Read Game For Love Online

Authors: Bella Andre

Tags: #Contemporary

Game For Love (7 page)

BOOK: Game For Love
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She heard him chuckle, felt his soft laughter against her skin a moment before his tongue dipped into the hollow in front of her shoulder.

She gasped at the delicious pleasure racing through her and pulled at the bindings at her wrists. Only, this time she was pulling because of the pleasure, rather than trying to get away from it.

"Is this where you want me, Anna?"

His mouth moved across her skin with the question, lingering behind with a lick and a nip when the words were done.

Knowing how close he was to her breasts--and yet so damn, frustratingly far--she said,

"My breasts. Please, Cole. Touch my breasts."

"Sweet Anna," he said, that surprising thread of humor lacing his response, "you should have just asked."

But he'd known she couldn't, that she didn't have the words, the sexual experience to play the kind of games he probably played every single night with beautiful women.

And then, just as it had before, humor turned to instant heat as his mouth came down over one breast, his tongue laving her nipple beneath her bra in hot and heavy strokes.

It was good, so good, better than anything she'd ever felt before. But she wanted more.

Oh God, she wanted more.

Cool air rushed over her when he lifted his head. "Am I doing it right?"

His question would have been funny if she weren't lying there burning up, wanting things that had her all but squirming with embarrassment. Not the sexual act itself, which she'd done before, but the verbal element of their sexual interaction, something he was clearly insistent that she try.

Anna was surprised to realize that putting voice to her desire was almost more scary than being tied up and vulnerable to his every touch.

So many times in one short night, Cole had asked her to be brave. To take a chance by dancing with him. To marry him. To let him tie her up. And, now, to tell him what gave her pleasure.

He was the first person who had ever looked at her and seen someone who might have guts.

A woman who might be willing to take a risk.

She'd been so afraid of falling her whole life that she hadn't ever known the feeling of leaping and not knowing where she'd land.

But Cole had taken her hand and given her the opportunity to jump.

The chance to take a free fall and feel the wind in her hair.

Sucking in a breath, she told him something she'd never thought to say to anyone. "My breasts are really sensitive. Good sensitive."

She felt the air go still in the room, realized neither of them were breathing. And then, his fingers found the clasp at the front of her bra and cool air was rushing over the heated tips of her breasts.

"Anna." Her name was almost a prayer on his lips. "Sweet Anna, no one should be this beautiful."

She thought--prayed--that he was going to drop his head down to her breasts, especially when she felt the soft ends of his hair brushing against the super-sensitive flesh.

"Tell me what you want me to do to your perfect breasts, sweetheart."

Before she could say a word, his hands came around the undersides of her breasts and cupped them together.

"Lick them."

His hair brushed against the outside of one breast, his tongue laving between her soft flesh and her rib cage. "Like this?"

She couldn't believe she was smiling, but it was such a surprise that the big, hard man she'd married loved to tease.

And, oh, was he good at it.

"What if I said yes?" she found herself teasing back.

After a bit of a pause that only served to ratchet up her anticipation, his tongue came down over her again, laving small but intensely sweet circles of pleasure against the side of her breast. And then, after a quick sweep of his soft hair over her chest, he found the mirror-image spot on the other breast.

She knew what he was doing, that he wasn't going to take another step on his own without forcing her all the way to the edge, but not off. Jumping was all her own responsibility.

She knew that now, understanding it for the first time ever.

"My nipples, Cole." She felt him lift his head slightly, pressing a soft kiss to her skin before moving away completely. "Lick my nipples."

She was instantly rewarded for her bravery by the wet flick of the tip of his tongue against the rigid points. His hands were wonderfully rough on her as he pushed her breasts close enough together that he could lick first one hard tip and then the other, again and again in such rapid succession that she never had a chance to recover.

Just Cole's tongue on her skin was better than any other sexual encounter she'd ever had.

And still, it wasn't enough.

