Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5 (10 page)

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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Molly rubbed herself against him even more. Aching inside for him. His long thick fingers trailed down her slightly rounded tummy, over her softly haired mound. She gasped when he moved to spread her thighs wider. He caressed her pussy lips. Then he pushed two fingers deep into her quivering pussy. He pumped in and out. He made her lose all thoughts. She was a mass of throbbing pulsing nerve endings all reaching for that pentacle of pleasure.

“Hammer.” She ached for him.

“Come for me,” Hammer growled, applying more pressure with his fingers. He pumped harder with his fingers. Then he reached down and took some of the skin between the juncture of her neck and shoulder between his teeth as he tweaked her clit with his thumb.

A thousand stars exploded behind her eyes as she reached her climax and fell. She loved this, loved his touch, how he made her feel—she loved him. Wait, she couldn’t love him. It was too soon for that. She was definitely in lust with him though. That she could admit to.

Hammer lifted her up as if she weighed nothing and turned her around facing him but leaning against the opposite side of the tub. The one thing he wanted more of was her taste. He would never get enough of her taste.

He lifted her hips so he could bury his face against her exposed mound. His mouth claimed her pussy with the same passion as when he took her mouth. He ate at her like a starving male. He was that, starving for her. He took her with more force, his tongue dominating her. He licked deeper and harder. His hands holding her to him.

Molly tilted her head back and felt the familiar build of fire through her body. Her skin tingled all over. She needed something to hold on to so she grabbed her breasts and squeezed them.

“Oh yes.” Molly started to shatter with another release.

Hammer lifted his mouth from her pussy and gave her a hungry look. He wasn’t done with her, not by a long shot. Molly shivered with anticipation. He lifted her up over him so she straddled him. She was still quivering from her second release when he pulled her down on him, thrusting his cock deep inside.

“Female, you are amazing.” Hammer rammed himself up into her over and over. Every stroke into her brought streaks of fiery pleasure coursing through his veins. Everything centered on this one female and how she made him feel. He cupped her bouncing breasts in his large hands. She fit him perfectly in every way, as if she was made for him and him alone. He felt everything in him tighten as his climax raced through him. His toes curled and his balls squeezed. He exploded with his release, coating her inside.

Molly screamed out her third release before slumping over on top of Hammer. She was completely drained. The man totally ruined her for any other man.

“Let’s get you dried off and back in bed. I took the day off. I thought that maybe we could take the kids off ship after school. There’s an amusement park at this spaceport.”

She sat up, stirring his cock, which was still buried deep inside of her. “The kids will love that. But they won’t be out of school for hours. What will we do until then?”

Hammer rammed up into her, causing her to gasp. “We’ll think of something.”


Molly waited in the lobby of the GCFA ship while Hammer went to get the kids from school. She was excited about getting off the ship for a few hours. It would be really good for the kids too.

“Miss Maynard?” one of the desk concierge attendants approached her.


“We have an envelope for you. It just came and we would have delivered it to your suite but…well you’re here so we thought it would be okay to hand it to you now.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you.” Molly took the envelope wondering what it could be.

It had her name on it but there was no return address. She was curious even more. She went to a nearby chair and sat down. She used her fingernail to slice open the seam. She really needed to get her nails done. What must Hammer think of her? She had always been a no frills kind of woman. Now she wanted to be more feminine for him. He deserved to have that in his life.

She shook off her strange thoughts and pulled the folded letter out. It was typed and it took a moment for her to realize the words were not nice words.

“Leave everything…or you will be sorry.”

It wasn’t signed. The person writing the letter wanted her to leave. That could only be the kids. They were trying to scare her off. It was time she finally had a sit down talk with the kids. If they had a problem with her, it was better for them to get it out of their system in person. She glanced up and saw Hammer and the kids coming toward her. She quickly stuffed the letter into her purse. She would handle this on her own later. No need to ruin the day.

“We’re going to the amusement park!” Tomas told her excited.

Molly smiled. It was the first time she saw all three kids look happy. “I know. I am so excited to be going. I hear there is a roller coaster or two there. I’ve never been on one before.”

