Read Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas Online

Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Supernatural, #Werewolves & Shifters

Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas (7 page)

BOOK: Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas
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Carly ummed and ahhed for a few seconds until she heard a brusque knock at the bedroom door.
Followed by heavy banging
. “Oh screw it!”

She tore the t-shirt off and for Jackson it was like Christmas. Her soft flushed skin was just begging to be kissed and licked all over. His eyes roamed over her bountiful breasts and large pale pink nipples down to her sweet looking mound covered by a dusting of red curls.
His wolf was almost crowing in delight.

couldn’t be sure because he kind of blacked out for a few seconds but there was a possibility that he might have actually asked her to marry him in that moment.

Anyway he zoned back
to find her rolling her eyes before shimmering into the cutest little fox he ever saw. He picked her up and started petting her. “Hello foxy.” She blinked and snapped her jaws at him.

A loud crash came from the front of the room. Carefully he pushed the fox through the window and threw the backpack afterwards. A small yelp told him he’d hit her with it.
Crap, he’d have to apologies later.

Shifting quickly his wolf sprang forward shredding his clothes. The wolf leapt on the toilet and wriggled through the window. He was a little on the husky side for clambering through small windows. Taking a deep breath he forced his way through
, hearing disgruntled shouts drifting out of the motel room.

The wolf
dropped down next to the fidgety fox. Clasping the backpack in his teeth he motioned for the fox to follow him. Thankfully she did so without trying to start an argument.
Not that it would have done much good in this form.

Stealthily he padded through the alleyways, the fox close on his heels.


Chapter Eight

After what felt like hours to the fox they finally made it to Jackson’s place. She was wheezing and limping. She’d never run so far or fast in her life! The wolf looked as fresh as a daisy.

He nudged her with his muzzle into a few bushes outside the trailer park where he lived.
He growled at her to shift. She shook her head. The wolf snarled at her and she flinched.

Trying a different tactic the wolf came over to her and chuffed at her muzzle
Gently wins the race
. He licked her soft fur and she yipped in contentment. Relaxing, the change overtook her and she was kneeling before the wolf in her naked glory.

Carly smoothed her hand through his fur.
Damn he was a handsome wolf
. Shuddering he shifted to his human form. She dropped her hand.

grinned. “Don’t stop on my account.”

She rolled her eyes theatrically and stood up ineffectually trying to cover her
no-no areas with her hands. It didn’t matter. He had the memory etched into his mind anyway.
Nothing could hide her naked self from him now.

She almost gasped as Jackson stood before her. Jackson clothed was hot, but Jackson naked was...
. From the hard lines of his ripped torso down to his thick, powerful legs he was Hercules incarnate.
Not to mention what was going on between those legs... she practically swallowed her tongue when she saw that monster waving at her.
They had to get out of there or she really was going to pounce on him and demand he take her to heaven!

His lips twitched in gratification as she examined his body.
Yep, she was one impressed little fox
. The dazed look on her face almost matched the one he had when he saw her naked.
. He doubted the lust he felt for her could be matched by any man, woman or beast.

Giving up the ghost of trying to cover her ample body
Carly dropped her hands to her hips.
He’d already seen it all anyway, what was the point?

She tapped her foot.

Jackson was staring at her brazenly.

Aren’t we going in? I’m freezing my behind off out here.”

A predatory grin flashed over his face. “I can think of one way to warm you up.”

“In your dreams.” She murmured.

“You’ve no idea foxy.” He
groaned. “You’re right though we should go in, wouldn’t want anyone arresting us for indecent exposure.”

snorted and narrowed her eyes. “Yeah my rap sheet’s bad enough as it is. I mean murder’s one thing but public nudity... I couldn’t possibly live that down.”

Huffing Jackson
grabbed her hand and the backpack. Peering round he made sure no one was watching and jogged over to his trailer pulling her behind.

