Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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Chapter Five




When I arrived
at the bar, barely making it on time to open up, due to my late night
rendezvous with the two vixens that left me with little time to spare for
sleep, hardly enough time to grab a quick shower, and
time to grab some grub, I managed to pull up just
in time to meet the delivery guys from the liquor store. I needed to haul ass
before the beer distributor got here, and I still needed to take inventory,
open the registers, switch out some of the kegs, and get the kitchen up and
running, not to mention sweep the fucking sidewalk!


customers would be coming in any minute, and I was running behind, yet again,
due to Jim being hunched over a toilet for the last thirty-six hours. There was
no way I was gonna get this shit done by myself. Usually Jim and Gail would
have already been here to help me handle this shit. I was gonna have to break
down and call Jordan to come in early. Admitting I was weak wasn't my strong
suit. In fact, I flat out didn't do it, and I wasn't about to start now. I had
a way of getting what I wanted without was called
fucking demanding!


After dealing
with the liquor and beer guys, I decided to call Jordan while I worked
furiously to get the kitchen up and running before the lunch crowd started
trickling in. We didn't open up the kitchen until noon, and I had fifteen
minutes to spare, but wouldn't you know a fucking customer decided to walk in
now and sit at the bar. Just my fucking luck. I tucked my phone back in my
pocket and after turning on the fryers to heat up, went out to take...
well, hello, hello. And you were just about to throw a
conniption, when here sits a fine assed female, begging for some afternoon
delight. Empty, bar. Fifteen minutes to spare. This would be a record for you,
buddy. Aaand, Showtime!


The tall, thin,
raven haired young lady, with curves in all the right places, and fake double
D's, was sporting a pin-up doll attire and she had the whole retro look going
on. Her hair, make-up, and clothing, with today's flavor added...tattoos and
piercings, and a few strips of bright artificial color in her hair, including
blue, pink, and purple, was making me instantly hard, as she appraised me up
and down. We were immediately attracted to one another; there was no doubt. She
quirked a devious smile on her perfectly painted red lips, as I said,
"What'll it be doll?"


Her reply?
"What's good back there behind the bar?" she asked, as she flicked
her gaze towards my crotch. Jesus, if I got down to brass tacks, I could beat
my record with two minutes to spare. What? No reason to try and hold
back...this is one of those instances where it's a sprint,
a fuckin' marathon.


I eyed her
suggestively, and leaned my hands against the bar rail, leaning in close to
her, while she brought her face within inches of mine, as I said, "The
good shit's in the back." I craned my neck towards the back hallway, and
she hopped down off her stool, following behind me as she giggled with glee,
clapping her hands like she'd just won a spin at the wheel on The Price is
Right. As she trailed behind me, I turned around, put my finger up to my lips,
and whispered softly, "Shhh." I knew we were the only ones there, but
I got off on seeing her want to please me. She settled down and did as I
instructed, as we crept into the office like two children trying to sneak in
after curfew. The look of anticipation in her eyes was priceless.


I quietly
clicked the door shut behind us for show, keeping up with the charade, and
turned the lock with a silent calmness. Then all bets were off. I pulled her
into me, spun her around and pinned her up against the wall, hiking her skin
tight, ass-hugging dress up around her curvy hips, as she straddled my waist.
Our mouths and tongues were all over each other, as I pulled her dress and bra
straps down, freeing her ample breasts to suckle her taut pink nipples, while
she fought furiously to unleash my rock hard cock that was straining against my


Once she'd
freed me, I ripped her skimpy g-string from her bare shaven pussy, and didn't
bother dipping my fingers; her panties were soaked...she was ready, and I was
willing. The clock was ticking. I thrust my solid dick inside her wet warmth,
as she let out a loud gasp, not bothering to hide her heightened pleasure.
Slamming into her with a ravenous pace, the walls echoed my voracious assault
on her. And she loved every second of it, if her moans and squeals were any
indications. "Fuck, I'm gonna come, baby," she declared, which only
made my cock harden to steel and twitch inside of her tight, clenching channel.
I hope to Christ this bitch is on the pill because
I'm about to shoot a massive load inside her tight little pussy right...


fuck, honey! Don't stop. Milk me. Yeah, baby," I wailed in a strangled,
throaty moan, as my climax slowly descended, sweat gathering on my forehead. I
leaned my head against the wall and pulled out of her as she untangled herself
from me, both of us panting like wild cheetahs. "Jesus, fuck, honey,"
I said, trying to calm my breathing, as she giggled, no doubt proud of her
accomplishment in her afterglow.


I finally
leaned up, quickly buttoned my jeans, and unlocked the door, ushering her out,
as she pulled her dress down. She looked at me and smiled, holding her hand out
for me to take, saying, "I'm Leila by the way."