“Really?” Tomas looked surprised.

Molly shook her head. “Nope, never. Are they scary?” She stood and walked on the other side. Hammer carried Kate in his arms.

“Naw. I have been on tons of them. They are a lot of fun.” Tomas reassured her.

Molly looked at Lauren who walked on the other side of Hammer. “What is your favorite thing at the amusement parks, Lauren?”

Lauren blushed. “I like the food. They have all kinds of delicious stuff there. The roller coasters make me a little sick so I avoid them.”

Molly smiled at her. “Well, I love to eat as you can tell. So we will have to try a sample of everything.” Lauren actually returned her smile.

Maybe she would hold off saying anything to the kids. The letter must have been sent prior, and with them going to the amusement park, it could turn everything around for them. No, she would not mention the letter yet. She looked up at Hammer. His smile was infectious. It felt almost like they were a family. There was a small glimmer of hope. Maybe they could be…one day.


The kids were on their best behavior the whole day. Molly had taken many pictures of the kids with their uncle on the different rides. She smiled, remembering her and Lauren having an impromptu eating contest. They both suffered for a short time with an overfull belly. Little Kate was so cute looking at everything around her. It was clear the kids and Hammer had not had a lot of fun since the kids’ parents passed away.

It was one of the best days she had ever had. Now the kids were exhausted and ready for bed. She opened the suite door as Hammer carried all three kids inside. They had fallen asleep in the shuttle in the ride back and they didn’t have the heart to wake them up.

“I’ll take Tomas and put him in his bed then I’ll come help you with the girls.” Molly pulled a sleeping Tomas from Hammer’s arms.

How Hammer could carry all three of them amazed her. But he did that to her all the time, amazed her. She laid the little boy down leaving his clothes on but removing his shoes. She pulled the comforter over him and kissed his forehead. As much grief as the little boy had caused, she couldn’t help but love him. He was acting out because he needed love and reassurance.

Molly closed Tomas’s door softly and then headed to the girls' room. Hammer was covering up Lauren when she walked in. He nodded at Molly and turned to leave.

As soon as Hammer closed the girls’ bedroom door, he turned back to look down at Molly. Wonderful, beautiful, sexy Molly.
His Molly
. He didn’t say a word as he swooped down and lifted her into his arms. He carried her to his bedroom and closed the door. He couldn't wait until he was inside her again. He didn’t think he would last long because he was tired too, but he wanted that closeness with her. She gave him a sense of peace that he had not known was missing. There was no way he would ever give her up.


Chapter Twelve


The next morning Molly made sure to get up early enough to go to her own bedroom, take a quick shower, and dress before the kids woke up. She couldn’t help but blush when Hammer came to the table to eat. The looks he gave her set her flesh on fire. She went to put more eggs in Tomas’s plate and noticed him looking at her strangely.

“Everything okay, Tomas?”

“Sure.” Tomas looked at his sister, Lauren, who was also watching her uncle carefully.

“Do you want more, Hammer?” she asked, bringing the pan around behind him and leaning over to put some on his plate.

“Yes…I want more,” Hammer responded. His double meaning clear to her.

She blushed even more as she turned away to put some of the dishes in the dishwasher. She had grabbed a bowl of cereal earlier. She felt nervous. And the kids were staring at her strangely. Did they know?

When it was time to take the kids to school, Tomas stalled. “Uncle Hammer, could I talk with you alone?”

“Sure. Molly go ahead with the girls. I’ll be along shortly,” Hammer told her.

She bit her bottom lip out of nervousness. She held Kate’s hand and led her and Lauren off toward the elevator.

“What is it, Tomas?” Hammer asked, leaning against the wall in the hallway.

“Are you messing with Molly?”

“What?” Color rose a little up Hammer’s neck.

“I can smell you on her and you have her scent.”

“Tomas, this isn’t any of your business.”

“I won’t let you use her. She’s a nice woman and deserves to be treated with respect.” Tomas gave him a disapproving look.

“I thought you hated her and wanted to get rid of her.”

“She…grows on you.”

Hammer laughed. “She does for sure. And I agree with you. She is a nice woman and deserves to be treated special. I plan to do just that.”

