Read Far From Heaven Online

Authors: Cherrie Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

Far From Heaven (6 page)

BOOK: Far From Heaven
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“This isn’t fair,” she whispered, her hands creeping under his shirt. “I’m damn near naked and you’re not.”

“It’s a problem,” he agreed, lifting so that he knelt between her thighs. Never taking his gaze from hers, he began unbuttoning his shirt. She watched the progress of his hands, the pulse jumping at the base of her throat. He thought he could practically hear it drumming in his ears. No sooner had he completed his task than she sat up and pressed her soft lips to his stomach, just above the edge of his jeans.

His muscles jumped at the contact, tensing when her wet little tongue flickered against his flesh. A growl caught in his throat as he flung the shirt the rest of the way off; his hands sank into her hair hard enough to hurt, but she didn’t utter a single whimper. Instead, her nimble fingers attacked the button of his jeans, and he grasped the opportunity to reach behind her and unhook the cursed bra that kept her hidden from his sight. She tore it away and yanked his jeans down his thighs, freeing his cock and giving a mew of appreciation.

Bliss engulfed him whole. It was her hands on him, wrapping lovingly around his girth, her warm breath tickling across the head. But if she laid those pretty, wet lips on him at this point, he would lose his last tenuous grip on control.

He grasped the sides of her head, wrenching it upward so she could receive his kiss. And receive it she did, every bit as wild as he was, their tongues dueling and teeth nipping. He propelled her backward again, catching his weight on his elbows so as not to crush her.

“Ash, touch me,” she whispered, undulating her hips so that she rubbed against his erection. Only one tiny barrier existed between them now, and it was sweet torture. Now he could for damn sure feel how wet she was; the panel of her lacy black panties was drenched and he deliberately stroked the head of his dick over it as she arched against him. “
I can’t wait any longer.”

Oh, she had no idea about
. About agony. He wasn’t too keen on teaching her about them at the moment, either. He’d had enough of both.

She gasped into his mouth as her panties gave with one wrenching pull, the elastic no doubt biting into her flesh as it snapped. The scent of her need swirled in his head, intoxicating him, drawing his balls up tight. Her hands skated up and down his back, her nails lightly scoring his flesh. She lifted her hips, causing his shaft to graze her wet clit, and the sound she made in his ear was nearly his undoing. Hard little teeth clamped onto his earlobe, driving a curse from his lips.

By the Dark Lord, but he’d never seen a more perfect image of unhinged lust. He reached between them and slipped his fingers between her legs. She sighed and relaxed beneath him as if he’d soothed her, as if he’d eased some raging discomfort for her. Her legs fell farther apart, giving him more room to explore the damp, delicate tissues, the tight little bud he’d later like to spend an hour licking and sucking until she screamed or begged him to stop. One little tilt of her hips and his fingertip slid lower, seeking and finding the tight entrance to her body. Madeleine gave a frantic little jerk as he breached it, her hands clenching on his shoulders even as the muscles of her inner walls fluttered around his finger. Holding him, pulling him in, demanding more.

It was on the tip of his tongue to whisper to her how long he’d wanted her. But that would prove catastrophic. She wouldn’t understand. Likely, she never would. This was his one and only opportunity to have Madeleine, and he wouldn’t have given it up for all the souls in the world.

He squeezed another finger inside her and stroked, thrust slowly in and out, building her need as her little cries lilted into the silence of her bedroom. Her hips found his rhythm and met it, rolling with it, her pussy so wet, so soft…

“Demon! Demon!” a weird voice croaked from the corner of the room.

What the
. Ash cranked his head around, lifting his hand from Madeleine’s warmth as she gave a curse that was half amusement, half frustration.

Who’d let the goblins out? And why were the little bastards set on sabotaging him? As he scanned the corner of the room, all he could see was what looked like a black sheet draped over a large, oddly shaped object.

“Sorry,” Maddie said. “I was hoping he’d stay asleep.”

“What the hell is that?”

“My parrot. He’s just introducing himself.”

“Demon! Demon!” the bird insisted.

“Introdu—” He snapped his mouth shut, utter confusion momentarily robbing him of coherent thought. “That’s his

“Yeah,” she said. “Well-earned, I promise you.”

