Fun With The Wolf Pack (bbw, werewolf menage)

BOOK: Fun With The Wolf Pack (bbw, werewolf menage)
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Fun with the
Wolf Pack

Copyright 2013
by Carrie Kelly

Published by
Carrie Kelly

Cover Art:

© Can Stock
Photo Inc. /zzzdim



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All characters in this story are
made up by the author. They aren’t based on any real people.











People lie. Online dating sucks!

I took another sip of coffee and nodded at Daryl. Spouting
on about some fishing story.

He ran his hand through his honey blond hair. Sweat fell
from the back of his neck and on his shoulders.

I raised an eyebrow. Poor bastard was really nervous.

Drinking the last sip, I wiped he corner of my mouth. The
day couldn’t get any worse. It’s not that he was bad, but he wasn’t at all how
he described himself in his profile. He made himself out to be an exciting bad
boy and he was nothing of the sort. More like boring with… more boring.

“That’s how long it took to catch that sucker,” he laughed
and took a big bite of his sandwich.

“Ha,” I chuckled. Did I mention he really likes fish?

I frowned and leaned back in my chair. This was my sixth
internet date so far.

To tell the truth I wasn’t even looking for anything
complicated. I’m not much of a datable girl.

Reasons. I’m pretty curvy. Not at all fit to societies
standards of beauty.

There didn’t seem to be too many chubby chasers in town
either. Even the guys I dated weren’t attracted to me. Just desperate. Boy I
sure have all the luck in the world.

I bit my bottom lip hard. I’ve never been able to hook
anyone in my entire life. Next week is my twenty-seventh birthday and I’m still
a virgin. I want to know what it feels like dammit! Everyone else talks as if
it’s the best thing in the world.

Debbie’s voice echoes to me from the past.
Lizzie, you’re
really missing out!


“So, what do you think?” Daryl asked.”

I smiled. Crap was he still talking about fish? “Um, sounds
awesome,” I said.

Daryl sipped his coffee. “Great what time should I meet you
at the lake?”

“Lake?” I asked. Man!

“Um, how about…” My eyes wondered past him. Heart hammering
in my chest, I swallowed.

At the table behind Daryl sat the hottest guy I’ve ever laid
eyes on, and he was staring directly at me. Well, I think he was.

I looked behind me, but there was no one there.

“Elisabeth?” Daryl asked.

I glanced at Daryl and back at the eye candy, but he was
gone. I frowned. Of course he wasn’t checking me out. Story of my life. I’m
stupid to even have had hopes.

Running my fingers through my hair I sighed. What the fuck
am I doing anyway? I can’t be picky, so why not go for it?

“Daryl, do you think I’m attractive?”

Daryl’s brown eyes widened. “Yeah, sure,” he stammered.

“Do you want to have sex?” I asked.

Daryl coughed and splattered coffee past the table. “What?”
he asked as he took a shuddery breath.

I wiped the edge of my cheek and crinkled my nose. “Sex. Do
you want to make it with me?”

He took a napkin with a shaky hand and wiped his mouth.
“You’re joking,” he said.

Slowly I leaned across the small table. “I want to have
dirty, filthy, wonderful, kinky sex with
,” I said and poked his

Daryl’s cheeks turned red and he looked around.

“It’s a simple yes or no,” I said and bit my bottom lip.

The guy composed himself and licked his lips. “I don’t think
this is going to work out. I mean you’re interesting, but I’m really religious.
I’m waiting until I’m married to engage in sexual intercourse,” he said.

I stared at him. “Oh, okay,” I said and nodded.
Of course

He shook his head. “Um, no, it’s fine,” he said and stood
up. “You take care.”

I smiled and watched him walk away. Okay, that settles it. I
must be fucking cursed or something.

I walked up to the counter and nodded at the cashier. “Could
I get another mocha?” I asked.

The skinny brunette nodded but crinkled her nose like I’d
just rolled in a garbage heap. I glanced around. A couple in the corner of the
room stared and other’s whispered.

