Read Forbidden Magic Online

Authors: Jennifer Lyon

Tags: #A Wing Slayer Hunter E-Novella

Forbidden Magic (7 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Magic
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“Please,” she begged him, her voice thick with excitement. “Do it. Touch me.” Ram gently clasped her nipple and felt the pings shoot through his finger and thumb.


Ginny gasped as Ram touched her nipple. She felt the sharp spark of his electric energy mix with his warm skin. It shot straight down her belly and made her clamp her thighs around his hips. The fiery rush of pleasure pushed her pelvis up.

Then his warm, wet tongue laved at her sensitive nipple. The sensations poured through her until she felt like her skin was burning. She wanted to touch Ram, but he still held her hands immobile.

She was at his mercy. He was stronger than her. He’d proved it, and she liked it.

A lot.

While sucking one nipple he touched the other.


. The feeling rippled her stomach muscles and hit her clit.

He touched her again, and she cried out, her nipple so sensitive even the air aroused her.

Then his hot mouth latched on, suckling. There were no shocks from his mouth, just wet heat. Somewhere in her desire-drenched mind, she recognized that those sexy little jolts only came from his fingertips.

When she thought she couldn’t take any more, he released her nipple and started tracing her ribs with his lips and tongue.

Then lower. The stubble on his face rubbed over skin, creating tiny friction burns.

Her stomach muscles jumped in response.

He stopped, lifting his head.

She forced her eyes open and looked at him. Saw the man she had fantasized about for months looming over her, pure male possession in his eyes, hunger for her in the curve of wicked smile.

As he watched her, he slowly released her imprisoned wrists, then he dragged his hands down her sides, tiny sparks scattering over her skin.

She squeezed her thighs against his hips, feeling a pulsing need that was growing unbearable.

His long fingers traced over her hip bones.

“You’re going to lie there, just like you are, Ginny.”

His voice was deep and rough. It resonated in her chest. “I am?”

“Damn right. While I take these off.” He slid the pants down, catching her panties and stepping back to drag then off her legs.

Ginny clasped her hands together over her head to keep from moving them as she lifted her legs. Now she was as naked as Ram. He settled his hands on her thighs. Tiny pops of electricity shot through her and speared her core.

She gasped as hot need whipped through her, leaving her swollen and aching for more.

He dropped his gaze. Slid his hands up her inner thighs.

She watched as heat rose into his face, staining his cheekbones with pure arousal. No man had seen her like this. No man had made her feel like this. She always had to be careful and vigilant to hide what she was. But now, in his moment, she felt free and sexy. She knew he liked to dominate and loved the sensation that she was safe with him to give him that kind of control.

“I want to touch you.”

He jerked his gaze up. “Not yet. Not until you earn it when you come for me. I’ll decide how many times.”

A slight edge of worry slithered into her haze of sensation. “I don’t know if—“

“I do.” He cut her off. “You liked the edge of pain when I touched your nipples, then suckled you.”

She felt a hot blush rush up her chest to her face, and keep spreading through her body. But she didn’t lie. “Yes.”

“I’m going to do the same thing here.” He gently ran his fingers down her seam, parting her until she was completely opened to him.

Then he touched her clit. A tiny spark, made more intense by the dampness flooding her there. Then another sweet zing as he circled the nub of flesh again and again.

“More,” she whispered as her throat tightened and need was coiling within. Her nipples ached, and deep between her legs, she throbbed.

Ram used his other hand to touch her entrance, and more energy popped and teased.

He slid in one finger, creating an electric friction that made her pump against him.

Then Ram dropped to his knees, taking his finger from her clit. He wedged his shoulders beneath her thighs while pumping one finger in and out with that extra kick of friction.

Ginny threaded her fingers together, squeezing as her body tightened. She lifted her hips, seeking…

He leaned in and licked her clit while adding a second finger to fill her. He licked and kissed her, pumping his fingers in and out with that electric friction.

She wound tighter and tighter as she moved against him.

Then he pressed his lips around her clit and sucked.

Everything released in an explosion of white-hot, totally wicked sensations. She lost herself as the pleasure, and Ram, consumed her.

