Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) (5 page)

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Sophia stepped up alongside her and grinned. “I told you so.”

Abby cleared her throat. “Yes, you did.”

Abby guessed by the age descriptions Tyler had shared with her earlier, that Cooper was the one who had driven his truck back. Dressed similar to Tyler, Cooper wore brown boots and a blue-and-white-striped button-up shirt that he tucked into tight, dark jeans. Just as tall as Tyler, he had a serious gleam in his eyes.

Hunter, on the other hand, seemed more causal and relaxed, wearing a plain white T-shirt and formfitting blue jeans, but still had the cowboy appeal of boots and a Stetson. Never had she imaged that look would have her wet and throbbing in all the most delicious places.

Abby’s mouth watered. She had to admit she liked the jeans each brother wore. The tight material gave her imagination a lot to play with. She swallowed the thump in her throat as the three brothers stepped up onto the porch.

“Abby, these are my brothers, Cooper and Hunter.”

Both brother’s removed their hats and reached to shake her hand. The touch and feel was just as it had been with Tyler, calloused palms, with a warmth and gentleness she hadn’t initially expected.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, gazing from Cooper’s deep-blue eyes to Hunter’s strikingly hazel green. “If you all would like to come inside, we can get started.”

“Abby, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get working on that fence before nightfall. Perhaps we could discuss the details of our arrangement over dinner? Would that be acceptable to you?”

A trait she admired in Tyler was his need to avoid procrastination. The perimeter fencing had been on his mind since he arrived at Paradise Ranch, and honestly, she couldn’t see the harm in allowing him to get started. It would also give her a chance to soak in just how enticing it would be to have these brothers working around her daily. She also needed the time to find a way to distract herself from it.

Her blood began to boil in her veins as she stared at the three of them. Her sex drive had been activated by Tyler, but now with Cooper and Hunter present, it was moving straight into overdrive. Was it normal to lust after three brothers?
Ah, no.

Distance might be a good thing. “You’re absolutely right, Tyler. Let’s discuss the details over dinner. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Cooper’s going to give me a hand with the fence, but if you’d like to show Hunter to the barn, he can get started on tending the livestock and managing things on that end.”

She nodded and, without hesitation, Tyler and Cooper stepped off the porch and headed toward his truck. As they drove away, she saw that the bed of his pickup was full of lumber.

She felt the tug of a smile on her lips as she realized that he’d already gotten a few supplies needed to get started. She had a great feeling about their working arrangement. How could she have gotten so lucky?

Meeting Hunter’s gaze, she said, “Please make sure your brother gives me the receipts for anything he’s purchased.”

Hunter returned his hat to his head and nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

Hearing him call her ma’am suddenly made her feel as if she were older than dirt. At twenty-six, she couldn’t believe he was much older. She smiled. “Please, call me Abby.”

He nodded with a crooked grin that had her feeling like she wasn’t wearing enough clothing. It wasn’t an uncomfortable sensation, but one that left her imaging how adorable Hunter would look gazing down on her as they made love.

“Oh, shit,” she muttered under her breath. “Well, let’s get started. The barn’s around back,” Abby said, swallowing down her pounding heart.

She tossed an apprehensive glance toward Sophia and skipped down the steps, leading the way at a quick pace. She heard the shuffle of Hunter’s boots over the gravel walkway as he rushed to catch her. She didn’t slow.

Keeping her mind focused on the work agenda and not on how cute and sexy Hunter was, she went straight to business. “The livestock has been tended to by the last remaining ranch hand my father had working for him before he died. Jared’s been with my father for over twenty years. He’ll show you the ropes and help you get started.”

“You don’t strike me as the ranching kind,” he said, bringing her to a complete stop.

Her fist balled at her sides as a defensive wave flooded her system, squelching her need to be pleasant. What did he mean by that? She didn’t like the tone he used. It was the same kind of tone her mother used when judging her. “What would you know of what does and doesn’t look like a rancher? Do you think, because you can ride a horse and rope some cattle, you are the expert on ranching? Don’t tell me, where you come from, people walk around wearing a sign that says what they do for a living.”

He chuckled. “Wow, you might be a rancher after all. With sass like that, you should’ve been on the bull-riding circuit.”

She arched a brow, her shoulders relaxing just a bit. She blew out a lung full of hot air. “Did you ride bulls?”

Smiling proudly, he confessed, “Yep, I rode back when I was a kid. Tyler and Cooper always had to work the ranch, but papa let me rope and ride. He said I was a natural. I loved the thrill that came from holding on to an animal that could crush you with just a flick of its neck. Riding bulls was quite the rush.”

She scanned her eyes over his lean and toned body. He wasn’t as muscular as his brothers, but he certainly wasn’t anything to stick her nose up at. “Did you ever get hurt?”

“Lots,” he said with his eyes rounding, and then began to slowly walk toward the barn. “I’ve broken my collarbone, my arm, and several ribs. My poor mother always looked as though she was having a heart attack when I left for the rodeo, but papa, he didn’t seem to fret at all.”

“You don’t really resemble what I’d imagined a bull rider to look like.”

He gently touched her arm, drawing her attention back to him. They stopped walking, and she met his dazzling green eyes that seemed so captivating in the midday sun. “What do you think I should look like then?”