He fished the keys out of the backpack and opened the door pushing her in first.
She blinked as the light flickered on. It was...
. If it weren’t for the dirty dishes in the sink and the clothes thrown around she’d never know someone was actually living there.

Jackson walked past her, his arm brushing against hers.
She shivered
. She was disappointed to find he was pulling on a pair of jeans.
She wasn’t averse to him staying naked...

Reluctantly he threw Carly
a t-shirt and she slipped it on. She smiled dreamily at being surrounded by his delicious scent.
Mmmmm cinnamon goodness

Jackson watched her awkwardly. He hadn’t planned beyond getting her back to his place
. Now that she was here he wasn’t entirely sure what to do next.
He knew what his wolf wanted to do; the beast was voicing his opinion very loudly...

looked around and decided to break the tension. “Did you just move in?”

“What? No, I’ve been here three years.”

“Mmmm it’s really... homey.” She finished lamely.

frowned. “Well pardon me your majesty, not all of us have doilies and coasters.”

She wagged her finger at him.
“I wasn’t being mean and I’ll have you know they were gifts from my grandma!”

He opened his mouth to argue
but was interrupted when his phone chirruped. He tensed when he saw the caller ID.
. It must be bad if he was ringing, normally he delegated everything to Alma.

Jackson declined the call and put the phone in the bread bin. Along with the other things he wanted to ignore, including a rent bill and a letter from his mother.

“Are we safe here?” Carly was anxious, thinking of the men back at the motel.

We should be... for tonight anyway. I put up talismans so witches can’t scry here and I’m guessing those guys won’t look for you here and I doubt they can track us.”
Dragging her round and round in circles for hours had seen to that.

Carly rubbed her eyes and yawned.
“I’m tired.”

Jackson folded his massive arms over his chest
and gave her a hard look. “I took a lot of risk bringing you here, now I need something from you.”

Her cheeks reddened immediately imagining the things he might want
her to do. She wanted to be indignant but they were things she herself had imagined him doing to her,
last night when she was taking a very satisfying shower...

Jackson saw her embarrassment and almost laughed out loud.
knew what she was thinking
. He was half tempted to find out if she really could be blackmailed into sleeping with him but thought better of it. He was fairly confident that they were going to be together soon anyway,
and when they were it would be of her own free will.
His wolf was impatiently counting the minutes.

“Mind out of the gutter foxy.” He ordered. “I want you to tell me
exactly what happened with your boss.”

Carly hopped up on a stool and folded her arms on top of the counter. She proceeded to tell him everything. The same story she had told the cops over and over again. She told him how Carlton had approached her after work, how he had insisted on driving her home, how he forced her to go for a drink,
although she admitted that he didn’t exactly have to force the martinis down her throat
, then that was it. Everything went black after that. She then recited the cops arresting her, the bail hearing and the threats made against her by the other inmates.

stood looking at her with a small frown of disapproval. She groaned, that was the exact look her dad used to give her whenever she snuck out her bedroom window to go partying with Ling. “Okay so I got a teeny weeny bit drunk and I’m now in a bit of a hole, but you can’t honestly stand there and pretend you’ve never gotten drunk.”

He pursed his lips
as his wolf growled in displeasure. “You shouldn’t take rides from strange men. It’s not safe.”

stared at him incredulously. “Really? That’s what you took from that?!”

Huffing he sat opposite her. He started asking her questions about Carlton, and what he had been like before that night. There wasn’t a lot to say. Yes she’d seen him around the building but he was always talking about work or flirting with one of the tall blonde secretaries.
Of which there were about a thousand at Ryntech
. Occasionally he winked at her and said goodbye on his way out but until that night she wasn’t even sure that he knew her name.
He had called her Cathy more than once

“It was a complete surprise when he came to talk to me.” She furrowed her brow. Looking back she didn’t know why she hadn’t been
a little more surprised at the time.

