Read Friends With Benefits Online

Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Friends With Benefits (8 page)

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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Spreading her towel over the cushion, she lay down and stretched out. Using the book as a prop, she sneaked peeks over in his direction. With noon around the corner, she figured he’d be stopping for a lunch break any time now.

Sure enough, after ten minutes all work noise ceased and Connor sauntered over with a small cooler in his hand and settled himself into a chair opposite hers. “Do you mind if I sit here while I have some lunch?”

“Not at all. Make yourself comfortable. Go for a swim if you’d like. You must be hot after working in this heat all morning.” Could she stop blabbering now? “I brought you a towel, just in case.”

“Thanks. Maybe I’ll take a quick dip first to get some of this dust and sweat off.”

He stood, walked to the edge of the pool and executed a shallow dive. Today he kept his shorts on, leaving her speculating on what she’d find under them.

After a few laps, he climbed out, water dripping from his sculpted body as he strode across the wooden deck and returned to his chair. She handed him the towel so he could dry his face. “What are you reading?”

“Oh, it’s only a romance novel.” She knew she blushed as she put the book aside and picked up her bottle of water.

“I’ve always wondered, is it the romance women crave? Or is it the down and dirty sex?” His eyes seemed to be filled with genuine curiosity.

Such a question from a man like him seemed odd. “It’s both, I guess, and more,” she said. “I think we want to have it all. The romantic gestures, the happily ever after—and sure, the sex, the fun that can go with it, and, of course, the great looking guy delivering the goods.” She laughed, a nervous twitter while the devil on her shoulder egged her on. “We like to be flirted with, and part of the fun comes from knowing some of it’s naughty, and some of it maybe a wee bit dangerous.”

“I see.” He gave her a secretive smile.


“Nothing. Just interesting.” His mischievous grin left her confused, as he opened his cooler and retrieved his lunch.

“Want to share?” He held half of his sandwich out to her. “It’s roast beef.”

“Thank you.” She took the proffered sandwich and lifted it to her mouth, unable to take her eyes off him as he returned to his seat. He seemed to have the same problem. His were heavy as he watched her take a bite. They roamed her body in a lazy pattern, making her skin tingle as though touched. The man oozed sex appeal.

They ate in silence. A dog barked somewhere nearby. A car backfired.

She finished her half of the sandwich and sipped from her water bottle. She started feeling a tad hot just sitting. His heated gaze didn’t help matters. Deciding to cool her flaming libido, she stood, almost ran to the pool, and jumped in.

Feeling safe under the surface, she swam to the other side before popping back up. When she turned around, however, she struggled to contain a tiny squeak. Connor had slipped into the water. He moved toward her, his steps languid but purposeful as he headed in her direction. He looked like a man with his target in sight.

Gulping, she slipped beneath the water, swimming to the opposite end. When she came up for air, there he was, still on the move, his direction still toward her. Everywhere she went, he trailed along behind her, always keeping a respectable distance, but only the space between them created that safe zone. The heat in his eyes and the hungry look on his face gave away his intentions. His smirk put her at ease while making her skin tingle. She knew she could end the game simply by getting out of the pool. And yet, she couldn’t.

She’d traveled the whole length twice. She didn’t have anywhere else to go without seeming obvious, so she stayed in place, keeping her shoulders below the water, her back to the wall searching for a topic of conversation.

“So, how long have you been interested in carpentry?”

Connor slowed his steps, his hands playing in the water, pushing back then pulling forward, creating ripples on either side of him, a delightful smile on his sensuous mouth.

“Since I was a kid. My father was a carpenter. I guess he passed the bug onto me.”

“Are you two close?”

“He passed away a long time ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugged. “Nothing to be sorry about. It happened.”

“What about your mother?” She watched his distant look disappear, to be replaced with soft warmth.

“Alive and well. Probably tending her garden as we speak.”

“So you see her often?”

He shook his head. “Not as often as I should, or as I’d like. The job has kept me moving around, which she understands. We talk every week or two.”

“What about siblings?”

“You sure do have lots of questions.”

A squirrel chattered in the tree overhead, and she turned her head, looking up as she responded. “I’m just making conver—”

“Caught you,” he whispered, his voice deep, sexy.