Not nearly enough to satisfy the need he'd made her feel.

And, oh God, the things she was feeling, white-hot flames rippling across her skin, pulling her into a maelstrom of heat...and boundless pleasure.

"Suck them."

Again, her request was instantly granted, and she couldn't possibly contain her cry of deep, dark delight as Cole's strong lips pressed around a nipple, as his tongue flattened against the underside so that it dragged along the roof of his mouth.

She'd heard women say they could come like this, but she'd never believed it, not for a second. None of her previous lovers--it wasn't even fair to put the men she'd slept with in that category, she suddenly thought--had given her what she needed. No amount of foreplay had taken her to this place where Cole had so effortlessly brought her.

While his mouth found sweet purchase on one nipple, his hands and fingers didn't neglect her other breast, rolling the sensitive peak between his thumb and forefinger so that she wasn't able to focus on just one spot, not when it felt like her entire body was on fire, her cells molten heat beneath Cole's talented fingers and mouth.

She sucked in one breath and then another around her moans of pleasure and just when she thought she was getting a handle on the incredible sensations coursing through her veins, he surprised her with something she wouldn't have been able to ask for, simply because she didn't know that lovers could touch each other in such a way.

The scrape of teeth against sensitive flesh had moisture flooding at her core, her stomach tightening down when she was unable to push her thighs together to try and drive herself over the edge. She couldn't control the arch of her back into his mouth or the sounds coming from her throat, a cry of wonder as she rode the edge of pain and came back around to the most incredible ecstasy.

And then, he was moving to her other nipple, and she was saying, "Do that again, Cole,"

but he was already there, already scraping against the tight tip with his teeth before laving the small hurt away with the tip of his warm, wet tongue.

Her limbs yanked against her binds as she tried to press herself up, higher, harder against his mouth. But then, her breasts were free, his mouth and hands moving down her torso as she opened her mouth to complain, his tongue dipping into her belly button and stealing away any words that might have been on her lips.

One of Cole's fingers slid beneath the upper edge of her panties and all of her awareness suddenly centered on the slick, aroused flesh between her thighs. She could feel the silk of her panties sticking to her labia and where she'd previously been afraid before to let a man she hardly knew see her naked, now all she wanted was for the final barriers to be pulled away.

"Anna, baby, tell me what you want. Tell me what you need."

His words brushing warm air against her belly almost had her coming. God, what would happen when he finally touched her there? If he loved her vagina with his mouth as well as he'd loved her breasts?

Amazed that she could actually feel her clitoris swell at the same moment another gush of arousal spilled out from between her thighs, she breathed, "Just touch me, Cole. With your hands. Your mouth. Your tongue." She shuddered. "Your teeth."

With her sight taken away by the silk blindfold, the sound of fabric ripping was loud enough to make her jump, but a second later, as thick, warm fingers moved through her bared, damp curls to part her naked flesh, she forgot everything--that she had married a stranger, that she was blindfolded and bound to his bed, that she was frightened by the strangely powerful desire eating her up from the inside--everything but how desperate she was for release.

Air blew across her clitoris and she bucked up an inch--all her bindings would allow.

Oh God, he was teasing her.

Had she actually enjoyed his teasing before? Didn't he know that it would kill her if he teased her now? That she couldn't take any more of this pleasure, not when it was all coming at her so fast, so hard, stealing her breath--and her senses--away.

Second by second, she was disappearing into a swirling storm of ecstasy. Breath by breath she was on the verge of losing the Anna Davis she'd always been against Cole's hands as they slid slowly against her slickly aroused skin, his mouth as it dropped softly to her clitoris, drawing the tight, hard bud into his lips so that he could drag his tongue over it.

And then, just when she thought he was going to give her what she wanted, one more swirl of his tongue against her, over her--all she needed to crest the peak and come apart--he pulled away and blew out another hot breath over her delicate skin.

"Don't tease me, Cole. Please don't tease me anymore."

