Read Finally His Online

Authors: Emma Hillman

Finally His (2 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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“Okay?” he asked, smoothing her pussy with his fingers.

The same fingers that had been, only moments before, wrapped
around his dick. The thought and his caress made her twitch. She let out a
long, “Yeah.”

Smirking, he slid his hands underneath her legs and drew
them around his waist. A second later, he was pushing inside her.

“Nick!” she called out, shocked and yet not. It was just so
surreal to think they were really doing this. That he was really thrusting in
and out of her, his face half hidden by the rapidly increasing darkness. His
eyes glinted above her, his fingers digging into the dimpled skin of her

Her hips jerked, her legs tightened, but he didn’t stop. He
never stopped. Not when she grabbed his head and pulled him down for a messy
kiss. Not when her nails raked down his back in an attempt to slow him down. He
just kept on thrusting in and out of her.

The car began to vibrate beneath them, but neither seemed to
care. Lucy sure as hell didn’t. Not with that kind of heat starting to spread
throughout her.

Her walls clenched around his pounding cock, making him
groan. “Fuck, baby!”

“Come for me, Nick,” she whispered in his ear.

That was all it took for him to lose control. And as she
watched the love of her life come inside her, she let go too. Finally.

Nick looked up from her neck. His face sweaty, disheveled
blond bangs in his eyes, he looked positively satisfied. Sliding out of her, he
groaned and pulled up his pants. “Do you want your clothes?”

“Yes, please.” She sat up, wincing as her back let her know
quite loudly how sex on a car could hurt. She could feel muscles she hadn’t
felt in a long time protest as she stood up and swayed a little.

Nick appeared at her side and helped her get dressed once
again. His hands drifted across her skin as he closed her bra. Then her dress
was buttoned up and she looked more or less like herself again. Except she
wasn’t. She could feel juices trickle down her thigh, the imprint of him still
fresh on her, in her, all around her. She bit her lip as she looked away from
him and tried to gather her thoughts. She’s just done something completely out
of character, but then Nick Santos had that kind of effect on her. She’d been
pursuing him, her brother’s best friend, for years. It was like an insane
compulsion, pushing her to act irrationally just because she couldn’t help

She loved him in a way she’d never loved anyone before. He
was her perfect man, the one she’d been comparing all her boyfriends to over
the years. And yes, sure, she knew he really wasn’t perfect. He swore like a
trooper. He was a ladies’ man. He wasn’t ready to commit whatsoever. And yet,
he could also be sweet. He was clever. He was… No, he wasn’t hers.

She shook her head. It wasn’t because they’d just had sex—spectacular
sex at that—that things would change. She knew him. He was going to keep on
acting with her as if nothing had happened. Especially when you took Alex into
Shit, Alex!
“We need to call—”

Her cellphone started ringing right at that second. Damn
twin connection! Why did he always have to know when she was in trouble? She
walked back to the car, and ignoring Nick, who was smoothing his shirt over his
chest, grabbed her purse from where it’d fallen on the floor. Quickly finding
her phone, she slid it open and said, “We’re fine. Can you come get us, though?
We’re stuck on the path that parallels the cliff.”

“What the hell happened, Luce? Where’s Nick? I can’t believe
you cornered me into arranging another blind date with him. Don’t you remember
what happened last time?”

She cut him off before he started this again, “Alex, I know,
okay? Now, can you please come get us? Nick’s car is dead and we need a ride

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you when you get here.” She snapped her phone
shut and exhaled. Loudly.

“Is he coming?”

“Yeah.” She fought the urge to hide, but instead squared her
shoulders and turned to face him. “Can we keep this quiet?” He took a step back
and she realized that she’d shocked him.

“What do you mean?”

“This.” She waved in the air between them. “Let’s keep it
quiet, okay?”

“Are you… Okay. Right. Fine.”

“Good,” she answered, strangely disquieted. He hadn’t even
tried to dissuade her!

She watched as he turned around and gave her his back. Nice.
Of course, she only had herself to blame. But then, she didn’t think she had a
choice. He needed to believe tonight really hadn’t mattered. She might love
him, but she knew too well he’d never fall in love with her.

