Read Golden Dancer Online

Authors: Tara Lain

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #menage, #Contemporary, #Gay, #erotic romance

Golden Dancer (7 page)

BOOK: Golden Dancer
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The waiter arrived with the check. Daniel signed and rose all in one motion. When Trelain stood, Daniel took his arm and led him through the bar to the front door. Finally, he seemed in a hurry.

Chapter Seven


Outside the little dive, a large black limousine waited, double-parked, a chauffeur in a lightweight shirt standing stoically as if he wasn’t blocking the flow of traffic on one of the busiest coastal roads in the world.

Daniel nodded. “Thanks, George. Going home.”

“Right away, Mr. Terrebone.”

George opened the back door, and Trelain crawled into the gray leather interior. The divider was up, separating the passengers from the driver. Hm. The chauffeur must know his boss well. Daniel slipped in beside him, clearly familiar with the procedure for folding his tall, lean frame into the car.

He closed the door, surrounding them in the dim coziness produced by the tinted windows and the plush seats. In one move, he reached for Trelain, pulled him across the slick leather and onto his lap. His mouth descended.

Bloody hell, it was about time. Trelain opened his mouth wide and sucked in Daniel’s hot tongue. Chyort, he was on fire! All the frustration from Mac, all the teasing and restraint with Daniel, boiled through him like hot oil. All he could think of was that cock in his arse. He dragged one leg across Daniel’s lap until he straddled the man and then pressed his rock-hard cock directly into the equally steely rod outlined against the big man’s jeans. Tipping his hips forward, he got the contact he was looking for and began to ride hard against the bulge he desperately wanted inside him.

Daniel pulled back and moaned. “Holy shit, angel face, you keep that up, and I’ll come in my pants.”

Trelain thrashed his head from side to side, flinging hair into Daniel’s face. “Can’t stop. Want to fuck. Now!”

Daniel gripped his face and looked into his eyes. He must have seen what he was looking for, because he reached for the intercom switch. “George, drive up the coast. I’ll tell you when to stop.”

“Yes, sir.” Trelain vaguely registered that the chauffeur didn’t reflect a flicker of amusement or censure, but his own primary goal was getting Daniel out of his jeans. He’d managed to lower the zipper, but the damned snap wouldn’t release. Bollocks. So he shifted his attention to digging a hand into the open fly to find the treasure within. Oh, Christ on a cracker, that was one big treasure. Reminded him of another big prize he’d handled lately. But he didn’t want to think about that now.

With awe, he pulled the wildly impressive prick out of its hiding hole. Blinding! His arse ached already. But first a little lubrication. He pushed back until he was kneeling on the floor between Daniel’s legs, dived onto the cock, and swallowed it down in one move. In seconds, he was sucking like a tuppenny trollop.

“Holy blessed hell!” Daniel buried his hands in the golden mane. “Dear God, man, don’t you know the meaning of restraint?”

Trelain shook his head as he kept on sucking.

Daniel’s laugh was a little hysterical. “Oh shit, you are marvelous.” He reached his fingers deep into the hair and pulled up with enough force to cause Trelain’s lips to pop off the big cock. He started to protest, but Daniel silenced him with a deep kiss. He pulled back and looked into Trelain’s eyes. “You’re good at that sucking business, beauty, but you’ll defeat your purpose if I come down your throat and am too soft to hammer your ass.”

“Then bloody well bugger me.”

“Shit, don’t mind if I do.” He opened a compartment across from the seats and removed a condom and a pack of lube.

Trelain couldn’t wait another second. He toed off his flip-flops and wriggled out of his jeans and boxer briefs, flipped until he was kneeling on the seat, and pushed his throbbing arse into the air.

He heard Daniel laugh and saw, between his knees, the man pull his jeans off and slip the condom on that big, juicy cock. He ripped the little package and slicked his fingers. Trelain wriggled his butt.

Daniel laughed again. “A little anxious, are we?”

“Don’t bloody play games. Bloody fuck me.”

Trelain sucked in breath as at least two fingers pushed into his hole. Oh, bloody hell, the burn felt so good. Those fingers began a steady in-and-out as Daniel’s other hand reached under and began to massage his shaved balls. Oh, Lord, was it him making that sound? Daniel leaned down so Trelain could see his face. “That what you want, baby? That what you need? Nobody’s been taking care of this pretty baby, have they? You need a good hard fuck to make you come right, don’t you, baby?”