She didn’t know how much time had gone by when she realized he had moved. Opening her eyes, she saw Ram standing between her thighs, his hands on her hips and he was pressing his huge erection into her.

Filling and stretching.

She didn’t have time to think. Barely registered the tiny sparks from his fingers at her hips.

Instead, she looked at his face. It was stark and raw with need.

The sensation of him filling her was overwhelming. She rolled her hips, trying to accommodate him.

Ram answered that move with growl as he tightened his fingers on her hips. He pulled back slightly, and his chest expanded impossibly big as he sucked in a breath. His gaze locked on hers.

“Remember Ginny, buried so deep, I’ll be imprinted on your soul.” She stared back, the memory of those words he’d said to her right before they kissed two months ago. A new, deeper ache flared in her pelvis, a desperate emptiness that only he could fill. Lost in his electric blue gaze, she said, “You’re
choice, Ram. The only one I want.” This wasn’t about an angel’s blackmail. This was about her and Ram and this special moment between them. Only them.

His mouth curved slightly and then he pressed into her in one long, hard stroke.

The invasion shocked the air from her. His erection stretched and filled her completely. A flash of pain, then her body shifted and adjusted in seconds.

Ram leaned over her, backlit by the rising sun. His huge shoulders, packed with bulging muscles, were rigid as he held himself utterly still. He leaned down farther and kissed her, his mouth covering hers with a gentleness that made her eyes sting. The sweetness of it contrasted with the light taps of electric energy anywhere his fingers touched her. He kept kissing and licking until she sighed.

Then he swept into her mouth, tasting and stroking, sending new waves of desire through her.

He reached down between their joined bodies and feathered his fingers over her clit. Wild energy, a mix of sizzling desire and his electric energy, shot through her. She felt her womb clench in response.

Breaking the kiss, he said, “Beautiful, Ginny. That’s my girl. You’re going to let go again for me. Just let go and feel everything I give you.” He kept stroking her clit and rolling his hips to press his erection deep within her.

She was completely surrounded and overwhelmed by him. It was easy to relinquish all she was to him, to give herself fully and completely to him. Everything in her began to tighten and spiral. It was hard to keep her eyes open, but she wanted to see him. Watch Ram as he crested and came apart. “You too. Want to watch you.” She wanted what he promised—this man imprinted on her soul so deeply no one could ever take the memory, this feeling of sweet, vulnerable intimacy, from her. She tried to wring all she could from this, from Ram, enough to last her forever.

His eyes flared with raw heat. He pushed up onto one hand, the muscles and veins bulging in that arm. He pulled his hips back and slammed back into her.

Again. Over and over. With every stroke he gave her, his face tightened, his muscles bulged, and untamed need blazed in him. “Now, Ginny,” he said in a voice so rough, it scraped over her nerves.

She shattered into spirals of pleasure.

Ram clamped down on her hip, riding her hard, a loud groan ripped from him as he slammed into her a final time and released. His faced filled with hot color, his chest heaved. For a brief second she thought she saw a flash of red streak across his chest.

But then Ram let go of her hip, slid his arms under her back, and lifted her to cradle her against his chest, while he continued to pulse and jerk where he was buried deep inside her. Her body answered with aftershocks of pleasure while feeling his hard arms holding her safe against him. Even the shocks from his fingers had stopped.

And Ginny let herself feel safe and cared for. Let herself know what that felt like for this one time.

For it would be her last, she knew it deep in her soul.

Chapter Five

Ram looked down at the woman in his arms, her dark hair spilling over her shoulders and a soft glow shimmering in the air around her.

She’d surprised the hell out of him. He’d known she was sexually innocent, yet she’d responded to him with wild passion.

Even with the fucked up electrical charges running though him.

She had liked the small zaps adding a little kick to her pleasure.

His Ginny was strong, physically and mentally. And she’d come to him when he had needed her most, giving him the most pleasure, the most intense experience he’d never known. Yeah, he knew why she had done it, knew that she had engineered it. But her response to him had been as real as it gets.

