Read Evil Of Love Online

Authors: N.L. Echeverria

Evil Of Love (10 page)

BOOK: Evil Of Love
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“Soon?” he
asks desperation in his voice and his hands don’t move from my hips. When he touches me there is nothing more that I want than to give in, feel him on me, in me.

Email me and we’ll set a lunch or something.”

“Okay.” He leans in and kisses me softly on my cheek and it takes all I have not to turn my head and meet his lips with mine.
He removes his grip on my hips returning to holding my hand. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”

I don’t have a car.”

“What do you mean? How did you get here?”

“I have a driver, Thomas. I’ll call him to come get me.”

“A driver?
You have a driver? Can you not drive?” he asks in shock.

“Yes I can drive. Travis just prefers that Thomas takes me to where I need to go. He doesn’t feel it necessary for me to have a car.”

“Wow, Steph, what does your husband do?”

“He’s the founder and CEO of Barnes Banking Corporation, Travis Barnes.”

“Wow, I see what you mean by
he takes care of you
. But why doesn’t he buy you a car if he has so much money. Don’t you ever just want to get out without someone knowing where you are all the time?”

He has no idea. “I’m used to it,” I reply pulling out Thomas’ cell phone and pressing the home button.

“Hi, Thomas…
yeah I’m ready… okay…. see you in a bit.” I click the end button before returning the phone to my purse.

“I hope I didn’t fuck shit up by coming onto you like that. I really am sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I never stopped loving you Eric, I just moved on. I love Travis and I don’t want to hurt him. I need you in my life though. I should never have let you go. You were the best thing in my world of hate. You were the one person who made me forget about all the hell I went through.”

“I want to be that person for you
, Steph. You don’t deserve this,” he whispers, brushing my cheek under my sunglasses with his thumb. “I remember how you always blamed yourself for what your father did to you. I truly hope you don’t think you deserved this,” he states, addressing the bruise on my cheek.

“It was an accident. He didn’t mean to hurt me.”

“Okay. But like I said, if he ever touches you like that again, I will pound the shit out of him. I don’t want to scare you, but you don’t deserve to be treated that way.”

I look up into his beautiful green eyes as a tear drops from my cheek. He’s always cared for me, taken care of me
; he’s always been the one that showed me how real love could be. I love Travis, but I know that he doesn’t treat me good. I just don’t know that I actually deserve better; even if Eric thinks I do.

“I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m fine.”

He looks me up and down and drops his thumb from my cheek before clutching my hand walking out of the alley and back towards the coffee shop.

I know that this friendship isn’t going to be easy. It’s going to take all I have not to give into the feelings I still have for him.














Chapter Eleven



Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I’m going to end up pushing her away before I even have her. We were seventeen, just kids and after all these years I couldn’t find a single woman that could compare to her and the way she made me feel. The way she still makes me feel; she’s so damn innocent, beautiful and a heart made only for love and yet she marries this asshole who fucking hits her! How can I make her realize she’s better than that? She doesn’t deserve that bullshit.

I continue to pound away at my trainer in the ring as the thoughts of a man laying his hands on her builds the anger within me. I tried so hard as a kid to tell her to get away from her dad and it seems like she’s married a man just like him.

“Eric! That’s enough!” Marcus yells from the ground and I stop swinging my fists. “What the hell’s wrong with you?!” he hollers.

I stumble back trying to gather my thoughts. “I’m sorry. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“I don’t fucking care! You have a fight coming up in less than four weeks! Don’t start losing it now!” he continues to raise his voice which only makes me angrier.

“I haven’t lost a fight yet and don’t plan too! The only fucking reason I even train for them is to fucking please you!” I holler back, ducking under the rope and jumping out of the ring down to the ground. “I’m done for the day!”