The heat blazed through his brain. No witty repartee emerged. All he knew was what he had to have. “Please, yes, please.”

“These fingers not enough for you, baby? You want something bigger? Deeper?”

“Yes, oh fucking hell, yes.” The fingers pulled out, and Trelain almost cried from the emptiness. And then something big, hard, and smooth pressed against that eager hole. “Yes, Daniel. That. Please. Fuck, yes.”

In one deep thrust, Daniel pushed that monster at least halfway in, ramming Trelain’s gland and shooting fire straight up his spine to his brain. “Yes!”

Finally, Daniel’s composure seemed to slip. “Oh, shit, beauty, you feel so hot. Oh my God, I didn’t know… Oh yes.” And his words became grunts as he slammed into Trelain’s pulsing hole over and over.

Trelain’s fingers dug into the buttery upholstery that his cock was rubbing against, just taking the pounding and loving every second. He wanted it to go on forever. It was so good. The man kept changing it up. Just when the shallow strokes might have gotten redundant, he’d slam in so deep, Trelain thought he could feel him in his throat and that the top of his head would come off. Oh, so good, so good.

But his cock wasn’t having the “go on forever” business. Trelain felt the hot, bubbling sensation of semen getting ready to blow. He pushed one hand back and grabbed his cock, only to have Daniel slap his hand away. “You want to come, beautiful baby, I’m gonna do it for you. I’m going to do everything for you. Do you hear me?”

Some tiny piece of Trelain’s mind wondered what he meant, but he could only beg. “Yes, Daniel. Yes, make me come.”

The big hand began to stroke as that cock kept up its relentless work, pounding, ramming. It only took a few strokes. “Oh, fucking hell, yeeeees.” Hot cum poured from his cock into Daniel’s grasping hand. His sight went black, then burst into light as heat filled every nerve. He just kept shuddering in spurt after delicious spurt.

“Oh God, baby. You wring me out.” Trelain felt Daniel’s body lose its rhythm and begin to buck frantically. “Oh, oh God.” His body froze over Trelain’s hips, and Trelain imagined all that thick, hot semen pouring into his ass. Powerful arms came down on either side of Trelain’s body as the big man tried to keep from collapsing on top of him.

The seats were wide for a car, but too narrow for a bed. Still, Daniel wriggled around until he managed to wedge his body along the seat and pull Trelain’s back against his chest. When they were settled, Trelain felt lips against his neck. “Don’t mean to jump to conclusions, but that seemed pretty damned incredible to me.”

Trelain chuckled. “Bragging, are we?”

Daniel reached around and brought Trelain’s head up to they could see each other. “No, I think it was a mutual masterpiece.”

Trelain gazed into those midnight blue eyes. “Yes. It was brilliant.”

“You’ll find a hand towel in that compartment.” Daniel pointed to the spot where he’d found the condom. Trelain reached over and fished out the towel, handing it over his shoulder. Daniel wiped his hands, then put the very full condom into the towel and tossed it on the floor of the car.

Trelain settled back against Daniel. They both still wore their shirts, but their bottom halves were bare, and he could feel Daniel’s softened cock against his arse cheeks. He glanced toward the car windows. “Do you think we’ve reached Oregon by now?”

Daniel chuckled. “Probably more like Long Beach.”

“I’ve never been here before.”

“Want to stop and see the aquarium?”

“Fish? Not my thing unless they come with chips.”

“They might object to that. How about we go home and have a swim? Pool or ocean, your choice.”

“Ocean. Sounds brilliant.”

* * *

The man who stood in front of Horst’s desk today was anything but rumpled and unsure. Rutger filled the space before him with the breadth of his chest, and while he wasn’t necessarily a candidate for Mensa, he was shrewd and without conscience. “Terrebone seems to have a new collector’s item.” His strangely high voice with its heavy German accent seemed to whisper from everywhere.

“Are you speaking of the dancer?”

“Yes, they’ve been seen together twice that I know of.”

Von Berg frowned. “Not exactly privileged information. I saw it on the entertainment news. Two faggots prancing around that faggot town.”

“I took the liberty of dispatching some men to watch the perverts. We can’t get too close to the estate, but we’ll know who goes in and out, as well as their movements.”

“Ah, good thinking, Rutger. I like initiative.”

The big man gave a tight smile. “I look forward to the day I can entertain the girly man dancer myself. There are a few tricks I learned in prison…”

Von Berg got a chill.