How the hell was he going to let her go? There was no future for them. Destiny had saddled him with half a soul, a witch who didn’t want him, and a pissed off thunderbird tattoo.

Ram set Ginny on her feet, stepped back and forced himself not to look at her body, only her eyes. “You deserve better than this, Ginny. So much more than I can give you.” He hated that, but he wasn’t going to lie to her.

The passion glaze in her eyes, and the flush on her face faded. She turned away, scooping up her clothes and dragging them on. Once dressed, she turned back to him, her gaze churning with conflict. “You don’t have to be nice, Ram. I set this up. Forced you to need me by sending you after those witches.”

In spite of his resolve, he reached out and put his hand on her shoulder. No spark, he guessed sex had drained off the charge for a while. But he was more concerned about her and softened his voice. “I figured that out.” He couldn’t be mad at her for that, and admired her willingness to do what she had to. More importantly, he’d never regret the moments he’d spent with her in his arms. “I understand you did what you had to do to save your brother. But it’s going to be harder for us to stay away from each other now.” He forced himself to lower his hand, to stop touching her. “Harder for me, anyway.” God, how was he going to see her and not touch her?

She shook her head. “My brother? Yeah, maybe that was the final straw. But I wanted you. I still want you.” She took a breath and said, “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting you.” Her gaze slid down, then froze on his chest. She reached out and gripped his arm. “Ram. Look.” He dropped his gaze to the ink on his chest. He saw the familiar bronzed-colored thunderbird with his wings spread high and his eyes closed.

But the streak of lightning was new, hadn’t been there when he stripped down and dove into the pool. What the hell?

Ginny looked up at him. “I’ve seen your tat several times when you spar with Eli.” Looking back at the bird, she added, “This wasn’t there before we had sex.” She reached out, her slim finger touching the short, jagged red lines shooting out from one of the bird’s closed eyes.

He instinctively reached for her hand, not wanting her touching the new markings.

Ram heard a sizzle.

Ginny frowned, pulling her hand away.

Ram saw that where his fingers made contact with her skin, there were now faint black marks. They vanished a couple seconds later, but he recognized electrical burns when he saw them. “Damn it. I touched you a minute ago with no shock. The electricity recharged.” Faster and stronger than before.

“Look,” she said. “My hand is fine.” She held it up for him to inspect.

He saw the newly healed pink skin.

“But what about the lightning mark?” She gestured again to the red streak next to one closed eye of the tat. “What does it mean?”

A blast of hot anger sheered through his body. He ground his jaw, stepping back to keep from touching Ginny again. Glancing down again, he glared at the tat, at the loss of control over his body. His life. Hell, maybe even his soul. “The bird is waking. Getting stronger.”

“Oh Ram.” She lifted her gaze, her eyes filled with worry, and something else that was deeper than friendship. “Did I do that to you? Cause this thing to get worse?” The way she looked at him, with such compassion, worry, caring, it all made him want her again. More than ever. She was addictive to him. Had been from the first time he saw her.

He remembered that day vividly; he’d arrived at her house, which was littered with the bodies of rogues Phoenix had killed. Eli had been shot in both thighs. Ginny was kneeling over him with a knife and tweezers. Her shirt had been sliced open, and she’d tied the loose tails together—, concerned about getting the bullets out of Eli’s thighs before the other hunter’s supersized healing ability closed up around them—not modesty.

Ram had walked over, put his hand on her shoulder and told her he’d take care of Eli’s wounds. She could go change and grab some clothes as he was taking them to a safe house.

She never hesitated as she worked, but just said,
Either help keep Eli still or get out of my
. She finished the job of digging out both bullets, then she cleaned and wrapped the wounds.

She wouldn’t let Eli so much as twitch until she was satisfied he would recover.

Seeing her like that—the mental toughness, her bloody shirt tied out of her way, not giving a shit about modesty or gore, but focused on the mission of saving Eli.

She’d been so damned hot.

And now she stood there wondering if
had hurt him? After fulfilling his greatest wish, his hottest fantasy since he’d met her? And left him craving more?

BOOK: Forbidden Magic
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