Full Figured 10 (8 page)

BOOK: Full Figured 10
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Chapter 16
Vernon and I walked out of the movie theater, amped. Marvel's latest creation had brought out the geeks in both of us. We walked from the Paradiso movie theater to the ice cream shop that was across the street. Vernon tried to show off, telling me to order anything on the menu. I opted for a double scoop of cookies 'n cream, while he did three scoops of rocky road.
After the ice cream, we headed back to his car. He had insisted on a proper date, one where he picked me up from my house and everything. We drove back to my house, and when we were almost there, I gave him the code to open the gate to my community.
“Man, you know when I pulled up here, I was not expecting you to be living like this. I mean, I know you got a lot going on with your businesses, but damn.” Vernon's eyes widened as he drove slowly and admired the different houses.
“My house isn't nearly as big as the majority of these.”
“Yeah, but it isn't small, either.” We both laughed at his comment.
Once we were through the gate, Vernon pulled into my driveway. He hopped out of the car. I had learned when he picked me up that he wasn't the overly chivalrous kind. He held the door to my house and the doors at the movies, but he didn't open my car door before I got in or come over to open it when I was getting out.
Vernon walked me to my door. I fumbled in my purse for my keys. He stood there, watching me, until I finally grabbed the small key ring. I made a mental note to buy a lanyard so it wouldn't be so difficult next time.
“Thanks again. I had a good time,” I said with a smile.
“I'm glad you did,” Vernon said while gazing down at me. “So do I get to see the inside of this mini mansion?”
I looked up to see him staring directly at me. I hadn't thought about inviting him in. Why hadn't I realized this might happen? “Normally, I would say sure, but it's a mess. But I promise the next time we go out, you totally can.”
Vernon's frowned but nodded. “All right. I'm going to hold you to that, Ms. Coral.”
Rather than heading to his car, Vernon lingered on my doorstep. We stood there, feeling as awkward as ever. Finally, he took two steps closer to me, bent his head, and planted a kiss on my lips. His lips were softer than I expected. He opened his lips slightly, but I kept my lips pressed closed. I wasn't ready for tongue, not yet.
Vernon finally pulled away, with a smile on his face. I couldn't believe he was actually happy with the kiss.
“Until next time, beautiful.” He bowed like a gentleman.
“Until next time.” I blushed.
I walked into my empty home. I didn't want to turn the lights on until I knew that Vernon was out of the driveway. I headed back to my bedroom and pulled off the tight pants I was wearing. Wearing my T-shirt and panties, I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. There was no need for a glass; it was a “drink out of the bottle” type of night.
I headed to my bedroom closet and grabbed the bag of goodies I had. The other day I had bought packs of batteries in all sizes to use in the various contraptions. I hadn't tried any of the bigger items; the silver bullet was my friend. But tonight I wanted to try something new.
I opened a blue vibrator. It was long, thin, and smooth, with a slanted tip. It didn't look like an actual penis, though the biggest toy I had been given did. This looked rather harmless. I put two C batteries inside it and screwed the base on until it started vibrating in my hand. I played with the twist control for a moment, getting it to a speed I thought I could handle.
I laid my head on the pile of decorative pillows on my bed. My hand rested against my leg, which was bent, allowing my foot to lie flat on my bed. After bending my other knee, I opened my legs and closed my eyes. I could see him in my mind.
The heat began to rise as I allowed the tip to move up and down between my moist lips. I bit my lip as I allowed the tip to enter me. A twinge of pain shot through my body, causing me to pull the small piece out. I sat there for a moment, wondering if I was doing it right. To my surprise, my body continued to respond favorably, as my pussy throbbed for more. I obliged, allowing the smooth tip to enter me again. The pain evaporated and turned into a pleasurable feeling. I slowly allowed it to go deeper as the vibration massaged me, causing my body to tremble.
