Read Faerykin Online

Authors: Gia Blue

Tags: #erotica, #urban fantasy, #fantasy, #fairy, #fae, #faeries, #erotica adult

Faerykin (2 page)

BOOK: Faerykin
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But you won’t sleep with me.” Heaven and stars, just how many
times had I baited him into my bed, but he wouldn’t take

Aine. I promised you I’d help you. I did all this not because
I want to sleep with you.”

But I want to sleep with you.”

wrung his hands desperately. “We’ve been over this. You don’t
remember who you are and you look sixteen to me. The last thing I
want after we’ve slept together is your memory coming back and
realizing you’re a minor. I could get arrested for it and go to

I don’t look sixteen,” I argued. Faerykin didn’t mature the
way humans did. There was no old-looking fae in the faery realm.
Prince Valerian was close to seven hundred years old, but he looked

shrugged. “Seventeen.”

I’m in my early twenties.”

How do you know? You have amnesia.”

I just know. Instinct.”

shook his head. “I can’t take a chance on instinct. I prefer to
wait for a few more years.”

My eyes
wanted to jump out of their sockets. I couldn’t wait that long.
Seven sexless years since I came of age was more than a healthy fae
like me could take. If I had to wait until Jaime deemed I was ripe
enough to be fucked, I was afraid I would replace him with a
cucumber or zucchini.

Before I
met Jaime, I had contemplated losing my virginity with a few
candidates. I had been taught pillow art by my governess to prepare
me for my wedding night. Like any fae maiden, bedding was an
exciting and anticipated lesson. But each time I thought of who I
would bed, it put a damper on my lessons. I thought of Prince
Valerian and his cold, haughty eyes. He didn’t love me. He could
never love anyone. To him, I was nothing but his trophy of his
final conquest.

When I
was spirited into the human realm, I found a wonderful thing called
the internet. Of course, like the majority of people who surfed it,
I was immediately hooked on porn. There were so many types of bed
sport I’d never imagined. From the ordinary to what they called
kinky. Of course, I wanted to try some. Or all. Maybe not the
hardcore ones, but hey, I’m open-minded. I didn’t understand how
some people got a kick from being whipped as foreplay, but if they
did it, there must be some good in it, right?

MacCuill didn’t parent me as I bloomed into adulthood. He fed me
and protected me from Prince Valerian’s hunters, but other than
that, I was left to my own devices. After all, I was his princess
and my wish was his command.

When I
decided it was time for me to bed a man, he fetched me a strapping
young lad from a nearby construction site. That didn’t work out.
The man couldn’t perform on account he was scared as shit after
being kidnapped by Graeme. My guardian had been seven feet tall,
three hundred pounds of pure muscles and couldn’t hide his wings as
well as I did.

I went to
a singles bar on my second attempt and had no difficulties snagging
a tall and handsome one among the crowds. That was when I learned
not all large, muscular guys had big wienies. It shouldn’t have
mattered. At that time, I felt it was such a letdown after watching
so many porn movies where the studs were hung and

that, I never managed to find someone who I felt was right to
deflower my most prized possession. Too big. Too chatty. Too
boring. Too clueless. Maybe I was picky. But it was my virginity
and I strongly believed the first time should be

Then I
met Jaime.

He was

My heart
beat faster when he smiled. My skin was feverish, aching for his
touch whenever he was near. He appeared in many of my dreams,
leaving me unfulfilled and longing.

Jaime was
the one for me.

wouldn’t care if he had a big wienie or not, if he were experienced
or not. I just wanted to be with him. To become one with him. Not a
day went by that I wasn’t thinking of living the good ole American
apple pie life with him, happily ever after. I also loved the sound
of Mrs. Walker. I thought it would suit me well.

Too bad
he was such a gentleman.

I rose
from the seat, then took his plate and mine to the sink. “I made a
chocolate cake for dessert."

blinked. “Are you mad at me?”

Me?” I laughed. “Heavens no. I’m not giving up yet. I have
many plans.”

Which are?”

I’m not going to tell you that.” I opened the fridge and took
out the triple layer chocolate mousse cake I had labored all day on
making. I carved two big chucks and put them on a fancy plate.
Jaime looked at me expectantly when I served it.


From scratch.” I sat on his lap and cut a piece of the cake.
“Choo-choo,” I said, offering it to him.

gave me such a look.

It’s uber delicious.”

He ate
it. “Mmm.”



Let me have a taste.” I held his face and kissed him. I licked
his lips, teeth and the roof of his mouth. Nom nom. I broke the
kiss. “Another bite?”

kissed me. Hard. Greedy and hot. He was such a good kisser. Burned
me inside out. But kissing was as far as Jamie wanted to go. He
never groped me. Never touched me in other places, even when I
begged him to. When things got heated between us, Jaime bailed out
by excusing himself to the bathroom. Usually, he took a cold
shower. But on many occasions I knew he jacked off into the

I dropped
the fork and wound my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. I
pressed my breasts against his shirt-clad chest. I rarely wore a
bra when he was home.

moaned as I kissed him French style. His hands hovered at the small
of my back.

he ended the kiss. His breath labored. Lust blazed in his eyes.
“W-we have to stop.”

Just one more kiss.”

N-no. You tempt me.”

that was the point. “Jaime!”

Sorry, Aine.” Jaime shoved me aside and hurried to the

I sighed.
Not again.

I padded
across the kitchen and eavesdropped at the door. The shower was

Jaime. When are you going to stop doing this silly

I slumped
on the floor. My pussy ached, I wanted to touch myself to

One of
these days he wouldn’t be able to resist me.

