Read FriendlySeduction Online

Authors: Gillian Archer

FriendlySeduction (5 page)

BOOK: FriendlySeduction
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Sara opened her eyes to see Rob grinning wickedly.

“Besides, if you did, this wouldn’t last very long. We just
want you to relax and enjoy the ride. Okay?”

Sara nodded.

“Come here, honey.” Marc leaned up and kissed her.

His soft, gentle kiss was so sweet. And the tender way he
cupped her jaw made Sara feel special—as though he was cherishing her with his
lips, as if this was a special moment for him too. Now Sara wasn’t worried
about what was going to happen next. She was going to be okay because her two
best friends in the world would guide her through it.

“Ready for the best part?”

She dimly heard Rob’s question through the fog caused by Marc’s
kiss and pulled back to nod. “Oh yeah.” Sara gave them her own wicked little

“Now that’s the attitude I wanted to see.” Rob pressed his
lips against hers for a quick, hot kiss that curled her toes.

Oh man, this was going to be one hell of an experience.

Rob slowly kissed his way down her body once again, taking
obvious pleasure in wandering over to her nipples for a quick nibble before
roaming farther south.

She gasped as his lips trailed over her tummy. Crap, she
really meant to start doing those crunches. She sucked in her gut and hoped
they wouldn’t notice. But she lost her train of thought when Marc suckled her
nipple again as Rob curled his thumbs under her panties and slowly pulled them
down her legs.

“Damn,” Rob breathed.

Marc pulled away from her nipple with a pop. “Oh Jesus.”

“How long have you waxed?”

“Why have you waxed?”

Both men stared at her crotch as if they couldn’t believe
their eyes. Sara felt that familiar heat in her face again. “What? Lots of
girls do it.”

“Did you do this for that bastard Greg?” Rob bit out.

Sara shrugged while she bit her lip and begged them silently
to let it drop. She didn’t want to talk about him now. Not when she had two hot
and horny men in her bed.

Marc grinned. “I always thought he was a dipshit.”

“He doesn’t know what he missed,” Rob tossed in.

“And he never will.” Marc kissed her again, this time with
more intensity, as if he was marking her, claiming her as his. His lips moved
strongly over hers then his tongue dove between her lips to claim her fully.

Sara moaned and kissed him back. This was the man she
remembered from last night. Marc wanted her just as fiercely as Rob.

While she continued to kiss Marc, Sara felt Rob part her
thighs, his hands on her knees as he slowly moved them wider. She tried not to
think about her most intimate parts—parts only her doctor and her beautician
had seen until now—being so openly displayed.

“Ssshh, baby. Just relax,” Rob whispered against her thigh.

Marc pulled back to breathe hotly in her ear, “Just hold on
and enjoy.” He licked her lobe before biting down on it.

Rob ran a finger up and down the seam between her lower

Sara mewled as she felt the slickness of her juices begin to
coat his digit. After a moment, Rob slipped the finger inside her.

She gasped at the intrusion.

“Relax, darling,” Marc murmured. “Just lie back and think of

Sara chuckled weakly. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the
back of Marc’s neck to pull him down for another hot, grinding kiss.

As she kissed Marc, Rob thrust his finger in and out of her.
The slow, agonized rhythm drove her crazy. She moved her hips impatiently. She
wanted more, deeper.

Rob ran his hand up to tease her clit. Sara moaned as he
made tantalizing circles around it. While she panted, Marc moved down and
nuzzled her breast. The dual action made her head spin.

“Guys,” she breathed. “I think we need to move on to the
main event. I don’t want to ruin the show before it starts.”

“Ah, honey, this is just the warm-up. You need to come at
least once before we get there.” Rob smirked.

“Now? Before you…”

“Uh-huh. That’s how a real man does it.”

Sara moaned at the thought. She had only ever managed one a
night when she was seeing to her own pleasure. She couldn’t imagine what these
men planned to do to her if this was just the warm-up.

Rob slowly circled her clit while Marc toyed with her
nipples. Her hips lifted, she was so close. Rob flicked her sensitized clit and
she spasmed. Her body convulsed as wave after wave of pleasure racked her body.

Finally, Sara lay back with euphoria racing through her
Oh my God!
She just had her first orgasm with a guy and she
couldn’t wrap her mind around it.
Oh my God!
Her entire body glowed with
her pleasure. Her heart pounded and her skin felt slick with sweat. She had
just come harder than ever before. No way could a vibrator compare to these
guys. She wanted to do it again. And often.
Oh my God!

“Fuck, that was hot.”

She opened her eyes to see Marc grinning down at her. She
giggled weakly. “It felt hot.” She looked over at Rob. “So what happens next?”

“Whatever feels good. That’s what this is all about—making
you feel good.”

“Well, in that case, I think you guys need to get naked.
It’s only fair.”

Both men stood and moved to the foot of the bed. Sara
couldn’t decide who to watch as they stripped. She watched with bated breath as
Rob and Marc unzipped their pants and drew them down their legs. Her gaze
bounced back and forth between the guys, not wanting to miss a thing.