“Okay then. You can keep seeing her.”

Hammer tried not to laugh again. “Thank you. I appreciate your approval.” He had never been so proud of his nephew as he was at that moment, taking on a grown-up conversation. His sister and brother-in-law would be proud too. It warmed his heart.

“Let’s get you to school.”

“Do I have to go?” Tomas whined.

Hammer laughed. “Yes you do.”


The phone rang and Molly answered, “Yes?”

“Hey, heads up. You have a date tonight.”

“Zen? What are you talking about?”

“I’m helping you with your Hammer problem.”

“I don’t have a Hammer problem and I don’t need a date.”

“He’ll be there at six thirty to pick you up.”

“Wait…Zen, I don’t need a…” Molly frowned at the phone receiver. Zen hung up on her. She tried hitting the call back button but it had a busy signal. What the hell was she going to do?


Hammer glared at Zen. He came to practice late and he had a stupid lazy smile on his face. “What?”

“Nothing,” Zen replied, smirking and walking off.

Rage asked, “What was that all about?”

“How the hell should I know? It’s Zen. He’s…strange anyway.”

“Come on, Hammer, concentrate.” Rage went back to his starting place as they continued their practice match.

Rage kicked at Hammer’s leg. Hammer used a stiff jab. Rage responded with two punches. Hammer turned out and tried to push Rage up against the cage. Nice right hand from Rage got him out of the hold.

By the time they finished the practice round both men were sweating and breathing hard. That’s why he liked fighting with Rage for practice matches. He was just about the only male that could hold his own with Hammer. He wasn’t sure about Maxim yet. The human droid halfsie was an anomaly, no one really knew his potential.


Hammer didn’t go to the training facility showers. He went straight back to his suite. The kids were sitting on the floor doing their homework. Molly was in the kitchen cooking. It smelled delicious. He walked over and stopped to watch her. She was graceful in the kitchen, it amazed him. She looked up and their gazes locked.

“Hi,” Molly greeted him with a big smile. It lit up her whole face.

“Hi.” Hammer was hooked. How it happened, when it happened, didn’t really matter. Point was, he was hooked on Molly Maynard.

“Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes.” Molly looked over Hammer’s tight sweat-soaked t-shirt. She licked her lips.

“I need to take a quick shower, I’m all sweaty.” Hammer touched his abs.

Molly’s gaze lowered to where his hand was touching his abs. Images of him naked in the shower played through her head. She wanted to soap him up and down. Hammer cleared his throat getting her attention. Had she been ogling him?

“I won’t be long.” He turned to head to his bedroom when the doorbell rang. He stopped and peered at Molly. “Who could that be?”

“Oh crap!” Molly almost dropped the bowl she was holding. She had completely forgotten.

“What is it?” Hammer sensed Molly’s anxiety.

“I forgot about Zen’s phone call earlier. I tried calling him back to cancel but I couldn’t get hold of him.”

“Cancel what?” Hammer frowned.

“He set me up on a blind date.”

“He what?” Hammer was furious.

“I tried to tell him no but he hung up on me.” Molly bit her bottom lip. Hammer looked pissed.

Hammer stomped over to the door. The kids and Molly stared after him. Hammer opened the door and stared at the male on the other side of the door…Torch.

“I’m here for Molly,” Torch told him, trying to peer around the huge male.

Hammer stared at him while blocking the entrance. He then said, “No.” He slammed the door on Torch. He turned around and faced Molly. “I’ll handle Zen tomorrow. But I don’t want you dating anyone else but me.”

Molly blushed. “Agreed. I’ll have dinner ready in a few. Go take your shower.”

He caressed her face briefly before heading to his bedroom. He could hear the kids and Molly.

“Uncle Hammer likes Molly,” Kate said in her innocent voice.

Molly bent down to ruffle Kate’s curly hair. “I like your Uncle Hammer too.” The little girl giggled. Molly looked up to see Lauren and Tomas watching her. They smiled at her, which made her feel welcomed for the first time since coming there. She didn’t say anything but went back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

BOOK: Hammer - Galactic Cage Fighters 5
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