Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (13 page)

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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“No, I’m not,”
growled. “It makes me want to claw out their eyes that they’ve seen you naked.”

“But it’s something
I want
,” he said firmly and started running his fingers over his hard cock. “Nothing gets me harder than knowing someone’s watching, desiring what we’re doing,
. You have a decision to make.”

“What’s that?”

“You can either swallow those feelings and put what I want, what I need first, like you promised,” Garreck answered with a shrug. “Or you can deny me and show that you’re always going to be in charge, bossing me around like a child instead of a partner.”

“That’s not fair, Garreck,”
whispered as he searched Garreck’s face for answers. “I’m trying to do what’s best for you and the baby. You think I’ve not wanted you? I’ve been
to make love to my mates since I brought you back home. But I’ve been scared you’ll reject me or that I’ll do more damage to you both.”

“You need to trust us, big guy,” he said softly as he took
’s face in his hands. He had no idea that his dragon had been feeling this way, and he said as much. “How was I supposed to know you felt this way if you won’t talk to us? You’ve been treating us like pampered pets or responsibilities, not like mates who you respect and desire. I’m not a mind reader, Austin.”

“I want you, Garreck,”
whispered as he leaned in to kiss him. “I want you so much it hurts and tears my soul apart at what I’ve done.”

“Show me that you put us first. Give me what I need as your man, Austin,” Garreck replied firmly but quietly as he hopped up on the desk. He wanted this to happen, but not break this willing spell
seemed to be in. “I’m not asking you to film us always and send out porn tapes to your friends. I’m asking you understand that I’m an exhibitionist at heart and swallow your jealousy. It’s not that you are shy or care if someone is watching, is it?”

“No, I’ve had public sex before,”
answered slowly as he opened the desk drawer and pulled out the lube. Garreck wanted to pump his fist in the air at his victory. “I’ve liked it when it’s a nameless person. But you are my mate, sweetheart. I don’t want to share you with anyone but Dante.”

“You are not sharing me.” He giggled as he took the lube and squirted some on
’s fingers. Then he glanced over his shoulder at a very uncomfortable Wolf and Tiny, who were looking
but at them. “You just aren’t going to touch me, are you? You are not thinking that you’re going to fuck me next, right?”

“No,” they both said together, Tiny swallowing loudly.

“See? They’re going to sit there and watch, wishing they could be a part of this as we drive them insane with lust.” He winked at
as he moved his hand to Garreck’s hole and lay back on the desk. “They’re going to get off on how amazing you are when you take me. How hot our sex life is. Not because they want to take me away from you. There’s nothing to be jealous of.”

“So it’s like a once and a while kink, right?”
asked after a few moments, rubbing his fingers over Garreck’s hole. “It won’t be that you just always want Tiny and Wolf to watch because you’re thinking of them or wishing it was them taking you.”

“God, no,” he gasped, his eyes going wide with shock as he stared at
. “It’s not about them in the slightest. It could be strangers at a sex club for all I care. Just sometimes I like to be on display for people to see us. It’s simply one of my kinks.”

“Oh shit,”
moaned as he pushed two fingers into Garreck. “You’d really let me fuck you in the middle of a club and then take you home to do it again?”

“Fuck yeah,” he whimpered, the idea getting him hot. “I demand it once a month. Dante will do the rest of the time.”

“I can handle that then,”
growled and fucked him with his fingers. “Did you stretch yourself out for me, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” he hissed as
slid in a third finger easily. “I thought it would be harder for you to say no if I was all ready to go. Fuck me, Austin. Please, your mate needs you.”

“Gladly.” his big dragon growled.
pulled his fingers out before yanking Garreck off the desk. He let out a shocked yelp as
sat back in his chair with Garreck on his lap.

“Am I going to ride you?” He purred, licking
’s neck as the bigger man undid his pants.

“Sort of.” Garreck was shocked when he was spun around so his back was against
’s chest. His jaw just about hit the ground when
moved the desk chair so it was out from behind the desk, giving Tiny and Wolf a front row seat to the action from the couch they were sitting on off to the side of the office. “Is this what you wanted, sweetheart?”

“Fuck yeah,” he gasped, shaking with anticipation and desire.

“Put your hands on my knees,”
ordered, and Garreck was quick to comply. He moaned as
moved his massive cock against this hole and moved his hips back down.

“Shit,” he hissed as the burn started. No matter how much he had stretched himself,
was huge, and there would always be that slight delicious burn Garreck craved.

“So fucking good,”
moaned as he moved Garreck the rest of the way so his cock was all the way inside of his mate. Then he pulled Garreck back against his chest and ran his fingers over his mate’s leaking dick. “Look at the lust in their eyes for you, sweetheart.”

