Read Guardian Bears: Lucas Online

Authors: Leslie Chase

Guardian Bears: Lucas (10 page)

BOOK: Guardian Bears: Lucas
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mily didn't know
what to say. What Lucas told her turned her world upside down, but at least now she knew she wasn't insane. That was a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. Knowing that she had seen what she thought she'd seen, that it was real, was both terrifying and liberating.

And on top of that, he was able to offer her a way out. When she'd hired him, all she'd been able to think about was the next week, the next month – however long she could afford a bodyguard before her savings ran out. The idea that he might actually be able to get her
of the trouble she was in felt a little unreal. She hadn't allowed herself to even consider the possibility until now.

The fact that he wasn't entirely human seemed like a small thing in comparison to the feeling of safety he brought. No, not even that. Part of her was insisting that she should be frightened of him, but deep down she knew it was wrong. That she was talking herself into a fear she didn't need.

She felt safe in his arms in a way that nothing would be able to shake; he wouldn't hurt her, and he wouldn't let anyone else hurt her either. Emily had known that all along, but her mind hadn't been willing to listen to her heart.

"You can really save me?" she asked, feeling hot tears running down her cheeks. His powerful, muscular bulk reassured her as she leaned into him, feeling the slow, steady rise and fall of his chest.

"Yes." His voice was a deep rumble, and Emily felt the vibrations of it, powerful and reassuring. His hand cupped her chin and lifted her face to look up at him. His gaze was strong, confident, and angry – not at her, but at anyone who might hurt her. She shivered, biting her lip.

"Now that I know it's wolves who are after you," he continued, "I'll be able to find out exactly who it is. And then they won't bother you again, I promise. One way or another."

That sent a shiver through her, and for the first time in too long she felt like she had a future. It was an intoxicating feeling, one which she didn't quite know how to cope with. She felt, all of a sudden, alive.

Alive, and very aware of the man she was curled up next to. Of the powerful muscles of his body, the hard smooth skill he possessed, of the animal intensity of his presence. She shivered again, not with fear this time but with a passion that she couldn't deny.

Her hand, almost unbidden, stroked across his chest, feeling the heat of him through his thin t-shirt. Lucas' eyes flashed, a mirror of her own feelings flaring to life inside him, and she smiled at the sight.

"I should make some calls," he said, his hand reaching up to grasp hers. For a moment, she thought he was going to lift her hand from him, but he held it there unmoving. There was a hint of a question in his gaze. Desire warring with a need not to push her too fast.

I am not that delicate,
she thought.
I won't shatter.

"Can't it wait, just a little while?" She felt her heart beating faster, felt her cheeks flush. And under her fingers, the pulse of his heartbeat sped up to match hers. She leaned up towards him and felt more than heard his intake of breath. "You rescued me. I want to thank you."

That, and I need this,
she admitted to herself.
I need

Their lips met in a gentle kiss, starting slowly. His lips were firm under hers, his face rough, unshaven. Emily gasped at the heat that shot through her at his touch, melting her, making her heart race.

Lucas groaned, releasing her hand to slide his arm around her, pulling her close. Their bodies pressed together, and Emily could feel the flame of passion burning inside him as hot as it was in her. The aching, pent up tension of the day, waiting to be shattered and to free them both.

Her hand stroked down his body, tracing the contours of his muscles through the thin cotton of the t-shirt he wore. She could hardly believe that this man wanted her, that she had so powerful an effect on him, but the way he responded to her touch left no doubt. His breath was fast, impatient, his heart beating as quick as hers, and she knew that he needed this as much as she did.

"Not here," he growled, sliding a hand under her and pulling her to him. "You deserve better than the hallway floor."

With that, he stood, lifting her. Emily gasped, the casual power and control of his movements overwhelming her. She wasn't exactly light, but he made it seem as though picking her up was no effort at all.

Clinging to him, she let him carry her where he wanted. He was in charge now, and she didn't have to worry about a thing – and it was a delicious feeling to give herself over to him and his strength.

