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Authors: Desiree Holt

Firecracker (2 page)

BOOK: Firecracker
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“What? Oh, thanks. Yeah, I’m pretty excited about this.” She led the way out of the
barn to where her truck and trailer were parked.

Brody was equally as sexy, only wrapped in a different package. He had a lean bull-rider's
body and thick black hair that hung to the top of his collar and begged for fingers
to tunnel through it. Eyes the same midnight color took her in from head to toe. She
forced herself to make a conscious effort not to lick her lips.

“We were thinking,” Brody drawled. “That is—“

“Yeah,” Chad broke in. “About the party when the show closes?”

“We’d, uh, really like you to go with us.”

Dani put her tack in the bed of her truck then set the alarm she’d had specially installed.
Her equipment was worth a fortune, much more than the cost of the security to protect
it. She also made it a point to park close to the security guard, as an added precaution.

“The party, huh?” She faced them. Why not? They were going anyway. It would be more
fun if she were with them. Even though a lot of acquaintances would be there. “I’ll
probably only stay for about an hour, though.”

“We don’t expect to be there that long either.” Brody looked at Chad then back at
her. “We, uh, wondered if you’d like to have dinner with us. After.”

“Dinner?” Her heartbeat sped up a little. What was the matter with her? They’d had
dinner many times before, the three of them. Why did she think this time might be
different? Wishful thinking? God, it was so tempting to think of being in bed with
the two of them.

Dani, you hot little firecracker. Get your hormones in order. Dinner is probably all
they mean.

“I’ll need to shower and change first.”

“Tell you what.” Chad took her arm and guided her back toward the arena. “I think
today calls for a celebration. Let’s head downtown after the party, check into a fancy
hotel, and enjoy a special dinner. A celebration. For your big win today.”

“But I already have a motel room right near here.” Economy class, she reminded herself.
She never spent money she didn’t have to. Traveling the circuit could be expensive.

“Firecracker.” Brody stopped walking and turned her to face him. “Today’s win was
special. We’ve known you a long time. Let us do something nice for you. Check out
of your motel and allow us to put you up tonight like the queen you are. A rodeo queen.”

“It would be our pleasure,” Chad coaxed.

Why not? And if something more happens, well, what better way to celebrate the Fourth
of July?


Chapter Two


Dani stood under the hot water, letting the multiple heads spray her tired, sweaty
body. Exhilaration still raced through her bloodstream, and she couldn’t stop smiling.
At the party, she’d felt like a queen, people rushing to congratulate her and praise
her performance. But, even in the midst of the adulation, she’d been anxious to move
on to the rest of the evening. She hoped no one caught the glances Chad and Brody
cast her way.

At last, she was able to extricate herself. After checking her truck and trailer again
and giving Rosie one last pat for the night, she hopped in Chad’s SUV with the two
men, heading to one of the newest hotels in the city. The two men insisted on getting
a two-bedroom suite, assuring her they’d share one of the rooms.

“We want you to have a night to remember.” Brody grinned.

She did, too, and wondered if her ideas and theirs had any similarity. Because all
during the drive downtown and the check-in process, her fantasies had intruded on
her thoughts. Now, standing in the shower, soaping up her breasts and her pussy, she
closed her eyes and imagined Brody’s hands instead of hers. Or Chad’s. Or maybe both.
And that tingle she’d been feeling for the past few hours jumped into overdrive.

Stop. Probably all they want is what they said. To treat you to dinner and a night
in the lap of luxury.

I’d rather jump into the laps of those two men. What would they think of me if they

Giving herself a mental shake, she rinsed off and stepped out of the shower then wrapped
one of the oversized towels the hotel provided around her. It was warm from the heated
rack, one of the many little extravagances offered to guests. They had stopped at
her motel so she could check out and pick up her things. Her cosmetic case sat on
the vanity counter, open and waiting for her. But the basket next to it held a variety
of luxury items from a high-end manufacturer, tempting her to help herself.

Uncapping a bottle of scented skin lotion—
Lilac! Yum!—
she applied it liberally to every area of her body, including her freshly shaved legs
and trimmed pussy. The guys had told her they had a dinner reservation for eight o’clock,
so she should take her time. Relax. Pamper herself.

Okay. She could get with that program.

The basket held a selection of nail polish, the glittery red one catching her eye.
Creaming her feet and painting her toenails was a rare indulgence, so she took her
time, enjoying it. Then, still wrapped in the towel, she poured a glass of wine from
the minibar and lay down on the bed while her nails dried. Although she turned on
the television, she paid little attention to it, just sipped the chilled wine and
fantasized about the evening ahead.

