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Authors: B. J. Scott

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Fraser 01 - Highland Legacy (9 page)

BOOK: Fraser 01 - Highland Legacy
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Feelings, scents, and senses collided as her entire body came alive. Enslaved by the erotic heat, longing knotted her stomach. Tendrils of desire slowly unfurled, unleashing a ravenous firestorm of emotions and sensations that threatened to consume her body and soul. She longed to feel him, flesh against flesh, never dreaming it could be like this between a woman and a man.

“You’re beautiful, Cailin. Like a seductive siren who lures a sailor to his death, you have me in your spell. I’ve tried to resist, but it is no use.” His lips trailed across her jaw and along the smooth slender column of her neck, coming to rest in the fragrant curve where her pulse beat wildly.

He tugged at her toga of plaid, and it fell away. Bathed in the soft amber glow of firelight, she stood naked, naked for him—her creamy skin and pert round breasts exposed. He paused for a moment to drink in the sight of her. “May the Almighty forgive me? I cannot fight my desire any longer. Sometimes, the only way to conquer temptation is to surrender to it.”

His thumbs teased the rosy tips of her breasts until they stood erect. Ripe and ready for tasting, he lowered his head, taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Suckling gently at first, and then with purpose, he drew the sensitive flesh between his teeth, his lips pressed firmly against her heated flesh.

She moaned aloud, arched toward him, and fisted her hands in his hair. A frown creased her brow when he released the tip, but she purred with delight when he moved to pay equal homage to the other breast. Restless beneath his hands, her soft mewl of pleasure urged him on. Gasps and whimpers of delight caught in her throat as he explored every inch of her slender body.

But when he reached the soft nest of auburn curls guarding her nether region, her body tensed, and she struggled to break free from his embrace. “Nay, you must stop. To allow you to touch me in such a wanton way is a sin for which we will burn in Hell.”

Connor smiled at her innocence, but continued his intimate ministrations. “You’re wrong, lass. For a man to touch his wife in a way that gives her pleasure is not a sin. Relax, and let me show you.”

Ignoring her protest, he trailed his fingers across the flat plane of her abdomen, and with a feather-light touch, caressed the delicate flesh of her inner thighs. His skilful fingers explored the secrets of her femininity, and his thumb found the pearl of womanly pleasure. A light brush across the swollen bud had her bucking against his hand. “You’re so wet, tight, and ready for loving.” He moaned, and dipped his fingers past the slick folds. “Close your eyes, and imagine me buried within your warmth. You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Let yourself go. Give in to the pleasure.”

The fire between Cailin’s thighs burned so hot, she thought she’d expire from the pure pleasure of it. As he guided her toward the point of no return, she dropped her head back, and rolled it from side to side. When he increased his tempo and slid a second finger into her throbbing heat, her vision blurred, and shockwaves of pleasure rippled through her body. A molten hot mix of lust and desire pooled low in her belly. She arched her back, forcing even greater intimacy. He slid his fingers deeper into her hot, moist center, and his strokes quickened with erotic intent.

On the verge of something she had never before experienced, her body tensed, and her thighs quivered in anticipation. When she could take no more, a cataclysmic explosion of white light and mind-numbing euphoria pushed her over the edge.

Chapter 9

When Cailin cried out in release, Connor’s body answered with a rush of sensations so sharp his breath lodged in his throat. The raspy urgency of her voice, and the way she bucked beneath his touch sent a surge of lust and desire straight to his groin.

It was a wonder he didn’t explode on the spot. His lips covered hers, swallowing her cry of rapture. Hopelessly lost in the taste and wonder of her, he scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the bed. This was only the beginning. Before the night was over, he vowed to see her fully sated, and to find his own release.

He pried his lips from hers, then gently placed her on the mattress and watched as she languidly stretched out before him. His eyes drank in her beauty, her sensual curves, and her soft creamy skin bathed in the moonlight streaming through the casement window. Her sultry smile unleashed something primitive. Lust-fed desire fired his blood, challenging the need to be tender and protective.

Mesmerized by the longing in her eyes, a mirror of his own, his gaze fell to her mouth as swollen lips parted when the tip of her soft pink tongue peeked out to moisten them. How a simple act could be so sensual boggled his mind. Drawn by a force too difficult to ignore, he dropped his head and indulged his fantasy.

Her lips responded lovingly, mimicking his intimate caress. He moaned aloud, savoring the taste of her desire, her surrender. It was obvious she wanted him as much as he wanted her. The thought made him want to roar with pride.