I sighed and paid for the coffee. This is why I hate most

I walked out of the shop and fumbled with my purse. Then my
keys fell along with my coffee and I gritted my teeth. Tears welled up in my
eyes and I wiped them away.

Shit! Stupid coffee.

I worried my bottom lip.

Debbie said if I wanted a guy bad enough all I’d have to do
is ask. Am I really that fucking hideous? Wasn’t that situation totally turned
around? The girls the one that usually says hell no and runs away.

Daryl could’ve at least told me the truth. Lying made it worse.
His profile sated he was agnostic. Very religious my ass! Stupid fucker.

As I reached for my keys, the hotty from earlier grabs them
before I get a chance and holds them out. Fire erupted between my legs and
delightful tingles coursed down my spine. I couldn’t help but give a goofy

“Don’t look so sad. The guy wasn’t your type anyway,” he
said. His long platinum blond hair hanged loose over his shoulders. Green eyes
shone from under long lashes and his full lips curled into a grin.

Damn I wanted to kiss this guy. Run my hands over his
slender build and nibble every inch of his body. I hurried and shook away dirty
thoughts. “Thanks,” I said and nodded. “I guess you’re right. The guy did have
a weird fish fetish.”

He raised his brows. “I know. I heard the whole thing. The guy
was pretty strange,” he said and took a step closer.

So close the heat from his body wrapped around me and the
smell of earth and his musk tickled my nose.

“Well, at least it wasn’t just me,” I frowned. “Wait you
heard everything?”

The corner of his mouth curled into a smirk. “Everything.”

I backed away and he leaned into me with one arm against the
window of my car. Heat pooled between my legs. This guy was like a perfect
sculpture. No flaws. Creamy white skin. Muscular. The most fuck me gorgeous guy
I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Why the hell was he flirting with me?

He raised his hand and ran a slender finger down the side of
my cheek. “That guy was an idiot. I would’ve taken you up on your offer,” he
said and brushed my neck with his lips.

Okay, something’s not right here! There had to be some
catch. This guy could probably get any woman he wanted. Why settle for Lizzie
lame? I cringed at the old high school nick name.

“Really you would’ve fucked me?”

“Oh yeah, over and over,” he said as he took a deep breath.

My face burned. Probably bright red. “You’re fucking with
me. There’s some catch. Are you desperate? Have an STD? Bad marriage and
looking for an easy girl to dull the pain?”

He leaned back and chuckled. “None of the above,” he said.

I crossed my arms over my chest. This seemed way too good to
be true. “Why would you want me then?”

“Get in the car,” he demanded.                                                              

Heart hammering in my chest, I took a shuddery breath. I was
about to hesitate and ask why, but my body seemed to develop a mind of its own
and I got into the back seat of my Ford.


He crawled up next to me and shut the door. Then he ran his
hand up my thigh and tugged at my panties.

Grabbing his wrist, I gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Where do you live?” he asked. Ignoring my first question.
Slowly the tip of his finger found its mark and rolled in circles over my clit.

“Ah!” I gasped. Wide eyed, I licked my lips. “Um I live in
the apartment complex on Central,” I said and arched my back. Getting touched
by someone else is a lot different than working myself. Holy shit! Electricity
coursed through my nerves and all around my cunt.

Moving his finger, he used my juices to add more friction to
his caresses.

“Mm that explains why your scent is so familiar. Do you go
to the coffee shop there every morning on Saturdays?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “How do you know that?” Great Mr.
Perfect is some kind of stalker.

He shook his head. “Because you’re very special. I’d walk
through the crowds and catch your scent, but I could never find you,” he said
and leaned closer. Brushing his lips against my neck. “Just to think that
entire time you were right under our noses,” he said and licked the sensitive

I moaned and gripped his wrist. Don’t know what the fuck he was
talking about, but I was too lost in the moment to care.

He smirked. “You like it?” he asked.

“Ah! Of course!” I breathed.

“Should I go a little faster?”