I handed her
her ripped panties, as opposed to shaking her hand, and said, "I gotta get
back to work, Leila," blandly. She gave me a wounded expression, and
walked out the door, as I hung back, waiting for her to gather her things and
leave the bar.






"Jordan, I
need you to do me a favor," I barked out, rather than pled. "I need
you in here early today, man. And by early, I mean


"I'm kinda
in the middle of something, man," he brushed me off.


I was becoming
impatient. I didn't give a good goddamn fuck what he was in the middle
of...short of an appendectomy, his ass was coming in. "What's so fucking
important in your life, Jordan, that you can't come in a few hours early to
help me out, huh?" I pinned him down, continuing my rant, "You know,
Jim's out sick, I'm fucking here on two hours of sleep...but guess what? I'm
fucking here! By
Who else can I call?
Oh let me think. Why don't I give Piss Pants a call? I'm sure she'd be a big
help in the kitchen. I could show her where to plug in the frying pan. Fuck
all, Jordan!"


There was a
long pause before he said, "No I don't think you should call Hailey."


"No shit,
Sherlock, its called sarcasm. Ever heard of it? What's your deal with her
anyway? She's a twit. Get over it, man. I give it a week, tops. I'm surprised
she counted out her till correctly last night."


He sighed,
before saying, "Can you please not..." then lowering his voice, and
talking in a muffled tone, barely audible, he said,
it's Kellan...just, wait...I'll tell you in minute. No...I didn't tell
Was he talking to somebody else?
About me?


Now I was
pissed! Jordan was obviously hiding something from me, and that was the shit
that sent me off my fucking rocker, and he knew it. "What the
is going on, Jordan? And I swear to Christ, if
you don't fucking come clean right now, I'll beat your brains in with a
baseball bat." Silence. Ok, that was probably a bit overboard; but I was
losing my shit over my supposed best
friend keeping secrets from me, and talking about me behind my back. That shit
didn't fly with me. There were only three people I trusted in this world; me,
myself, and I. And this is exactly why.


Jordan sighed,
and finally broke the silence, saying, "Alright, man, Jesus, hang on...let
me go outside. People are staring at me."


"Where are
you? Church? The movies? What in the actual
is your problem? I'm coming...wherever you are. Where are you?"


he said, breathing as if he'd taken a short jaunt, "will you knock it off,
psycho? I'm on a date. And I'm not just gonna stand her up to come in and
relieve you. My shift starts at three. I'll be there at three." The phone
went dead, and I looked at it incredulously.
he just actually hang up on me? Defy me? I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna
LITERALLY KILL HIM!! After he helps me get caught up with this clusterfuck,
that is. Then I'm definitely gonna kill him!






I sat in the
restaurant, dreading Jordan's account of his conversation with Kellan. By the
sound coming through the other end of Jordan's phone...what little I could make
out of it, anyway, Kellan sounded pissed. Then again, Kellan seemed like he was
always pissed about one thing or another. I wondered if he had any other mood.
The only other thing I'd seen behind his magnetic eyes was desire; a desire I
couldn't help but be drawn into, nor shake.
are you doing thinking about the tornado that could easily blow through your
life, when you've got the most kind and caring man wanting to please you, with
no hidden agenda? Get your head out of your ass and your mind out of the


As I talked
myself out of my lust driven stupor, Jordan re entered the restaurant, looking
sexy as hell in his loose fitting jeans, tight t-shirt that showed off his
taught muscles in all the right places, and his hat turned with the bill to the
back, a bit of sweat gathering on the feathery locks of his forehead, no doubt
from standing in the muggy sun driven day, getting his ass chewed out by
Kellan, I can only assume. For what, I have no idea. Jordan probably left a
light on last night. I inwardly rolled my eyes, and let out a sigh as Jordan
sat back down to join me.


he said, sheepishly, looking up at me from under his lashes.


I sipped at my
frothy milkshake that I'd ordered in his absence, removing my lips from the
straw to peer up at him as he took his seat across from me at the booth we'd
chosen. Before I could wave off his apology, his gaze shot straight to my lips,
still wet from my milkshake, and I consciously licked the moisture from them as
he watched with rapt attention, his eyes never wavering. The desire filled
longing in his eyes was shooting straight to my core, but my mind was
transfixed on Kellan, wishing he were staring at me in this way, right here,
right now. What the
was I thinking?


My mind had
become a jumbled mess. I had a gorgeous man sitting across from me, who
obviously wanted more from me than a one-night stand, if my radar was correct;
and I was betting it was. Jordan just seemed like too much of a good guy to hit
it and quit it. And then there was Kellan, invading my mind like a serpent. I
couldn't break free from the hold he had over me. He was electric, and I felt a
charge every time he entered the room; even the thought of him set my body on
fire. I knew if I let myself become Kellan's prey, I'd only end up hurt in the
end. It would be quick, and unfortunately, not painless. If he had any
emotions, he sure as hell didn't have an 'on' switch, unless you count being a
heartless bastard as an emotion.