He whirled around all of a sudden. “Lucy, I think we…” His
voice trailed and she turned, recognizing the sound of her brother’s car. It
slowed down as it took the curve that had sent them spinning, gravel soon
spitting as he drove onto the path and parked beside them.

“That was fast,” she called out, watching Alex, her male equivalent,
step down from his SUV.

“I was already on my way. I could feel you were upset.” He
looked her up and down, obviously decided she was fine, then turned to stare at
his best friend. “What happened?”

“Your twin happened!” Nick snapped, gesturing to his car.
“She’s a disaster magnet. It’s the last fucking time I agree to one of your
blind date ideas!”

“Watch it, bro.”

“What? You know what happened last time and you still agreed
to this whole scheme, didn’t you?”

“She’s my sister,” Alex countered, crossing his arms over
his chest.

“That doesn’t mean she can do everything she wants,
especially not when I’m involved.” Nick strode to his car and grabbed his
cellphone from the door panel. “Why don’t you take her home? I’ll call Jerry
and have him tow me back to his garage.”

Lucy watched her brother nod, his face tense as he waved her
to his SUV. She climbed inside, tucking the bottom of her dress beneath her.
She stared at them through the windshield, but she was too far to hear what
they were saying. They clapped hands and called out goodbyes, and here she was
again, the sister with the too-curvy body, the woman who was nice enough, but
never good enough. And yet, as Alex drove them back to the house they shared on
the outskirts of town, she thought tonight had been different.

She’d grabbed her courage with both hands and had surprised
Nick. He’d made love to her, had caressed and kissed her as if he actually
liked her. Damn, but she could still feel him inside her. Nick…

“Do you want to talk about it?” her brother asked as they
entered their home minutes later.

She shook her head. “I’d rather not.”

“Something happened, Luce. I could feel it then and I can
still feel it now.”

“It’s got nothing to do with you, Lex.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“Nick’s not that bad. He might hate me, but he wouldn’t hurt

“He doesn’t hate you,” Alex said, but she was shaking her
head again.

“Don’t worry. I’m a big girl now.” And with that last
comment, she hurried up the staircase and shut her bedroom door behind her. She
slumped against it and closed her eyes, recalling what’d happened on that cliff

She fell asleep hours later and as usual dreamed of Nick.
This time, however, she knew what kissing him felt like, knew how he felt with
his cock buried deep inside her. She had memories rather than mere fantasies,
but still…no Nick.

Chapter Two


The next time Lucy saw Nick, she was lying on the sofa
wearing summer PJs and not much else. The old house she shared with her twin
brother had no air-conditioning and she was slowly boiling, sweat dampening her
brow. She heard the front door open and close and called out, “When are you
going to add air to this bloody house, Lex? I can’t take it anymore!”

“I’m not Alex,” a male voice echoed behind her.

She screamed and shot up. “Ahh! Shit, Nick! You scared the
hell out of me. What are you doing here?”

“Alex told me to meet him here. We’re going out tonight.”

“Of course, you are.” She rolled her eyes and sat back down,
giving him her back. She focused on the TV and the old
episode she
was watching, hoping he’d take the hint and leave her alone. She didn’t want to
talk to him, period. It was too awkward. She was always flustered whenever she
talked to him but now it was even worse. They’d had sex for pity’s sake. He’d
seen her naked!

“What does that mean?”

“What?” she grunted, ignoring the way he was suddenly beside
her. He dropped down onto the sofa, making her bounce a little as he stretched
his long legs in front of him. “Make yourself comfortable, why don’t you?”

“I just might.” He smirked, hooking his arms on the back of
the couch.

Her insides fluttered at the feel of him so close. His
fingers were just inches from her nape and she wondered what he’d do if she
leaned back. Or even better, if she straddled his thighs and rocked on his lap,
his cock so deep inside her he’d…

“Earth to Lucy.”

“What? Yes? What?”

He laughed and she felt herself start to blush.
Damn the
He was the only one who could fluster her like this.