Overcome with primal need, his body covered hers, pressing her sleek form into the mattress. He buried his face in the fragrant curve of her neck and took a deep breath. Her intoxicating scent was enough to drive a man wild.

“You fire my blood and addle my senses, woman,” he moaned against her ear. He raised his head, resting the bulk of his weight on his elbows and forearms, and stared into her eyes. The soft jade orbs darkened to an emerald green and filled with passion. “Will you have me, wife?”

She nodded. “Aye, I will have you, m’lord.”

“Connor. Say my name.”

“Aye, Connor, I’ll have you.”

A possessive feral growl rumbled in his chest as he captured her mouth with his own. But this time, he showed no tenderness, no restraint. He kissed her hard, took possession, and meant to see his needs fulfilled. He was about to do the most foolish, reckless thing he’d ever done, and damn the consequences.

There’d be plenty of time to savor and explore every inch of her luscious body once he’d found his release. He slid his hand between their bodies, seeking her most intimate place. When he found his mark and dipped his fingers inside her waiting heat, her hips softened, and her body wept for him. He released a feral groan of approval. The urge to dip his head and taste the sweet nectar coating his fingers was overpowering, but the need to bury his aching shaft in her hot velvet sheath proved greater.

He nudged her legs apart with his knee and nestled his body between her thighs. She wanted him. He could feel it in his soul. The throbbing tip of his thick hard shaft pressed against the slick swollen flesh of her intimate center, but instead of accepting his offering, her body tensed, and her nails dug into his shoulders.

With her wide eyes brimming with tears and a look of fear on her face, she asked, “Will it hurt? I’m told the first time comes with a terrible pain.”

He withdrew slightly and tightened his embrace. “I will never hurt you
my beloved. Try to relax. There will be a brief feeling of pressure when I break through your maidenhead, but it will be quickly replaced with pleasure. I promise to be gentle.” He bit his lower lip and drew on his last shreds of self-control, fighting the overpowering urge to ram his aching rod to the hilt.

Despite his reassurance, her grip tightened on his shoulder, and her body trembled. “I’m frightened. I have never done this before, and dinna know what to do.”

“That makes it all the sweeter. Let me teach you the way of it,
” He nudged her thighs further apart and entered her slowly.

Once inside her, he lay very still, giving her a moment to adjust to the newness of their joining. “When a man and woman couple, the glorious feeling is like no other. Relax, sweet, and let this moment of ecstasy take you to the stars.”

Instinctively, she raised her hips to accommodate him, and he eased in a little farther, but paused when he met the resistance of her maidenhead. Her velvet sheath was so tight and slick, his shaft thick, hard, ready to erupt. He tried to hold back, but the unbridled passion firing his blood and the crushing desire to claim her as his own, challenged his last ounce of reserve.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, and she nibbled on his ear lobe. The warmth of her breath on his skin and her soft moans of pleasure when he shifted inside her, tipped him over the edge. When her hips rose from the bed and she arched toward him, he thrust hard and deep, spilling her maiden blood.

As the barrier of her innocence gave way, she gasped, and he saw a flicker of pain flash in her eyes before she could conceal it. He closed his mouth over hers and swallowed her painful sob. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she didn’t utter another sound. He began to move in a slow, steady rhythm, and he felt her relax in his arms.

Bonded by pleasure, their bodies fit together as if made for each other. They moved as one—every thought and sensation centered on their joining. As the tempo increased, her feminine muscles pulsed, milking his arousal, and drawing him deeper. What started as ripples of pleasure quickly built to a tidal wave of uncontrolled desire. When she gripped his body and pulled him toward her, he quickened the pace, stoking the inferno that raged between them. Short, sharp pants mixed with squeals of delight as her body bucked and writhed beneath him. When she held her breath and her thighs began to quiver, he knew she was close. Her head dropped back, her muscles tightened around his arousal, and she called out his name. He thrust one more time, shouted out an ear-piercing war cry, and joined her in an explosive release of his own.

Afraid he might crush her with his weight, he rolled to his side, taking her with him, and cradled her against his sweat-soaked frame. She curled her fingers on his chest, gazed up at him, and smiled. In one swift move, he pulled her beneath him, and made love to her again. But this time, he took it slower, gently guiding her through the erotic experience, savoring the wonder of discovery in her eyes.

