Read Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) Online

Authors: Gale,Avery

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)
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“Stop talking,
.” Mitch stood so close, she had to tilt her head back to look into his eyes. Phoenix was grateful his friend was taking the lead, because at the moment, he was much too close to the edge. Ever since their time in the private room had been cut short, things had spiraled out of control, and one of the things Phoenix prized above all others was being in control.

Seeing her eyes flash with annoyance when her mouth snapped shut in automatic response to Mitch’s command, Phoenix felt some of his tension begin to slide away. Now that he’d taken a few deep breaths he could see her inflammatory words for what they’d really been—her own insecurities surfacing as concern for Coral. The few seconds Mitch bought him had been enough to get himself together, and he was grateful for his friend’s insight.

With a short nod to Mitch, Phoenix grabbed her hand and headed toward the stairs leading to the basement…and their personal dungeon. Once their parents decided to move out, the Morgan brothers hadn’t wasted any time converting one of the larger rooms on the lower level into a playroom for their BDSM activities. Calling it a dungeon was somewhat misleading because it was a high-end playroom by anyone’s standards. The five of them had invested a lot of money in the equipment, and he’d never been happier with their decision. Suddenly the room seemed like a very good investment.

Chapter Eighteen

spen slid the
tips of her fingers over the soft cotton sheets and let her mind drift in the haze between sleep and wakefulness. Stretching, she enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight warming her back and wondering how long Phoenix and Mitch would let her sleep. Without opening her eyes, she let her mind drift back over the events of the previous twenty-four hours.

Her first visit to Mountain Mastery as a submissive hadn’t gone at all as she’d expected, that was for sure. Having her fantasy played out had been both thrilling and terrifying. Phoenix and Mitch kept things pretty true to what she’d originally written, and the few deviances were enough to keep things interesting.

She couldn’t hold back her smile as she thought over their time in the private room, but obviously, that portion of the evening ended all too soon. From the moment they entered Master Nate’s office, everything went downhill. Finding out she’d put an innocent woman in danger by coming to Montana had weighed more heavily on her mind than she’d realized…at least until Masters Mitch and Phoenix took her downstairs to the Morgans’ playroom.

Rolling over, she felt the lingering effects of the paddling they’d given her when she’d refused to tell them why she’d been so angry in the truck. They’d pushed past her boundaries…no, they’d blasted through them. The two of them pushed her beyond anything she’d ever experienced before, not only sexually, but emotionally as well. The orgasms they’d given her eclipsed anything she’d dreamed possible, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever be satisfied with vanilla sex again. But, it was the emotional release that shocked her the most.

Once the floodgates opened, she’d finally cried for everything she’d lost after being shot. She’d made the mistake of centering her entire identity on her career. When it was snatched away she’d floundered, not even her new job had been able to fill the void. If she was honest with herself, she’d known from the beginning the job she’d taken with DHS was simply something to fill the time.

When Mitch asked her why she’d refused Kyle West’s job offer she’d cringed, but she’d answered honestly when she’d told him he’d worried about jeopardizing their friendship. Working for the Prairie Winds team would be a dream come true and even though she’d known she’d be able to fly again, her worries about working for friends prevented her from accepting the job.
Maybe it was time to reconsider that decision.

Throwing aside the sheet, Aspen rolled to her feet and padded into the suite’s enormous bathroom. The white marble floors and countertops reflected the morning light so brilliantly, she didn’t bother turning on the lights. She smiled when she stepped into the largest shower she’d ever seen. The rest of the room might look like a high-end hotel, but the shower was clearly a nod to the outdoor splendor of Montana. The rock wall was laced with hidden LED lights accenting the spectacular colors layering the stones, and she wondered if Phoenix had laid the wall himself. Small ledges held ferns and small containers of flowering plants, the soft scents filling the air helped soothe her mind. Leaning her head back, Aspen let water sluice through her hair. Enjoying the pulse of the hot water massaging her sore muscles, she stood perfectly still for several long seconds before reaching for the shampoo.

“Allow me.” Mitch’s voice over her shoulder startled her so badly she shrieked before floundering. In her haste to escape, her feet slipped out from under her, but he caught her easily in his arms. “
, I’m sorry. I thought you heard me come in.” She wasn’t entirely sure he was sincere, but she’d barely been able to hear him over the pounding of her heart.

When she finally got her feet under her, Aspen turned to look into the steel blue eyes dancing with devilment. “You’re not sorry. You did that on purpose.” Stomping her foot in frustration, Aspen couldn’t hold back her giggle at his failed attempt to look contrite.

. My years in the Special Forces taught me to be hyper-vigilant of my surroundings, and I often forget not everyone is as paranoid as I am.” When she started to step away, he pulled her back into his arms and she gasped when she felt his erection pressing against her stomach. “I wanted to spend some time alone with you, baby.” His large hands stroking up and down from the top of her ass to the base of her neck relaxed her in a way words alone wouldn’t have been able to.

“Phoenix won’t be angry?” One of the things she’d watched carefully with her friends in polyamorous relationships was the way the men seemed to work together seamlessly to meet their woman’s needs.

She’d asked Tobi about it one night, and her feisty friend had assured her their efforts were far from seamless. “Even twins have communication challenges, but I’m rarely given even a glimpse of them. Honestly, I was really worried about it at first, too. I just couldn’t imagine there wouldn’t be a lot of jealousy issues. But, they seem to focus on what’s best for me, leaving their egos out of the mix.” Tobi had broken out into a fit of giggles before adding, “Who am I kidding? Most of the time, I hear them muttering about the fact they should have been triplets so there’d be three of them to keep me in line.”

