Read Glass Towers: Surrendered Online

Authors: Adler,Holt,Ginger Fraser

Glass Towers: Surrendered (6 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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“Right down those stairs
, Mrs. Towers. Would you care for me to escort you to the bottom?”

“I am okay Antonio. Thank you for all your help, you really delivered. I am so happy you were here.”

He nodded and smiled. I headed down the stone staircase to the sand.

Harrison was sporting one of the biggest smiles I think that man had ever displayed. I could tell he was genuinely happy and at peace. He looked more gorgeous than I ha
d ever seen him. His tanned skin and sun kissed hair was glowing in the early full moonlight. He was wearing a casual cream soft cotton jacket and pants suit that was a trim modern fit that looks so good on him. Under the jacket, he was wearing a white cotton button up shirt, open at the neck to expose a little glimpse of his bronze chest.

We held each other’s gaze
, and I could feel my cheeks hurting from the smile that was plastered on my face. I don’t think I have ever had so much to smile for in my life. My new life would start in a few short minutes as his bride. I walked all the way down the rose petal path and finally reached Harrison. He took both of my hands in his and kissed me on the top of my right hand. I could smell his spice market scent that always intoxicates me. The minister proceeded to marry us by having us recite our vows. Once he had said the matrimony prayer and we exchanged rings, he asked us if we had anything else that we wanted to add before he made his final blessing.

We both nodded.

Harrison turned to me, looking deep into my soul. I, in turn, searched his eyes and saw our future staring back at me.

“Danielle, you make me a better man. I am happiest when you are around, you will be an amazing mother, friend, lover, wife and soul mate. I will cherish you each and every day of our lives together. I love you
, Danielle, and can’t wait to start writing our story, and our family’s story. I love you,
mi amour

“Harrison, you are my world, my everything. From the fist moment
that you ran into my life, I just knew you were meant for me. Through all we have experienced so far, our love for each other has kept us strong and we are bonded in ways no one could ever imagine. I will love you, cherish you, and take care of you all the days of my life. I too am ready to begin writing the rest of our story together. I love you.”

“Harrison and Danielle, having witnessed your vows before God and those who are assembled here today,” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Antonio and the glam team
watching from the terrace.. “By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”

My husband grabbed my face with both hands and our vows were sealed in a passionate kiss.

Chapter Six


"Folks, we have begun our descent to Portland
. The current weather is 52 degrees, and we will be at the gate in about twenty minutes. We'd like the flight attendants to prepare the cabin for arrival. We want to thank you for flying with Cayman Airways today.”

I take in a deep
, cleansing breath, and then look over to Harrison and see that he is looking at me intently.

“You ready for this
, Mrs. Towers?”

My stomach is in knots, but I think I am ready. As long as I am with you, I am ready for anything.”

Harrison grabs my hand
, kisses the back of it, then leans in and gently touches his lips to mine. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I love you Danielle. You and I together will get through this and everything else that comes our way.”

“I love you too
, Harrison.”

are Albert and your team going to be ready for us at the airport?”

He nods
, as we both put our seats into the upright position, as instructed by the flight attendant.

“Yes, when I spoke to Garrin during our layover,
he said arrangements have been made with the airport security to aide us in leaving the premises. I have the utmost confidence that it is handled. Don’t you worry!”

I sigh
, as I look out the window. In just a few short minutes, we will land and be back to reality. I know Harrison is correct, that we will get through this. What I dread most is Marion’s reaction when the board fires her. During the layover in Atlanta, Harrison sent an overnight package to Montreal. The package contains the documents implicating her in funneling the funds to the bank in the Caymans. Thankfully, the board is going to do the deed, leaving Harrison out of it. It still makes no sense to me why she would have been so careless. She left a virtual paper trail that led right to her. I am beginning to understand that this woman is not only a bitch, but she is an unstable bitch. A dangerous combination.

It would be foolish to think that Marion will just walk away. I dread her wrath. Harrison tells me not to worry
, that he will handle it. I can’t help myself; I am worried.

Harrison reaches over and nudges my hand to get me to stop twisting my hair around my finger.

“I know that look
mi amore
, stop worrying. We are almost home and ready to start our new lives together. Tomorrow the board will take care of Marion, and we can put all of this behind us.”

“Harrison, do you really believe that she is just going to walk away and take their offer of amnesty
, if she agrees to go quietly?”

He scoffs, “She hasn’t any choice.
Either she takes what the board is offering or they turn the information over to the authorities and have her brought up on embezzlement charges. It is more than fair, and she is not stupid. She will agree to our terms.”

“I don’t know
, Harrison, I really think it is not going to be as clean as all of that. She is off kilter; she harmed Adelaide and has been behind all of the craziness in my life. Since our elopement has made it to the front-page of the rag magazines, she has to be humiliated and ready for retaliation. Surely, you know the idiom, ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

“Now you are just being melodramatic. I agree she has subjected you to relentless harassment
, but the threat of serving behind bars has to inspire her to cease. She will be mad for a while, but she will lick her wounds and bounce back. She can work for her father’s company and land on her feet.”

I grab my hand away from his. He is making me upset. I can’t believe he is being so blind.

“Well, in my opinion you aren’t being hard enough on her.” I hiss “She has put me through hell, and all she gets is
?! You mark my words, when she learns of her dismissal, it will be like letting the hounds of hell loose from their cage. I just pray that I am not in their path.”