Up until Carly told him her story Jackson hadn’t been sure whether
or not to believe her when she said she hadn’t killed her boss. Yes she said she was innocent,
but prisons were full of ‘innocent’ people
. His wolf had howled that it didn’t matter, but still he relaxed a little now that he was confident of her innocence, he believed her.

was a little surprised the cops had actually arrested Carly. As far as he could tell from reading her file and listening to her story they only had circumstantial evidence, and a fox who was too hammered to give them any real information. Although Carly was a shifter she was just a little fox, he doubted she was strong enough to strangle Carlton, who himself was a lynx shifter.
Something was rotten about this whole deal.

“Do you... do you think those men were coming to hurt me tonight?” She asked hesitantly.

He wanted to tell her no, to wipe that anxious look of her face. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and protect her from the world. In the end, against his beast’s wishes, he settled on telling her he didn’t know. “If I had to guess I’d say they were the same guys who tossed your apartment too, but I couldn’t be sure unless I scented them.”

tensed unhappily.
Her life really had gone to crap in the last few weeks
. He came round and rubbed her shoulders. She felt some of the stress float away, just the feel of his big strong hands was comfort itself.
Okay so her current situation did have its perks

“You should get some rest.” Jackson
murmured in her ear. “We have a long day tomorrow.”

She nodded too afraid to open her mouth.
She might start moaning lewdly
his ministrations were sending jolts directly to her sex

He led her to the back of the trailer past his wide bed, which was nearly the whole width
of the trailer itself, into the tiny bathroom. She splashed some cool water over her face and fingered his small selection of toiletries. She opened his shower gel and sniffed it. Mmmmm, warm, masculine, spicy.

When she came out of the bathroom it was to find Jackson sprawled across the bed, his arms folded behind his head and the thin covers drawn up to his hip.
Clearly he wasn’t wearing anything under there, and the swelling under the covers was more than evident

Her eyes widened.
“What are you doing?”

smirked. “Going to sleep.”

spluttered. “But... but...”

“But what?
” His amber eyes twinkled.

“But where am I supposed to sleep?” He didn’t own a
couch; just a ratty old recliner and she didn’t fancy sleeping there.

This is my bed. I’m going to sleep in my bed. You’re welcome to share it with me. Unless you don’t think you can keep your paws off me... and then you’re still welcome to share it with me.” He leered at her exaggeratedly.

harrumphed. “So much for being a gentleman.” She muttered.

He’d arranged himself on the right side of the bed, so that she had to climb over him to get to her side.
“I don’t suppose you can just scooch over can you?”

“Nope, don’t suppose I can.” Jackson
chuckled at her pretty scowling face.

Carly clambered over him. He groaned as her soft curves rubbed against his aching manhood. Hearing his enjoyment her knee accidentally-on-purpose made contact with said manhood and he roared.

“Whoops! Clumsy me!”

Carly giggled. His hands cupped his tender area as he gave her a murderous glare. She scooted under the covers and pulled them up to her neck, turning over with her back to him. She bid him goodnight and was given muttered death threats in return.

Her fox
yelped in dissatisfaction. She finally had the sexy wolf in bed and instead of enjoying herself she was kneeing him in the groin and going to sleep!
What was wrong with her?!

Carly ignored the fox,
what did the animal know about men anyway?
She quickly drifted off and started dreaming. She imagined Jackson caressing her, his big rough hands massaging her body. She opened her eyes and turned to him only to find the glassy eyed stare of a very dead Carlton.

She bolted
awake shuddering.
Ugh, that was unpleasant

Jackson was awake instantly and leaning over her, concern dancing over his face.
“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head blinking back tears. “Nothing,” she murmured. “Bad dream.”

Tenderly he stroked her cheek and the fear melted away to be replaced by desire. Her fox yipped at her. There was a good chance she was going to prison and here she was in bed with the sexiest guy she ever met.
And he was naked

BOOK: Foxy on the Run: Book One, Supernatural Bounty Hunters Novellas
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