His tongue came out to flick against her drenched skin and relief swept through her as pleasure spiked and she tried to grab onto the wave and let it take her over.

But then he was blowing on her again, the light rush of air so good, too good, and yet, not nearly enough.

"You like what I'm doing to you."

His words weren't a question. They were a statement of truth.

"God, yes," she gasped. "I love it." And she did. But, "I need to come, Cole." And then maybe she could survive this pleasure. Maybe she could stop it from racing away with her.

Maybe she could return to being the woman she'd always been.

"How bad do you need it?"

"Really bad," was all she could manage as he tongue swept between her folds again, this time dipping into her. But even though she tried to buck into his mouth, his tongue didn't slide in far enough to give her any satisfaction.

She'd never survive his teasing.

"Well, now," he said slowly, letting his lips rake across the top of her mound, "doesn't sound to me like you need it all that bad."

If she'd been able to move her arms and legs, she would have launched herself at him, would have pinned him down to the bed and crawled up over his face and forced him to take her where she desperately needed to go.

Instead, all she could do was wait for him to give her what he wanted to give, when he wanted to give it. They were on his schedule, his plan.

Not hers.

With the thought came another inexplicable flood of arousal. Almost as if she liked being tied up and captive to Cole's every whim. And then his mouth covered her at the same moment he slipped a finger into her tight sheath and a small tremor worked through her.

"Just a little more. I only need a little more to get there."

His laughter took her by surprise, his lips and tongue and teeth rocking against her, his fingers shifting against her delicate internal walls. Another mini-tremor shook her.

"If you were expecting little, sweet Anna, you're going to be sorely disappointed."

Instead of being afraid of splitting apart beneath him, the vision of his erection stretching her wide as he forced her to take all of him catapulted her into a bigger, stronger tremor.

His tongue moved slow and soft against her again, from perineum to clit. She could feel herself perspiring from the combination of pleasure and frustration. From anticipation.

And desperation.

"I can't survive any more of this." She didn't have the will to keep her voice from shaking anymore.

His laughter came again, warm and almost loving, even as it was full of the same deep, dark desire that she'd been riding since the moment he'd kissed her for the first time.

"You'll not only survive it," he promised her, "but you'll wonder how you lived this long without it."

His words, the slight press of his mouth against her sensitive folds as he spoke, along with the tight clench of her inner muscles, were almost enough to get there. Holding her breath, she focused, willed herself to come, to escape the torture of Cole's teasing.

"Poor sweet baby," he murmured against her as she flopped back against the bed, frustrated and more aroused than she'd even known it was possible to be. "You really do need to come, don't you?"

But she was long past begging at this point, her cells were too wrapped up in the needs of her body for her to even attempt to form coherent words. She'd trusted him to give her pleasure and instead, she was frustrated and--

His tongue slid into her hard, thrusting once, twice, three times.

Oh God, yes! This was what she'd been waiting for, this was what she needed, a good tongue-fucking. She was riding his tongue like a hard shaft when his fingers moved over her clit again and swirled with dangerous precision.

Still riding his tongue, she rolled against his hands, fighting her bonds to try and get closer, but he was two steps ahead of her, increasing the pressure with delicious intent. And then Cole reached up with his free hand and found one hard, aroused nipple, and her entire body crashed in on itself, her clit and breasts dual epicenters for the massive earthquake rolling through her. She'd never come like this, so hard that she was certain the bed was splitting apart beneath her, the walls crashing in around her.

Her orgasm went on and on as Cole's tongue stroked new and shocking sensitive spots along her inner walls, his fingers magic on her clitoris and breasts.

Finally, when she was utterly spent--more tired than she'd been after running that 10K

last year--Cole shifted on the bed.

"My wife has such a sweet pussy," he said before placing a soft kiss over her labia.

Shivers racked her as his stubble raked across the too-sensitive flesh.

BOOK: Game For Love
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