Mitch pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, bringing her back to the moment. “No,
mon cher
. Phoenix won’t be upset. We’ll spend time with you individually as well as together. I’ll warn you now, we’re going to be greedy. We’ll take as much as you’ll give us.” This time, he kissed the tip of her nose before pressing his lips against hers in a kiss so hot she was sure he seared his name into her soul. Everything around her disappeared, nothing existed but the man branding her with his lips. When he finally broke the kiss, she was sure the world spun on its axis a time or two before the fog of desire abated enough for her to think.

“Phoenix and I have one point of focus—you. But I think you’ll learn quickly our styles of dominance aren’t exactly the same.” She didn’t say anything as he massaged the shampoo into her hair. The pressure of his fingers against her scalp made her moan, the decadent pleasure making her sway. He shifted to wedge her between his hard cock and the smooth glass along one side of the shower. “Like that, do you?” The teasing tone of his voice made her smile.

“I love having someone massage my scalp and face. I remember Lilly West picking me up from school one day when I was ill.” Since Kent had been the one to walk me to the nurse’s office, he’d encouraged her to call his mom instead of her foster mother. “I laid on their sofa with my head in her lap while she ran her fingers through my hair and traced her soft fingers over my face until I’d fallen asleep.” Aspen hadn’t felt a mother’s touch in so long, at first, the intimacy had been unsettling. But in the end, Lilly West’s patience won out, and Aspen had finally gotten the rest her body craved.

“Lilly is a treasure, even though I know she drives her husbands and sons to the very brink of sanity more often than not.” Aspen tried not to laugh, but she couldn’t hold back her smile. “I see by your beautiful smile you know exactly what I mean.”

“And the irony is that they married a woman just like her.”

“I’m afraid Tobi will be worse in the end because she’s got Lilly as her mentor. I shudder to think what Kodi will be like, but I do know Kyle tells me he’s getting gray hair just thinking about his daughter’s teen years.”

By the time he rinsed the conditioner from her hair, Aspen’s body was beginning to hum with need. Mitch looked down at her, the fire in his eyes unmistakable. “If you keep looking at me with those fuck me eyes, I’m not going to be able to control myself.” His words ignited her, and she pressed against him, relishing the feel of his rock hard chest.
Flesh covered steel.

“Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself. May I’d prefer you pinned me to the wall and fucked me until neither of us are sure our legs will hold us up.” His answering growl made her inner minx dance a little jig in triumph. They’d discussed condoms last night, and she’d been glad when they’d readily agreed to forgo the latex. She didn’t like the feel of it entering her and found they’d left her chafed and sore for days afterward.

Turning her so her back was pressed to a cool section of the glass. When she gasped, he chuckled. “I’m not sure Phoenix intended for this section to be out of the reach of the warm spray, but I think it’s a nice touch. His large hands cupped her breasts, gently tugging on her peaked nipples until she was squirming against him. He leaned down licking the shell of her ear and she wondered if she could come from this alone. When she shuddered, he chuckled. “You are stunning, and I’m looking forward to showing you all the wicked things I want to do to your delectable body. But right now, I’m going to give you exactly what you’re wishing for. Hands on the wall, baby.”

She didn’t waste any time turning and getting into position. He smoothed his hands from her shoulders all the way down until he was squeezing her ass cheeks. The tips of his fingers lightly grazed the slick folds of her sex causing her to unconsciously part her legs. “That’s it, open for your Dom. I love it when your body offers itself to me without your mind’s direction—those are moves of the heart, and they are measures of trust.”

Mitch’s words unleashed something inside her, and her body shuddered with anticipation. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Aspen knew she was close to coming, but it hadn’t fully registered before heat exploded in her core. The strength of her orgasm shocked her as brilliant sparkles of light danced behind her eyelids. Her knees shook for several seconds before they folded out from under her, but Mitch’s large hands were already spanning her waist, so he easily kept her from sinking to the floor.

Aspen’s head was still spinning from the intensity of her release, and the aftershocks were as intense as any orgasm she’d been able to achieve before meeting Mitch and Phoenix. “Again,
. Give me another, come with me, now.” His command was punctuated by hard thrusts, and the first spurts of his hot seed against her cervix sent her tumbling over the edge again. She heard him shouting her name as a woman’s scream rent the air, but it took her several seconds to realize she’d been the one shouting.

“You’re going to be the death of me, baby.” Mitch’s voice caught as he carried her from the shower, sitting her on a towel he’d already spread on the counter. Pulling another large bath sheet around her before drying himself, he told her to hold wait for him to return.
Is he kidding? I don’t think I could lift my arms if I tried, let alone stand up. Hell, I may not be able to walk for a week.

When he turned back her, his eyes were sparkling, and she envied the fact he was able to move all of his extremities, and his mind seemed to be functioning as well. “Damn. I love that just fucked daze in your eyes. Knowing you’re sated will always be one of the best feelings in the world.” She wasn’t sure what happened, but suddenly she felt as if a fissure in her self-control cracked wide open. Emotions she didn’t even recognize started boiling over, and before she knew what was happening, she was sobbing.

“Fuck.” Mitch’s muttered curse only served to make her feel worse. Had she let him down? He didn’t seem nearly as affected by what they’d just shared as she was. Maybe she’d been a crushing disappointment because he was walking and she couldn’t even hold the towel closed in front of her. And now he was sure to think she was a blubbering idiot—
oh yeah, every man’s dream woman, fuck ’em, and they fall apart. Dandy.

Mitch couldn’t believe
he’d made such a newbie mistake. He knew how inexperienced Aspen was. He should have known better than to take his eyes and hands off her immediately after their scene. She’d looked so beautiful in her post-orgasmic stupor he’d completely forgotten to prepare for the adrenaline crash that had been sure to follow. She’d flinched when he’d cursed his own stupidity aloud, but he scooped her into his arms despite the look of apprehension in her blue eyes.

BOOK: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)
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