Fox Dish (Madison Wolves #6) (30 page)

BOOK: Fox Dish (Madison Wolves #6)
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"I can't believe you're afraid of a little fox," I said.

"You can't challenge me!" he said.

Serena stepped past me, and she had already loosened her clothing. "No," Serena said firmly. "But I can. Christopher West, I deem you incompetent and a danger to the pack. As long as you kept yourself to issues of business, you were a valuable member of the council and a fine resource to us all. But you have become filled with hubris and, I believe, are suffering from onset dementia."

I stepped away from her. I had wanted to handle this, but having Serena on the council would be a good thing.
I hoped she was good enough for this.

"When that bitch taught you the instant shift," he yelled pointing at me, "
she assured the council you had no political aspirations."

"Mr. Berg, may I challenge him now for the insult?"


"Christopher West," I yelled, "You have insulted me for the last time! Defend yourself!" Before I was done, I was flowing past Serena, and she made no effort to stop me. West screamed defiance and launched himself at me, but I ducked under him and left a corpse in the grass. It was over before anyone could react. I stood over him, not even panting, then knelt down and cleaned my daggers on his clothes
and deliberately replaced them in their sheaths.

"Alpha," I asked, "wa
s that fast enough?"

"Yes, Alpha," Lara replied.

I turned to Serena. "Will you howl for me?"

She lifted her nose to the air and howled my victory.

The remaining wolves were silent.

My heart was pounding from the adrenalin. I took several deep breaths then looked around. "I am Michaela Burns, Madison
Weres Alpha. I am a friend to all in the pack who fight for the good of the pack, but I will not tolerate machinations and scheming!" I looked down at Christopher's body. "If any of you are engaged in backstabbing politics or underhanded machinations, I strongly suggest you stop. Immediately. No one in the pack is an enemy. We should all stick together for our common good. If you are unable to do so, leave. You all know where the border is."

I turned to Lara. "Alpha! There is an opening in the council. I do not know what the policy is. Serena would be a good addition. That is all I will say on the matter."

"I agree, Alpha," Lara replied. "Mr. Berg, I believe we have a quorum."

"I move we provisionally elevate Serena Moss to the council," Ron said. "Do I hear a second?"

"I will second," Vivien said immediately.

"Discussion?" Ron asked.

Every wolf was silent.

"Ms. Moss, will you accept this duty?" he asked kindly. "I do not believe it is one you covet, but I believe you would be well-suited."

"No, it is not a position I covet," she agreed. "Yes, I will serve."

"Then I call the vote. All in favor?"

There was a round of "ayes", including my voice.

"Opposed?" No one spoke.

"The ayes have it. Congratulations, Ms. Moss. There will need to be another vote of the full council to confirm your status, after which you would be subject to challenge."

"Thank you, Mr. Berg," Serena said.

"Alpha," I said to Lara. "I require a few minutes to clean up. Will you secure things here and assign someone to organize the remaining activities tonight, then meet me in our quarters?"

"Yes, Alpha," she replied. "Five minutes."

"Thank you. Angel, Scarlett, you are with me." Without waiting to see if they were following, I began striding towards the house. My enforcers all formed a wedge around me, and Angel and Scarlet caught up, flanking me. The seven of us stepped through the remaining wolves.

"Alpha!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Violet addressing me. She smiled. "I'm glad you're on our side."

"Me, too, Violet. Me, too. It's good to be pack."

Then I spoke quietly enough for only the wolves closest to me to hear. "Angel, Scarlett, start howling."

They lifted their noses and immediately began howling. From the crowd of gathered wolves, Rory immediately joined them, then my students and some of the adults. Violet raised her nose and began to howl, and then most of the remaining wolves were howling.

My security detail remained on duty, silent, but I saw Elisabeth howling, and Lara smiling broadly.
I leaned over and kissed Angel's cheek, then Scarlett's.

Then I lifted my own nose. I didn't try to howl; the assembled wolves would have begun laughing at me. But I gave five happy, fox barks.

Then I put a hand on Angel's shoulder, and on Scarlett's, and they immediately drew silent. I held up a hand, and Lara held up a hand. It took a moment, but the assembled wolves grew silent, all looking between Lara and then me.

"It is good to be pack!" I said again. I paused just a moment, then crisply turned around and headed for the house. Behind me, I heard Lara begin howling, and the assembled wolves immediately joined her.

It was good to be pack.

About the Author

A writer by avocation, Robin has a renaissance interest in many areas. A bit of a gypsy, Robin has called a few places home and has traveled widely. A love of the outdoors, animals in general and experimenting with world cuisines, Robin and partner share their home with a menagerie of pets and guests, although sometimes it is difficult to discern who is whom.

Robin can be reached via email as
[email protected]
or found on Facebook at
. Robin will have a web site soon at


Other Works by Robin Rose

All titles available on Amazon


Novels: The Madison Wolves Series

Fox Run

Redfur is a werefox living a quiet life in Bayfield, Wisconsin. She has a quiet job that gets her out of doors and avoids the werewolves as if her life depended on it. Which it does.