A red hue overtook Marc’s face as he hooked his thumbs into
the elastic holding up his boxers and quickly pulled them down. Rob did the
same but shamelessly, boldly looking at her and without the cute blush
darkening Marc’s cheeks.

The sight of both men standing in front of her in all their
naked glory was indescribable. Although she was beginning to doubt the
logistics of their coupling. Holy crap, they were huge.

She couldn’t believe that these strong, handsome, virile men
wanted her. She looked down at her body—her more-than-ample breasts and her
rounded tummy. What the hell were they thinking? How could they want her? These
two guys could have any woman in Helios.

She plucked at the sheet underneath her. An overwhelming
urge to cover up swept over her. She didn’t want her large, naked body on
display any longer. Why were they here when they could be boinking their way
through the hot, sexy single women in the surrounding counties?

As she dug for the covers, her men walked over to the side
of the bed. Rob placed a hand over hers, stilling her. “Because we love
you—from your curly mop of hair to your cute, red little toenails.”

“But especially that great rack. Ooommph.” Marc’s compliment
was punctuated by Rob’s elbow.

“This is not the time for levity, smart-ass.”

“What? She’s a little down and I wanted to make her laugh. There’s
nothing wrong with that.”

“Uh, yeah there is.” Rob glared at his friend. “It’s wrong
when we’re trying to make sure she doesn’t dart out of here because she’s
intimidated. Haven’t you ever seduced a woman?”

Sara held in a laugh as she watched her two guys square off.
They exuded such a macho aura but their nudity just underlined the
ridiculousness of their argument.

“Hey, I’ve seduced plenty of women. I don’t think I have to
tell you that.”

Rob scoffed. “Really? Because from where I’m standing it looks
like your game needs some work.”

Is that all this was to them? Some sort of
challenge? Who could get into the Ice Princess’ pants? She knew what some of
their classmates had called her. She just never dreamed these two would be in
the same crowd with
. Was she just one of a legion of women who fell
into bed with them? Only, she had the added incentive of allowing them to cross
off the elusive Ice Princess from their long list of lovers. And bonus points
for doing both of them at once.

Their bickering fell to the background. Her pulse pounded in
her ears as the walls shrank around her. God, she couldn’t breathe. Suddenly
she felt vulnerable. And very naked. She had to get out of there.

She jumped out of the bed and drew a pair of sweats on. Spying
a white t-shirt on the floor, she quickly drew it over her head. She grabbed
her balled-up dress, fuck-me shoes and clutch then made for the bedroom door.

Rob grabbed her arm. “Whoa. What’s—”

“I’m going home. I think the two of you have some issues to
work out.” Sara jerked her arm away from Rob and stormed out the bedroom door.

She got all the way to the living room before she realized
she didn’t have any way to get home. No car. No keys.

“Fuck it.” She grabbed the keys to Rob’s flashy car and flew
out of the house.

Chapter Seven


Marc hung his head and stared at his empty hands. Had they
just been filled with his own little piece of heaven? Or had it been a dream?
He looked over at Rob standing naked beside him and realized if it was a dream,
he’d entered nightmare territory.

“Well, are you going to go fix this? Or are you just gonna
sit there and fondle yourself?” Rob’s angry voice was a little hard to ignore.

“Me? What makes you think I’m the one she got pissed at? For
all we know, your little ‘game’ comment was the one that shoved her over the

Rob smirked. “Don’t think so. It was all downhill after you
complimented her rack. You fucked it up, so you go fix it.”

“Pretty sure you’re not my dad, jack-off.”

Rob shuddered. “If I was, this would be a seriously
fucked-up situation.”

Marc chuckled wryly. It always kind of surprised him when
Rob let his dry wit go. It probably wasn’t a good sign that of the two of them,
Rob was the one cracking jokes. He knew he had to calm down. Something about
this situation just…didn’t sit right with him. He couldn’t shake the feeling
something about their threesome was off.

Aside from the obvious.

Marc tried to ignore the tense sensation prickling his

“I think if this is ever going to work, we’ve got to knock off
the competitive bullshit and focus on Sara.”

Marc nodded. “I know. You’re right.”

“Besides, it makes it a lot easier to be in bed with another
guy if I don’t have to look at you.”

“Fuck you. You think I want to see your hairy balls?” Marc

“You wish you had balls like mine.”

Marc shook his head as he reached for his jeans. “How are we
going to get her back?”


“Think that will be enough?”

“I don’t know. It’s always a good place to start.”

As he was zipping up his jeans, a distinct rumble filled the
air. Marc watched Rob’s face turn red.

“She wouldn’t—” But Marc was talking to Rob’s back as he
tore out of the room, hopping while he struggled to pull his pants above his

It would have been a comical sight if not for the anger
that’d been evident on Rob’s face.

“Hey, man. Hold up.” Marc raced after his friend. “You need
to calm down. It’s just a car.”

“Just a car? I restored her. Slaved under that hood for five
years. Sara knows better. I’ll be damned if anyone but me will
drive it.” Rob now had his jeans over his hips as they ran outside, shirtless.

But instead of the empty parking spot Marc expected, Rob’s
cherry-red car sat idling with a very disheveled woman behind the wheel.

