Forbidden Firsts: Colette's Blackmailing [PI Lesbian BDSM Threesome Strap-on Voyeur Erotica]

BOOK: Forbidden Firsts: Colette's Blackmailing [PI Lesbian BDSM Threesome Strap-on Voyeur Erotica]
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Forbidden Firsts: Colette’s Blackmailing

Lula Lisbon

Copyright © 2012 Lula Lisbon

Cover Design Copyright © 2012 Lula Lisbon

Amazon Kindle Edition

This book is intended for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language, which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where minors cannot access them.

“Hello?” Colette answered her cell phone on the second ring.

“Hi, sweetie. I have a graduation surprise for you and your sister,” Aunt Judy said. They weren’t actually related, but Judy had been a friend of Colette’s adopted mother since high school. The two older women had been as close as sisters ever since.

“Oh, well, Madeleine just stepped out to do the shopping. Do you want me to wait for her to get back, or should I come over, and she can meet us at your place a little later?” Colette’s adopted older sister, Madeleine, loved to grocery shop. Colette hated it, so Madeleine happily had taken over the task after the two of them had graduated high school and college respectively, and moved back home for the summer.

“You come over now, it’s more for you than your sister, really— I don’t think she’ll mind coming late.”

“Okay, I can’t wait!” Colette enthused. “Thanks, Aunt Judy, I’ll be there soon!”

Judy’s girlfriend, Moira, answered the door. She was tall and slim, with shoulder-length hair and an imposing demeanor.
Her shimmering red silk satin blouse enhanced her dark eyes and echoed her crimson-painted lips. Colette had only met her twice before, and though she’d noticed the older woman admiring her figure, she’d pretended not to notice. Secretly, Colette was a little intimidated by Moira; she moved with a confident feline grace that made her seem ageless, yet thoroughly dominant. There was something about the powerful way she carried herself that gave her away as gay, though her no-nonsense feminine style did not. Judy, on the other hand, was always bubbly and gregarious. People looking at the gorgeous, high-maintenance brunette generally didn’t pick up on the fact that she wasn’t straight.

“What is it, Aunt Judy?” Colette asked eagerly as she turned the corner into the living room. The younger woman’s pixie cut framed her face, and from certain angles, it was easy to see a good resemblance to Audrey Hepburn in features and coloring.

“Well,” Judy said slyly, her eyes catching Moira’s briefly and sharing a knowing glance, “before I tell you, I’d like to know a few things. Now, answer me truthfully: have you ever been with a man?”

Colette’s jaw dropped; she was taken aback by her aunt’s suddenly blunt question. Colette had made out with a few boys here and there, but having just graduated from a strict all-girls’ Catholic high school, she just hadn’t had much opportunity to meet many. With other girls, though… that was another story. She was too shy to let her aunt know everything about what she’d done with them, even though she knew Judy was a lesbian.

“Um… what?”

“You heard me. Have you ever been with a man?” Judy’s tone deflated any further attempts at deflection.

“N— no, Aunt Judy, unless you mean some kissing and light petting. But I’ve never touched a boy’s— well, you know.”

Judy made a noise of approval, a smile playing on her rose-painted lips. “So you’re a virgin, then?”

Colette blushed. She knew her aunt was something of a black sheep, so she’d always felt comfortable telling Judy her most intimate secrets — but for some reason it was different now. She felt a little strange, but tried to ignore the burgeoning little flutter inside her panties. “Y— yes, Aunt Judy.” She felt her face grow hotter as the two older women held her in their stern gazes; she felt like a small rabbit, cornered by two big cats.

“And have you been with other girls your age? Or maybe even women… a little older?” Moira asked, her low, smoky voice redolent of cigarettes and brandy. She toyed with a heavy gold chain at her neck, her dark eyes never leaving the younger girl’s face. Colette dropped her gaze to the floor. If Aunt Judy had been alone, she wouldn’t feel quite so uncomfortable disclosing everything she’d done in the dormitories at school, but Moira was nearly a stranger to her, and Colette felt uncharacteristically reticent. The silence dragged on, color staining Colette’s cheeks a darker and darker pink as the moments ticked by.

“Well? Answer Moira, my dear!” Judy snapped, her voice ringing with a more commanding tone than Colette had ever heard her favorite aunt use.