I pulled it out slowly and pushed it back in until I got into a rhythm. I could feel his hands on me, holding me tight, as I moved up and down in a steady pattern. I could feel him kissing me, touching me, his fingers inside of me. We were back in the grotto. I could feel the tip of his tongue circling around my hard brown nipples. With my free hand, I rubbed my nipple with my hand. It was hard. I pinched it, giving myself a surge of pleasurable pain. I needed more; I craved more. I pushed the vibe deeper inside, until it hit the spot.
My body jerked each time the vibe hit this spot. I moaned, arching my back to get more. My hand was moving faster. I turned the vibe on high as I continued to fuck myself rapidly. I felt the familiar pressure forming in my stomach. The feeling grew and grew until I reached the height of pleasure. I could feel the pressure intensifying to the point where I could no longer take it. I pulled the vibe out and threw it on the floor. The sensation had taken my breath away.
I turned on my side and balled my body up in the fetal position. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I could make myself feel pleasure, but I couldn't hold myself afterward. I grabbed a pillow from where he used to lay and held it, rocking my body. I didn't want to sleep in my bed alone.
I picked up my phone. In less than thirty minutes Vernon was at my house. We enjoyed a glass of wine before getting into bed. I allowed him to fill the void. He held me until I fell asleep in his arms.
Chapter 17
Vernon and I were the talk of the church. Against my better judgment, I allowed him to sit with me during service. By the end of the service, everyone wanted to know what was happening and when we had started dating. No matter how many times I said we were just friends, people ignored it.
“We are just happy to see you dating, Coral,” one of the older women of the church said to me after service. I heard the same thing from most of the usher board on my walk out of the church.
By the time I made it out of the church, I was exhausted. I was putting my shades on when Vernon rushed up to me after speaking to some of his friends. He put his hand on my back as we walked down the steps.
I didn't want his hand there.
“Man, today was insane,” Vernon boasted as we got into his truck.
“Yeah, insane,” I replied, staring out the window.
“Well, at least we know that people approve of this. I think every usher told me to marry you.” He laughed.
I didn't find it funny. “I knew we shouldn't have sat together. They are relentless.”
“Well, I mean, it was going to happen one day.”
“It just shouldn't have been this soon.”
We pulled out of the church parking lot and stopped at a red light. I could feel Vernon looking at me. I turned my head to find him staring at me with his lips pressed firmly together.
“Coral, are we on the same page here?” Vernon's voice filled the car.
“What do you mean?” I asked, sitting up straight.
“Coral, I am crazy about you, and I just feel like you are not opening up to me. I wanted to sit with you at church because I want to be seen with you. I don't care what people think, because, yes, I do want to be with you, and I do plan on making you my girlfriend. But sometimes I feel like you aren't trying to move toward the same thing.”
The light turned green, and Vernon turned his gaze back to the traffic. I stared at him and the concerned expression etched on his face. I was being selfish, and I knew it. He was doing everything right, but I just couldn't connect to him. I wanted to feel that instant attraction I had had with Onyx, but that intense feeling wasn't there. It was probably a good thing. I didn't want to feel the way I had felt when Onyx left. Onyx was dangerous; Vernon was safe.
“I'm sorry. This is all just so new to me. I want to go slow, because I want to make sure I am making the right choices in life.” I rested my hand on Vernon's thigh.
He let out a sigh of relief. “I am willing to take things as slow as you want to. I just want to make sure you are feeling me the way I am feeling you.”
I smiled. Vernon's expression changed the moment I smiled. A massive grin covered his face. He leaned in and planted a wet peck on my lips. Then we both turned back and focused on the traffic ahead of us. I knew he was a good catch, and I wanted more than anything to get over Onyx. I could only hope that the feelings Vernon had would grow in time within me.
We arrived at my house. We went inside, and I headed to the kitchen, turned on the oven, and pulled out the pan of ravioli I had prepared the night before and some shredded mozzarella. Standing at the counter, I sprinkled the mozzarella on top of the ravioli and then placed the pan in the oven. I felt Vernon's hands grip my sides from behind, and I turned around. Vernon's lips pressed against mine.
