Fall into Forever (Fall into Him Book Three) (10 page)

BOOK: Fall into Forever (Fall into Him Book Three)
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Jennifer nodded, Philip's concern making her warm in a whole different
way. This was it, the thing that had been missing before. Under the need for
control was a concern for her, a desire to put her feelings and well-being
above his own wants and needs.

“Tell me if it hurts.” Philip pressed his lips against her injured shoulder.
“Everything else, well, that's supposed to hurt.”


The first blow shouldn't have come as such a surprise, but her ass was
stinging before she'd even realized that his hand had made contact. He swatted
each cheek with the same even force, leaving bright pink handprints on her pale


When he reached ten, he began to speak. “When I start fucking  you,
you're allowed to cum as many times as you want. And you can scream as loud as
you want. The house keepers don’t come until tomorrow afternoon and the walls
are more or less soundproofed.”


Jennifer whimpered. Her ass felt like it was on fire and she wasn't
sure how much more she could take. And then, suddenly, he was done and his
hands were on her hips, his knee nudging her legs apart. She felt his tip enter
her and then his grip shifted. One hand palmed a breast while the other splayed
across her stomach.




Gentle pressure told her to stand as much as the single word did. Even
as she was straightening, Philip snapped his hips, driving up into her.
Jennifer moaned as he lifted her off of her feet. The cry became a breathless
wail as Philip dropped the hand on her stomach, his fingers quickly finding her
pulsing clit. Those fingers began to rub with a firm, circular motion as his
other fingers tugged on her nipple.


He gave her no relief, manipulating her increasingly sensitized flesh
with profound skill. One orgasm rolled into the next without respite, a
never-ending wave of pleasure intensified by the hot pain from her abused ass
and the growing overstimulation of her clit. The force of his thrusts never
waned, never faltered, each one driving to the end of her and then dragging
back over her g-spot.


Time had no meaning. Logic told her that it was still the same day, but
the room was dark and she felt as if they'd been doing this for hours, their
bodies merging as one until she wasn't sure where one ended and the other
began. Her legs had given out long ago and she leaned back against Philip's
chest, letting him bear her weight. She could feel in her back where his heart
pounded against his chest.


“One more time.” Philip breathed in her ear.


Jennifer tried to shake her head, but couldn't manage more than a
bobble. Her body was limp, completely wrung out. It took all of her energy just
to keep her eyes open. Her sex was throbbing, her clit swollen and tender. She'd
be willing to bet it was visible now, red and slick with the juices flowing
down her legs.


“One more.” Philip repeated, his voice taking on a coaxing tone. He
pressed his lips against the crook of her neck and scraped his teeth over the
sensitive skin. Jennifer moaned, the sound weak and cracked. She doubted she
was going to have much of a voice in the morning.


“Come on, baby,” Philip murmured. “Cum for me.”


The tip of his index finger unerringly found its target, ghosting over
the top of her clit. His teeth sank into her soft flesh. His cock bottomed out,
the tip bumping against the end of her.

The last thing Jennifer remembered before she passed out in ecstasy was that
Philip was saying her name softly as he stiffened, his cock emptying inside


The world was still hazy when she woke up, her body tingling as if
every cell had been scrubbed clean and was bright and fresh and new. Her
entrance was pulsing as blood coursed through her body, the feeling that only
sensory overload could accomplish.


“Welcome back.”


An amused voice spoke in her ear as she became aware of her
surroundings. She was lying under the cool silk sheets on Philip's bed and he
was behind her. His arms were around her, her body tucked against his as if
they were two pieces of the same puzzle. She could feel his now-soft cock
against her still tender ass.


“How long was I out?” Jennifer couldn't muster the strength to be
embarrassed. Her voice was as rough as she'd feared.


“About fifteen minutes,” Philip answered. “I'm just surprised you
didn't fall asleep.”