“I— well, yes, Aunt Judy, I’ve been with a few other girls,” she admitted reluctantly. “Mostly in the dorms in senior year, after lights out, but sometimes in other places too. We were horny, just turned eighteen, and there weren’t any boys around at our school. I mean, what else were we supposed to do?”

Moira leaned forward in her armchair intently, eyes gleaming. “What exactly have you done with other girls? Did you yourself initiate these encounters? Even the first time?” Colette’s heart pounded; she was intensely embarrassed at this line of questioning, but she couldn’t deny that there was something about it that really turned her on. Her aunt and Moira were maybe twenty-five years older, more experienced in life, and no doubt could guess exactly what Colette had been up to in her clandestine schoolgirl trysts.

“Yes, I always made the first move. So, well, my first time,” Colette continued slowly, “My roommate and I made out.” She paused, not sure how much information to give.

“Come on, girl, I want to hear details! Go on, and don’t you dare leave anything out!” There was an authoritative edge to Moira’s command, and Colette responded almost subconsciously to the older woman’s dominance.

“We had separate beds, but it got to the point where usually we’d both sleep in the same bed. We had to be careful, in case the nuns randomly checked in on us, but they never did. We knew the schedule for the rounds, so we’d get into bed together after that.”

“Go on,” Aunt Judy said encouragingly. “Tell us everything.”

“Um, well, it was a tight fit, since they were twin beds, so we had to stay close. First it started as just kissing, you know, as practice for when we’d meet guys. But— well, I started to really like it. I wanted more, so I’d kiss her neck just because I found out it drove her wild. She — her name was Mary — Mary would start grinding her hips against me, making these little noises, and they drove me crazy. She had beautiful tits, smaller than mine, but a nice handful, and I loved to lick and suck them. She had to really fight to be quiet because if we’d been caught, we would have been expelled!”

“There’s more to this,” Moira said. It was a statement, not a question. Colette’s face felt even hotter. She felt like she was being interrogated. While it was intensely embarrassing, when she shifted in her chair, she couldn’t deny how wet her cunt was getting.

“Um, well, yeah,” Colette floundered. “Soon— well, soon I convinced her to let me touch her pussy, then lick it. I… I really loved it! The softness of her pussy, the taste of her juices, the feel of her hard little clit on my tongue… and when she’d cum for me, she’d get her wetness all over my face. I was pretty hooked. I got her to do the same for me once, but I could tell she wasn’t as into it. It was a little disappointing, but I was happy enough to eat her for hours instead. There were a lot of days where I could barely stay awake in class because I’d been eating Mary out all night long!”

“Interesting. And did you ever penetrate your prissy little friend?”

Colette blushed, but didn’t hold back her answer. “I fingered her once, but she was really tight, and scared that I might ruin her for her wedding night. I’d seen lots of fingering and fisting in porn videos at home in dad’s secret stash, but there was no way she’d ever let me do that to her. So I kind of got bored with her after that, and started checking out other girls. I ended up fucking quite a few of them, and we almost got caught a few times by the nuns. My nickname was B-doc, actually.”


“Big dyke on campus.” Colette giggled at the memory. “I think it was supposed to be derogatory, but frankly, I didn’t really care. I had a lot of fun this past year. One time, I even snuck out to go to an amateur night at a strip club! I’m pretty proud to say that I won second place, $250!”

Judy raised an eyebrow. “That must have been some performance. Does your mother know about any of this?”

Colette looked horrified. “God, no! I think she’d disown me! You know how she feels about that kind of stuff!” Judy only smiled in response.

“I think I speak for both Judy and myself in that I’m very curious to see the sort of routine you did to win that money, my dear,” Moira said deviously, eyes slitted. Colette’s heart pounded, and her stomach dropped. She knew she was dripping wet, confessing all this, but stripping for her aunt and her aunt’s friend? That was going too far!

“I— I couldn’t possibly!” She stammered, flustered. Moira’s amused smile grew cold.

“I think you can, and will, if you don’t want your mother to find out what a little whore you’ve been! And right under all the nuns’ noses, no less.” Colette’s face flushed deeper, then grew pale at the thought. Her palms felt clammy, but her clit was throbbing with need. She’d always taken initiative with the young women she’d been with, and was accustomed to making all the first moves. But now
was the younger, inexperienced one. Not even counting the sudden blackmail, the two older women now had the upper hand by the very nature of their seniority.