“It is hot in here,” he finally remarked, wiping his palm
over his brow. “I thought Alex was going to fix the A/C problem before summer

“Yeah, look how well that turned out.”

“You really hate the heat, don’t you?”

“Yup.” She struggled to sit straight, having just remembered
she’d forgone a bra earlier. She’d been so hot she’d only slipped on a thin
T-shirt and shorts after her post-work shower, thinking she’d be on her own
that evening, anyway, so it didn’t matter. Ha!

“What are you watching?”


“Am I bothering you?”

She whirled around at his question. “What? Why?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “You’re not talking to me, let
alone looking at me.”

“Why should I?”

His eyebrows rose at the obvious venom in her voice. “I
shouldn’t have bailed on the date. It was rude,” he admitted. “But you started

“I started it?” Her voice rose. “Are you kidding?”

“Nope.” He grabbed her right shoulder and forced her to face
him. “You did.”

She opened her mouth to tell him off some more when she
noticed where his gaze had landed. “Nick?”


“What are you doing?”

“You’re not wearing a bra.”

“Duh. It’s too hot.” She fought the urge to cross her arms
over her chest. Why was he looking at her like this? What was going on?

“You’ve got great tits,” he murmured then, almost as if he
was remembering them from that one time on the cliff. His hands on them, his
tongue… Shivers ran up her spine.

“What are you doing?” she repeated, but this time, her voice
was a shriek. “Nick!”

“I’ve already seen you naked, remember?”

“But… But…” Words failed her. He’d grabbed the hem of her
T-shirt and raised it, baring her breasts to the whole wide world. Well, her
den, but still… “Nick!”

“Hello there,” he murmured as he leaned down, his right hand
cupping her breast and tugging it to his awaiting mouth.

This really wasn’t happening. She was dreaming again, wasn’t
she? She gazed down, his blond hair obscuring her view. She gasped at the feel
of his tongue on her nipple. It was unexpected, but so damn nice. She let her
head fall back, her eyes closing as his teeth snapped shut around the nub and
pulled. “God,” she whispered. She felt even warmer than before. Everywhere.
Nick—her Nick—was touching her! And even better, he’d started this. So what did
that mean?

“You taste good, honey.”

She did? He switched sides and attacked her other breast,
licking and sucking and pinching. She felt juices trickle down inside her
shorts, knew she’d be wet if he slid his hand inside and touched her there.

The front door banged shut and her brother’s voice rang out,
“Hey, man, where you at? I thought we were supposed to meet at Sam’s?”

She gasped and sat up straight, knowing she should move,
. Instead she was frozen into place, her insides still
clenched, her body yearning for only what the man leaning above her could give
her. “Nick,” she whispered, her hands finding his shoulders.

He drew back and swiftly pulled her T-shirt down. With one
last look at her pebbled nipples still visible through the thin cotton, he
grinned and dropped a quick kiss on her parted lips. Standing up, he called
out, “In here! I thought you said I should meet you here.” He left the room.

“Dude, are you losing your mind? You told me specifically to
meet you at the bar. Are you okay?”

“Fine, just fine. Let’s go. A cold beer is just what I need
tonight. Shit, man, you need to get some air in this house. It’s boiling in

“I know, Luce keeps telling me the same thing. Hey, Luce,
are you here?”

“She’s in the den, watching
and pouting. I
wouldn’t bug her if I were you.”

“You did and she kicked you out, huh?”

“Something like that.”

Lucy’s eyes were still wide as she listened to their banter,
then the door closed behind them and she was on her own once more. She looked
down and stared at her heavy breasts, her hardened nipples and the wet spot on
the front of her shorts. She swore out loud. What the hell had just happened?

* * * * *

Alex was having a pool party. Lucy sighed as she stared at
the dozen men and women scattered around their garden. Damn, but she hated her
twin sometimes. He knew she couldn’t stand those things, but he kept trying to
convince her it’d be a great idea, that she’d have a lot of fun if she just let
go. She imagined herself wearing a bikini around his friends and gulped.
thank you!

“Where’s your suit?”

She whirled around and gasped. “Nick? What the hell! My door
was closed.”

BOOK: Finally His
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