That all changes early one morning when Lara Burns, the Madison Wolves alpha, introduces herself, much to Michaela's chagrin. Lara explains to Michaela that "we only want to talk", but when a werewolf comes knocking on a tiny, delicate foxes' front door, Michaela knows talking is the last thing in the
wolfy mind.

This novel is 93,000 words and is the first in in The Madison Wolves Series.

Fox Play

Having now agreed to a commitment relationship, Michaela and Lara turn their attention to a new threat. Durian, alpha of the Chicago wolves, wants Lara's pack for himself in order to replenish his dwindling power.

In the meantime, Michaela faces her fears built from the past while struggling to find her place in the pack.

Fox Play continues the story first begun in Fox Run. This is a novel of 95,000 words.

Fox Mate

Redfur has been accepted into the wolf pack as their fox, and a wedding with Lara, the alpha, is in the planning. But being accepted into a close-knit clan is not simply a formality. There are rites of initiation and you know you are truly accepted when the dark and ugly is accepted along with the good.

In Fox Mate Michaela, the lone and orphaned fox, finds out how acceptance works - wolf-style: some rough play, lots of love especially when a pack- member is in need of help.

Michaela struggles to hold things together and find peace in time to save the wedding.

This is a novel of 110,000 words. The novel deals with traumatic issues from Michaela's past and contains some graphic violence and scenes that may be disturbing to sensitive readers.

Fox Afield

Lara and Michaela depart on their honeymoon, combining a vacation into an opportunity to practice diplomacy with another werewolf pack. Their honeymoon is interrupted by a frantic phone call to Michaela from an old friend.

The wolves along with Greg Freund's team rush back to Wisconsin to right a wrong, but the clock is ticking.

Michaela and the wolves must go undercover to solve the mystery. In the meantime, Lara's
overly-protective nature fires, leading to stress between Lara and Michaela.

This novel of 90,000 words is the fourth Fox novel.

Fox Revenge

Lara is pregnant with twins, and Michaela is fiercely protective. This turns out to be a very poor time to take in a refugee from a neighboring wolf pack, and things grow more difficult when the neighboring alpha demands the wolf's return.

The resulting troubles put Michaela on the opposite side of the issue from Lara, Elisabeth and the rest of the pack, adding stress to all relationships.

This is a novel of 84,000 words.


Other Novels in the Fox Universe


Moira is able to see something few others see: the aura that surrounds people. What she doesn't understand is what it all means. And then she meets Arianna, who definitely knows what it means.

Arianna recognizes Moira's unique gifts, and she isn't going to let them go to waste, regardless of Moira's consent.

This is a novel of 75,000 words.

The Five Kingdoms


Rani Karden finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time and becomes a victim of the "civilized" wars of the Five Kingdoms. Along with her brother's wife and children, she finds herself held hostage for ransom aboard the privateer Fleetwind. Sorri Westmere, captain of the Fleetwind, sets out to tame the fiery redhead, but she is soon captivated herself.

Striving to teach Rani that being a hostage isn't as bad as it might sound, Sorri learns that perhaps her choice of careers is an impediment to personal happiness.

Privateer is a fantasy novel of 140,000 words and is the first in the Five Kingdoms series.

Other Novels

Fitting In

Nicole is a 33-year-old, introverted computer programmer dealing with her own difficulties. At a party hosted by her best friends, she meets Alexandra, slightly older, beautiful, and athletic in a way Nicole could never be.

Sparks fly, but their differences, coupled with the stress of meeting the family, drives the two apart. But the stubborn Alex isn't ready to give up, in spite of Nikki's fears.

This is a novel of 93,000 words.




Stark's Dell

Relocated to the isolated farmhouse of her stern grandmother at age 5, Emily struggles to find friends...until she meets Dee Dee. Older and wiser, Dee Dee guides Emily through childhood and adolescence, sharing Emily's deepest secrets.

But Dee
Dee has secrets of her own, and it isn't until it is nearly too late that the two friends discover that what they feel runs deeper and lasts longer than even they can imagine.

Stark's Dell is a long novella of 50,000 words.


Short Stories


Cooking for Love

Deb saw herself as short, dumpy, plain, and boring, a former housewife and repressed lesbian who had tried to fit into the expected norm. Her husband had left her three years ago, and in spite of her best friends' efforts, she hadn't had a date since.

Jocelyn was a gorgeous woman with cropped but stylish blonde hair, sharp features, and an athletic build. In other words, the perfect woman in Deb's eyes, and the last woman Deb would expect to want her.

Cooking for Love is an 8000-word short story.

Southern Night

Vacationing in Australia, Amber meets Jackie, several years Amber's senior. Amber finds Jackie commanding and alluring and instigates a meeting.

Southern Night is a short story of 5,000 words.

Fox Dish

2013 by Robin Roseau


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


* * *


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BOOK: Fox Dish (Madison Wolves #6)
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