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Authors: Anjela Renee

Fae Street (3 page)

BOOK: Fae Street
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Chapter 6

Cam opened the fridge, taking out some vegetables she cooked earlier in the day for Zoe’s meal. She took out her mini food processor and proceeded to get them ready. She cut them into small pieces and put them into the processor and closed the lid and turned it on, the buzzing sound filling the air. Once it was a smooth texture, she poured the contents into a bowl and it was ready for Zoe to eat. She never bothered with pre-made baby food. She didn’t like all the strange ingredients in them; she preferred to make her own from organic vegetables. She decided to raise her baby vegan, but would allow her meat if she ever wanted it. She couldn't get over how big she was getting already. With her bright curly red hair, she looked like a small version of Cam. Cam could feel her daughter probing her mind. She was so strong already at such a young age, she worried about how strong she would be as a full grown adult Fae. She was surprised that she hadn’t seen Gretchen yet as she normally saw her bright and early.

“Zoe, no probing without permission; its rude,” Cam reprimanded.

I'm sorry, Mommy.

Cam dropped the spoon and almost fell back in her chair. Her daughter just telepathically answered her! She was so young; telepathy usually didn't start until puberty. Some Fae couldn’t do it at all. Cam was able to receive messages but couldn’t respond telepathically. Zoe had an upset look on her face, like she might cry so Cam scooped her up and kissed her and held her tight. “It's okay, Baby. I'm not mad; Mommy was just surprised.” Zoe's face changed from upset to happy in one second flat. She clapped her hands and giggled.

I love you, Mommy.

“I know, Baby. And Mommy loves you, too. I guess I don’t have to wonder what you are thinking anymore.”

I like ice cream.

Cam couldn’t help but laugh at her daughter’s pronouncement. She thought maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. How many mothers wish they knew what their babies were thinking, and how much easier  would it make things?

Mommy, I can see inside you.

“Are you talking about my thoughts?”

Yes. The things you don’t say with your mouth.

“Those are my thoughts. You need to try and not read the thoughts of anyone without permission. It’s not polite to go inside private thoughts.”

I will try, Mommy, but it’s hard not to.

“I know; just do your best.”

Cam finished feeding Zoe and was bombarded with questions and statements of her likes and dislikes. She was starting to consider taking back her earlier thought on how great it would be to know what she wanted and thought.

Zoe finally finished eating so Cam carried her into the living room and put her on the floor with some toys and sat with her. Cam was exhausted, but it was time for her to take Zoe to her
Mommy And Me
class. Cam didn’t drive so she would either need to take a taxi or have Gretchen drive her as it was much too far to walk.

Cam saw Gretchen finally emerge from her bedroom with the most horrendous bed head ever. Cam stifled a small giggle, but Gretchen wasn’t fooled.

“Don’t judge; I had a long night.”

“And I’m sure Adrian was there, too,” Cam retorted.

“And it was epic as usual.”

“I am so jealous. I want a hot hunk of a man to rock my world every night.”

“I can’t argue with that; I am lucky. The day I mated Adrian was the best day of my life.”

“Oh. It’s time for Zoe’s class. Can you drive me?”

“Of course. Why else would I drag myself from a hot naked man? Just let me get my hair in a ponytail and I can take you.”

Cam buckled Zoe in her car seat and settled in the front. She turned on the AC, relieved at the feel of the cool breeze coming from the vents. Gretchen hurried down the stairs and got into the car, hurriedly buckling herself.

“Are you ready to go have fun, Zoe?”

Zoe laughed as they took off down the street.

Mommy, Auntie Gretch is funny.

Cam just turned around, smiling, and rubbed her daughter’s cheek. She didn’t want to answer in front of Gretchen. She trusted Gretchen, but needed to tell her when she was ready, and right now was just not the time. She was hardly used to it herself.