She swung her gaze forward to find him less than a foot away. Surprised, a nervous flutter took root in the pit of her stomach as she peeked up at him from under her lashes.

“Umm…yes, it seems you have,” she replied a little breathless.

“Tell me, do those stories you read include any handymen?” The husky quality of his voice dampened her already wet bottoms.

All sound seemed to stop as she swallowed. “Sure, some…I’m sure, yes.” She managed to croak the words.

“What about
fantasies, Angela? Do yours include being seduced and ravished by a virtual stranger? ”

“Only if they look like you.”

He laughed. She gasped in shock. Crap. That was supposed to be her inside voice.

His laughter pitched lower, changing to a low, throaty rumble, while he grinned at her like he’d won a prize. He inched closer.

“I have to admit, Angela, I find you very attractive.” One strong arm slipped around her waist, and then he yanked her close. The air left her lungs as he brought her up snug against his wall of a chest. His head dipped and his mouth moved next to her ear as he asked in that same throaty tone, “Would you like me to ravish you, Angela? Do you think your husband would mind?”

His other arm slipped down to grasp her leg, bringing her entire body in contact with his.

Another startled squeak escaped Angela’s lips. Connor had removed his shorts.


Chapter Seven



Would her husband mind? She trembled. Connor held her close while he nibbled her flesh, sending shivers coursing through her body. She gasped when he sucked her sensitive earlobe between his lips and then released it to trace the curve of her ear with his tongue, his teeth scraping along the shell. How had he known her ears were one of her erogenous zones? That little manipulation left her pussy fluttering in need.

Her hands moved of their own volition, and she gripped his biceps, slanting her head, presenting the hypersensitive area of her neck to him.

A low moan reached her ears, but whether it was him or her who had made the sound she didn’t know. He adjusted his stance until they touched chest to chest, hip to hip. The hard, long, thick ridge of his cock pressed against her stomach. Relief coursed through her at the knowledge that the attraction wasn’t one-sided. Other than Tyler, she hadn’t been in many relationships. Not that this was a relationship. This was sex. With a stranger. A fantasy her husband wanted her to experience. In fact, urged her to act on.

He nipped and licked his way around to her face, and then pulled away to peer down at her. His eyes darkened. In all the stories she’d read, they always talked about being able to see heat or hunger in the other person’s eyes. She’d never paid that close attention with Tyler. Why not? She knew he loved her—never questioned it—but she’d never thought to search for any sort of deep emotion in his eyes when they made love. She just knew it was there.

But she noticed now. Connor’s eyes smoldered. He didn’t say a word, simply stared at her, his face coming closer and closer as he lowered his head toward hers. His gaze dipped to her lips, located the target, and then darted back to her eyes.

At last they connected. He gave her a gentle kiss, surprising her with the light touch. Soft at first, he settled his mouth to hers, holding still for the briefest of moments, and then he started to move, rubbing back and forth. The caress continued. She sighed and relaxed, opening the tiniest bit as she did. His tongue slipped in, grazed hers, and at that first contact fire erupted.

A low groan rumbled up through his chest, and he squeezed her. His demeanor changed from soft and gentle to firm and demanding as he pressed into her, pushing her back firmly against the wall of the pool.

She clung to him, responding to his hunger with appetite of her own. A tingle of nerves rushed through her as an image of Tyler popped into her head, while she allowed this other man to embrace her, to kiss her. Convention dictated she push him away, but she didn’t.

When they split apart, both breathing as if they’d swam the English Channel, Angela felt heat in her cheeks. The man could kiss. He raised his hands to cup both sides of her face, his body holding hers in place, and devoured her once more.

There was no mistaking his desire. She suppressed a giggle at the position she found herself in—standing in her pool, making out with a stranger, primed and ready to combust.

Leaning down, he reached a hand under her right knee and lifted her, bringing her leg up to circle his hip. Instinct brought her other one up, so she could wrap both around this taut body. She clutched him, his hardness snug against her center, turning this situation into one of the most erotic things she’d done in a long, long time. Why hadn’t she and Tyler ever considered making love in the pool? She would have thought the coolness of the water would negate the heat generated by their bodies—but no.