I head to the locker room grabbing my clothes and bag to leave. I can’t train unless I know she’s safe! It’s killing me to know she’s with that prick right now. I storm outside to my truck, tossing the duffle bag in the back seat filled with anger and something else. A deep need that’s eating away at me; the desire to touch her again, to have her near me. Just the simple gesture of placing my hands on her slender hips made me want to take her right there in the alley. I shouldn’t have done that to her, put her in that situation when she’s a married woman, but given the opportunity I know I would do it again. When she’s around I don’t care who she’s married too, I want her. I feel my hardness pressing against my shorts, envisioning her in those tall heels and tight dress that hugged every damn curve. It was like she was begging me to fuck her.

I shake the thoughts from my mind, putting the truck in reverse and drive home. I need to see her tomorrow. I need to know she’s okay. I race home, only taking less than fifteen minutes to get here, slamming my truck door behind me and running in to turn on my computer. I toss my bag on the floor and open the internet to my email. Putting in Steph’s email address I send her a message.




Thank you for meeting me today. I miss you already. Had a hard day at training and needed to talk to you. I want to say again I’m sorry for coming onto you this morning. I shouldn’t have done that but I don’t regret it. You mean more to me than you know. I would like if you would come to my training tomorrow afternoon, that’s of course if you can get out of the house. I can’t concentrate when I’m not with you. Plus you’ll be able to see what I do. Let me know if you can make it. I’ll be starting at 1:00.





              I hit send and grab a glass of white wine and then sit down flipping on the TV. I probably shouldn’t be drinking, but I don’t really give a fuck. I’m going to win the fight regardless of what I put in my body. If I can get her to go with me then maybe training will go better. Either way I will use any excuse at this point to be with her. I know she’s married but… fuck… I don’t give a shit. I know he’s an asshole! I can’t be without her. Her smile alone can brighten a day. I wait forever for an email back, but don’t receive one.



Travis peers at me from the other side of the kitchen counter and it has me worried because I have no idea what his problem is. He seemed fine when he first got home, but as soon as we stepped into the kitchen his domineer changed.

“What’s wrong baby?” I question, not sure if I want to know the answer. After a wonderfully intense morning with Eric it’s hard to take the mood swings Travis is throwing out. He’s pissing me off, but I don’t dare express it.

“Well, Stephanie. I’m just wondering where the fresh flowers are and the food from the market that you went to get today?”

I forgot to bring anything back with me. “I didn’t find any flowers I liked and after walking around for a while I decided to pass on the food. I might go back tomorrow and see if the flowers are fresher. I mean, if that’s okay with you?”

well if Thomas is going with you then it’s fine,” he responds moving to my side of the counter where I’m pouring myself a glass of iced tea. His hands grab my hips pulling my backside against him and I feel the hardness on my ass. Slowly he moves his hands around to my belly until they reach my crotch. I do by best not to pull away. After being around Eric I don’t have the urge to be with Travis, but he is my husband and I must keep him happy. I turn around placing my hands on his chest and he lifts me easily by my hips, sitting me on the counter.

He moves in kissing my shoulder and then pulling down my tank in the front, exposing my right breast. Trailing kisses downward until his
moist mouth meets with my nipple, sucking, nipping until it’s hardened. My head falls back as the pleasure stirs in my sweet spot and I close my eyes envisioning that it’s Eric’s lips on me, a moan escaping my mouth. I let him take me on the kitchen counter, the whole while thinking of Eric.
Oh… what am I getting myself into!  



ding on my computer causes me to stir and the pain in my back forces me to open my eyes. I’m on my couch and must have fallen asleep. I look at my cell phone on the coffee table, 2:00AM. I groan as I stretch my limbs getting up and walking over to check the computer. The box on the screen shows one new email. I click on it opening it up and read the email that shows sent from Steph at 1:59AM.




I honestly don’t know what I’m doing. I’m married to Travis and I love him but I don’t know if I can go another ten years without you. You have to promise me that this thing between us remains a friendship. If that’s even possible. I’ve never stopped loving you. You were my first and the only one in my life that ever made me happy, I just had to move on at some point. Travis is a good man and I don’t want to hurt him. I will come to your training tomorrow but please know that our friendship is something I prefer to keep between us. I doubt that Travis would approve. I want to spend time with you, get to know you again. We just need to be careful and keep it simple…friends.


I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll have Thomas drive me if you let me know where to meet you.