* * *

Daniel glanced at the group of handsome, well-built men standing on the sand with their tongues hanging out. Turned to stone. Yeah, that’s just how good the dancer looked in those Australian trunks. Not as full-on obscene as tiny French bikinis, but nowhere near as covered as the popular California board shorts, these boy short-style trunks clung to that hard ass and those massive thighs like a lover’s caress. Daniel loved beautiful things, and the man was beautiful. But it was more than that. The guy was funny. Daniel had a weakness for humor, and the guy’s wit kept him laughing. And unpredictable! Daniel always felt a little off-balance around Trelain, and that didn’t happen to him much. Strangely, he also felt protective. For all his international fame, Trelain was a kid and one that, according to rumor, hadn’t had the easiest life. Daniel knew a lot about not-easy lives. He might like to take care of the dancer. Give the man the security and protection no one had ever given him. Yeah, he just might like that a lot.

They had stopped for a drink on the patio of the elegant Montage Hotel, where even the jaded, celebrity-ridden crowd had stared. Trelain seemed to barely notice. He must be so used to it. After a round of French 75, their little touches and subtle caresses seemed to have gotten a rise out of the fiery Russian again, and now they were walking with purpose on the beach back toward Daniel’s house. Maybe this time Daniel would surrender his ass to a nice Cossack ride.

He reached out and let his fingers entwine with Trelain’s. The dancer looked up and glanced at the people they were passing. Daniel knew Great Britain was pretty restrained when it came to PDA. Daniel stroked his hand with his thumb. “Don’t worry. This is Laguna Beach. People expect to see male couples here.”

Trelain looked around. Daniel saw a few people glance their way, but no one seemed especially concerned, and who would assume that this androgynous beauty wasn’t gay anyway?

The dancer smiled. “Must be nice.”

“Yeah. It’s not like it used to be. At one time Laguna had one of the highest per capita gay populations in the country. Now, a lot of the crowd has moved out to the desert.”


Daniel laughed. “Not like banishment or French Foreign Legion. No, they’ve moved to Palm Springs. Maybe I’ll take you out there some time?” Odd to realize there wasn’t anywhere he wouldn’t want to take Trelain. “But Laguna is still very gay friendly. When the big protest against gay marriage was going on, the sign-carriers lined the Pacific Coast Highway all the way from northern Orange County to the south, but they skipped over Laguna Beach. They weren’t welcome here. The picketers ended at the northern border to the city and picked up again in the south, but none were in town. In fact, people carried pro-gay marriage signs all over Main Beach. It made me proud to live here.”

“That’s really nice. Would you ever want to get married?”

Daniel paused. Had he thought about it? He’d told Trelain when they met that he was tired of the one-night-stand game, but was he that tired? “Yes, I just might. Marriage isn’t legal for us in California yet. Soon I hope.”

“Yes, same in the UK.”

“Would you ever want to get married?”

Trelain shook his head. “Never met someone that I’d want to be with for life. I travel so much and spend so much time dancing, I can’t imagine I’d be a brilliant choice as a husband.” He gave Daniel that shy, sexy sideways glance that seemed to be a favorite of his. “Of course, I’ve been known to change my mind.”

They got close to Daniel’s property. No one could own the beach in California, since it belonged to all the people, but Daniel loved that his estate came down to the sand. One wing of the house was built close to the water, while the main body of the house was set back on the other side of the lawn and swimming pool. He had several houses, but this was his favorite. This was where he felt truly at home.

They clasped hands tighter. Daniel laughed. “I believe we need a shower. Think you can get your cock in me in the shower, pretty baby?”

Those blue-green eyes lit up. “Brilliant idea. Bloody hell, I can’t wait.”

Trelain practically dragged him to the beach-room entrance where the polished concrete floors were up to the assault of fresh sand. God, this guy was hot, and hot for it. Daniel loved that. They sat on the maple wood benches and wiped the sand from their feet, then rushed through the door laughing.

Daniel’s butler, Carlos, was waiting. “Mr. Terrebone, Mr. Medveyev has a visitor. I put him in the formal living room.”

Shit. He really wanted to fuck. “Were you expecting someone?”

Trelain looked mystified. “No. I shouldn’t think the few people who know I’m here would disturb me, certainly not by arriving unannounced.”

Daniel got to see that flash of entitlement that accompanied nearly all great artists, no matter how shy or humble they might be.

BOOK: Golden Dancer
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