Read Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1 Online

Authors: Cat Montmorency

Tags: #BDSM;New Orleans;Kink;F/F Romance;f/m/f

Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1 (20 page)

BOOK: Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1
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God, she needed this. Needed Kara, needed to claim her this way, to show her—to show her what? She nipped at Kara’s slender hip, glancing back up to find green eyes locked on her, begging silently. A look that set Moira on fire with the need to answer it. With a desperate yank, she managed to finally get rid of the shorts, and Moira’s tipsy mind only had attention for one thing. Except it wasn’t the alcohol anymore that had her like this. It only made the doubt vanish. She was drunk on Kara, on her smell, on the need in her eyes, the soft desperation in the noises she made.

Eyes still locked with Kara’s, Moira bit her lip and crooked the fingers still wrapped in velvety warmth, rubbing into that one perfect spot that made her whimper so beautifully. Leaning in, she gently kissed Kara’s bare mons, then wrapped her whole mouth around her clit. She sucked, humming at the pleasure the simple action gave her, and chuckled at the way it made Kara moan and buck her hips. She wrapped her free hand around Kara’s thigh, pinning her down. Dragging the flat of her tongue along the swollen nub, Moira curled her fingers in shallow thrusts that rubbed against her G-spot, while Kara mewled with delight. She sucked harder as her fingers worked, laving her tongue against her rigid bud, while savoring the salty sweet taste of her wetness, a taste that turned her on more than she thought was possible.

She lost herself in Kara, in the wet heat surrounding her fingers, in the needy, noisy thrashing of her hips, in the taste of her. Until she felt Kara’s entire body trembling under her. Only then did Moira whisper against her, “Come for me.”

Kara’s body surged, her inner muscles clenching tight against Moira’s fingers. Moira smiled, stilling her fingers, but letting her mouth gently coax her through the aftershocks of orgasm. She didn’t move until Kara lay quiet but for her exhausted breathing. Then, Moira turned her head and gently kissed the soft skin of Kara’s thigh with a relaxed hum.

And when Kara grew calm again, Moira moved so her head rested on Kara’s stomach and sighed contentedly. “I’m not letting her have you,” she mumbled. “Not without a fight.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“Thank you, Mistress Dark Angel. I’ll definitely be requesting you again.”

Moira smiled at her client. “Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed our session.”

Adrian wasn’t waiting at the door when she left, but she could hear his voice, the telltale slow Louisiana drawl punctuated by intermittent French. She looked around, but he wasn’t in sight.

“What did you find out?”

Moira froze, her hand still on the doorknob behind her. The answering voice was a deep rumble, with a hint of an accent, but she couldn’t make out what he said before Adrian answered.

“Absolutely not. Keep looking. I need time, mon frère, and more answers.”

Moira’s curiosity was piqued. She wondered what they were talking about—what had Adrian sounding so nervous? Worried? But even more, she wondered who the other man was.

“Bien fait, mon ange noir.”

Moira jumped. She’d been so lost in thought she hadn’t seen Adrian walk up to her.

Adrian’s eyebrows lifted in an amused expression. “Everything all right, ma chère?”

“Yes, it’s fine. Who were you—?”

Adrian waved her question away, and his expression shifted to one of immense pride as he offered his arm. “You did an excellent job, mon ange noir.”

She took his arm. “Thank you, Maître. You have no idea how hard it was not to laugh. Naughty Teacher fetish? Really?”

“The world takes all kinds, mon ange. I thought you’d appreciate it.”

Moira laughed. “Oh, I appreciated it. But right now, I would appreciate food even more. And being able to change out of this ridiculous outfit.”

Adrian stopped and stepped back to admire her. “I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all. Au contraire. C’est magnifique.” He gave her a lusty smile.

Moira shook her head with a smile and wagged a finger at him. “Don’t get any ideas, Adrian. I have a session with Tamara and her sub tonight, and you know it. I don’t need you exhausting me. What I need is food, and now.”

Adrian laughed, putting her hand back on his arm and leading her on. “Mon pauvre ange noir. At least let me take you to dinner then. Bon?”

“Very bon.”

“Très bon. I’ve called in a favor. They’re holding seats for us at Brennan’s.”


Adrian chuckled. “Only the best, mon ange.” He snapped his fingers, and Devon appeared out of nowhere. In no time, they were in Adrian’s car as Devon slowly wove his way through the marginally drivable streets.

Inside Brennan’s, Moira smiled as Adrian pulled out her chair on the cozy second-floor balcony, and sat while the waiter returned with wine. Moira picked up her menu, but Adrian took it and ordered the pompano a la plancha for them both, and then shooed the waiter away.

Moira gave him her best
excuse me?

Adrian smiled. “You are on a schedule, n’est-ce pas?”

“You just like ordering.”

“Oui, this is also true.” He sat back and sipped his wine. “Have you had the vay-yay with our Kara yet?”

Moira reached out for her wine and thought better of it. “Sort of. Not really.”