She froze. The words playing back in her mind as she realized her mistake. Just moments ago she’d gotten angry with him because he said she didn’t look like a rancher. Here she was saying she didn’t think he looked like a bull rider. Open mouth, insert foot.

“I guess I really am a little naive when it comes to this style of living. Please don’t think I meant any disrespect to you, Hunter.”

He shrugged. “It’s okay, Ms. Abby. I’m only trying to get to know you.”

She smiled softly and nodded. “Well, Hunter, the first thing you should know about me is that I prefer it if you called me Abby. No ma’am or miss is required. I’m not a formal person. I grew up with a woman who treated me like I was too fragile to do anything but sit around looking pretty. I enjoy getting my hands dirty, and I want to make an honest go out of ranching. Because I don’t know much about it, I’m hoping you and your brothers will help me.”

The wind blew her hair into her face and, before she could swipe the strands back, Hunter had already done it. His fingers gently caressed her cheek, tucking the loose hair behind her ear. “I’d like that very much, Abby. I’ve learned that the land is a magnificent place. There is nothing else in the world like feeling the freedom of riding a horse on open terrain. Their power literally flows through you, and when a horse and rider truly trust one another, the sensations will set your hair on fire.”

She couldn’t help but smile. His enthusiasm and passion for horses was infectious. The deep sparkle in his eyes as he stared at her had her breathless and just as excited to be a part of that life he pictured.

“I haven’t been on a horse since I was very young. I don’t even remember how to ride.”

His eyes widened. “Well, we are gonna have to change that. In fact, before I get started, I think we should get you up on a horse.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t do it by myself.”

“You won’t be, Abby. I’ll be with you. Your first ride will be with me, and then I’ll bet you’ll want to try it out all by yourself.”

She felt like her heart was fluttering above her as she walked shoulder to shoulder with Hunter. He was so easy for her to talk to and share her fears with. She had no problems letting him know what she did and didn’t like. Even so, his reaction to her was gentle, like he’d had experience dealing with emotionally derelict women his entire life, which worked out nicely for her.

She couldn’t believe all the wild and crazed emotions whirling around in her head. One moment she was as sweet as honey, and the next she was a spitfire ready to skewer anyone who got in her way. Fear had done that to her. Fear of failure, fear of returning to her mother in Dallas to admit she’d made a mistake.

God, please don’t let taking over Paradise Ranch be a mistake.

As they approached the barn, Hunter reached forward to open the door and immediately froze. He turned to keep Abby out of the barn, but it was too late. She wiggled in around him, and as soon as her eyes settled on the horrifying scene, she screamed.

Hunter’s arms were around her in seconds, his soft, soothing whispers filling her ears, but the image of the three slaughtered horses had been permanently branded into her mind.

“Oh, God, Hunter, who would do such a thing?” Her voice and body trembled.

“I don’t know, Abby, but I need to get you back to the house.”

Hunter took a step back, trying to escort her out of the barn, but she resisted with a solid foothold. “Wait, what about Jared? He should’ve been out here. Where is he?”

Gazing up, she watched as Hunter’s eyes danced around their surroundings. Glancing back down at her, he said, “Let me take you outside so I can search around better. I really don’t want you to have to see this. It’s not exactly the way I want you to fall in love with ranching. This shouldn’t be what you remember of your first day.”

Normally, she would have fought him. She’d argue that she was strong enough to handle anything, but she knew it would only be a front. Inside she was a mess, a trembling heap of emotional knots. She feared that someone had hurt Jared. Finding him dead was something she knew she’d never get over.

She nodded, stepped around Hunter, and pressed her back up against the wall of the barn. The time that passed as she waited for Hunter to return felt like forever. Her thoughts darkened with each passing moment.

Was the person responsible for attacking those horses still here? Would he hurt Hunter? Had he killed Jared? Then from around the side of the barn, Hunter appeared escorting two saddled horses. Jared’s body lay slumped over on one.

“Oh, God,” she cried, running over to them. “Is he okay?”

“He’s been beaten up pretty bad. Here, let me help you onto the horse so we can ride back. Jared needs medical attention, and I’m afraid waiting for me to ride for help might take too long.”

Without a moment to spare, Abby stepped up beside him and put her foot in the stirrup, and Hunter helped her saddle up. Nuzzling up behind her, he set the horses to a steady gallop, holding the reins to both his and Jared’s horses. Hunter kept his arm tucked around her, securing her in front of him.

The trip back to the house had taken a great deal less time on horseback.

Sophia rushed down the steps and straight to them. “What happened?” she cried.

“Someone attacked Jared and killed three horses,” Hunter said matter-of-factly. “We need to get him to a doctor.”

“Put him in my car. I’ll take him.” Sophia rushed back inside and grabbed her keys and purse, while Hunter dismounted and placed Jared in her car. Sophia spared no time jumping behind the wheel.

Abby went to get off the horse, but Hunter was there in seconds telling her to stay put. He mounted the horse once more. “We need to go tell my brothers what happened, and I’m not leaving you alone.”

He kicked the horse into a full run and Abby waited for the fear to settle into the pit of her stomach. It never did. Instead, she felt the rush of the wind on her face and the security of Hunter’s arms surrounding her. He might not have bulging biceps and a powerful block frame, but he sure could make her feel safe and comfortable. Even after what she’d just witnessed.

BOOK: Fox, Morgan - Discovering Temptation [Texas Stallions 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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