Cam and Zoe sat down in a circle with all the other moms—most of which were Human, but one was Fae and another a Werewolf. Cam loved getting with other moms and it just felt like something she could do that was very human. When she mentioned the class to Gretchen, she was suddenly signed up and that was it. Gretchen had a tendency to do that. All Cam had to do was mention something and it was done. She felt bad that she couldn’t contribute more, but Gretchen wouldn’t even listen when she mentioned looking for a job to help out. Gretchen said she already had a job—being a mother was like having two jobs.

Mommy, Ms. Kelly just farted. That’s so funny.

Zoe started laughing hysterically. Cam took her and tried to quiet her down. Everyone was staring and she couldn’t really blame them. Only a mind reader would know the teacher just slipped in a silent fart. She had to admit it was kind of funny. The woman was always so perfect and perky with her blonde ponytail and fake boobs. It was nice to know she wasn’t that perfect. Why they would put some teenager in charge of a mom’s group, she could never figure out. Last week when one of the babies got sick, she freaked out and ran out of the building. They were about ready to begin when an older grey haired woman entered the room. It was Patrice, the owner of Mommy and Me. She called Kelly over and they left the room. It seemed like an awful long time; class was running very late. Finally, Patrice came back with an apologetic smile. 

“I am sorry ladies. Kelly will no longer be teaching this class. I will teach for today, but we will need to look for a replacement for next week.

“Was it the affair she had with Linda’s husband?” One of the moms asked. She was the other Fae with purple hair and blue eyes.

“I don’t want to comment on that. I just want to assure all of you that we here at
Mommy and Me
pride ourselves on having high morals and you shouldn’t have to guard your husband’s around the employees.”

“I knew that girl was a hoe,” one of the younger moms responded. She had a goth look with black shorts and a t-shirt with black hair and deep red lipstick and a nose ring. “Every time Linda couldn’t make it and her husband, Brian, came in, Kelly looked a little too interested.”

“Now ladies,” Patrice said, stopping the conversation. “We are here to spend time with our sweet babies and not gossip. Now, are we ready?”

“I know I’m ready,” Cam said. “I could help with the class if you need it.”

Patrice smiled at Cam, looking a bit relieved. “I have a better idea: you take over and I can help you. It’s been more than a few years since I taught a class. I’m not as young as I used to be.

“I would be happy to. It will be fun. What do you say, Zoe; should Mommy teach the class?”

Yes, Mommy, yes.


An hour later, the class was over and everyone told Cam how great she was and that she should be the regular teacher. Patrice must have agreed with everyone because she offered Cam a job. Cam didn’t agree to anything yet, as she wanted to discuss it with Gretchen first since she would have to drive her to and from work.

Gretchen was waiting in the car when Cam came out with Zoe. They quickly took off and a short drive later arrived at the house.

“Thank you for the ride, Gretchen.”

“Stop thanking me; I’m happy to do it. I think we need a household calendar so you can just put down what you need done and if I can’t help I can find someone else to help.” Gretchen got out of the car and proceeded to unbuckle Zoe. Cam loved how comfortable Gretchen and Zoe were around each other. Gretchen was truly like an aunt.

“Please, Gretchen, I don’t want to be a burden.”

They both walked inside the house and Gretchen put Zoe in the swing. She turned it on and it began swinging gently.

“Do you need any help with anything else? I have a meeting scheduled with some Fae about a warrant. So boring, but anything to help the man I love.”

“Zoe is almost asleep so I think I’ll catch a nap on the couch, too.” Cam could see Zoe's eyelids becoming heavier. She lay on the couch and was soon fast asleep.

Chapter 7

Richard walked the open field. It was a beautiful Spring day. The wild flowers permeated the air. He was confused. He knew it was a dream, but it didn’t feel like a dream? He wasn't sure how he knew. He was never able to distinguish a dream from reality before, but this time he was so aware of everything. The air felt so good entering his lungs and the sun was warm and inviting. He looked far ahead and could see a woman. He just knew it was Cam. Her bright red hair was apparent even at that distance. He changed into cat form and walked out of his clothes and ran. He ran as fast as he could until he reached her. He changed back into a human and scooped Cam up into his arms. He was naked, completely butt ass naked, but he didn’t care. Richard loved how easily he could scoop Cam up in her small petite frame. He wasn't that tall and loved how he felt so big against her. He knew it must be a dream, but if this was the only way he would have her he was more than ready.

