Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander (15 page)

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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His plaid fell away in a second, and Micheil stood facing her backside with naught on, just as she’d wanted, giving herself the opportunity to turn her gaze away if she was embarrassed. Her eyes widened at the proud way his erection jutted out toward her. Her gaze wished to stay there, but she forced it away, choosing instead to drink in everything else about him, his muscles, his fine abdomen, the spattering of dark chest hairs that led down his belly, before returning to his cock. He looked absolutely magnificent.

He reached over and caressed each cheek of her bottom and she moaned, realizing how wonderful a tender touch could feel. No longer able to think clearly, she let the cloth slip to the floor and fell back against him in sheer wantonness, unable to control her desire.

His hand reached around to the front of her curls, and he parted them, groaning. “I knew you would be wet for me.” He inserted one finger inside her and her legs nearly buckled with pleasure. Only by clinging to his arms did she manage to stay upright.

“That’s it, wife,” he whispered in her ear. “Nae more teasing.” Micheil scooped her up in his arms and dropped her on the bed. “My turn now, lass.”

Chapter Nineteen

Diana fell into the plump cushioning of the bed and reached for her husband, spreading her legs wide in an open invitation.

She reached for his hard sex, but he held her hand back. “Not yet.” Before she could argue, he kissed her, ravaging her mouth, tasting every corner with his tongue until she responded in kind. He angled his mouth over hers and slowly caressed her until she moaned in the back of her throat, just as he had wanted.

He ended the kiss and gazed down at her, pleased with the passion he saw in her gaze. Trailing a line down her neck, he kissed her earlobe, traced a path across her fine bone, and finally settled in the valley between her luscious breasts. He licked her nipple until it stood erect, then he took the taut peak into his mouth, suckling her until she cried out. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and he smiled.

“That’s right, now it’s my turn to tease you, wee one. How does it feel to be at my mercy?”

“Micheil, please?”

“Please, what, my sweet?”

“Please, just please. Ohhh,” she moaned and gripped the sheets at her side as his tongue traveled over to her other breast, repeating everything until she cried out again. “Please, I need you.”

“Where do you need me, love?” His gaze caught hers, and he could not help but tease her some more, her excitement so delighting him. Hellfire, she was a passionate one. His hand grazed down her belly until he found her core. Teasing her clit, he entered her with one finger, then two, until she moved her hips on his fingers, trying to reach her peak.

“Slow down, Diana. We have all night.”

“Nay, I cannot take any more of this torture. I want you now. Please, Micheil. Stop playing and do whatever you need to do.” She ground her hips against him, then managed to move away enough to reach down and grasp his rod, sliding her hand down the smooth surface.

“Och, not yet. You are not ready. This will hurt, you are aware.”

“I am ready. I need something. You know what to do. Can you not finish this, please?” She reached for him, a tentative touch that indicated her uncertainty of what was to come.

Micheil growled. “Enough, lass. I need to worry about your first time.” He pulled away from her grasp and moved down the surface of the bed until he found her clit with his tongue. He flicked her pleasure spot until she gasped, then entered her with his finger again.

“Micheil? What are…? Ohhh….”

Her legs spread wide, and he suckled her until she fell over the edge, yelling his name as she pulsed around his finger.

When she finished, he kissed a path back up across her skin until he could gaze into her eyes while he leaned his head on his elbow. Her satisfied expression pleased him. “Better? Did I give you what you begged for?”

She glanced at him and whimpered, then grabbed his bicep. “I want more.”

He chuckled and settled himself on top of her, resting his weight on his elbows and entering her just a touch. “This will hurt, love, but I’ll be quick.”


Micheil plunged ahead, and she gasped at the intrusion as he broke through her barrier. He kissed her forehead and stilled. “Are you all right? I’ll wait until you are ready.” He ran his fingers through her hair and gritted his teeth, forcing himself to wait until she could handle him. He swore he would not move a muscle until she told him she was ready.

A moment later, she tipped her hips to take him in further, then pulled away from him again. “Aye, again, Micheil.”