Talk soon.



. I doubt this is possible. Her presence alone makes me hard. I’ll never forget the night she gave me her virginity. He skin against mine and the way she tasted in my mouth. After all the sex in the last ten years, no woman can even come close to the way she makes me feel. I’m dying to feel that again, to feel her again. I won’t force her, that I can promise, but I can’t give her any guarantees that this won’t be more. I don’t even know Travis, but what I am sure of is that he is an ass and she deserves better.




Please let me pick you up. If your husband is at work I can swing by on my way. It’s easier and I will give Thomas the address while I’m there just in case you need him to pick you up.


As far as being friends, the only promise I can make is that I will not force you to do anything you don’t want to. I hope that’s enough.


Always more than friends,



Crossing my fingers she doesn’t turn me down I wait patiently for her to email back. After a minute or so the computer dings alerting of a new email.




I think it would be best that you don’t come to my house. Too many times Travis comes home unexpected and I don’t know if I could deal with that kind of confrontation. But if you would like I can meet you at our little coffee shop and ride with you from there?


P.S. You have always been more than a friend to me however I’m married to Travis which is why I need your promise but if all you can promise is that you will not force anything on me, then that will have to do because I don’t think I can say no.




              Immediately I’m back at the keyboard typing.




Sounds good! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! I’ll meet you there at 12:45.





I hit send shutting down the computer and drag myself to bed. I’ve got to get some decent sleep. The thought alone of having her in my truck has me heated and hard. I don’t know how much more I’m going to be able to take.











Chapter Twelve


The sex in the kitchen last night was amazing and Travis catered to all my need
s causing me to climax over and over again, but for whatever reason I felt guilt once I was emailing Eric. I didn’t feel guilty for talking to Eric, I felt guilty for having sex with my husband.
Is that right?
I doubt I should’ve been feeling like that but I couldn’t help it. It’s because I know Eric loves me. It’s getting complicated which is not what I want, but at the same time what can I do?
Not talk to Eric?
To me at this point that’s not an option. Right now he’s the only one that I feel is good in my life. Yeah, we just met back up only a few days ago, but it feels like we’ve picked right back up where we left off. The only difference is I’m married now. Travis’ mood swings and constant controlling behavior is driving me insane, always has, but I figure I’ve got to deal with it. Travis was brought into my life for a reason and it’s because I don’t deserve to be with Eric.

Looking in the mirror as I brush my hair I make a final decision. The decision that Eric and I are friends and it’s a friendship no one will ever know of and that’s all it can be. Putting on some lip gloss I take one last look in the mirror. I decided to go with shorts and a shirt today. Casual since I’m going to watch
him train. My bruise on my cheek is going down, but I still have to apply extra makeup to cover it up.  

Regardless that I keep saying we’re just friends I still get butterflies in anticipation of seeing him. Just thinking about his hands on my hips causes my pussy to become moist. Maybe being there while he’s training will be good. We won’t be alone and I’ll be able to see what it is he does.

Travis left early this morning explaining he had a meeting at eight to attend and shouldn’t be home till late. So I’m feeling good about today. I won’t be rushed to get home and the only alone time Eric and I should be getting is in his truck. I grab my purse heading downstairs and walking around to Thomas’ house and again he’s already out on his porch waiting for me. I called him from the house phone this morning after Travis left, asking him if he could take me. He was more than willing. I don’t know what it is but I trust Thomas. I trust him to keep my secret. I think he just knows how Travis is and doesn’t want to see me get hurt. There’s this understanding between us.

“You look beautiful today, Mrs. Barnes.”

“Stephanie, and thank you.”

“Are you ready?”

“Yep! I’m thinking you could pick me back up from the coffee shop about four. Does that work for you?”

“Of course, Stephanie,” he replies nodding to me and stepping down from his porch. I follow behind him to the car.

He opens my door allowing me to get in the back before walking around to his side. Right now I’m very thankful for Thomas. Without him I wouldn’t be able to see Eric.