Chapter Six




Thank fuck we
were slow today. It's 2:47 and I'm on pins and needles waiting for fuck face to
show up so I can chew his boney ass out for hanging up on me earlier. Fucking
prick! He's gonna feel my wrath and if it means our friendship is affected,
then so be it.


 Despite the
fact that I'm running on fumes, I feel the adrenaline rush coming on and crack
my neck from side to side. I head over to the jukebox and decide to queue up a
song that fits my mood; "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" by Set It Off. The
playful beginning of the song fuels my madness, as I feel a fresh wave of
deviousness setting in. My mind immediately races back to the phone call I'd
had earlier with Jordan. Who was he talking to on the other end? He said he was
on a date. He hadn't mentioned a new toy in his life. Then again, Jordan
doesn't toy with women. If he only knew how easy they were to play with, he'd
be getting laid left and right.


But why the
secrecy? I was working myself up into a maddening panic just thinking of his deception.
I fucking hate liars. I'm no choir boy, and yeah, I've used a line or two to
pick up chicks, but I don't have to lie to get in their pants. I make no
promises, and though they might expect more up front, I tell them how it is as
soon as the deed is done...I don't fucking string them along. The last thing I
need is a clinger.


As I busied
myself behind the bar, lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard the back door
wrench open, and then slam shut. It was about fucking time he showed up. A few
moments later when Jordan walked around the corner, tying his apron, I stood
stoically staring at him, one hand placed on the bar, the other on my hip,
ready to rip him a new asshole, even though he hadn't made eye contact with me
yet. The seconds ticked by in silence as I waited for him to look at me. He
finished tying his apron, gave me a quick glance and a wide smile, and brushed
past me, setting to his tasks.
Really? He's just
gonna blow me off...and with a big goofy grin plastered on his motherfucking
face? Oh HELL NO!


My blood was
boiling as I slowly turned and stared at him in disbelief for a long moment
while he continued to cut lemons and prepare garnishes for drinks. Feeling my
stare, I'm sure, he finally looked over to me, innocently, doing a double take
before realizing not all was well. "Hey, man, you ok?" he asked with


I chuckled
obnoxiously, lowering my head and running my hand through my already mussed
hair before bringing my stinging gaze back to his confused one. "Am I
" I gritted out through clenched teeth.
"Listen here, you little punk," I bit out as I stalked towards him
while he turned to face me, confusion marring his face. "You've got some
fucking nerve hanging up on me, Jordan. You think I'm your bitch?" I asked
as I got within an inch of his face. I could see he was getting angry...good. I
was in the mood for a fight. "That's it, huh?
your bitch, huh, Jord. You got
somethin' to say? 'Cause I'm nobody's goddamn bitch, motherfucker! You wanna go
now?" Jordan looked at me like I had hit him with a two by four. I was he would know what I felt like earlier today when he had lied to me.
He lowered his head, shook it back and forth, threw his rag on the counter and
took a step back from me. "That's what I thought," I ground out.
Continuing, I spewed, "Now who's the bitch?" and spit at his feet.


"You know
what, Kellan," he retorted, "you're fucked in the head." I
laughed maniacally. He shook his head before going on. "All you care about
is yourself, you selfish prick!"


"What did
you just call me?" Now he had done it.
and I mean
gets away with talking down
to me. I got enough of it when I lived where the sad, sorry excuse for a sperm
donor caged me in for fifteen years before I stood up for myself and knocked
his goddamn teeth down his throat and then packed my shit and left for good.
I've been on my own ever since, and I've never taken anyone's shit since then;
I'm not about to start now. If Jordan wanted a piece of me, he was gonna get
the beat down of his life.


He postured and
made towards me as he said, "You heard me, Kellan. It's time
has the nerve to..."


I cocked my
fist and hit him square in the jaw, knocking him a good three feet backwards as
he stumbled, trying to regain his balance, shaking his head back and forth from
the impact. My knuckles hurt like a bitch, but I was ready to do even more
damage if need be. "You want some more? Come at me bro!" I yelled.