An image appeared in her head of her naked body sandwiched between Chad and Brody.
Two pairs of hands stroked her. One mouth sucked a nipple while another trailed kisses
down her spine. Two hot cocks pressed against her, one to her pussy and one to her
ass. Instantly, the walls of her cunt contracted, and her clit tingled.

With a deliberate effort, she banished those thoughts, finished her wine, and swung
her legs off the bed. Hanging on the closet door was a dress she kept with her all
the time. It was her “just in case” dress. Just in case a special opportunity presented
itself. Like tonight. Okay, thong first, the silk fabric so thin and insubstantial
it might as well not exist. But it was all she could wear beneath the shimmery white
material of the dress. No bra, not with this outfit. Sliding the garment over her
head, she smoothed it carefully into place. The top was halter style, cut low enough
in front to give a tempting hint of cleavage and exposing her back down to the dimple
at the end of her spine. The skirt barely skimmed the tops of her knees, flaring out
above them and swirling as she moved.

She dug around in her jewelry box and found the red, white, and blue earrings she’d
bought from a rodeo vendor on impulse. Red stiletto peep-toe shoes, a matching clutch
bag, and she was ready.

Dani studied her image in the full-length mirror, turning this way and that to check
herself from all angles. Not bad. With the rich fall of red hair cascading down to
her waist, she thought she made a very sexy picture. Hot but not obvious.

Damn, girl. You’ll be plenty disappointed if this all turns out to be nothing more
than your imagination.

Somehow, though, she had a feeling it would be more than that. A lot more.

Letting out a slow breath, she opened the bedroom door and stepped into the living
room where Chad and Brody already waited.


Brody was afraid he’d swallow his tongue as he stared at Dani. Holy shit! If he’d
thought she was sexy in her rodeo outfits—and even in jeans and a T-shirt—that was
nothing compared to her appearance now. That dress. Those gorgeous eyes. And all that
luxuriant red hair that was the genesis of her nickname. She was a Firecracker all
right. He had to curl his hands into fists to keep from touching her all over. He
stole a glance at Chad, who wasn’t doing much better. Brody wanted to tell him to
roll up his tongue and put it back in his mouth.

“Um, will this do?” Dani glanced from one to the other.

Brody finally found his voice. “Yes. Absolutely. More than. Jesus, Dani, we’ll have
to fight off the other men with sticks.”

She laughed, a soft, musical sound. “I don’t think so, but it’s nice of you to say

Chad took a step forward and put his arm around her. “We’d better get out of here
this minute, or we might not get to dinner.”

Brody moved to her other side. “Chad’s right. I don’t need anything to eat but you,
sweet thing. But we promised you an elegant meal, and we always keep our word.”

Her body moved fluidly between them as they walked down the hall to the elevator.
Each brush of her hip, each sway of her breasts was about to drive him nuts. Probably
Chad, too. And those painted toenails peeking out of the fuck-me shoes. Holy damn

When they entered the hotel restaurant, the hostess smiled warmly at Chad and Brody
dressed almost identically in slacks, dress boots, and sports jackets. Brody caught
the appraising glance she gave Dani, a question in her eyes.
Who are you, and how did you manage to get two of them? Can I have one?

Brody tipped up his lips in a polite grin.
Forget it.
We’re all hers.

They followed the woman to a table by the window. Below them lay San Antonio’s famous
Riverwalk with its colorful shops and restaurants and the flat-bottomed boats cruising
slowly down the narrow waterway that was the San Antonio River. The walkways on either
side of the channel were jammed with holiday crowds.

“As many times as I’ve been here,” Dani told them, “I’ve never taken the time to wander
around down there. Or take one of those touristy river cruises.”

“Maybe we could remedy that after dinner.” Chad winked at Brody.

“Or tomorrow morning.” No way was he going anywhere tonight except that big suite
and the even bigger bed in the larger bedroom he and Chad had dumped their stuff in.
With the three of them naked on it. He didn’t mind sharing the bed with his friend
as long as sharing included Dani.

Dani flicked a glance from one to the other and curved those luscious lips in a warm
grin. “Oh, the morning sounds great. Maybe we could even have breakfast on the Riverwalk.”
A flash of uncertainty crossed her face. “I mean, that is, if you guys have the time.
And everything.”

Brody reached across the table and took her hand, folding his fingers around it. “For
you, sugar, we have all the time.”

Chad, not to be outdone, took her other hand. “Absolutely. I’m good. My bulls are
already on the road, and I don’t have to leave until late in the day.”

“Me, either. So, we’re all yours.”

In more ways than you can imagine.

Dani grinned down at her hands, linked with theirs, then back up at them.