“I had the most interesting call from her this morning.”

Moira winced and sipped her wine anyway. “I might have shown up at her place a little drunk last night.”

“Oui? Do tell, please. She asked if she could have a session tonight.”

Moira had a flash of memory, recalling the first session she’d witnessed. Kara, mostly naked, bound and gagged on her knees, being whipped by the brewmaster Ian, and loving every minute of it. Moira looked away.

“Tell me what happened yesterday, mon ange.”

Moira took another sip and forced herself to put it back on the table. “First I need you to promise to enforce a strict two-drink limit for me tonight.”

Adrian gave her a look that was both sad and amused. “If L’Ange Noir insists.”

“I don’t need to go into a session tipsy, thanks.” Moira sighed, and sat back. “Tamara came to see me after work. We went to dinner and discussed how she thinks I’ve had Kara long enough. And then she asked me to top Josephine tonight. Oh, and I drank too much wine, which resulted in me showing up at Kara’s drunk. I was drunk, and things were weird, and I’m pretty sure I told her Tamara couldn’t have her. After I went down on her.”

Adrian leaned back on his chair and rested his chin in his hand. “Why did Tamara ask you to top Josephine, do you think?”

“You really like to play therapist, don’t you? She probably thinks if I get more experience with girls, the novelty of Kara being my first will wear off.”

“Mais, do you think she’s right?”

Moira took a deep breath, remembering the surge of possessiveness she’d felt, and the taste of Kara on her tongue. “No.”

Their waiter chose that moment to reappear with food. They waited in silence while he arranged their plates and asked if they needed anything else, and then they continued their conversation when he’d left.

“No, I don’t think she’s right. Kara… She’s always been in my life. Nothing can change how I feel about her, unless it’s to make my feelings stronger.”

“Then agreeing to top Josephine tonight, it’s your proof of concept, as it were. And you told Kara, oui?”

Moira took a bite and let the spicy shrimp burn her mouth. She gave an appreciative sigh before answering. “I told her about the conversation and invited her to come tonight.”

“Dieu m’aide. Small wonder she asked for Gideon.”

Moira choked and dropped her fork. The crash of the utensil on the plate sounded louder than a cannon to her. “What? She’s terrified of him. Called him scary as fuck. Said she’d never let him top her, because he didn’t top, he owned.”

Adrian raised his eyebrow. “She has the right of it.”

“Then why? Why would she do that?”

Adrian sighed. “Mon ange noir, you women are supposed to be better at analyzing relationships than men.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you and your Kara seriously need to have that vay-yay. And sooner would be far preferable to later.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Then you need to ask her. Now eat, you have a busy night ahead of you.”

Moira stared at him and then shook her head and went back to eating. But the idea that Kara had called Adrian because of something she’d said or done last night wouldn’t let her go.

Moira left the dungeon with a pleased smile. She’d left Tamara with Josephine, but the Domme had given her a pleased and impressed look as she’d walked out. Moira had invited her to participate, and the two of them had given Josephine the most thorough working over Moira had ever been a part of. She was truly loving the variety that kink offered. It was amazing the things she found that turned people on.

Like nipple clamps. Those had been fun.

And Tamara had let her have the lead all session. So her parting look had meant a lot.

Adrian’s look, however, was priceless.

“You watched, I take it?”

“Maîtresse, you made me very hard tonight. And proud.”

Moira struck a pose and winked, grinning, before taking his arm. “I’m glad you approve. I’m rather proud of myself.”

“Mon ange noir, I approve very much, and you should be.” He leveled a heated look at her. “But have you given thought to our suppertime vay-yay?”

Moira wrinkled her nose, her high disappearing. “It doesn’t change anything. Except I think Tamara and I both have more respect for each other. Where is Kara, anyway?”

Adrian cocked his head. “She may still be in with Gideon. Viens.” He twirled her around and then led her down another hall to another door. But the room inside was empty. No mysterious Gideon, and no Kara.

Adrian pulled a phone out of his pocket and dialed, his foot tapping impatiently on the floor until his call was answered. “Ah, Devon, where is our Kara?”

A look that was equal parts confusion and worry flashed across his face before his expression smoothed again. “Bon. Merci.”

Moira stared at him with a flash of anxiety. “What’s going on?”

Adrian ushered her back out of the empty room. “It would appear she’s gone home. He said they finished some time ago.”

Moira’s eyebrows fell together. “That’s…” Her thought faded into nothing.

“Mon ange?”

She shook her head. “I’ll call her, I guess. I’m going to go home, Adrian. I’m tired.”

Adrian’s eyebrow rose. He reached out with a finger to lift Moira’s chin. “You may stay here, if you wish.”

Moira bit her lip, considering it, but shook her head. “No. Thanks. I think I’d rather go home.” She turned and started to walk away, but Adrian caught her hand.

“At least let Devon drive you home, mon ange.”

Moira opened her mouth to protest but found she was suddenly too tired to. “Fine.”