“Okay,” Colette whispered, giving in without further protest. “But… maybe could I have some music to dance to?”

Judy got up to dim the lights, light a few candles, and put a CD on the stereo. Colette felt too warm suddenly, and knew she was blushing furiously. Soft music played, sensuous and slow, but even as her aunt and Moira got comfortable, she couldn’t make herself move.

“Colette, don’t keep us waiting!” Judy said, a sharp edge in her voice.

“Aunt Judy… I don’t… I can’t do it with you watching!”

“You’d prefer I leave the room, and you give my girlfriend a private show?” Colette didn’t in fact prefer that scenario, but, eyes darting back and forth between the two women, knew she had no choice. She nodded.

“Fine, but you’d better do a stellar job for Moira. She’ll definitely let me know if you don’t!” Judy said over her shoulder as she left the living room. Colette felt frozen as Moira stared at her, an appraising smile on her face.

“I won’t bite,” the older woman appeased, though Colette felt it was a bit like the spider cajoling the fly. “Come a little closer. Close your eyes, and just move to the music; show me how it makes you feel.” Obeying, and taking a deep breath to calm herself, Colette closed her eyes. She swayed her hips to the beat, her fingers grazing her body, feeling how her nipples were poking through the thin fabric of her tee shirt and bra. She stroked the flat expanse of her belly, caressed the hard points of her pelvis. Through her eyelashes, she peeked at Moira; Judy’s girlfriend was enjoying the view of Colette’s young body, desire clear on her angular face. Colette felt her pussy soaking her panties; and though she’d never considered it before, she wondered what it would be like to be the submissive one — to let an older, seasoned dyke take control of
for once.

Colette pulled up her shirt, exposing the smooth plain of her belly, and cupped her breasts in her hands. She danced closer to Moira, who reached for her, but Colette teasingly escaped the woman’s grasp at the last second. She stripped off the shirt, exposing a thin pink cotton bra, and Moira groaned.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” she said, eyes glued to the hard little points of Colette’s brown nipples. “And you’ve never been fucked by an experienced lesbian, have you?”

“No,” Colette whispered, her hands trembling slightly as she turned her back to Moira and undid the back clasp of her bra. She couldn’t deny how turned on she was, how much she was enjoying this blackmail that Aunt Judy had obviously set up for her. She ached to feel Moira’s fingers inside her, taking control of her the way Colette had never herself experienced. She let the straps fall from her shoulders, and turned to watch the older woman’s face as the pink cotton lingerie fell to the floor. Colette’s dark brown nipples were almost too large for the size of her breasts, but she’d always liked how erect they got when she was turned on. She took them in each thumb and forefinger, rolling them, moaning softly at the intense look of desire on the older woman’s face. She wanted to let Moira take advantage of her, to fuck her any way she wanted. She wanted to give up all control, to obey every command, to be Moira’s little virgin slut.

“Keep going, girl, let me see it all,” Moira commanded softly. Colette’s hands drifted down over her sleek curves to the fly of her shorts and slowly undid them. They were formfitting, so she had to wriggle her hips out of them. Colette turned so that her ass was facing her aunt’s girlfriend, and peeked over her shoulder to see the reaction. She wasn’t disappointed. Colette kicked her shorts away with one foot, and stood demurely between Moira’s spread legs.

“Maybe you’d like to help me take off my panties?” she whispered, feeling shy but forcing herself to cross a line into boldness. The older woman caressed Colette’s smooth ass, fingers dipping low into her crack; she smiled when she felt the moisture pooled in the crotch of Colette’s little pink panties. Moira hooked her thumbs into the waistband and pulled them down, fingertips dancing down the girl’s freshly-shaven legs as they went. Colette closed her eyes and shivered — half with the air on her bare skin, half with excitement — as Moira pulled her down onto her lap and plunged her tongue into the younger woman’s mouth. Moaning, Colette straddled Moira and wrapped her arms around the older woman’s neck. Grinding against her, Colette felt a hard bulge inside Moira’s expensive slacks, and gasped.

“What’s that?” she cried, eyes flying open wide. Moira laughed.

“That’s my cock, babe. I strapped it on just for you, before you got here. I had a feeling you’d want to get fucked by a real woman!”

BOOK: Forbidden Firsts: Colette's Blackmailing [PI Lesbian BDSM Threesome Strap-on Voyeur Erotica]
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