“Well, I am tired.” Jennifer admitted. “It's been an eventful couple


“That is has,” Philip agreed. His fingers traced lazy patterns on her
arm. “Why don't we both try to get some sleep. In a couple of hours, we'll get
something to eat, maybe go for a dip.”


“Maybe show me your sex room?” Jennifer couldn't resist teasing a


“Maybe.” Philip laughed, an easy sound that made Jennifer's pulse
spike. “There's no rush.”


She let herself relax back against him and closed her eyes.


“Jennifer.” Philip's voice was soft.


“Yes?” She murmured. She was getting sleepy.


“I love you.”


Her eyes flew open and she rolled over to face him, careful not to jar
her arm. It was aching more than she wanted him to know.


“I think I have for a while, I just couldn't admit it to myself. But
I'm not scared anymore,” he continued. Their eyes locked and the depth of
emotion written in those green depths took Jennifer's breath away. “I love you,
and I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you, take care of you,
and let you know every day just how special you are and how lucky I am to have


Jennifer placed her hand on Philip's cheek. “I love you too. And for
the first time in a long time, I'm also not afraid to say those words. You make
me feel safe and no one's ever done that for me. I'm going to love you with
everything I am and not let anyone hurt you again.”


He drew her to him, their mouths coming together in a slow, sweet kiss.
Their bodies were still pressed against each other, their lips slowly moving,
dancing, as sleep claimed them.




The day was perfect. The early summer sun was warm but hadn't reached
the heat of the typical city summer. The sky was blue with just a few wisps of
clouds. The smell of roses hung heavy in the air and Jennifer couldn't stop
taking deep breaths just to enjoy the scent. Reds, pinks, whites, yellows,
every color of nearly every type of rose imaginable surrounded the people
standing along either side of the aisle. Arches of red and white rose high
above where the bridal party would stand, the color of the bridesmaids' dresses
having been specially chosen to match those particular blooms.


When this venue had first been suggested, Jennifer hadn't been sure of
how well it was going to work. The ceremony would have to be held rain or shine
and there were restrictions on what could be done in the Botanical Gardens, but
the moment she'd seen the Rose Garden, she'd known that this was the place.


The soft harp music signaled that it was time to begin and the first
bridesmaid started down the aisle. Jennifer took a deep breath as the young
woman in front of her took a step. Then it was her turn. She kept her eyes
straight ahead, focusing on making one foot land in front of the other, not an
easy task in the shoes Rachel had picked out for herself. As she neared where
the minister waited, she allowed herself a quick glance to the side. There
beaming at her, was Philip looking as amazing as ever in his expensively
tailored suit. She gave him a small smile as she moved to take her place.


The music changed slightly and Jennifer turned with the rest of the
crowd in attendance to watch the bride begin her walk. Rachel had opted for a
simple white dress without all of the lace and beadwork that seemed to be all
the rage. In Jennifer's opinion, Rachel didn't need any accessories. Her
usually lovely friend was breathtaking, not in small part to the love-struck
expression on her face. Wearing an equally bright smile was Cameron, despite
the fact that all three of Rachel's hulking, overprotective brothers were
standing behind him. Rachel had told Jennifer that introducing Cameron to her
family had been the most terrifying thing she'd ever had to do.


It had been nearly a year since Rachel and Cameron had started dating.
Things had progressed rapidly in their relationship with the proposal coming
just six months in, leaving very little time to plan, but with Jennifer's help,
things had turned out perfectly. Cameron was everything Rachel needed and
Jennifer was thrilled for her friend. The first time the couple had
double-dated with Philip and Jennifer, she'd known that the relationship was
going to last a lifetime.


As the minister began, Jennifer let her mind wander back over the past
year and marvel at how so much had changed, and for the better. Her and Philip
had made their relationship public, but continued to work together. Philip
changed the focus of Jennifer's training to better transition her to be his
partner in the business rather than a hotel manager. The end goal was still a
long way off, but she'd proven herself well enough with the Carlisle incident
that no one questioned her ability to do the job.