Afterward, though sated and exhausted, sleep evaded him. They’d made love until the wee hours of the morning. Exhausted, she lay, peaceful, in his arms. With his lips lightly pressed against Cailin’s brow, he muttered softly, “Heaven is missing an angel this night. You have given me a glimpse of paradise, and I swear that I saw the Almighty himself.” He shifted in bed, being careful not to wake her.

The tangle of plaid swaddling her sleek body barely covered her modesty and one lovely breast. To his delight, the other delectable rose-tipped globe remained exposed for his viewing pleasure. He’d suckled those perfect mounds for hours, and it took every ounce of self-control not to dip his head, drag the pert bud between his teeth, and sample her again.

Were he a gentleman, he’d cover her nakedness, but to cloak such beauty would be a sin. His eyes widened as he took in every line, every delicate curve of her luscious body. Her shapely legs went on forever, and when wrapped around his waist, enveloped him in the purest form of ecstasy. He brushed a stray curl from her cheek—still flushed with the afterglow of their passion. The musky scent of their lovemaking hung heavy in the air, and the ache in his groin intensified.

Cailin’s beauty, and the sultry seductive way she responded to his touch left him awestruck, but he found her streak of feistiness, tenacity, and intelligence equally desirable. She was everything a man could want, and she’d awakened something primitive from deep within his soul. Emotions and needs he’d believed were dead, buried forever. With passion and desire reborn, his manhood sprang to life. He refused to think about the future. For this night, this moment, she was his, and his alone.

When she moved, a wince of pain clouded her delicate features, and guilt tugged at his heart. She had come to him a maiden—offering him the most precious gift he’d ever received. Knowing this, he should have taken things slower. Instead, the idea of her innocence had aroused and excited him beyond his wildest dreams.

She accepted him with such eagerness, and trusted him with her heart. In turn, he’d behaved like a drunken warrior that hadn’t lifted a woman’s skirt in a year.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she snuggled against his side. He could watch her sleep forever, bathed in the afterglow of the most earth-shattering coupling he had ever known. His chest swelled with emotion, yet his stomach twisted with regret.

Stop it, now! This night will end, and she is not yours to keep.
Yet, after tasting her passion and claiming her as his own, how could he ever let her go? What if he’d planted a babe in her belly? Could he turn his back on mother and child? The thought troubled him greatly. But he knew the English would not give up their search. As long as they hunted her, Cailin would never have a minute of peace. He had sworn his oath to the Bruce and could not turn his back on his king and country. Like it or not, the time would come, and for her safety, they would have to part ways. When that day came, it would devastate him.

Startled by a rap on the door, Connor sprang from bed, drew his sword, and headed across the room. The knock came again, only this time louder.

“M’lord, please open the door. I must speak with you.”

He recognized the innkeeper’s voice and glanced toward the window. The sun had yet to rise. “What is it, James? Why do you come to us at this early hour?”

“Please, m’lord. I must speak with you on a matter of great importance. I dinna think it wise to discuss what I have to tell you in the hall.”

He heard the concern in the man’s voice and opened the door a crack. He watched James shift his weight from one foot to the other as he rang his chubby hands in front of him. Connor quickly glanced back over his shoulder in the direction of the bed. Satisfied that Cailin was adequately covered, he opened the door wider. “Why do you disturb us? Is there trouble afoot?”

James entered the room, and Connor closed the door behind him. “I apologize for waking you so early, m’lord, but you must get up and be on your way. As we speak, your brothers ready the horses.”

“Why must we leave before daybreak?”

“English soldiers came into the inn right after you retired. They accused the lass of killing an officer and offered a reward for her capture. My patrons were questioned, but no one betrayed you.”

“I was watching from atop the stairs and am grateful no one gave us away?”

“Mayhap they feared the wrath of my wife more than that of the English.” James chuckled. “They know Cora would flay any man who dared to speak up and cut them off without a drop. Most men would rather risk death than lose their whisky. However, my guess is that they are just tired of the English tyranny.”

“When they didn’t search the rooms, I assumed they had left without incident, and dinna return.”

“Well in their cups they were when the lieutenant and his aide decided to return to their billet. Your brother followed them and returned a short time later. I dinna asked them what happened, but I had my suspicions. When Malcolm MacTovoch came barreling into the inn before dawn and said he’d found two dead English soldiers behind his barn, I knew what had transpired.”

“You think my brothers killed these men?”

“According to Malcolm, someone ran them through. No one except Cora and I know what really happened to them. If asked, the villagers can say without a lie that the two men left the inn hail and hardy.” He glanced toward the bed and lowered his voice. “Best you wake the lass and make ready to leave. It is not safe for you to tarry. Cora prepared some food for you to take along.”