Lucas kissed her as he carried her slowly through the apartment, and Emily lost herself in the sensation of him. His lips, firm yet yielding. His tongue, pushing against hers. His hands, gripping her tight, cradling her against him and keeping her safe. His body, hard as iron under a layer of soft, hot skin.

She groaned into the kiss, body on fire with desire for him. And she could feel how badly he needed her too, how badly their bodies cried out for one another.

Striding through the bedroom door, he lowered her onto her bed slowly. The frame creaked as their combined weight pressed down on it, his body covering hers, his weight pinning her. Emily gasped, pulling him down onto her, but he chuckled and straightened up, standing over her. Looking down, his eyes glittering, he admired her body and for once Emily didn't feel an urge to cover herself. Instead, she wished he could see more of her.

She admired him in turn, looking slowly up and down his magnificent figure.

, she thought, caught again by just how sexy he looked. How beautiful. The power of his muscles was undeniable, but it wasn't just that. The way he moved, the way he stood, the way he radiated confidence and power – he was, quite simply, the hottest man she'd ever met. She just wished that she could see more of him.

As though he could read her mind and her desires, he smiled and pulled off his t-shirt, casting it aside. Emily's breath caught as she watched, unable to take her eyes off him as he moved, slowly undressing as he stood over her. His hands went to his belt, pulling it off, and then his hands went to his jeans.

She whimpered softly, fumbling at the buttons of her blouse, but he shook his head. "No. Not yet."

His eyes pinned her, freezing her in place. After a moment, his gaze wandered downward, drinking her in. She couldn't think that she looked very attractive at the moment, but it was clear he disagreed – his eyes were hungry, and she could see the bulge in his jeans grow. Slowly, very slowly, he looked back up along her body, until he was once again looking her in the eyes.

Without breaking that contact, he kicked off his boots and undid his jeans, sliding them down and stepping out of them until he was standing naked before her.

Emily watched, feeling her excitement and need mount as he stripped. Her gaze was locked with his until he finished undressing, but what she saw at the edge of her vision was enough to drive her wild with anticipation.

His strong face, rough and hungry. His chiseled muscles, moving smoothly under tanned skin as he undressed. And his dick, standing proud and straight as he freed his erection. Emily breathed a moan as he looked down at her and nodded, giving her permission to move.

She fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, impatient with them. Taking a deep breath, she got control of herself and slowed down – there was no rush, after all, and she wanted to take her time with this. With him.

Each button came undone in turn, and she could feel the pressure of his gaze on the skin she bared towards him. His own impatience, his desire to see her. It felt strange to her, this man wanting so badly to see her, but it also felt right, proper, wonderful. There was nothing she wanted more than she wanted him in that moment.

And she could see that he felt the same. But he didn't rush her, he let her take her time undressing.

At last the final button was undone, and she slipped the blouse off, wriggling out of it on the bed. Lucas gave a guttural growl of approval as she reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, tossing it aside. Slowly, gently, he reached down, his powerful hands touching as softly as feathers as he traced his way across her skin.

"You are so perfect," he said, making her blush brighter. His fingers brushed her nipples, and a shock of pure pleasure arced through her like lightning, making her back arch and her body tingle.

"I'm not," she protested, panting. "I'm really not."

"Yes you are," Lucas said, eyes, flashing. "You are in no position to judge."

His stroked down her body, his touch firmer, fingers leaving a trail of pleasure burning on her skin. She wriggled, wanting to argue but knowing it was futile. He had made up his mind: she was perfect for him. And she realized that she didn't want to talk him out of it.

Her hands reached her skirt ahead of him, undoing it and letting him pull it off her. Emily lay back on the bed, wearing only her panties, acutely aware of how intense Lucas' gaze was as he looked down at her.

Lowering himself onto the bed beside her, he pulled her close and kissed her passionately, his body pressing against her, his leg pressing between hers. Emily moaned at the pressure of his thigh against her pussy, her body melting against his strength as he pushed himself to her.

