Read Foxe Hunt Online

Authors: Haley Walsh

Tags: #Suspense

Foxe Hunt (5 page)

BOOK: Foxe Hunt
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“So responsive,” Keith murmured.

“You have an amazing touch,” whispered Skyler.

“So, Skyler.” He licked his lips, reminding Skyler of a wolf looking over his dinner. “What are you up for?” His hands never stopped moving, caressing, squeezing. His hand dipped between Skyler’s legs, teasing the soft skin of his inner thigh. His pupils were blown and he licked his lips again, moistened from Skyler’s kiss.

“Anything and everything.”

Keith’s gaze flicked to the basket of condoms and the pump lube on Skyler’s bedside table. “So I see. I have to tell you. I know this is a first date and all, but I really want to fuck you.”

Skyler grinned. “Okay.”

Keith rolled his eyes. “I forgot. You’re the hook-up queen. It’s always a first date with you.”

He reached up and tweaked Keith’s nipple. The man bit his lip and groaned.

“Are you going to talk or are you going to fuck?”

In answer, large hands grasped Skyler’s hips and his thumbs traced down the hollows at Skyler’s groin, just missing his pubic hair. Skyler’s cock ached with need, bobbing and dripping a string of pre-cum that was pooling on his belly. His balls felt tight.

Lips touched Skyler’s ear, sending more chills down his goose-fleshed skin. “What I’m going to do to you…” Keith rasped.

Skyler squeaked his reply. Keith slid his arm under Skyler’s back, cradling him. He gathered Skyler in his arms and slowly drew him in for another kiss. It was soft and gentle, just lips teasing his mouth. A tongue poked at his teeth and Skyler parted
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his lips, allowing the intrusion. Keith’s tongue just touched the tip of Skyler’s and stayed there, breath tasting breath, before pushing forward. It gently explored, sliding over Skyler’s teeth. Skyler’s whole body throbbed. The gentler Keith was, the sexier it felt.

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this?”

Keith asked.

Skyler could only squeak again.

Keith smiled. “I like that sound you make. I’m going to keep making you make that sound. Let’s turn you over now. I want to see your beautiful ass.”

Skyler didn’t protest. Keith turned him and Skyler’s cock pressed painfully into the mattress. Keith’s hands never stopped; he smoothed them over Skyler’s backside, cupping the underside of one cheek and lifting it. He wanted Keith inside him right now! But he didn’t want Keith to stop touching him like this either. He spread his legs shamelessly. Those hands, those fingers, slowly explored, tracing imaginary lines down his butt, squeezing, tormenting.

At last, Skyler felt thumbs dipping into his crack and spreading his ass cheeks, holding them opened, exposing his pulsating hole.

He felt the warm sensation of Keith’s breath there and gasped loudly when the gentle flick of a wet tongue tested his furled entrance.

All his nerve endings concentrated on that sensitive spot and he waited, his hole twitching for Keith’s tongue to continue.

The tongue returned with the flat pad sketching a long, firm lick upward. It repeated the gesture and then lanced at it, forcing it to open with whirling licks. Skyler tried to keep himself still, but it was a chore. He just wanted to shove his ass into Keith’s face. He panted his frustration into his hands, his face hidden in the mattress.

Keith’s tongue continued to slowly drill its way in, making little circles, pushing, forcing. Skyler felt himself open, felt the tongue, hot and wet, stab into him in its wicked pursuit. “Shit!”

he groaned.

Foxe hunt

Keith kept stabbing his tongue into Skyler, fucking him with that wet muscle, changing occasionally to swirling his tongue all around the gasping entrance.

“K-Keith! Oh God!”

Keith sat up suddenly. He quickly grabbed a condom from the nightstand and tore it open. Skyler looked behind him over his shoulder but he was at the wrong angle to see the man slip it on his reddened cock, though he felt him gather a pump of lube and gently apply it to Skyler’s crack, pushing Skyler’s legs even further apart. He waited impatiently for the feel of the man’s cock to kiss his entrance. He couldn’t help wiggling his hips in anticipation until the tip of that dick pressed firmly to his loosened hole.

Skyler spread himself as much as he could.

Pushing, Keith’s thick cock forced open the tight rosette, spread it, as the shaft slid fully inside. He was still moving, still shoving in until Skyler felt the soft pat of Keith’s sac rest against his wide-open ass.