I was caught off guard. He forced the kiss on me. I knew if I backed off, it could mean another uncomfortable talk, which I didn't want to have. I closed my eyes and slowly opened my lips, allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. He let out a growl as he wrapped his arms around me.
With no effort at all, he picked me up and sat me on top of the counter. Vernon's hands roamed up and down my back before making their way to my front. I opened my eyes when his left hand gripped my breast and his right hand tried to find its way under my dress. I quickly grabbed his hands and pulled my head away.
“Um, what are you doing?” I asked.
“You just looked so good just now, I had to have you. I need you, Coral. Let me please you,” Vernon begged.
“I'm not ready to have sex, Vernon. We discussed this.” I pushed him away and jumped down from the counter. He followed me into the living room.
“I'm not asking to have sex. I said, ‘Let me please you.' As good as that ravioli smells, that's not what I want to eat right now.”
I was confused. It took me a moment to realize what he was asking me. He stared at me and laughed at the blank expression on my face. He wanted to give me oral sex. Onyx had never given me head, saying it was something I would get when we had sex together for the first time. I remembered him telling me that once he tasted me, I would belong to him. I wanted to belong to him so bad.
I snapped out of my Onyx daze to find Vernon still staring at me. I was curious. I knew how much I enjoyed giving Onyx head. Could it feel as good as I felt giving him head? Vernon took my hand and led me to the couch.
“I want to show you how much I care about you,” Vernon whispered in my ear as he held my hands and I lay on the couch. “I can't wait to taste you,” he cooed.
I closed my eyes. I felt his hands hiking my dress up. His hands were hard from calluses from working out without gloves. He pulled my underwear down. I felt embarrassed that I didn't have on cute underwear. I hadn't worn the cute ones since Onyx left.
Vernon raised my right leg and put it on his shoulder. I bit my lip as he used his fingers to spread my lips. The prickly feeling from his beard felt weird as he dived in. His tongue ferociously licked my clit. My eyes popped open. He was lapping me like a dog drinking water after playing outside in the heat for hours. This couldn't be what this was supposed to feel like.
I lay there, listening to his moans as he continued to devour me. A big piece of me wanted him to stop. I couldn't feel anything but discomfort. It wasn't sexy or erotic; it felt gross and sloppy.
“Oh, you taste so good,” Vernon said when he came up for air. “I could live inside you.”
I rolled my eyes. I wanted this to be over. If I never had to get head again, I would be all right with it. My mind raced as I wondered what I was supposed to do. He was working hard down there, and I couldn't feel anything pleasurable at all. How could one man make me feel ultimate pleasure just by looking at me and another make me feel nothing, even when he was trying very hard?
I wondered if this was what it would be like with Onyx. I could see him vividly in my mind. My mind went back to our first sexual encounter. I hadn't been back in my pool since he christened it. I could almost feel his hands on me. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes as tight as they would go. I wanted him there. I wanted to smell him, breathe in his energy and essence. I craved his touch and his kiss; I missed everything about him.
My body ached for Onyx. Just thinking about him brought back that familiar tingling in my toes, and it that danced its way through my body. All I wanted was to have him near me again. I was addicted, and nothing was going to change that fact.
“Shit, girl.” Vernon pulled up. “You really liked Daddy, didn't you?”
My eyes popped open. I was back in my living room, lying on my couch. I shifted my blurry eyes until they focused on Vernon, who was smiling at me, his mouth wet with my essence. It dawned on me that he was smiling because of my thoughts of Onyx.
I sat up on the couch, hoping the guilt I felt didn't show on my face. Vernon moved in closer to me and put his arms around me as he planted a kiss on my cheek.
“Baby, when you are ready, I am going to make love to you ten times better than what I just gave you.” He stood up and walked to the back of my house.
The thought of losing my virginity to him turned my stomach. There was only one person whom I wanted to give it to, and it was the one person I couldn't have.
BOOK: Full Figured 10
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