Sliding one hand down his body, she felt him shiver. It was a wonder to her that she could have such an effect on him, even as his touch was driving her own body wild. Her hand found his cock and she felt it grow as she stroked it gently, the skin like velvet under her fingers.

Lucas groaned, his kiss hungry and intense. Emily felt herself tremble as he pressed her down into the mattress, and she could hardly breathe. It was the best feeling in the world as she surrendered herself to him.

No, not the best. She knew that she needed more, that there was something which would take it to an even higher level.

"Lucas," she breathed as their lips parted, "I need you inside me."

His answering growl told her that he needed it as much as she did, that he too desperately longed for their bodies to be one.

He lifted himself off her, giving her enough space to slide down her panties. As she did, his hand slid between her legs, brushing over her lips, feeling how wet and ready and eager she was. She felt herself shudder at his delicate touch, and blushed at just how ready for him she was.

Lucas reached out, grabbing at the bedside table and the condom packet. Greatly daring, she pulled it from his hand and opened it, biting her lip in concentration as she put it on him, rolling it down his cock. Her fingers teased him as she went, and he caressed her in turn, fingers brushing over her body as she struggled to focus.

Stroking his hardness gently, she guided him between her legs and felt the touch of his cock against her. His eyes met hers, and they shared a look of mutual longing, of need, as he slowly slid forwards, pushing into her.

It was glorious. It was perfect. It was a feeling she never wanted to go away. His slow and gentle thrust took him deep into her, burying him inside her and filling the aching void. She arched under him, pressing her body up against his, feeling the heat of his breath on her neck, his strong unyielding chest against her as he filled her perfectly.

She tried to say something but all that came out was a gasped "Oh!" as his teeth nipped at her earlobe. His slightest movement sent sparking jolts of pleasure through her nerves, adding to the building pressure inside her.

"You are perfect," he growled again, his deep voice hoarse and shaking. His own control was weakening, she could hear it in his breath and in his voice.

Then he began to move. Slowly, powerfully, he pulled back and thrust again, driving her down onto the mattress beneath them and making her gasp out a cry of joy. It felt like heaven as his body and hers pressed together.

The next thrust was faster, harder, and almost unbearably enjoyable. Each came faster and stronger than the last, each time his body met hers she cried out louder, and soon the room echoed with the sounds of her pleasure. The force inside her grew more powerful, and Lucas' growls more guttural, as their rhythm synchronized and their bodies shook with sensation.

She was almost afraid of the climax he was carrying her towards. The power of it was too much to contemplate, and her fingers dug into his back as it built. That only urged him on, drove him to more powerful thrusts, and Emily lost all control.

"Lucas," she gasped out. Whatever else she'd intended to say was driven from her mind as an explosion of pleasure overwhelmed her. White light filled her senses and for a moment there was nothing else in her world.

Lucas shuddered above her, saying something she couldn't make out as he, too, lost control. He twitched inside her, convulsions running through him as he came, the movements sending her into renewed fits of pleasure.

She held onto him tight, savoring the feel of him, of his movements, of his muscles tensing and relaxing. His gasps of pleasure merged with hers and the two of them clung together as the storm of their joint orgasm rocked them.

Eventually, the storm subsided, and she fell back against the pillows, utterly exhausted. Her body ached in all the best ways and her breathing was ragged and deep. Lucas was still inside her, and her legs wrapped around him, not wanting to let go of that sensation yet. They looked at each other, panting and sweat-slick, awed by the strength of their shared experience.

"You are amazing," he said at last, a note of admiration in his voice. Leaning in, he kissed her, and then regretfully pulled away. Collapsing on the bed beside her, he shook his head. "I never thought I'd feel something like that."

Emily smiled and blushed and wanted to hide her face. But she made herself face him, letting him see her. He made her feel safe, and she didn't want to hide from him. Not ever again. She found herself thinking of the future for the first time in weeks, and to her dismay she couldn't think of one without Lucas by her side. But why would a man like this stay interested in her?

BOOK: Guardian Bears: Lucas
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