Micheil grasped her hips and drove into her, letting her set the pace until he could sense her desire return. She arched her back and spread wider, allowing him better access. He called her name out, thrusting into her until they moved perfectly together, panting and grasping for the same pleasure. He rode her until he could tell she was close, then reached down and caressed her nub until she convulsed again, this time squeezing his dick until he followed her. A deep growl let loose as he erupted inside of her, intense waves of pleasure shooting through him until he collapsed on top of her.

When he was able to think again, he pushed himself up on his elbows and rolled over, taking her with him and kissing her cheek. He held her close, not wanting the moment to end.

“Did I please you, Diana? Did I give you what you were searching for?”

She leaned up on her elbow and cupped his face to kiss him. “Aye, and much more.” She dropped her head on his chest and fell fast asleep.


The next morning, they were all seated for breakfast when the king strode in followed by his guards. He made his way first to Micheil and Diana. “Did the accommodations please you, Diana and Micheil of Drummond?”

“Aye.” Diana nodded and blushed, thinking how pleased she was indeed with her newfound love. She leaned in to Micheil and he kissed her cheek.

“Wonderful, thank you, Your Grace.” Micheil smiled.

The king nodded in acknowledgement and turned to Gwyneth and Logan. “As you requested, I have given a great deal of thought to your proposal.”

Diana could not help but notice everyone in the hall stopped to listen to the king’s decision about the two sisters.

He continued with his hands clasped behind his back. “I have also talked to Randall Baines’ mother, who took the girls from their home. While she was sad to relinquish them, I gave her no choice in the matter. She did inform me that the lassies’ family did not wish to have them returned. The couple believed they had too many bairns, and their father apparently did not approve of Molly’s looks, saying he would never be able to marry her off. His wife only sent Maggie along so Molly would not be alone.”

The king beckoned to the guards at the door, and they opened them, ushering the two girls inside. Molly and Maggie stepped into the chamber clinging to each other, but they only moved forward a couple of steps. There was a package in Molly’s arms, and she set it in on the table before returning to her sister’s side.

The king continued, “The lassies are quite happy with your proposal, and if you still agree, would like to go along as your maids.”

“But that’s not what I want,” Gwyneth said, standing and moving in front of King Alexander. “Your Grace, I wish to treat them as our daughters, to raise them right and include them as family, to live with us forever or until they marry, not as maids. They will have chores, but they will not be servants.”

Diana glanced at the two adorable sisters, unable to believe a parent would turn them out. She thought of the love her mother and father both had for her. How awful it must be to grow up without a parent’s love. When Gwyneth explained she wanted them as daughters, both girls’ faces beamed as if illuminated by a sudden ray of sunshine.

The king considered Gwyneth’s request and finally turned to her husband. “Logan, does this meet with your approval?”

“Aye, I wish to gain two more daughters. We promise not to beat them or treat them poorly, and we will keep them together.”

Molly tried to hold back her smile, but could not. Maggie jumped up and down, her straight brown hair bouncing with her as she clung to her sister.

The king turned to the girls. “Then it is done. Molly and Maggie, I will have the priest bless you as Molly and Maggie Ramsay.” He turned back to Logan and Micheil. “When do you plan to leave?”

“On the morrow,” Logan answered. “We wish to return home, especially now that we have two new daughters to introduce to our clan.”

Micheil nodded. “We will travel with them, along with the remaining Grant warriors, and head back to Diana’s clan. We’re hoping to find her father is still well.”

King Alexander strode to the door, then stopped to address the group again. “I will send missives to Baron Gow, Alexander Grant, and to your father, Diana, explaining that I have approved this match. I do not want any further troubles for you.”

“May we carry a missive from you on the morrow, Your Grace?” Micheil asked. “In case the other letters do not reach their intended? I do not wish for my wife to have any difficulties should we encounter Baron Gow or his men on the road. They may still be in pursuit of her.”

“Aye, I will see to it. The other missives will depart this morn. If you are in need of aught else before you leave, please ask.” He bowed and stepped out of the chamber, his guards following.

As soon as he left, Gwyneth turned to the sisters and held out her arms. The two jumped into her embrace, squealing with excitement. They both hugged Logan, too, and everyone else joined in to welcome them to the family.