One of
these days I would make him mine.


I fucking




I was
selecting a perfect piece of pork tenderloin for dinner when my
iPhone alerted me I had incoming mail. I checked it out. It was a
Facebook notification. Detective Meyer, Jaime’s partner, just poked
me and posted a silly picture on my wall. Jaime had given me the
phone and opened a Facebook account for me, so he could check on me
during the day. Before, he had a compulsion of calling me at home
and couldn’t concentrate at work. “Are you okay?” “Have you had
lunch yet?” “What are you doing?” “Are you really, really okay?” I
found his attention flattering. A little annoying, but flattering.
Though if he just bedded me I don’t think he would have an
obsession about what I was doing all the time.

I quickly
“liked” Meyer’s post and added a witty comment. Before I left this
grocery store I bet the thread was going to grow five pages long.
Almost all folks in Hammond PD friended me, including the chief
himself. My wall was full of posts, comments, pokes and just about
every silly thing they could do to vie for my attention. I don’t
want to brag, but they all seemed to have an unhealthy obsession to
know what I was doing, just like Jaime. Maybe because it was my fae
nature. We had an unsettling effect on humans. Or maybe they were
curious to see if Jaime had bedded me yet. I heard there was a poll
going on at the station. Jaime was famous for being honest and
squeaky clean. But men weren’t saints and everyone itched to find
out about that.

I shoved
my iPhone back into my purse and went through my shopping list.
Roast pork tenderloin with rosemary and garlic for dinner tonight.
Mashed potatoes with turnip. Sautéed green beans with almond
flakes. And a pound of gummy bear candy I’m so fond of. Jaime gave
me spending money and didn’t allow me to get a job. He said it
would be illegal on account I was practically a Jane Doe and didn’t
have a social security number. I suspected he just wanted to keep
me out of the public view until my amnesia case was sorted out. He
thought with my appearance everyone would want to take advantage of
me. It was actually quite the opposite. I only needed to unshield
my charm and any person within my sight would bow before me and do
whatever I asked them to do. But I never did that. It would make my
life easier, but Prince Valerian and his hunters would be able to
spot me in an instant. Graeme had cast a spell that masked me from
Valerian’s reach. I couldn’t use my magic, except to hide my wings
because of that.

My phone
rang again when I stood in the checkout line. It was

Where are you?” His voice was urgent.

What? No
hello? “In Strack. I’m shopping.”

Don’t go anywhere. Wait for me in the parking lot. Be there in
ten minutes.” He hung up.

I was
bewildered. What was going on? I paid for my groceries and waited
for him as he told me to. A red sedan lurched from the street and
stopped at the curb. The door opened.

In,” Jaime ordered.

I didn’t
have the opportunity to put the stuff in the trunk. Luckily, I only
had one bag of groceries. Since I don’t drive anymore, I liked to
do my shopping every day. Jaime’s house was only four blocks away
from the store. I got into the car and set the bag on the floor.
Jaime didn’t wait for me to buckle my seatbelt when he hit the gas.
Suddenly, I was plagued with an icky feeling.

When we
hit the main road Jaime asked me if I were okay.

Of course, I am,” I said. “Something wrong?”

It took
him a few seconds to answer. “I don’t know, Aine. A weird thing
happened in the station.”

My nape
pricked. “What weird thing?”

Some men were looking for you. Dressed up and carrying swords
like those Lord of the Ring movies. Came out of nowhere. Gone like
smoke. We thought we were all having hallucinations until we
reviewed our security tape. They were real. They were…something.
But we couldn’t explain what was going on.” Jaime stole a glance at
me. “Aine. Do you know something about this?”

I felt

and his dogs.

They had
caught my trail again. I eluded them in Boston right after I buried
Graeme. I’d been constantly on the move until Jaime arrested me for
stealing his car. I should have left Hammond. Left Jaime. But I
couldn’t. I was in love with him.


startled. “I don’t know who they are,” I lied. I still couldn’t
bring out the truth. “But they’ve been hounding me since I woke up
in that hotel room.” I told Jaime that one day I found myself
without memory in a crummy motel in Pasadena. No IDs. No clothes.
No money. I had to steal some garments from the worker and do
whatever I could to survive and try to remember who I

Are they trying to hurt you?”

They brought swords, didn’t they? I never stick around long
enough to find out if they intend to use those blades on me or

went silent.

I felt
like a dick, lying to him about the true me. He helped me and gave
me everything I needed, and how did I repay his kindness? With more

How come you didn’t tell me this before?”

I turned
to him. “I don’t want you to think I was crazy. I woke up without a
memory and a bunch of people in costumes chasing me

Do you know who they are?”

I have no clue.”

One of them called you Princess Aine. Do you know anything
about that?”

snorted. “Do I look like a princess to you? I was homeless until I
met you.”

Aine.” Jaime reached across and gave my hand a reassuring
squeeze. “You’ve been through a lot, I can tell. All I want to do
is help you, to keep you safe. We’ll figure out this thing

I went
silent. It would be best if I ditched Jamie and ran somewhere. I
would put his life in danger if he stayed with me. Prince
Valerian’s hunters were fierce fighters. Only a warrior like Graeme
could stall and kill them. When he and the hunters fought, I ran as
far as I could, hid in a new place, new town. He would find me
through the bond spell he had on me once he erased our tracks. Then
the endless cycle of running continued.

BOOK: Faerykin
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