With her back pressed against the pool, and her legs draped around his waist, his hands moved to cup her breasts. He scraped his thumbs over her nipples through the top of her swimsuit. Pebbled and achy, they strained toward him, rigid and begging for his undivided attention. She arched her back, pushing her chest into his hands.

A moan bubbled free. This felt exquisite. As he played with her breasts, his hips rocked into her pelvis. Without the transfer of words, they continued to caress each other.

She slid her hands down between their bodies to rub the tip of his erection. She ached to grip the whole length of him. To feel the steel wrapped in a silky, soft covering. She wanted to feel him hot and hard inside her body.

The level of desire she felt for a man who wasn’t her husband shook her up at bit and left her a little rattled. But, now that she’d set foot on this path she couldn’t seem to stop. She didn’t want to. Her husband’s image floated into her head. She pictured him sporting a wicked grin, his eyes gleaming with lust as he watched, encouraging her to fulfill her fantasy. She could almost hear his saying, “Come on, baby; you can do it. You look so hot.”

She reached up and ran her hands down Connor’s arms. “Um, should I remove my suit?”

“I’ll do that for you.” She let her legs fall away so he could shimmy her bottoms over her hips. She tightened her thigh muscles, and they slipped down her legs to puddle on the bottom of the pool before floating up and away on the soft current.

Then he picked her up and repositioned her around his waist. Throughout their maneuvering, they’d remained connected at the lips. She was surprised the water surrounding them didn’t bubble and boil.

Angela fumbled for a moment, but finally had him in her hands. She stroked him a few times, amazed at his length, but stopped short of comparing him to Tyler. She guided him to the right spot, eager to take him deep. Then she paused. “A condom.”

“Damn.” He shook his head. “I have one in my pocket.” He nodded toward the chair where his wet denim shorts lay. “I’m clean. I haven’t been with anybody for…a long time.” His words faltered at the end.

“I’m on the pill.” Her voice shook. “And, I’m clean, too. There’s only been my husband. But, still…please.” Nothing, and nobody, could tempt her to put Tyler at risk.

His lips brushed hers, and then traveled to her forehead where he placed the gentlest of kisses. “Smart woman. I like that.”

He released her, hauled himself out of the water and moved across the deck. Angela took the opportunity to admire him. Yesterday his ass had been covered with those black briefs. Today she got the full unobstructed view of his tight cheeks, of the large, erect cock reaching out from his groin. Neither the cold water, nor the shift from water to air, diminished his desire. He had a story-perfect body. And for the next little while he was all hers. She pinched her herself.

Angela watched as he leaned over, stuck his hand into a pocket of his shorts, and pulled out the small square package. Opening it, he withdrew the condom and covered himself. Then he turned and hurried back to the water, slipped in and swam straight over to her, the whole delay no more than a matter of seconds.

“Still willing?” he said.

She tilted her head back and looked up into his eyes. She saw no anger, or resentment, just a simple question. She experienced a moment of gratitude that he’d give her the chance to change her mind, to back away, no repercussions.

In Angela’s mind, Tyler’s head bobbed in anxious anticipation. He’d laugh at her later when she told him about her subconscious conjuring him up.

She nodded.

Connor spun her around, placed her against the wall again, then slipped his arms beneath the water to grasp her legs. He angled them around his hips. Then he leaned his upper chest back and lowered his gaze, pulling hers along to witness the joining of his body to hers. She sucked in a breath. Together, through the rippling of the water, they watched his cock disappear all the way in, one long inch at a time.

He stopped, his eyes fluttered closed and he took a couple of deep breaths. When he opened them, they were bright, intense, and focused on her face. He bent his knees and thrust his hips up, his movements hesitant as he withdrew then plunged back in. Water sloshed around them.

She gripped his arms as his pace increased. She bounced against the ledge of the pool, but she didn’t mind the small discomfort. The push and pull sensation of his length sliding in and out of her felt somewhat odd in the water, different compared to her normal experience of having sex in her bed. The water lapped and flowed over her chest, tickling her skin. Every now and again a splash hit her in the face. Droplets dripped from his hair to fall and slide down the slope of her breasts.

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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