Molly picked up her package and brought it over to Gwyneth, a shy look on her face. “We made this for you while we waited. Maggie is good with a needle, so she did most of it. I am a better cook so I can help with preparing food.” Her hands kneaded in front of her as Gwyneth took the gift. “But I did help to the best of my ability. I wanted to thank you for what you did for me and my sister. I did not want to lose her.” Her gaze dropped to the floor.

Diana peered over Molly’s mass of dark curls, watching as Gwyneth pulled out a beautiful dark blue tunic with silver threads in it and blue leggings. She gasped when she fingered the careful stitches the girls had placed. What caught everyone’s eyes the most was what sat beneath the larger pair of leggings—a matching tunic and leggings in Sorcha’s size.

Gwyneth held them up for all to see, then squeezed both girls, kissing the tops of their heads. “Perfect, just as you two lassies are.”


The following morning, the group gathered at the stables, ready to move on. The king had given them the requested missive declaring his approval of their marriage. Diana prayed her father would accept it and that he would still be alive to meet Micheil. He had declined quickly before the trip to Falkirk, which gave her concern.

On their return journey to her home south of Crieff, they would need to circumvent Falkirk to stay out of Baron Gow’s territory.

Micheil held his arm out to his wife. “Come, ride with me, Diana.”

“Micheil, nay. Can I not ride alone? You know how I love riding. I have not been able to do it much lately. Please let me ride alone for a while.”

Logan scowled. “Micheil, we have enough guards. She should be fine.”

“Aye, but Sorcha and Maggie will both ride with you. Molly will ride with Gwyneth. We have quite a few lassies with us. I worry we will attract the wrong kind of notice.”

“Gwyneth can handle her own. We already talked to the lassies about what to do if we are attacked. Is that not correct, Molly?”

Molly nodded. “Aye, Maggie will bring Sorcha to me and we will hide in the bushes until everything is safe again. We promise to take good care of Sorcha.”

Micheil stared at Diana. His gaze narrowed, but apparently he could not refuse her. “Fine. We should be far from trouble today. On the morrow, you will ride with me. And no argument in the morning. Agreed?”

Diana smiled and hugged her husband. “Aye, I will ride with you on the morrow, no arguing. I promise.”

“You agree to follow the wee lassies if there’s trouble?”

She pursed her lips, set to argue. “I can use my arrow.”

Micheil’s hand shot up to stop her. “Nay, you will be the target. You and the girls will go off into the forest or the bushes.”

Diana scowled and stared at Logan. “But Gwyneth won’t go with us, will she?”

“Gwyneth is the best archer in the land of the Scots,” Logan said. “Nay, she fights at my side. Always.” He walked over and kissed his wife, who was settling the bags onto the mounts as Molly held Sorcha.

Sensing her upset, Gwyneth strode over and hugged her. “I know you are offended, Diana, but you
a target.”

“Then I shouldn’t go with the lassies. I’ll draw the attackers with me.”

“But the goal is for you to get away before they are close enough to grab you. If we are ambushed, you will need to run off before they are close. I’ll take care of them if they follow you.” Micheil’s expression turned dark, as if the mere thought of such an attack made him sick.

Diana stared at the ground. “As you wish. But once we are past Falkirk, you must all stop fussing over me.”

They rode through most of the day, stopping once or twice to feed Sorcha and take repast. They had ten guards with them, the Grant guards who had followed them to Edinburgh. Alex had insisted they remain near them.

Sorcha was quite happy riding in her sling in front of her sire. Truly, Diana had never seen a less fussy baby. Maggie rode behind Logan and played peeking games with the bairn whenever she was awake. The sight of the new sisters playing together was enough to swell her heart.


Micheil spent more of his time gazing at his beautiful wife than he did watching in the distance for predators. Diana was a true beauty, and she sat her horse regally, as if she was born there. He had been a bit concerned she would be too sore to ride today, but she was steadfast as ever. Every once in a while, he would pull up close to her and wink at her. It didn’t matter how many times he did it, she still blushed a deep shade of pink and tossed her mantle off her shoulder at him.

“Micheil, stop embarrassing me,” she finally whispered.

“What am I doing, love?” His grin would only embarrass her more—he knew that.

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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