Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story (20 page)

BOOK: Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
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I check my makeup in the mirror, making sure my veil is still straight. I barely recognize myself in the mirror, I look so beautiful. Robbie is going to be amazed.

Grace takes my hand, a soft smile washing over her pretty features. She adjusts my veil, not really moving it, but making sure that it is absolutely perfect. I love her, and I'm so glad she is here with me for my big day. She and Avery are all the family I have left. But after today, I'll have family again.

"It's time." Grace smiles and pulls me gently to the door. I take one last look at my white dress, the mermaid cut accenting every curve. I still can't believe it's me in the mirror.

We walk to a door where Avery is waiting patiently. She grins from ear to ear as soon as she sees me. "You look pretty, Aunt Sam," she tells me, using her indoor voice for once in her short life. I smile and bend over carefully, kissing the top of her head. She's wearing a real princess dress today.

"Remember, just like we practiced," Grace advises her daughter. Avery nods smartly, takes a big breath, and steps out into the aisle. I peek around the door to watch her as she takes careful, measured steps and throws her flower petals just so. She stops at the end of each row to turn and smile at the guests.

I can see Robbie from behind the door. He's so handsome. His arm is no longer in the sling, and he holds himself with pride. His sandy hair is falling in his eyes as he looks expectantly at the doorway. He's waiting for me.

"Our turn," Grace whispers, taking my arm in hers. I realize that Avery has made it to the end of the aisle, her small face beaming with pride. Robbie's mother guides her to a seat in the front row, and the little girl waves to her adoring fans as the song changes.

Grace and I step out into the aisle, the slow music coaxing us forward. Robbie and my eyes meet and I lose myself in the depths of his eyes. It seems to take forever to walk to him. Grace has to hold me back at a more sedate rhythm and keep me from simply running to him. I thank her silently for always looking out for me.

I can see my future so close at hand I can almost touch it. I know in my heart that this is exactly where I was always meant to be. I was always Robbie's, and he was always mine.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the minister asks.

"I do," Grace responds in a clear voice. A ball of tears wells up in the back of my throat. I wish my father and mother could have been there to walk me down the aisle, but I know they would be happy to have Grace take their place.

Grace wraps her arms around me, her lips barely grazing my cheek. Her eyes sparkle with tears, and I know she is happy. "I love you, little sis," she whispers. She shakes slightly as she places my hand in Robbie's and then lets us both go.

Robbie's hand is warm and strong around mine. He isn't shaking or sweating; everything about him was calm and collected. As he helps me up the small step, he whispers, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life." I blush because I know he means it.

The minister starts to talk of the importance of marriage, but I'm no longer paying attention to him. My entire focus is on the man in front of me. My best friend. My past and my future. He smiles at me, and my world shines with happiness.

Robbie promises to love me. He has already promised that, but this is for everyone to hear. The ring is warm against my skin, heated by Robbie's pocket. His hand shakes here, but his eyes are steady.

The minister has me repeat after him, promising to love this man I have already loved my whole life. It is an easy promise and one I know I will be able to keep. I nearly drop his ring, making Robbie smile and laugh. He steadies my hand as I put the ring on his finger, just as he steadies me through life.

I'm trying to remember every detail, but everything is going so fast. Before I know it, the minister is proclaiming us husband and wife. I have been waiting for this moment since I was a small girl. I beam a smile at Robbie as he reaches for me.

This kiss is sweeter than candy. Happiness flows like honey between us, thick and wonderful. For now until the end of my days, I will remember kissing this boy, a bucket rolling at his feet, and the taste of freshwater kisses.

A special thanks to Marina Maddix

arina Maddix was consulted for all the sailing scenes. I could not have done this without her.

Marina Maddix is a romantic at heart, but hates closing the bedroom door on her readers. Her stories are sweet, with just enough spice to make your mother blush. She lives with her husband and cat near the Pacific Ocean, and loves to hear from her fans.

Visit Marina's Amazon page for her books!

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About the Editor

rista Lakes' editor, Mel Finefrock, is a recent graduate from the University of North Texas. She has worked behind the scenes with Krista during the making of both Rainwater Kisses and Champagne Kisses. In addition to being a grammar Nazi, Mel is a total lit nerd and always enjoys a good love story. When she isn't in Red Pen Mode, Mel dabbles in a bit of art herself. She sings and plays guitar, as well as writes songs and poetry. She even takes pictures, despite the fact that she can't see! You can find her music
on her Youtube page
and her other artwork
on DeviantArt

Check out my other works!


Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story

Burned: A New Adult Love Story

The Woman of the Billionaire's Dreams

Teasing the Billionaire (free)

The Woman of the Billionaire's Dreams

The Woman of Her Enemy's Nightmares

Curves of the French Riviera

Curves of the French Riviera (free)

Curves of the French Riviera Trilogy

Worthy of the Billionaire

Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention (free)

Worthy of the Billionaire

Don't forget to join my mailing list as well for updates! (clickable link)

Did you love
Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
? Then you should read
Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story
by Krista Lakes!

What's more important to a soldier- his love of his country, or his love of a woman?
In the summer of 1990, Rachel Weber spent a week down on the Florida coast, soaking up the sun's rays while she waited for her life to begin. It was there that she met Dean Sherman, a handsome, muscular soldier with blue eyes. The two spent a week together full of champagne kisses that only ended when Operation Desert Storm forced Dean to choose between his duty and his love. He chose duty.

Twenty years later, Rachel figured it was just summer love, but she never forgot those eyes. As personal assistant to powerful billionaire Jack Saunders, she never expected Dean to walk into her office after being hired as Jack's personal bodyguard. Even though she had spent the last two decades trying to forget Dean, she found herself falling for him once again.

When fate forced both Rachel and Dean to choose yet again between love and duty, Rachel had to decide between the man she had always loved and the family that had become her life. She knew she couldn't have both, but she knew she wouldn't be happy with just one. Would she choose love, or be forever haunted by the memory of those Champagne Kisses?

This thrilling romance novel brings the cast of the bestselling novels Saltwater Kisses and Rainwater Kisses back for an epic and timeless love story.

I was shocked. "You're going to war? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because this is a vacation. Because I didn't want to think about it. Because I thought that you wouldn't want to hang out with me if you thought of me as a trained killer instead of as a pretty face." He smiled, but it was an empty smile.

I laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. I never thought of you as a pretty face," I said. I started to laugh at my own joke, but I couldn't. Instead, I began to bawl openly, leaning into his shoulder. I didn't want him to go anywhere, and I certainly didn't want him to go to war.

Dean let me cry, stroking my hair gently. The fire began to go out in front of us, having consumed all the fuel that had been put into it. My heart felt the same way. In one week, I had known such intense highs that my heart had burned like a star, and now that it was starved of fuel, I felt it being extinguished.

I moved my head from Dean's shoulder. He tried to hide it as he wiped a tear away, but I knew. I looked at him. The dying light of the fire was just enough for me to see those crystal clear blue eyes. "Make love to me, Dean. Make love to me like this is the last night we'll ever spend together..."

About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Krista Lakes is a newly turned 30 year old who recently rediscovered her passion for writing. She is living happily ever after with her Prince Charming and her bouncing baby boy.

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BOOK: Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
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