Read Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 Online

Authors: S E Smith


Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 (10 page)

BOOK: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1
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“This is a very nice room. I hope I’m not taking it away from anyone.” Gracie said hesitantly.

Kordon watched as Gracie nervously straightened the skirt of her nightgown over her legs. His eyes darkened as he remembered dressing her in it last night. Kordon talked to Toolas, the Baskten healer in charge of medical. Toolas told Kordon it was not unusual for Gracie to be so tired. Between her injuries and being malnourished, it was to be expected but she should make a complete recovery with proper medical care and proper nutrition. Toolas was more concerned with the depression Gracie was experiencing. Toolas explained Gracie would need a good support system in place to help her adjust to the new world she found herself in and time to accept what happened to her old one. Besides Kordon and Mohan, only a few select officers and Toolas knew about Gracie’s history. Kordon wanted to keep it that way for a while. He decided to withhold the information from his reports to the Confederation Council until he knew more.

“You are not. This is my rooms. You stay here.” Kordon said slowly thankful he could communicate with Gracie.

Gracie’s eyes widened at Kordon’s softly spoken statement. “But, where will you be staying?” Gracie asked puzzled.

“Here.” Kordon responded with a grin.

Gracie’s hands shook as she looked everywhere but at the man sitting on the bed across from her. “I don’t think that would be a very good idea. Perhaps, perhaps I could ask Mohan if I could stay with her.” Gracie said quietly glancing under her eyelashes at the huge man looking at her with a frown.

Gracie felt a shiver go down her spine as she looked at Kordon. He really was breathtakingly handsome in a huge sort of way. He towered over her petite five foot four frame by at least a foot or more. His black hair was cut short except for one long piece in the very back which was braided with silver and blue beads threaded through it. Gracie remembered seeing the other men who were getting off the shuttle having the same thing only with different colored beads. His face was a dark tan color with markings across his forehead and down along one side of his face ending right below his right eye. She noticed the same markings running down the right side of his neck before disappearing under the collar of his shirt. Gracie vaguely wondered how far the markings went. He was bigger than any man she ever saw before. Not even Adam was as big as Kordon. Gracie didn’t understand why she got so nervous around him. Except for the light kiss he gave her when she accidently almost killed him, he really hadn’t done anything else but played with her hair and her neck and made her sit in his lap. Okay, maybe she could understand why she was nervous. Whenever he touched her, she got all warm and quivery inside. It was
the calm warmth she got when Chance t
ouched her. No, this was a hot,
achy warmth that confused and scared her. The thought of Chance caused tears to fill her eyes again.

Gracie started when she felt Kordon’s warm hand under her chin. “What is makes you sad?” He asked as he brushed his thumb against her chin.

“I was thinking of how different you are from Chance.” Gracie said looking into Kordon’s eyes confused.

Kordon bit back a curse at the mention of the other man’s name. Mohan told him of Gracie’s love for the male. He read all the archives she had sent to him and it mention there was speculation on a relationship between the two but nothing in the archives showed the male ever claimed the female like he later did her sister. Kordon refused to let Gracie dwell on the other male. He was gone and Kordon was here. He did not like that Gracie would compare them. If Gracie had been his, he never would have let her go alone.

Kordon tilted Gracie’s head back refusing to let her look away from him. He wanted her to know it was him there. He would not allow her to compare him to the other male. He would not allow her to pretend he was that male. She would know it was Kordon who claimed her as his life mate.

“The only difference is I am here now and I have claimed you as mine, Gracie Jones.” Kordon said before crushed his lips down over hers in a kiss that left no doubt as to who he was.

Gracie stiffened at first but the same hot, achy warmth that caused her insides to melt and her pussy to clench seemed to have a different idea of how she should react. Gracie melted into the sweet hunger that seemed to build since she had first touch the huge Zion Admiral. Gracie leaned forward into Kordon and slowly let her hands moved over his wide shoulders before wrapping them around his neck. Her fingers twisted in the long thin braid down his back holding him to her as she opened her mouth. The first touch of his tongue against hers had her groaning in need. She never even noticed when he picked her up in his arms turning back towards the bed and gently laying her back down. Gracie pulled away and cried out as she felt his hand on her breast, pulling at her distended nipple through the thin satin.

“Oh!” Gracie moaned as she arched closer to Kordon’s warm hand.

Kordon looked down at Gracie’s flushed face and passion dazed eyes. “Look at me Gracie Jones.” Kordon commanded softly. “Look at me and say
name. Tell me
you see.”

“Kordon.” Gracie whispered huskily looking into his dark blue eyes. “I see Kordon.”

Kordon growled out in triumph as he pulled back enough to slide the straps off of Gracie’s shoulders. “I claim you, Gracie. You are mine. I not allow anyone to take you from me…not you nor a man who no longer lives. You are mine. Tell me.” Kordon said softly in a voice that told there would be no arguing, no going back.

Even in the stilted words of English, Gracie understood what Kordon was saying and what was about to happen. He was telling her she would become his. Gracie knew deep down she could fight it but the outcome would remain the same. Kordon had claimed her. Gracie’s mind fluttered briefly to the saying ‘…be wise enough to know the difference’. Did she really want to change this? There was something going on between her and Kordon. She might not understand it but did she really want to not see where it took her? She didn’t fight for it before and look what happened. Gracie knew she could survive alone. She spent three years doing that and almost six months when she was a child in the dark tunnels before the guys found her. No, if she did this it was because she was ready to belong to someone.