Garreck’s eyes snapped open at the erotic words. An evil smile spread across his face when he saw Tiny’s chest heaving and Wolf looking at him like he was lunch.

“Whip them out, boys,” he purred as he plucked his nipples. “Might as well let you find your release if we’re going to torture you.”

“Thank fuck,” Wolf groaned and unzipped his fly.

“They’re hard for you, Garreck,”
growled, sending shivers down Garreck’s spine. His big mate lifted him off with ease before slamming him right back down. He cried out and wrapped his arms back around
’s neck. “You like being on display for their watchful eyes, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah,” he whimpered. It’s what got him off about being watched. “That or they wish they were the ones riding your cock, my mate. And it gets me off that they can want you all they want, but you are

“I am yours,”
whispered in his ear before nipping his neck. “Just as you and Dante are forever mine.” He punctuated his statement by thrusting up into Garreck hard with each word. “Who do you belong to, Garreck?”

“You and Dante,” he groaned, his eyes focusing on Tiny and Wolf as they stroked themselves. He spoke directly to them then. “I belong to
. My ass and cock are his.”

“That’s right, you tell them,”
growled as he started thrusting faster. “It gets me hot when you declare it, Garreck.”

“I know,” he replied as he moved his hips in time with his mate’s thrusts. “It’s your baby inside of me, Austin.”

“Oh fuck,” his mate whimpered, and Garreck realized how carrying
’s child was the absolute aphrodisiac to the dragon.

“We’re tied together forever. Our child is proof of that bond.”

“Yes, yes he is,”
hissed in his ear and then bit his other shoulder gently.

“Fuck, he’s gorgeous,” Tiny groaned, his eyes devouring Garreck as he stroked himself faster.

“He’s mine,”
snarled as he moved one had off Garreck’s hips and stroked his cock. “You haven’t even seen him come yet. There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than when my men climax.”

“I believe it,” Wolf whimpered, and Garreck felt a thrill go through him. It wasn’t
they wanted to be with. It was him. Part of his exhibitionist streak was him showing ownership on the person he was with. Reminding everyone what he was willing to do for his man and who belonged to him. But this time it was thrilling to know it was him they wanted.

“Come for me, love,”
said firmly as he stroked Garreck hard and fast. He gasped at the endearment his dragon had used. Did
realize what he’d just said? The idea of
being in love with him was enough to push him over the edge already.

Garreck threw his head back on
’s shoulder and screamed as his orgasm hit him out of nowhere like a freight train. He gasped as wave after wave hit him as his eyes shot open when he heard an unfamiliar grunt. Wolf came hard, shooting cum all over his shirt as his eyes never left Garreck.

“Your ass is like heaven,”
groaned before sinking his teeth deep into Garreck’s neck. He cried out at the pleasure the bite gave him, coming even harder. Seconds later,
yelled around his flesh as he filled Garreck’s ass with his seed.

“Holy shit,” he whimpered as his body started to go limp. “You are going to keep me knocked up always the way it gets you hot.”

Tiny moaned loudly as he shot his load. It was then that Garreck saw something flash over his eyes for the briefest of moments. While Tiny might have been watching Garreck and thought he was hot, it was Wolf who Tiny was wanting to be with in the room. Tiny’s gaze came back to him, and Garreck gave him a small smile of understanding. He’d have to file away that information for later, he thought, and then wondered if Tiny had ever told Wolf how he felt.

Garreck’s thoughts were interrupted when
’s knot came out and latched onto his prostate. His eyes started to roll up into his head as another whirlwind orgasm slammed into him.

“I fucking love that knot,” he groaned before everything went dark.

Chapter 8

“You’re a very lucky man, boss,” Tiny said after they all calmed back down.

“Surprised you enjoyed it and all since you are
,” Wolf snarled as
just stared at him. He yanked his pants up, stood, and stormed out of the room before they could reply.
really hoped he at least zipped up before Kelley saw him. That would be an awkward mess for him to clean up later.

“You care to explain that one?”

“I guess he thought I was straight,” Tiny answered as he worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “Don’t know why that would be since dragons are all pretty much bisexual.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never touched a woman,”
said gently. “We may not care as humans do about what the plumbing is and focus on the person themselves. But most of us have a preference. Maybe Wolf got his signals crossed.”

“Shouldn’t matter since we just work together,” Tiny replied after a few moments, shaking his head as he stood up.
eyed his long time friend and employee over as the dragon muttered to himself and grabbed a few tissues off of his desk.

“Tell him, Tiny,”
whispered, shocking himself as much as Tiny by the set of the man’s shoulders. “Don’t risk screwing up like I did because I pushed them away instead of just talking to them. My mate would never have suffered the humiliation he did if I’d just talked to them that day instead of letting Kelley clean up my mess.”

BOOK: Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
7.52Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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