“You have a bird named Demon.”

“Mm-hmm. I can’t take credit for it though. The guy I got him from had already named him that.”

Wild wing-flapping ensued under the black cover. “Demon! Demon! Mum’s the word!”

Well, thank hellfire for small favors. Ash shook his head at this new development, and then the absolute absurdity of the situation hit him full force and something incredible happened, something that hadn’t happened in a very, very long time.

He laughed. Not in malice, or wicked glee at the suffering he’d inflicted on another, but true, genuine laughter. Madeleine joined in, her fingers sinking through his hair as his head dropped to her naked shoulder.

“Talk about a mood-killer, huh?” she said, shuddering with her own giggles. “I’m so sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize. It was just…entirely unexpected.”

“I’m sure he just, um…heard my voice and got all excited.”

“Understandable. I got pretty excited hearing you too.” He nuzzled at her throat, and she tilted her chin back for him. “Now, where was I? Right about…here?” He slid his finger down and drew teasing circles around her nipple. It responded enticingly, drawing up into a hard little peak. He kissed a trail to it, licking and nipping with his teeth.

“That’s nice, but I think you were lower than that,” she murmured. Then she moaned as he latched on to her nipple, sucking it into his mouth and holding it there mercilessly as his hand trailed downward. His fingertip slid into the tiny dip of her navel.

He released the suction on her breast with an audible little pop. But he couldn’t go far away; her hand was holding the back of his head, fisting in his hair. “Here?”

“Lower,” she said, her voice throatier and more urgent than it had been moments ago. Her hips were moving again, seeking to grind against him. He abandoned her breasts to move down her body, absorbing her shivers as he settled his shoulders between her thighs. Only then did he allow his finger to slide down, down, and slowly circle her clit.

“Here?” he whispered.

Her thighs jerked. “There’s good. Anywhere around there is good.”

A chuckle escaped him as he turned his attention to the vision in front of him. Bare. Delicate. Her moisture glistened in the scant light from the window and enticed him to taste it. Even in the darkness, he could see she was flushed and swollen with her need. She was as soft against his fingers as she looked, and he took his time touching her until his mouth watered for a taste. He slid two fingers into her drenched heat, listening to her breathing go out of control. Just the way he’d wanted. She stretched around the intrusion, so sweet, so accepting. Her own hands came down and found the backs of her knees, pulling her legs farther apart.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, drawing his fingers out to their tips before slowly plunging back in again. And again. And again.

“Oh God,” she cried. “Oh, yes. Don’t stop.”

How could he? To show her just how intent he was on not stopping, he leaned forward and closed his lips around her bud. Felt her entire body shudder with the shock of it. Her taste exploded in his mouth, tangy and sweet, and he tongued her as if he meant to lap up every precious drop of her arousal. He curled his fingers inside her, giving her little come-hither motions that brought her ass off the bed, and he caught her there with his free hand, holding her thrusting hips captive. Her hands released her knees and sank into his hair. He liked that, liked holding her fast to him while she clasped him to her, each of them imprisoned by the other’s pleasure, completion the only chance for deliverance.

Ash felt it begin, the gripping heat of her pussy rippling around his fingers as the muscles in her thighs pulled tight as bowstrings over his shoulders. So much energy poured off her, so much emotion, and he soaked it up, drank her in and craved more. More of her, her body and soul stripped bare and his for the taking. He held her to his mouth, nibbled and licked and suckled her through it until she collapsed panting and cursing and trembling on the bed.

He crawled up the length of her, glad for the moment her eyes were closed and her face turned away because he had no idea what might be revealed in his expression. There had never been a more beautiful, vulnerable sight. It called to his inner beast, taunted it. Tempted it to run wild. One of her hands was on her forehead and the other fluttered to her chest as she tried to catch her breath, her breasts quivering. The silk of her inner thighs brushed his hips.

He slid his fingers under hers, felt the pounding of her heart beneath her breastbone. So strong. So full of life. Life that was his for the taking. This was how it would begin. His dark energy would gather, pulse through him into her. It would detach her spirit. It would hurt, and he wished he could avoid that, but there was nothing to be done for it. It wouldn’t last long, and then she would be his. Forever.