“Thank you. Tell my brothers we come anon.” Connor offered his arm. James grasped his wrist, and the two men exchanged a hardy shake.

“I’ve two daughters of my own. If any man tried to have his way with one of them, they’d not live to brag about it. Best you rouse the lass and be on your way before the English arrive looking for their friends.”


“See to your wife.” James winked, then slipped into the hall and closed the door behind him.

“What is it, Connor?” Her sultry voice was still husky from sleep. “Why does the innkeeper come to us so early?” She sat up in bed, her eyes full of questions.

dinna fash yourself
.” He slid beneath the pelts and pulled her into his arms. “Bryce and Alasdair are readying the horses. They thought it best we leave before sunrise and bid the innkeeper wake us.” He didn’t see any reason to tell her about the dead English officers.

“You said the soldiers were gone. Do you think they’ll return so soon?”

“I’m not willing to take that chance. Best we put some distance between Kirkintillock and us before daybreak. Come,
. If we linger any longer, I won’t be able to tear myself away. The overwhelming urge to love you again challenges my ability to think like a rational man.”

With a feather-light touch, Cailin drew a seductive line down the center of his chest, her hand coming to rest in his lap. She wrapped her fingers around his burgeoning manhood and smiled seductively. “I like it when you don’t act rationally.”

Connor sucked in a gulp of air. “If you keep that up, I will not be able to stop.” He captured her lips and groaned. “Och, if only this could be another place and time. You are bewitching,
. Holding you in my arms and thrusting inside you is all I can think about.”

“Then make love to me again, husband.”

“We dinna have the luxury of time and must be away, before the English garrison resumes their search.” He kissed her brow, then climbed out of bed.

“Aye, more’s the pity.” She heaved a lamenting sigh, pulled the covers up around her neck, and sank back against the pillows.

Connor snatched the shirt he’d left drying by the hearth and slipped it over his head. After pulling on his trews, he tugged on his boots. “Get dressed and meet me downstairs.” He quickly returned to the bed and handed Cailin her clothes. “For the moment, the English threat has passed, but there is no telling when more soldiers will arrive and resume the search. Make haste, and I’ll see to my brothers.”

Cailin descended the wooden staircase to find Connor, Cora, and Bryce waiting for her. James trotted down the stair a few minutes later, carrying a basket of bed linens, and sporting a mischievous grin. Cora took the basket from her husband and, after the pair exchanged a few words, she returned to the group.

“Good morning, sister. How fare you this fine day?” A broad grin crossed Alasdair’s face as he entered the inn. “I trust you slept well.”

“Day? It is the middle of the night.” Bryce brought his hand up and stifled a yawn.

Unable to face her new brothers by marriage, she lowered her gaze and muttered softly. “I slept very well.” Certain they knew exactly what had transpired, heat rose in her cheeks.

“At least your man let you get some sleep.” Cora slid her arm around Cailin’s shoulder and ushered her to a chair by the door. She glanced in Connor’s direction and gave him a knowing look. “Mind you ride with care, m’lord. The wee lassie is bound to be sore.”

“I’ll be sure she is not overtaxed. We’ll see to the horses, and then be on our way.” Connor left the inn with his brothers in tow.

Cailin sat on the chair, twisting the corner of her plaid in her hands. “How did you know?” She raised her head, her eyes locking with Cora’s.

The older woman’s lips curled in a wry grin, and she lightly touched Cailin’s cheek. “Do you mean aside from the fact that you have the glow of a woman well loved? I was once your age. My James was a handsome brawny man in his youth. I well remember our wedding night.” Her smile broadened as she patted Cailin’s shoulder and lowered her voice to a whisper. “James also brought down the sheets to be washed.”

Cailin nodded, and lowered her eyes in shame. The sheets bore the undeniable proof of their lovemaking and the loss of her innocence. Had she made a mistake? Was she too willing to surrender her maidenhood to a man she hardly knew? She chewed on her bottom lip—worried she’d made a foolish decision. When Connor had made sweet love to her, she had no reservations or doubt. Now, she wondered how things would all pan out. She was married to a man that didn’t love her. He’d made no secret of the fact that he planned to have their marriage annulled when they reached the Bruce’s camp. Would she be able to say goodbye and watch him walk out of her life forever? Where would she go, and what if she carried his child?

BOOK: Fraser 01 - Highland Legacy
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