Keith didn’t move for a moment. He was allowing Skyler to get used to his girth and Skyler needed that moment. His sphincter clenched a few times involuntarily, until the muscle relaxed enough to expand and embrace.

It was then that Keith started to move. His cock slid outward, and Skyler’s channel molded around the new sensations. And when Keith slammed back inside, Skyler clenched again. Keith fucked him slowly and changed angles. His cock glided over that sweet spot inside. It made Skyler suddenly tremble with unimaginable sensation and he groaned with pure pleasure. He angled his hips upward, rocking along with Keith’s rhythm.

Keith hit that spot again and again as his thrusts sped up.

Skyler pushed his groin into the bed and humped the duvet until he came seconds later with a stunted cry, clenching his ass tightly.

Keith madly pumped into him, grunting with each thrust until he, too, released inside, gasping and choking from the intense pleasure. His hips continued to fuck, but they were slowing, and they gradually came to a stop. He clutched at Skyler’s hips for a
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long time and then slipped out of him. He crumpled beside him, arm thrown over the prone man.

Skyler felt a kiss land on his shoulder, felt a gentle nip and a few open-mouthed kisses speckling his back before they gradually trailed off. There was a pause before Skyler heard a soft snore behind him. Too spent to even look over his shoulder, Skyler closed his eyes and nestled down. They both slept for a bit, until a little while later roaming hands woke him and they started all over again.

§ § §

When Skyler finally awoke the next morning, it was to the strange sensation of his cheek pressed tight against a warm, hairy chest.

Momentarily startled, he suddenly remembered who lay beneath him. He hardly ever awoke to someone in his bed in the morning. Usually the trick left that same night.

Keith’s arm curled protectively around him and Skyler smiled at that. He took a moment to savor the warm feel of it before slowly extricating himself and slipping out of bed. Pulling on his sweat pants, he looked over his shoulder at the slumbering man. Keith’s dark, disorderly hair swept across the pillow and his plump lips hung open while he softly snored. He rolled sleepily to his back, legs splayed, looking perfectly content to stay there. Skyler felt an odd swoosh in his stomach as if he wouldn’t particularly mind that either.

He scooped up the empty condom wrappers where they had fallen carelessly to the floor, tossed them in the trash bin, and shuffled to the kitchen to make coffee. He kneaded his lower back a bit, feeling the ache in his muscles from the acrobatics of last night. Keith was a big man in every sense of the word, and Skyler had been pushed, poked, prodded, and positioned in every which way. He rubbed his sore ass through the sweats.

Once the coffee was brewing, he returned to the bedroom and sat on the bed beside the sleeping man. He ran his hand down that furry chest and was rewarded when blue eyes snapped Foxe hunt

open and looked drowsily at him. And then that dimpled grin.

“Good morning,” Keith said in a bed-roughened voice.

Skyler felt unaccountably shy. “Good morning. Want coffee?”


“How do you take it?”

“Black, two sugars.”


Skyler quickly returned with two mugs and handed one to Keith. Wanting to acknowledge his enjoyment of the night before, Skyler could think of nothing better than leaning over and kissing him before ducking his head and sipping his own brew. They drank silently for a time before Skyler’s gaze slid to the man who was watching him intently, fingers toying gently at Skyler’s naked skin above his waistband. That gaze and those fingers made Skyler blurt, “Do you want breakfast?”

“Don’t go to any trouble.”

“It’s no trouble. If…if you want to stay.” A flutter in his chest accompanied his awaiting Keith’s reply. He’d never had a trick to breakfast before.

“Can I use your shower?”

“Of course. There’re towels in the bathroom and also a fresh toothbrush in the drawer.” He got up to allow Keith room. The blankets fell away and Skyler gazed again at the trim form of a naked Keith Fletcher, only this time in sunlight. He stretched all six foot six of him. Skyler eyed the intriguing hollows and muscle, including that most important bit that was quite hefty even when semi-hard. He scooped Skyler into an embrace, kissed him soundly, slapped his sweatpants-covered butt, and meandered to the bathroom.

Skyler returned to the kitchen, switched on Diana Ross, who complained that “You Can’t Hurry Love,” and whipped up two egg white omelets with sliced kiwi and melon on the side. He was just arranging the plates on the small dining table when Keith emerged. Skyler thought the man would be dressed and ready
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to leave. He didn’t expect he’d be wearing only a towel slung low around his waist.