“I’m yours, Kordon.” Gracie said huskily. “I’m yours.”

Kordon pulled back and slowly began undressing never taking his eyes off of Gracie. From the first moment he heard her husky voice, he knew she was his. He remembered his father and his father’s father talking about when they first met their life mate. They told him just the sound of their life mate’s voice gave them a sense of peace, of serenity. They also told him he would become very protective and possessive of his female. They laughingly told how their mates fought them every step of the way whenever they became too possessive or protective but they added it was well worth the making up. While Zion Warriors were ruthless and cold towards any others, Kordon’s father and father’s father admitted their life mates had them wrapped around their delicate little fingers. Kordon could finally appreciate what they were trying to tell him.

Gracie sat up ignoring how the satin of her nightgown pooled around her hips leaving her breasts bared. Her eyes were glued on Kordon’s broad chest. He had removed his shirt and was unfastening the pants of his uniform. Gracie ran her fingers over the pattern of marks running down the right side of his body. The marks continued to his hip as he pushed his pants down revealing his huge, swollen cock which jerked at Gracie’s touch.

“What do they mean?” Gracie asked as she let her fingers trace the symbols.

Kordon stood ridged as he fought for control. “They tell which clan I come from, who my family is, and the battles I have won.” Kordon said through gritted teeth.

His cock was jerking upward at each delicate trace and was beginning to throb painfully. He was not used to having to deny his desire. Normally when he was with a female he took what he wanted while giving the female extreme satisfaction before leaving. Now, it was as if he knew instinctively Gracie needed this time to explore him. He would give her the time even if it killed him. As her touch moved lower, a light sweat broke out over Kordon. He decided he probably was going to die if she didn’t satisfy her curiosity soon.

“Gracie.” Kordon choked out as her fingers ran over his hip bone.

Gracie bit her lip to hold back the smile threatening to break free. It was empowering to know she had this type of effect over someone as powerful as Kordon. Gracie leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the mark on his hip listening as Kordon drew in a deep breath before letting it out in a long hiss. Gracie glanced up and noticed Kordon had his eyes closed and his mouth was pressed into a straight line…a muscle ticked in his jaw. Gracie turned her head slightly and looked at Kordon’s cock as it jerked up towards his stomach. The tip was different from the few glimpses she caught during the times when she accidentally stumbled across guys and from magazines they tried to hide from her. His cock was rounded at the end like a human but there were a series of small ridges circling it as well. He was long and very thick. At the junction between his legs instead of testicles hanging down like in the magazines he had none. Instead, at the base of his cock was a series of thicker bands.

Gracie opened her mouth and let the tip of her tongue flick over one set of ridges around the tip of his cock curious as to how he would taste. Kodon’s eyes snapped open at the touch of Gracie’s tongue on his cock. His breath exploded out of him and he could not hold back any longer. Kordon stepped back away from Gracie. Kicking his boots off, he quickly finished undressing. Gracie watched his every move in fascination. Somewhere inside her she knew she should be scared or worried. She had
on more than one occasion
stumbled across the guys, including Chance, having sex with a female from another rebel group. She remembered hiding and watching as they made love, curious about it. She didn’t remember any of the guys being as big as Kordon but she never really got that good a look. Both the guys and the women they were with seemed to be enjoying the experience from the muffled cries she heard. It was one of the reasons she hadn’t been afraid to press Chance to make love to her. It was only Adam’s insistence she was too young that prevented it from happening.
Gracie thought as Kordon came towards her,
I’m not too young anymore.

Gracie gasped when Kordon gripped her by her hips and lifted her so he could pull the rest of the nightgown off of her. When Gracie would have pulled her legs up, Kordon growled out a warning for her to remain still.

“Open for me, Gracie. Let me taste your sweetness.” Kordon whispered harshly.

Gracie looked deeply into the dark blue eyes that became darker as his desire flared. Gracie slowly relaxed her legs letting them fall open for Kordon. She reached her arms over her head and gave herself to him totally. She wanted to do this. She wanted to know him as a woman knows a man.
A man
…Gracie’s breath caught…
a man she cares about.
Gracie wouldn’t say she loved Kordon. She didn’t know him well enough to say that.
Gracie realized in shock,
there was something there.
It was the way her body reacted when he touched her. It was the way a warm, soft feeling grew when he came into the room or Mohan spoke of him. It was in the craving to hear his voice even if she couldn’t understand what he was saying. It was also in the way he made her feel when he looked at her, like she was the only one there…the only one that mattered.

“Kordon.” Gracie moaned out as her fingers sought to grip the headboard of the bed desperately.

Kordon’s face was buried between Gracie’s legs which he pulled over his board shoulders forcing her to open wide for him. He gently stroked her at first letting the moisture from her arousal coat his fingers. She was so wet he bit back the urge to just take her. Kordon moaned softly as Gracie’s sweet taste flowed over his tongue. He buried his mouth in her nipping and stroking her as his fingers slowly invaded her body searching all her secrets and claiming them as she cried out hoarsely.

BOOK: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1
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