Chapter Six

She’d never been orgasmically challenged, thank God, but that had been one freaking amazing orgasm. Maybe there was something to be said for this love-them-and-leave-them stuff. It sounded ridiculously corny and cliché, but she was still seeing stars. Right there, behind her closed eyelids, they danced and exploded. She was content to watch them for the moment, lest she look at his face and fall so totally and deliriously in love the whole love-them-and-leave-them thing would become a moot point. And that’s what she
want. That was where she always messed up.

His fingers rested on her chest, caressing her over her beating heart. The weight of his hand there made her feel weird, like everything on the inside of her was drawn to it, compelled to answer some summons. A tingling, tickling ache went out to all her limbs, and she frowned, trying to squirm away from the sensation. She was floating too high on a cloud of bliss for any freakiness right now, at least any freakiness that didn’t involve sex. Ash, she needed more of Ash. She wasn’t done with him yet. Encircling his fingers—incredibly warm fingers, almost burning hot—with her own, she drew his hand to her mouth, the weird ache dissipating as if it had never been as she kissed one of his fingertips. Flickered her tongue against it, parted her lips and drew it inside. Only when he groaned did she open her eyes and look up at him.

His face was drawn, his brow furrowed, almost as if he were in pain rather than the throes of pleasure. His eyes were closed, sensual lips parted.

Was it weird of her that she didn’t think she’d ever felt more
in her entire life? Tonight she should be drowning her sorrows in chocolate and liquor. If not for him, she would have been. She would have ridden the woe-is-me train straight through until the dawn, and then she would have to face tomorrow alone.

She would still have to face it alone, but at least she would have the glow of great sex around her. At least she would know the night before she’d had someone to laugh with, to make her feel good. It was all thanks to him. And she’d yet to return the favor. The hard length of him against her belly didn’t let her forget it. He was as hot and heavy as a brand lying against her.

His eyes opened and his gaze met hers. Stole her breath. Not because of any sappy romance in the dark depths, but the promise of passion so wild and consuming she didn’t know if she’d ever be the same again. He almost…almost scared her, with that look. Scared her and tempted her. Reminded her of that moment in her Jeep when she’d felt as if a storm was coming. It was here now, poised on the brink of unleashing its fury all over her.

Words crowded in her throat. She didn’t know which to utter.
Fuck me, take me, hurt me, oh, God, make me forget my life, make me not care if tomorrow comes…

All she said was his name, and it was enough.

He fell on her like she was the oasis and he the parched desert traveler, his hand winding around behind her head and lifting her into his kiss. She opened to him, lips and legs parting for him to fit even closer to her. His tongue invaded her mouth as surely as she wished his cock would invade the hot need throbbing in her core.

“Condom,” she gasped against his lips, and heard his low answering growl. It sounded more like frustration than anything else. She understood that totally, but… “I have some, if you don’t. In the drawer right there…”

Never mind. She didn’t have time to wait for him to rummage around in an unfamiliar space looking for them. She reached over herself and he lifted to allow her. Mercifully, she found a little packet, ripped it with her teeth and reached between them. “Come here, baby.” Ordinarily she loved to watch a man do this, watch his hands stroke efficiently over himself as he rolled it down, but again, she didn’t have time to savor any moments here. If she didn’t get him inside her soon…

, he was gorgeous. Long and thicker than she’d even hoped, the dusky flared head already leaking a pearly drop she longed to lick from him. He was going to feel so good she might not make it through this. She might die. End of problems.

She swallowed a hysterical giggle, scarcely believing she was about to get spectacularly laid with a complete stranger. Yeah, it was so not her, but maybe she’d just met another side of herself she hadn’t known existed. Maybe they should get better acquainted.

Her task finished, she settled back on the pillows and he followed, stretching out over her. The minor condom speed bump had little effect on their momentum. He kissed her hard and she was lost again, flipping end over end through a maelstrom of lust. The blunt head of him found her entrance, feeling ten times bigger than it had looked, and the death she was anticipating, oh yeah, it was coming for her after all. She nearly came just from the touch of him there, and when he pushed…

BOOK: Far From Heaven
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