The butterflies don’t leave as Thomas drives me to the coffee shop and as we pull up I see Eric standing right outside, his mangled blonde hair lying beautifully and his tight shirt showing the ripples in his body. The butterflies intensify as a familiar feeling creeps down to my crotch. He smiles wide as I step out of the car thanking Thomas as I close the door. I turn to Eric who is still grinning and I can’t help but grin back just as big. I feel seventeen again when I’m around him.

“You’re beautiful,” he states as his eyes move up and down my body. “I like you in these shorts.” His hand grabs my hip as he tugs on the loop of my shorts buckle pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. I hug him back taking in his masculine scent and my pussy throbs in response. He lets me go, but holds my hand, keeping our connection. “You ready?”

“Yes,” I reply as I follow him. He walks me down the street until we get to a large black Dodge truck. Opening the door for me he helps me up into the passenger seat and as he does his hand brushes my bottom which causes me to tremble for more.

“Sorry, it’s hard to keep my hands off you, but I’ll do my best,” he smirks and I blush in response. Closing my door he walks around to his side as I buckle myself.

“Thank you Steph for coming with me. It means a lot.”

“Of course. I wanted to come.”

He shuts the door behind him strolling around to his side of the vehicle. My nerves are getting the better of me and I think I’m beginning to sweat. Just having his hand brush against me like that brings me back to the last night we were together. The night I gave him all of me. It’s hard not to think about that when I’m around him. It meant everything to me, he meant everything to me.

He turns to me as he places the car in reverse and gives me a grin that lights up his face, but causes a strain in my gut. I have to keep this under control. I can’t let how he makes me feel get the better of me. I can’t react. I have to be around him to keep my sanity, otherwise I’d give up now. Just like ten years ago, he’s the only good in my life. He’s an angel that’s come to help me. Maybe if I’m happy with him, I’ll be more tolerant of Travis?

As we drive away Eric’s hand finds my knee and he softly caresses it with his thumb; a sweet tender gesture that makes my heart beat speed up. It makes me nervous to have him touching me, but at the same time I can’t pull away. I’ve longed for him for too many years to run now. Even if we can only be friends, I’ll take what I can of him at this point. Maybe it’s selfish, but dammit I let him go so he could move on and it appears he never did, so now I’m going to take what I can of him. I need the happiness that he brings me. Without it I don’t know how long I can go on with Travis.

It doesn’t take long before he’s parking the truck and strolling around to my door to let me out. Holding my hand in his he grabs his duffle bag from his back seat and walks me into what looks like a warehouse.

“I know this can’t be much fun for you, but I’m glad you agreed to come.”

“I like being around you, Eric. I’ve missed the way I feel when I’m with you,” I say shyly and he stops before we reach the doors to enter and turns placing a kiss on my forehead.

“I’ve missed the way you make me feel too.” 

With that he opens the doors letting me walk in front of him and his hand drops from mine, but quickly finds the middle of my back. Once inside I take in the massiveness of the place. Mats cover the entire floor and a ring sits off to the side. Punching bags hang from the tall ceiling and there’s a trampoline as well.

“Eric!” I hear a voice coming from the other side of Eric and I turn my head and my eyes meet with a tall largely built darker man with brown eyes. He looks like he lives in this place with all the muscles that are rippling through his thin white shirt. “Ah, who’s this beautiful lady?” he asks, winking at me.

“Marcus, this is Stephanie. She’s an old friend and well she came to see what I’ve been doing with my life. Stephanie this is Marcus; my trainer.”

Marcus grabs my hand pulling me into his large hard chest and squeezes me as if he’s known me forever. “Any friend of Eric’s is a friend of mine. Especially since you’re the first woman he’s brought to training with him.” Marcus releases me and I smile at him before turning and frowning at Eric. How could I be the only girl that’s watched him train? Eric only smiles in return and grabs my hand pulling me back to him.

“Well, let’s get started, Eric,” Marcus orders as he smacks Eric on the back.

“Do you need anything, Steph? Coffee? Water?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Okay well, you can pick anywhere in the gym to sit, but just make sure you’re in my view and if you need anything please let me know.”

“Okay. I’ll be fine.”