“Yes! Please!” I begged. Fire ignited my skin and crawled
with wonderful sensations.

He wiggled his finger faster. Up and down. Up and down. My
eyes glazed over and I smiled up at the roof of my car. Still can’t believe
what was happening. I guess this turned out to be a great day after all.

I whimpered in delight as that wonderful peak washed over
me. Body trembling, I licked the corner of my mouth.

Mr. Perfect tilted my chin to the side and our lips
connected. Tongues danced and as I bit down on his bottom lip he growled.

“You want to come back to my place?” I asked. Hell if his
hand was that talented, I’ll bet his cock was even better.

“How about I take you to meet the pack?”


He smiled. “Friends of mine. They’ll definitely want to meet
you,” he said and brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

Something seemed off, but on the other hand it sure felt
right. I looked into his green eyes and again his charm answered for me.
“Sure,” I said.

He chuckled and hopped in the driver’s seat. “By the way,
I’m Shaun,” he said.

“Elisabeth,” I said as he started the car and drove.

It didn’t take long until we reached one of the down town
buildings, or maybe it didn’t seem long, considering I gawked at him the whole
way. Time flies when you’re lost in daydreams. Dirty fantasies for that matter.

He led me to the main lobby then into the elevator. The
whole place was silent. Not even a receptionist around at the desk.

“What building is this?” I asked.

“It’s Warren Enterprise,” he said and chuckled. Then he
pressed the thirtieth floor. “My friend owns the company. Connor J. Warren,” he

“Oh, I’ve heard of him,” I said and worried my bottom lip. “Where
is everyone anyway?”

Shaun ran his fingers through his silky hair. “On holiday.
Connor’s usually here. He’s kind of a workaholic.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So, why did you want me to meet him?”
I asked.

Shaun’s eyes shone and he licked his lips. “I’d get in a lot
of trouble if I claimed you all on my own.”

Now the strange feelings about this guy started to sink in.
“Why would you need your friend’s permission to have sex?”

Leaning against me, Shaun brushed his lips against my own.
Excitement rushed through every nerve in my body. “Because I’m not the alpha,”
he said and smiled.

“Come again?” I asked. Alpha?

“You’ll see,” he said as the door opened into a dim hallway.
Then he got out and offered me his hand.

My mind reeled with questions and a small knot formed in the
pit of my stomach. What if this was a dangerous situation I was getting myself
into? I should hurry and press the button to the lobby, get out of here, but my
body disobeyed again and I took his hand.

He glanced at me. “You scared?”

I turned my head and frowned. “Why? Should I be?”

“No. Course not,” he said and opened a double door. Then he
pulled me inside.

The smell of incense wafted through the air. Light and
sweet. Two men occupied the room. One sitting at a chair with a cell up to his
ear, and the other leaning on the edge of the desk.

Both of their eyes widened into orbs as soon as they saw me.

“Shaun?” the man in the chair asked as he stood up. “Listen
I have to let you go,” he said and snapped the cell shut.

I thought briefly on the way here that Shaun would be the
only totally hot guy I’d ever meet but the other two had the same holy shit
gorgeous qualities. Unique in their own ways.

The man in the chair stood a good two inches taller than
Shaun. Probably making him a good six feet three. As he approached me I looked
up. His massive form loomed over me, making me feel like a doll.

His jaw tightened and he leaned into me and smelled my hair
as Shaun had. His eyes shone like the color of amber. No eye color I’ve ever
seen before. He didn’t look like he was wearing any contacts either.


He also had red hair like mine. Except his was a lot darker.
His chin was stubborn and I could see how ripped he was through his suit.

I smiled. What would he look like naked?

“What’s your name?” he asked.

I held my hand out. “Elisabeth but everyone calls me Liz or
Lizzie,” I said and took a deep breath as he took my hand.

“Lizzie,” he said and smiled. “I’m Connor.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said with a shaky breath.

BOOK: Fun With The Wolf Pack (bbw, werewolf menage)
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