Using some of the suggestions Jennifer had given, Philip had approached
several investors and added to his business so that he was even more well-known
and high profile than before. Through Eloisa, Philip set up a meeting with his
father where he had told Johann that all attempts to drive him out of business
had to stop.


When Johann had scoffed, Philip had produced papers proving that Johann
was on the verge of bankruptcy. With Jennifer at his side, Philip had told his
father that any hint of trying to hurt Philip's business would result in Philip
buying up Johann's businesses and dismantling them one by one, using whatever
funds necessary to provide a job for every person employed by Johann. The only
person he would not have room for would be his father.


While the couple had seen Eloisa from time to time, there had been no
further contact from Johann Haas. Shortly after Philip's confrontation with his
father, Eloisa had quit, telling Johann that her loyalty could no longer
overcome her conscience. With Jennifer's blessing, Philip had hired Eloisa to
head the establishment of a branch of hotels in Paris. When Eloisa had returned
to the States a month later for a meeting with Philip, she'd brought with her a
lovely Miss Noelle. Jennifer had really felt foolish about her previous
jealousy then.


Brad hadn't been around since their physical altercation and Jennifer
hadn't gone looking for him. About a month after it had happened, Jennifer's
parents had mentioned seeing Brad back in town. From the bits and pieces she'd
heard from various hometown friends and family, Brad had lost his job in the
city after being caught stealing from a client and had returned home to live
with his elderly grandmother. The last Jennifer had heard, he was working at
the gas station and dating one of the girls who hung out at the local bar a
little too much for it to be about the drinks.


Things with Philip had been everything Jennifer could have hoped for.
When Rachel and Cameron had gotten engaged, Philip had asked Jennifer to move
in with him. She'd been wary at first, thinking that he didn't really want to
live with her. She felt that he was only asking because he wasn't ready to
propose and didn't want to lose her.


However, instead of worrying and over-thinking, Jennifer simply talked
to him about it. When she did, Philip explained that he was planning to ask,
but he knew that she wouldn't want to leave Rachel without a roommate. Living
together was a way to make the decision easier on Jennifer. It had brought them
even closer. It wasn't that they never fought or had misunderstandings, but
that no matter what happened between them, they knew they were strong enough to
get through it together.


The sex continued to remain amazing, whether they were just doing it
nice and slow, plain old missionary style, or, instead, Philip had Jennifer
bent over the hood of his car in a public parking structure as they tried to
get off quickly without getting caught. She'd done things with him she'd never
dreamed of – blow-jobs in the theater, toys she still didn't have names for,
bondage with everything from handcuffs to ropes, spanking with belts and crops
– and each experience reinforced the trust between the two of them. But it was
so much more than the physical. It was the looks across a crowded room, and the
way just being near him made her feel safe and protected. How her heart still
skipped a beat whenever she saw him. How he was one of her best friends and
someone with whom she could share everything.


As Jennifer watched Rachel say her vows in a surprisingly emotional
voice, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in that place,
standing across from the man she loved, promising in front of friends and
family, to love only him until death parted them. As she'd been helping Rachel
plan, she'd tried not to think too much about the prospect of her own wedding,
not wanting Philip to pick up on it and feel pressured, but today, she figured
it was expected. Very few single women attended a wedding without thinking at
least one thing about what it would be like for them.


As Cameron bent his head to kiss his bride, Jennifer glanced towards
the audience and caught Philip looking at her. He smiled that smile that made
her weak in the knees and gave her a wink that made other parts of her hot.
Sooner, later, it didn't matter. She'd wait forever to be with him. Though,
judging by the expression on his face, Jennifer suspected it would be sooner
rather than later. She'd have to make sure she caught Rachel's bouquet at the
reception later. After all, it couldn't hurt.

BOOK: Fall into Forever (Fall into Him Book Three)
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