He squeezes my hand before letting it go and I find a place against the wall and take a seat on the mats that cover the floor. I watch as Eric and Marcus walk over to the middle of the room where it’s empty and Eric looks over at me. Our eyes meet and in this brief moment I imagine he’s mine. His gaze doesn’t waver as he grabs the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up over his head and tossing it off to the side. Instantly my eyes move from his face, taking in his chest and abs and finally down to where his shorts hang low exposing that “V” that makes women swoon. The tattoo that is on his forearm trails all the way up his arm and around his shoulder blade. The tribal design continues down his chest and covering his side until it stops just above his shorts. I want to trail my fingers along all the fine lines. He turns so that he’s no longer facing my direction and he has another tattoo that covers his other shoulder blade and this one appears to be several skulls with detail outlining it. They’re all so beautiful and they make it difficult for me to take my eyes off of him.

His body moves as he stretches each of his limps and I watch as he bends in ways that make me burn all over. Once he’s limber he turns and winks at me before picking up a jumping rope. I think I watched him for half an hour using that jumping rope. It was exhausting just looking at him. Sweat drips down his forehead and the middle of his back as he jumps in a steady motion. Once finished he tosses the rope aside grabbing his water bottle that’s on the floor near him and pressing it to his lips. I close my eyes imagining those lips on me; moving along my skin as he presses soft delicate kisses down my belly. I shiver and turn my gaze back to him, our eyes meeting in this brief moment. I see the fire in him and know he’s having the same thoughts. I blush as if I’ve just been caught masturbating. Sitting here watching him has me panting and I know my underwear is already moist. His chest ripples with every movement he makes and the sweat beads up and slowly drips down his sun kissed skin. I tear my gaze from his taking in deep breaths in an attempt to calm the fire burning inside me.

He moves to the far end of the room where there is a bag hanging from the ceiling. Marcus is speaking to him, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. Eric nods to Marcus and begins pounding away on the bag. Kicking, hitting the sand filled material and it’s brutally sexy. My insides twist and turn over his every movement. I’m not sure how long he pounds on the bag, but I’m enjoying every moment of it. As soon as he stops he looks over at where I’m sitting giving me that grin that makes my thighs tighten.

I look up at the clock on the ceiling and time is already passing quickly. I know Travis won’t be home till late, but I really don’t want to take any chances. I’ve got to be out of here in at least an hour. I stand up, but notice Eric already walking my way. Sweat glistening on his skin and his muscles are tight from the workout. He walks up to me removing the tape he has around his hands and it takes all I have not to run my hand down his chest.

              “Do you need to go, Steph?”

“Uh, oh… no not yet, but I need to be leaving in at least an hour.”

“Okay. Well normally I would train in the ring for a bit, but I want some time with you before I take you back. Here follow me,” he says holding out his hand and I grab it in mine, instantly warmed and comforted by his touch.

“I’m done today, Marcus,” Eric yells behind him as he grabs his bag and leads me out of the main gym.

We walk around the corner and down a long hallway until we stop at a door that has a sign on it that reads ‘locker room’.

“I’m going to clean up and get changed. Do you want to wait here or would you prefer to come in? No one else is here,” he whispers and I know he’s joking about me going in with him, but a huge part of me wants to follow him through that door. I don’t know how to respond. Instead I look up into those stunning emerald green eyes inwardly questioning myself. He doesn’t say anything; just watches me as I stand here motionless.

“Okay,” the word escapes his lips and I don’t know what he means, but with my hand in his he turns to the door pushing it open and pulling me through with him. Once inside he turns the lock on the door and flips the light switch above which flickers before fully turning on. I hold my breath as he drops his bag to the ground. His hands reach up to my cheeks and I don’t pull away. He pauses, as if giving me the moment I need to retreat, but I don’t, and that’s all the confirmation he needs. He moves in and his sweet hot mouth meets mine. I’ve longed for this kiss and have been dreaming of it for so many years now. He tastes better than I remember. His tender lips press gently against mine, but only for a moment and too soon he releases me.

BOOK: Evil Of Love
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