Adrian typed a quick message before letting her go, and Devon met her downstairs with her things. The night air felt too cold after the heat of her session, making her shiver as she climbed in the car. Her earlier elation had vanished with the heat, leaving her confused and sad. Pulling her coat more tightly around her, she took out her phone and hit Kara’s number. The line rang twice, three times and a fourth.

“Hey, this is Kara Deschamps, you know what to do.”

Moira stared at her phone for a moment and killed the call without leaving a message.

She woke to the slightest touch drifting down her face.

“Hey, hon.”

Kara sat on the edge of her bed, the fingers of one hand gently brushing away the dark strands of Moira’s hair. Her makeup was smudged, and her black dress looked like it hadn’t been home all night.

Moira caught Kara’s hand and stilled it. “You asked for a session with Gideon. And you left Adrian’s early.”

Kara wrinkled her nose. “I know. Sorry. Wasn’t feeling it, I guess.”

Moira raised an eyebrow in silent question. “Kara, you said you were terrified of the guy. Why would you ask for a session with him?”

She didn’t answer, so Moira tried a different approach.

“You were wandering Bourbon Street again, weren’t you?”

Kara looked away. “I didn’t do anything. Drank less than I could’ve and said no to every proposition.”

Moira’s concern ratcheted up. That wasn’t like Kara at all. “Then, what were you doing?”

Kara shrugged. “I don’t know. How did your session go?”

“You’re changing the topic.”

“You noticed. So how did it go?”

Moira rolled her eyes. “Which one?”



Kara glared at her. “That’s not an answer.”

“Neither is changing the subject.”

Kara groaned and flopped down on the bed, landing across Moira’s legs. “You first.”


“Look, I’ve been on your couch since four. Please?”

Moira sat up. “Why the couch? I’ve let you share my bed as long as I’ve known you.”

Kara ground the heels of her palms into her eyes and groaned. “I didn’t want to wake you up. I saw you called, so I came over, but you were sound asleep.”

“That’s never stopped you before.”

Kara looked away without answering.


“Just tell me about your session, please?” Kara’s voice was barely audible. “The one with Mistress Tamara’s sub.”


Kara nodded.

Moira fell back to her pillows. “It was fine. I let Tamara join in.”


“And what?” Moira pushed up on her elbows to look at her friend, but Kara was still facing the other way. “I beat the fuck out of her and she liked it. What do you want me to tell you?”

“I don’t know.” Kara stared at the ceiling and then draped her arms over her eyes. “Did you like it?”

Moira stared at her. “What are you talking about? I had fun, sure, but…”

“Tamara was hoping you’d like Josephine.”

Moira sat up the rest of the way, her thoughts stuck. “Wait, what?”

Kara sighed. “Mistress Tamara. She was hoping you’d like Josephine.”

Moira barked a laugh. “What, enough to collar her? That’s… I don’t even know what that is. First off, she’s being trained for Adrian, and second, I’m not ready to collar anyone. I’m way too new at this still. I don’t even think I’m out of training yet.”

Kara snorted. “That’s not what I heard.”

“Kara, what are you talking about?”

Kara sat up and pushed off the bed. “Nothing. Something Master Gideon said.”

Moira lunged forward and grabbed her arm. “Hang on, we’re not done. Why were you even with him?”


Moira’s phone rang, startling them both with some classic blues track that was completely the opposite of her normal ringtone.

“Shit.” Damn Adrian. Moira glanced at her phone and back at Kara. “I’m serious. We’re not done.” She waited until Kara nodded before letting go of her arm and reaching for the phone. “Adrian, you need to stop fucking with my phone when I’m not looking.”

“Mon petit ange noir, bon matin.” The amusement in his voice made her head hurt.

“I had a really late night, Adrian. One you were present for.”

Adrian laughed. “So I recall. You left me with an ahnvee that took most of the night to satisfy. I’m afraid I exhausted my girls. And Devon.”

Moira closed her eyes and pressed a hand into her forehead. “That’s a lovely compliment, one I appreciate, but that doesn’t explain why you called.”

He hesitated. “A client came in. I need you to take him this afternoon.”

“Dammit, Adrian. Did you miss the part where I’m exhausted?”

“You’ll have to forgive me, mon ange, but I really do need you to take him.”

Moira caught movement out of the corner of her eyes as Kara crept toward the door. She snapped her fingers and pointed to the chair. Kara sighed and sat. “Fine. Can I call you back for details? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

The amusement was back. “Mon ange, I thought you said you were exhausted?”


He laughed. “Bien sûr. Until later then, Maîtresse.”

Moira killed the call and tossed the phone to the bed before walking over to Kara. “Now, spill. What’s all this about?”

Kara shook her head. “Nothing. It’s only me being stupid.”

“No way. I’m not letting you play that card. What did Gideon say that has you all tied up in knots, and why him?”

BOOK: Fleur de Nuit: Bourbon Street Bondage, Book 1
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