“You guys planning to feed me my food or hold my glass for me?”

Brody chuckled. “I think she’s got a point, Chad.”

The meal was delicious, as he’d expected. He and Chad had eaten there before and never
been disappointed. But sharing it with Dani gave everything an extra special flavor.
Watching the delicate movement of her jaw as she chewed, the flex of muscles in her
graceful neck as she swallowed, the dainty way she dabbed at her lips with her napkin,
made him harder than forged steel. He’d bet his next winnings Chad felt the same way.

He did his best to be polite and behave himself as they ate when he really wanted
to drag her upstairs, shimmy her out of that dress that was pure sin, and lick every
inch of her naked body. When she lifted a glass with those slim, graceful, yet strong,
fingers, he imagined them wrapped around his cock. When she closed her lips around
a morsel of food, he felt Chad shift in his chair next to him. Was his friend picturing
those sensuous lips closing over the head of his shaft? Brody sure was. By the time
they got to dessert, he was sure they’d exhausted all possible subjects they could
discuss, and his balls had what felt like a permanent ache. When he slid a glance
at Chad, he sensed by the way his friend shifted in his chair and tried as surreptitiously
as possible to adjust his slacks he felt the same way.

And Dani? Was she impatient to be through with this and get to the rest of the evening?
She ate at a leisurely pace, enjoying their conversation, sipping her drink slowly.
From time to time, she would glance from one to the other, giving them a seductive
wink. She knew exactly what she was doing, the minx. As he was about to expire, watching
her lick crumbs from a piece of chocolate cake from her lips, he felt something against
his calf. Was that what he thought it was? It took every bit of effort on his part
not to react.

He held still, waiting to see if he’d feel it again. Yup. Sure enough. There it was,
Dani’s naked foot lightly rubbing his calf.

Holy shit!

Chad’s hand tightened around his glass of bourbon. So. She was teasing them both.
Mischief danced in her eyes. She swept her tongue in a slow, teasing move along her
full lower lip then did it again.

He tossed back the rest of his drink and signaled for the waiter.

“I think we might want to take this party upstairs. That okay with you, Dani?”

She grinned. “Absolutely.”

Tonight might turn out to be a lot more than just hot sex.


Despite her self-confident attitude, Dani was shaking in her fuck-me shoes. All through
dinner she’d prayed she hadn’t misread the hints Chad and Brody kept sending her.
She didn’t think so, but she’d never fielded signals from two men at the same time.

A ménage!

The thought sent a shiver skating over her skin.

They rode up in the elevator, each of them holding one of her hands, squeezing gently
now and then. Her anticipation had hit an all-time high by the time they reached the
suite. Once inside, Chad closed the door, the men shucked their jackets, and turned
her to face them.

“Here’s the deal, sugar.” Chad’s stare scorched her. “We’ve both wanted you for the
longest time. We want to take you to bed. Together. So if you’re not up for it, now’s
the time to say so.”

She let her gaze drift from one to the other and saw the same intensity in Brody’s

Put up or shut up, Dani.

“I, um, think that would be interesting.”

Brody arched an eyebrow. “Interesting?”

“Uh-huh. Real interesting.”

After a long minute, Chad broke the silence. “Well, hell. Then, darlin’, come here.”

He pulled her to his body, hands cupping her face, mouth taking her in a kiss that
sizzled down to her toes. His lips were firm and warm molding to hers. His tongue
slid out to trace the seam, urging her to open. When she did, he swept in with a slow
glide, coasting over the entire inner surface of her mouth.

Brody moved up behind her, his hands skimming her shoulders while he licked a delicate
line the length of her spine. Each spot he touched burst with fiery awareness that
spread over her bare back. Her nipples hardened against the smooth fabric of Chad’s
shirt and the crotch of her thong dampened with a sudden release of her juices.

She moaned softly into Chad’s mouth. As if directly connected by a thread, the swollen
thickness of Brady’s cock hardened and pressed against the crevice of her buttocks.
He slipped his hands between her body and Chad’s to cup her breasts, his thumbs rasping
in a light movement over her abruptly sensitive nipples.

“She feels damn good,” Brody crooned, his mouth on her shoulder.

“Tastes good, too,” Chad told him, easing back on the kiss. “But I think we’ve all
got way too many clothes on.”

“Well,” Brody drawled, “let’s do something about it.” He threaded his hands through
Dani’s long hair and twisted it into a knot so he could lick a spot on the back of
her neck. “Jesus, it’s like red silk. I’d like to take a picture of you wearing nothing
but all that gorgeous hair.”

BOOK: Firecracker
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