He furrowed his
brow, rubbing his chin as I stood in my stance ready to do battle, my fists
tight and hard, matching my expression. Just then, the solid, wooden front door
opened, but neither of us looked away from each other. I lowered my arms but
kept my fists at my sides, my face never changing. He threw the damp cloth at
my chest as I let it fall to the ground before he said, "You're an
asshole, you know that, Kellan," and walked off into the back, leaving me
to deal with the ordeal on my own. This wasn't exactly how I'd foreseen things
going between us. In fact I didn't plan for this at all. I guess I don't plan
much of anything in my life. I live one day at a time, always on the razor's






I wanted to
arrive at work with plenty of time to set up, so I decided to try and get to
work around 7:00, even though my shift didn't start until 8:00. I didn't quite
have this whole thing down to a science, yet, so better safe than sorry as far
as I was concerned. I wanted to make sure I had everything in place, especially
since there was going to be a band tonight, and I was told the place could get
pretty rowdy. I was sweating it, but excited at the same time to make some good


That was until
my car ran out of gas over two miles from the gas station, and a heck of a lot
further from my house. I'd left my purse behind...well because I didn't trust
anyone not to sneak into the back and steal it. Now I'm realizing if I call the
police for help, I don't even have ID on me. How stupid. I could have just
stored my purse in the trunk. The only other person I could think of to help me
was Jordan. I sure as hell wasn't calling the bar and asking Kellan for help. I
knew it was a long shot, as Kellan probably wouldn't let Jordan leave, but
right now, it was my only option.


I sent out a
text to him:




I waited for
what seemed like forever to get a response, but in all actuality was only two


I'm on thin ice with you know who, as it is. Can you call
your insurance company, or get a tow? I'll pay for it. :)


You think YOU'RE on thin ice? He'll have my head!


Its not even don't start until 8:00. I'll get
your shots ready.


Me: J
ordan...I have NO ONE ELSE to call!!


I'll try...that's all I can do. I can't promise anything.


Ok...thx...text me back. :)...but HURRY!


I sat there and
waited for Jordan to text me back confirming he was on his way. And waited, and
waited, and waited some more. Ten minutes went by and nothing. Had Kellan put
him in 'time out' for just the mention of it? Holy balls, I was going to get
fired on my second night. What the shit was I gonna do now? Not to mention I
was gonna have to hike it back to the house to get my purse and call for a tow.
What a night this was turning out to be.


Just as I was
pondering my awful situation, and how I was going to manage to get out of it, a
sleek black car approached, pulled off to the side of the road, and stopped
directly behind me; it's lights blinding into my rearview mirror. I couldn't
make out the driver, but it looked like a man, as he stepped from his car.
Please be a Good Samaritan and not an axe murderer.
As the man came up beside my window, wearing a long sleeved black shirt and
black jeans, I was feeling more and more like he wasn't the Good Samaritan
type. He tapped at my window, startling me, even though I knew he was near my
car. He remained standing, and I couldn't see his face. I locked my doors,
second-guessing whether or not I should roll down the window. I decided a crack
might not hurt.


After opening
the window just a hint, the man leaned down, and I nearly had a coronary when I
came face to face with Kellan. His expression was one of annoyance, and mine of
shock. I was speechless, and he finally broke the silence, saying, "You're
a pain in the ass, you know that." I didn't think I could be more stunned,
but yep...he knew how to draw a crowd. "
he continued, "You owe me twenty bucks. You can pay me back out of your
tips tonight."
Dick! Agghh!
Why does
he have to be so miserable?


I grabbed the
handle of my door, now thoroughly pissed, and pushed it open, purposely shoving
him aside with it as he backed up, giving me a harsh stare. He fished his
cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one, taking a long slow drag before
exhaling the smoke directly at me as I swatted it away. He smirked at me, and
then turned his head nonchalantly. Damn he looked sexy as sin when he hit that
cigarette, but he was goading me, and he knew it was affecting me. He was
pissing me off, and making me wet all at the same time, which was pissing me
off more!
Get ahold of yourself! He's a jerk.
You're asking for trouble.
"Well?" I fished.


what?" he asked in confusion.


you gonna fill my tank for me?"


He strutted
towards me, flicked his cigarette onto the road, and backed me against my car.
He grabbed my face with both of his hands, bringing his lips to within a
fraction of an inch from my ear, as he whispered, "You want me to fill
you, Hailey?" before taking my earlobe into his hot, wet mouth. I began to
tremble all over and stood immobile, speechless, wanting him to take me and
drink me in, as my breathing came in short pants.


His hot breath
against my neck had me wanting him to fill me until I couldn't take another
inch of him. I could feel his erection straining against his jeans and I
instinctively reached for the hem of his shirt. Before I could touch his skin,
he broke contact, shoved off of my car and away from me, saying, "Gas
can's in my trunk. I'll be back in a sec." Once again he'd managed to
leave me in a dazed, mortified, and confused state. Was he feeling the same
way, or just getting off on making me feel ashamed? I had to put an end to this
madness. Kellan's advances were like a drug...powerful and addictive. But
Jordan was the real deal...or probably could be, if I'd keep myself away from
Kellan. Easier said than done.

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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