbed his balls, his lower back, at her words.

He was seconds away from losing it.

Her short nails raked down his back, but she didn't stop talking.

"That's it, Jack. Fill me. God, that feels so good," he heard her pant turn into a deep groan before her sheath clenched him tightly, rhythmically. It was like a deep, squeezing heartbeat turned inside out.

Thank, Christ!

He gave a wrenching cry as he pounded his throbbing member inside her, until he was lost in sensation. Her nether parts milked him as his cum jetted thickly in the tight confines of the latex. His mouth completed his cock's movements, feasting on her lips and tongue as the action of their hips slowed.

"Holy fucking chocolate," he moaned against her neck on a panted breath as he waited for his heart to steady, his body tremors to slow.

"What?" she asked and he felt more than heard her mirth.

"Awesome. Goddamn, awesome, Lace," he enunciated, still panting.

"That's not what you said," she offered with a gentle giggle. "You said 'holy fucking chocolate', you perv."

"Why am I a perv?" he asked, frowning as he rose up on an elbow to gaze at her frosted eyes and swollen mouth.

"Chocolate is sacred, my love," she explained slowly, with soft kisses. "And, though your moving within me is almost a religious experience, the word 'chocolate' needs to used thoughtfully and wisely."

He tilted his head as he considered what she said.

"For like, what, anniversaries, births and shit?" he asked.

She nodded, her smile brilliant.

"Then take it as I fucking said it, Lace. Because you are the most sacred piece of me," he growled and felt his heart double-thump as it, too, recognized the sincerity beneath his words.


They were married on a Tuesday afternoon in February, on a day so clear and bright that it almost hurt to open your eyes in all its glittering madness.

Sarge stood in as Jax's best man after he'd, of course, walked Lacey down the short aisle.

Ricki was the maid of honor, who'd been warned about bouncing or squealing during the ceremony.

Lacey and Jax vows were exchanged in front of, and officiated by, Boots one of the circuit court judges at the tall, stately Auburn courthouse.

Lacey, being herself, had made the wedding cake which they'd cut into and she'd helped pass slices to anyone and everyone that wandered into the distinguished rooms that Boots had finally admitted were his chambers.

Jax, being himself, had hired Trick to play acoustic guitar after discovering his new friend was a very good musician. A man that considered restoration of motorcycles his primary career but who had music as his hobby. Jax thought the dickhead had it completely ass-backward.

"Where you gonna live, Slugger?" Sarge had asked Jax, straight up and direct, around a mouthful of Lacey's white cake with fruit-filled custard in between the layers.

"The farm," Jax answered with pride. "We're turning the stables into a recording studio and practice area. I'm thinking of producing."

"Excellent," his new in-law pronounced on a deep rumble, before leaning into his new grandson. "But, if you fuck it up again, Slugger, you're dead."

Jax's plastic fork stopped half-way between the paper plate and his mouth as his eyes shot to the old rocker.

"Seriously, you hurt her again and I'll find a shotgun and the aim
be to the heart, Dude," Sarge said slowly with a dour tone and a stone face, facial piercing gleaming in the light. "You absolutely will
do that to my Lacey again."

The younger man completed the bite, although it was hard to swallow under the old man's threat.

"If I hurt her again, Sarge, I'll be the one on your doorstep with the shells," Jax said fervently.

God, how he wished Grams was here to see this, to be a part of him and Lacey getting married.

She would've been over the fucking moon.

But, from the feel of the room, maybe she was. Maybe, just maybe, her spirit was here soaking up all the love that was bouncing in the air.

She'd known how much he'd wanted, needed Lacey in his life. How she added so much light, hope and, he might as well admit it, magic to everything when he was with her.

'I still love and miss you, old woman'
, his heart said.

'Back at you, Hot Stuff
', the place in his chest, that special room for the wonderful woman who'd tried to teach him of life and of love, shot back.

"Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, you're
," Ricki bounced, hanging on to Lacey's hands as Turner's fingers gripped his tiny girl's waist. She, in turn, was rubbing the huge ruby of Jax's great grandma, Stacia's ring. "My bestie just married the guy in the poster from the back of my bedroom door!"

Lacey caught Turner's eye roll at his girl's words, but she knew he was secretly pleased. He seemed to love everything about Ricki and reveled in the drama being with her brought.

"Can I call you 'Mrs. Rock God?" Ricki asked.

"No. Absolutely not," Lacey responded firmly.

"Mrs. Eternal Teenager, then?" Ricki asked again, her voice going even higher with her question.

"Oh, hell, no," Lacey replied with a frown.

"How about…" Ricki started.

"Mrs. Emerson-Wynter," Lacey finished, her eyes flashing and catching on a pair of chocolate brown eyes, lit from within, knowing that the light was just for her.

for her, if both Jax and Lace were being truthful.


Thanks so much for reading
Everybody Falls
. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Won't you take a quick moment to rate or review it? Your input is very important to me and helps me grow as a new author.

Smiling and waving into the heated morning of the Arizona desert,

J. A

Phoenix, AZ


About the Author

J.A. Hornbuckle is currently living in Arizona, but who is, as ever, getting the urge to move on. She's lived or traveled through forty-three of the fifty states here in the U.S. and has even lived in Wales and England.

J.A. is an avid reader and calls her Kindle, "Boyfriend" or her "Ken Doll". She loves live music, red wine, Arizona in the winter and reading.

"My real life is really pretty boring. But there's always a flipping party raging in my head."

Come visit her at or talk with her at [email protected]

BOOK: Everybody Falls
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