Skyler swallowed and gestured toward the plates. “Omelet, Prince of Breakfast.”

Keith smiled. “‘Alas poor egg yolk. I knew him, Horatio.’”

Enchanted, Skyler lowered to his seat.

Keith dug into his plate eagerly. “This is delicious,” he said, mouth full. “Do you do this for all your dates?”

“I don’t date.”

“Oh, that’s right.” He smiled at Skyler as he dipped his fork into the egg. “And why is that?”

Skyler ate without tasting. He didn’t know why he felt so flummoxed. He was just eating a meal with the guy. No sense going to pieces. “I just never did, is all. When I came out in college I guess I went a little crazy. I never got around to dating and boyfriends and such.”

“I see. Maybe it’s an age thing. I mean, when I was in my early teens I was just figuring out who I was. Back then the AIDS crisis was pretty heavy. But I always dated. I was never one to jump in and out of bed with just anyone.”

“Oh really?”

Keith smiled.

“Um…how old

“Thirty-five. How old are you?”


“You’re just a wee young lad, aren’t you?”

“And you’re an old geezer, in gay years.” It was a joke, but the subtle change in Keith’s expression said he didn’t find it particularly funny. Skyler hastily added, “Did I mention that I happen to like older men?”

Keith finished and wiped his lips with his napkin. “Well,” he said, tossing down the cloth. “I think it’s time for dessert.”

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“Oh. Okay. I don’t know what I’ve got. Some more fruit.

Maybe granola and yogurt…”

“Skyler. I meant in the bedroom.”

He looked up. Keith’s eyes twinkled at him. “Oh!” He seemed to float up from his chair. Keith took him by the hand and escorted him back to the bed.

Keith was pressing him down into the mattress while sucking on Skyler’s lips when the phone rang. He stopped and looked enquiringly at his bed mate. With a whimper, Skyler scooted to the edge of the bed, his sweat pants now dangling around his knees, and grabbed the phone.

“This better be good!” he growled into the mouthpiece.

“So?” said Sidney’s voice. “How was the date?”

Skyler glanced at Keith before cupping the receiver in his other hand. “It’s still going on—” he whispered desperately.

“It is? Oh shit. Dude! He’s there with you right now, isn’t he?

Are you guys in bed? Are you doing it?”


“Well, usually the trick is gone by now—”

“He’s not a trick!” he tried to say quietly, but Keith could hardly avoid hearing. “I’ll call you later.” He hung up. Sheepishly, he turned to Keith who was smiling broadly.

“Not a trick, huh? That means you had a good time and consider me more than a one night stand?”

“Um…I guess. Well…yeah. I like you.”

“I like you, too. Frankly, I think you’re adorable.”

Skyler toed off his sweatpants and slid into Keith’s arms again, stroking those hard biceps. “It’s very mutual.”

“So where were we?”

§ § §

It was a couple of hours and one more shower later that Keith finally went to the door. And after a lingering kiss in which
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Skyler’s toes curled and he had a hard time letting go, the man sauntered out, giving Skyler a long backwards glance. When Skyler couldn’t see him anymore, he closed the door and leaned his face against it was a long sigh. “Holy fuck,” he breathed. That had gone far better than he ever imagined. Maybe dating wasn’t so bad, after all.

He pushed away from the door, switched on his iPod, and punched in
on the big speakers.

Who was he kidding? It was spectacular! Keith was not only a superb lover but someone easy to connect with. He loved talking to the guy, looking at him, being with him.

He pulled up short. Wait. This was going way too fast. Too much too soon. Had to pull back a bit before he got into trouble.

He breathed out a long exhale. “Take it slow, Skyler,” he told himself. “Give yourself a moment to breathe. Play it cool.”

He grabbed his cell phone to call Sidney and noticed a message waiting for him from a number he didn’t recognize. He punched it in and listened.

“Skyler, it’s Evan,” said the voice, “Evan Fargo.” Skyler felt a jolt in his chest. He should have called them right away but had completely forgotten. Instead, he had gotten caught up in the drama of his own life. Evan and Jeff were having a
time of it.

“Anyway, I just wanted to say,” said Evan
“that seeing you the other night really lifted my spirits. You always had that effect on me, Sky. I’ve been pretty low lately, as you probably imagined.

BOOK: Foxe Hunt
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