“Now, Rob, remember what you said? It’s up to us to get her
back.” Marc danced ahead of Rob and walked backward with his palms up. “Grovel
if need be. On our knees?”

“That was before she monkeyed with my car.
No one
touches my car.”

Marc closed his eyes in surrender as Rob elbowed past him to
jerk open the driver-side door. He knew it wasn’t going to be a pretty scene
but he trusted Rob with his life.

And his girl.

“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Rob roared.

Sara glared back at him with a mutinous set to her jaw. “I’m
going home. You guys were too busy comparing the sizes of your dicks to even
notice I got dressed and left.”

Rob reached over Sara to turn off the ignition. “I’m not
having this conversation in my front yard with my dick hanging out for all the
neighbors to see.”

“Tough. Zip it up because I’m not going back in there with

“Fine.” Rob unbuckled Sara’s seat belt then pulled her out
of his car. After hoisting her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, he
turned to Marc. “Let’s go.”

Marc shook his head in amusement. That was one way to get
their woman back. How were they going to keep her though?

“You son of a bitch! Let me down! I’m going home right now!”

Rob tightened his hold on her legs. “Sara, keep it down.
Some of the neighbors are still sleeping.”

“I don’t give a shit! I want to wake them up, then they’ll
see what an asshole you really are!”

Marc watched as Rob’s long-legged stride quickly brought the
couple to the front door and into the house. He paused at the front step and
briefly surveyed the neighborhood. No one appeared, no doors opened and no
curtains twitched. He breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn’t that he was embarrassed over Rob and Sara’s
display or about their relationship either. He just knew Sara would find it
mortifying later to face a concerned busybody while their unorthodox
relationship was so new. Plus he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable and bolt

Now that they had her, he was going to do everything in his
power to make sure she was too happy to ever want to leave again.

He’d even…grovel if need be.

Damn it, he really hoped it wouldn’t come to that.


Sara grunted when Rob lowered her to the couch. The landing
didn’t hurt but she didn’t want him to know that. She wanted him to feel bad
about the scene in the yard. And to wonder if he’d hurt her with his

Taking his car had been an additional little
screw you
to add to their day. Just in case they didn’t understand she was hurt. Although
leaving them naked in a room together with hard-ons was probably a better clue.

God, she felt small right now. Small, mean and petty. Fuck
it. They had hurt her. To spend one of their most intimate moments—that one
special memory she would reminiscence over her whole life—bickering was not
okay. And they should feel bad.

She held on to her simmering anger.

“I think we should all take a deep breath and think a minute
before we say something we might regret later.” And there was Marc, their voice
of reason.

“Bite me.” Sara really couldn’t stand it when Marc did his
calm-down voice.

“Why do you have to be like that?”

Marc walked over to Rob and patted his shoulder. “Rob? Maybe
we should—”

“No.” Rob shook off Marc’s hand. “I want to know. What’s
with the passive-aggressive attacks? The digs at us,
my car
and now
this? I thought you were an adult. I guess it’s silly to even think that you
could handle this—us.”

Sara saw red. “What? That’s fucked up. We were in the middle
of the most special moment—probably in my entire life—and you guys wanted to
argue about who was the biggest stud! You guys were the ones to talk about our
first time like it was a game. That I was some kind of challenge.
can’t handle it? I think you guys need to take a look at yourselves.” She stood
up to walk to the front door. “Lesson learned. You value your car and your
reputation more than you do me.”

“Sara, wait!”

“For what, Marc? For you guys to grow up? I don’t think I
can wait that long.” She opened the door with a determined set to her
shoulders. She couldn’t let them see what this was doing to her. She had to
stay strong, had to leave. Because if she didn’t do it now, she would never be
able to and the way they were treating each other… She didn’t need any more
dysfunction in her life, she already got plenty from her family.

“You’re right.”

Marc and Sara gasped in unison as they turned to look at

“I’m sorry. We treated the most important moment of our
relationship like it wasn’t special.” His voice became husky. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too, honey,” Marc rumbled. “It won’t happen

“We won’t let it.”

Sara stared in fascination at them. That had to be the first
time in her life she’d heard Rob apologize. And he sounded so heartfelt, so
honest. Her shoulders sagged as all her indignation drained from her body.
Their promise worked like a balm on her heart. But was it enough? Could they
make this crazy relationship work?

She couldn’t imagine going back to the way things were
before this morning. The sexual tension between them couldn’t be ignored. And
she couldn’t pretend she hadn’t seen them naked—in all their considerable
glory. Her nipples tightened at the memory.

“All’s forgiven?”

Sara jerked at Marc’s softly spoken question and her face
burned with a blush at having been caught daydreaming.

Rob chuckled. “Judging by that smile and her blush—I’d say

Sara attempted a cosmopolitan tone. “I think you guys have
some more apologizing to do. After all, you have a lot to make up for…”

“Sounds good to me.” Rob marched over to close the door.
Sara squealed in surprise as he hoisted her once again over his shoulder. As
she bounced down the hall, she looked up at Marc following behind them. If his
smug grin was anything to go by, it was going to be some apology.

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