“Richard, what are you doing?” Cam asked. Richard held her into his arms and kissed her gently. It was a sensual kiss, but he needed to take it slow and savor every moment.

“Oh Richard, do you really feel this way?” Cam asked in surprise. “Please, if you don't just tell me. I can take it.”

“Babe, you’re mine, and right now I'm going to show you how a Werecat claims his mate.”

Richard gently carried her and laid her onto a soft patch of moss. She looked so beautiful lying under him. He felt his cock become rock hard and watched her eyes get wide as they were taking in the sight of his body.

“If you don't want to, we don't have to. Even in a dream, I would never hurt you,” Richard said to Cam. He wanted to be positive that she wanted him.

“Take me, Richard. I want you. Please, I need to feel you inside me this once.”

Richard needed no other encouragement. He hovered over her and kissed her deeply, tasting her tongue and taking in her feminine scent. Richard loved how beautiful she looked in her dress, but knew she would look better out of it. He pulled it up and over her head. For the first time, he got a look at her fully nude body. He had seen glimpses of her body before—Fae weren't shy—but seeing her hot and hungry for him was a whole new experience. Her beautiful breasts and her cute petite body with a slightly plump stomach, the result from motherhood, made him go wild with lust. She had no bra or underwear on and he was happy not having to deal with that obstacle.

Richard watched as Cam opened her legs for him. She was beautiful; her pussy perfect and glistening with moisture for him.

“Oh, Baby, your pussy is perfection. And I'm going to show you what I think about that.”  Richard kissed Cam, but quickly moved his kisses down her body. She could feel his erection against her body. The feel of his rigid cock made her pussy throb and become even wetter.

Richard kissed Cam's neck then her Breast before taking one nipple in his mouth at the same time and exploring her folds with his other hand. Cam gasped and moaned. She never felt anything like this before. She only had sex a few times with the King, Zoe's father, and he had never been this gentle or considerate. He was quick and never bothered with her pleasure.

“Oh my, Richard. I’ve never…. Oh, yes.”

Richard could feel her body tremble as he continued sucking her nipple as he explored her beautiful wet pussy.

“Oh, Baby, you’re so beautiful.”

“I want you, Richard. I have always wanted you.”

Richard needed to taste her. Her pussy was so wet it was practically calling him and he needed to feel her come into his mouth. He lowered himself to her center and parted her delicate curls. First, he found her clit and gave it a gentle lick. Cam yelled out his name in response. Well, that was encouraging. He had never been with a female who responded so much to his every touch. He continued licking her clit gently and then plunged his fingers into her. She was so wet it was hard for him not to just plunge his cock right in, but he needed to taste her. She tasted so fucking good.

“Oh yes, Richard,” Cam continued moaning.

“Like that, Baby?”

“Yes. Please don’t stop. Please. I need more”

He plunged is tongue into her pussy and caressed her clit with his fingers. He continued tasting and exploring her folds as he could feel her start to tremble and knew she must be close. Her taste was so divine; he wanted to taste her when she came.

Cam screamed and her pussy started a spasm as she came; her taste flooding his mouth. Richard came up and kissed her neck.

“How was that?”

“Words cannot express the pleasure I just felt.”

“I hope you’re ready for more because my cock still hasn’t been inside you and I need to feel that pussy around me.”

Cam only nodded and spread her legs, giving him access. He plunged his cock inside her and she moaned. He swore under his breath. It felt like she was made for him. She was tight and so wet from her previous orgasm. He pumped inside her slowly. Cam gripped his back and he felt nails along his skin. That only further turned him on. He groaned as his pace quickened and he slid his cock in and out. Every time his cock plunged into her, he thought it would be his last.

“I feel it. I’m going to come again. Oh yes, Richard.”

To hear her moaning for his cock made him explode his warmth inside her and her pussy spasm, coming with him at the same time. They both moaned and then he collapsed next to her on the soft blanket of moss.

BOOK: Fae Street
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