In a hushed tone, “You are not being reasonable. I would like nothing more than for her to serve time for her crimes. However, you are failing to recognize the rift that would create with the Devereauxs. They are one of
the largest exporters of our product to the EU. Without them, we would have to find another distributor. Not such an easy task, but even bigger is the relationship we have had with that family for a mere couple of centuries. One bad egg should not sever those long-standing relationships. It may be hard for you to understand, but once again, I am asking you to trust me.

“I understand all of that Harrison. It is just hard to believe that her family wouldn’t want her to be held accountable for all the suffering and heartache she has inflicted on so many!
I would think
would be embarrassing for the family.

, I agree. Of anyone, you and I have suffered the most at her hand. However, this is how the board of directors wishes to handle her and I have no choice but to follow their wishes. It does not mean that I agree with them. Maybe now, you can appreciate why I started my own life here with my own money, where I the make the decisions. I wanted to get away from the old-school aristocracy and make my own way, without the board looking over my shoulder and dictating every move I make.”

I had not thought about the board being so controlling, but it does make a lot of sense. I just don’t understand this antiquated way of thinking.”

“Well, it is the way business used to be done and they have no reason to change it. Now, let
us enjoy the last two minutes of our honeymoon
mi amore

As the pla
ne completes its final descent, Harrison grabs my hand, and we head into our new life.

Chapter Seven


As predicted, the airport was abuzz with camera crews and paparaz
zi. I didn’t think sleepy water-logged Portland had this much media. We both put our sunglasses on and averted our faces, while being ushered away from the crowd. If it were Simone in my shoes, she would be stopping and posing like you see celebrities do at red-carpet events. Not us. We want to power through this crowd and obstruct this pack of hyenas from getting the money shot.

ironic part is that Harrison is not actually a celebrity. He simply caught the attention of several “eligible bachelor” lists because of his mogul status, not to mention he is drop-dead gorgeous. He is in the public eye a lot with his various philanthropic projects, especially the reading foundation. He has developed amazing properties over the years and he has been a confirmed bachelor, until now. I know firsthand his prowess in the bedroom, so yes; he
the most eligible catch for sure. Thank God, I am the one who caught him.

We head out to the waiting town car. I notice that it is not the usual Towers Holdings car. I wonder why we are in a different car?

Once inside, we make a quick getaway. I turn to Harrison, whose body looks tense and stiff. I, on the other hand, found that experience to be somewhat exciting, in a strange sort of way. I wouldn’t want to have that greet me every time I got off a plane, but it did add a little sizzle to the otherwise mundane airport. I did find it a bit exhausting and look forward to arriving at the penthouse.

Harrison turns to me. “That was the easy part. I am told that the camp set up at the Towers is something else
.” His brow is furrowed, and he looks stressed out. His look reminds me of the night he showed up at my condo to explain his engagement to Marion.

it’s as if he is reading my thoughts, “Oh! That was easy? Now I am really dreading going home.”

It really is quite something to think that when I left as Danielle Austen
I had no idea that I would be coming back home as Danielle Towers. I never would have even had the slightest clue that I would be returning to Portland, married to Harrison Towers.

Harrison is busy on his phone. I glance down and
become mesmerized by the ring on my finger. It just seems like a fairytale. Or, at least one of those romance movies you go see, and say to yourself, ‘only in the movies’. That is my life, and I would not change a thing. I find my strength in knowing that I am in very capable hands. I feel safe and cherished. Just as if I had custom ordered the traits my father possesses. Harrison is shifting in his seat, and I can see why. Up ahead I can see the Towers lit up by all the media lighting.

“Holy shit!”
Without thinking, the expletive escapes my mouth. Harrison flashes me a quick glance, and then he is on his phone calling who knows who.

I see a swarm of people with cameras
, as we approach in the unmarked black town car. It has tinted windows, but I feel like they can see right in with the flashes of their cameras.

security gates to the underground parking open, and the town car slips into the garage. I look behind me and see security guards standing in the open entrance, as the gate is being lowered. There is literally a mob of flashing cameras and people shouting Harrison’s name, asking if it’s true that we got married. I find it somewhat of a relief that we are gated in. We are escorted to the elevators and Albert appears to take us up to the penthouse. He turns to me and says, “Welcome home
Madame Towers

, I like how that sounds even more! “Thank you, Albert.” I smile.

“I thought that would be worse than it was. It was rather easy. I feel unscathed
, at least.”

Harrison smiles, “Well, I had hoped it would go this way
, but I did fear it was going to be much worse. I have arranged for us to do a press conference tomorrow afternoon, here at the Tower so we can put to rest all of the rumors and frenzy. Hopefully.

“Harrison! I don’t want to be on television or have my picture taken! You know I am a private person.”

“I think it is a wise decision.” Before I voice my objections, he puts his finger up to pause me. “However, we will talk about this in the morning, after we have had a chance to get settled in.”

The elevator door opens to the
penthouse. Harrison turns to me, “Oh no allow me.” Then in one swoop, he has me in his arms as he carries me across the threshold into the foyer. He sets me down as I giggle. He reaches his hand behind my head and pulls me in for a long, sensuous kiss. His tongue seeking mine, we hear an “Ahem”. We both stop and look up at Albert grinning down at us.

BOOK: Glass Towers: Surrendered
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