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Authors: Olivia Thorne

Tags: #Romance

Hard As Rock (46 page)

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On the other hand, Derek has been taking note of what Ryan does and trying to emulate him. At the beginning it was all about ‘outdoing’ Ryan, but after a few heated discussions, he’s settled down and is just trying to ‘be’ with me. He’s been far more supportive and interested in my writing. Best of all, he’s completely done a 180 on his behavior around other women. No more signing boobs, no more flirting, no more game-playing. He’s become attentive and respectful in a way he never was before. And, like I said, I believe him that he’s being faithful.

I think I’m even starting to really, truly forgive him.

All in all, their competitiveness with each other drives them to be good to me, to compete for me in their own ways. I’m a
satisfied woman. In the bedroom

The one downside is that our ‘arrangement’ has leaked out – or at least been speculated about – on the internet. Bigger’s fans (especially their
fans) have called me some pretty nasty stuff. Slut, whore, two-timing bitch – you name it, I see it a thousand times a day on Twitter and Facebook. People can call me whatever awful names they want, but what they don’t realize is that I’m completely devoted and faithful to the men I love. There just happen to be two at the same time, that’s all.

Not to mention that they both signed on for it. No lies, no games, no shame, no guilt, no fear.

Another huge benefit: the band stayed together.

Which overjoyed me to no end. If Bigger had ended over me, years worth of incredible music would have gone unwritten… Derek and Ryan would have thrown away something they’ve been building for five years… Riley would have lost her surrogate family… and I would have become the most hated girlfriend in Rock ‘n Roll history. I don’t know if I could have handled that. Luckily I never had to find out.

In fact, the tension and one-upmanship between Derek and Ryan remained – and the music just got better because of it. However, they
finally drop the stupid squabbling and sped through the rest of the album in record time. I’m biased, but I think what resulted is their best work yet, whether you measure it by artistry or by potential #1 hits. We’ll find out soon, because the first single gets released next week, and the album drops the month after that.
Bigger And Bolder
is the title. It’s a pretty apt description for everything that’s happened since that amazing night in Austin.

Shanna once told me to go live life and write the fuckin’ article.

I did the ‘living’ part, and I’m still in the middle of it.

The writing part came in time. I have Ryan to thank for getting me started – but once Derek and I reconciled, I could finally go back and listen to all our interviews together. Suddenly I began to write, fast and furious. What I created is by far the best thing I’ve ever written in my life – but it got a lot bigger than one Rolling Stone article could handle. In fact, it turned into three books.

You’ve been reading them all along.

From this point onward, I don’t know what the future holds; I just live my life from day to day, enjoying each moment to the fullest. Ryan has hinted about the long-term, but things are perfect for me the way they are. Maybe someday… but I love things too much right now to change them.

All I know is for the first time in my entire adult life, I’m happy, and content, and fulfilled.

And I not only love both men in my life… but I’m
love with them, too.

Did you enjoy this book? If you did, would you mind leaving a review? I would greatly appreciate it!


If you haven't yet, check out my other series,
The Billionaire's Seduction. Part 1, All That He Wants, is free!


For an email when my future books are published, sign up for my email list at
. Be on the lookout for my automated reply, and don't let it get stuck in your Spam folder! I will also be giving away free short stories over the coming months, so sign up now and don’t miss out!


See the next page for the Afterword, and news about upcoming books!


2014 has undoubtedly been one of the worst years of my life, at least so far as my health is concerned. I tried for months and months to cure my health issues without surgery, but that just wasn't in the cards. I finally went under the knife, and am recuperating as I write this. Things went well, and I have hopes that I will recover fully.

But 2014 was also one of the
years of my life, in that I got unparalleled support from my readers. Prayers, good vibes, countless emails and Facebook messages wishing me well. I just wanted to acknowledge you, and tell you thank you for your kind words. They helped immensely in the darkest moments, when every day was painful and I wasn't sure whether I would be in the hospital by the end of the week. Again, thank you - and bless you.

I also want to give you a taste of what's to come.

First, I'm going to rewrite The Billionaire's Seduction series from Connor's point of view. It will be called ALL THAT SHE WANTS (notice the 'she' rather than 'he'!). The first installment is already done, and is free;
you can check it out here.

And if you haven't read the Billionaire series yet,
for goodness sake, click here
. I really enjoyed writing the Rock Star series, but my heart belongs to Lily and Connor. They were my first loves, you might say.

As soon as Connor's POV is done, I'll launch into the sequel to Billionaire. It will be written from multiple points of view - including both Lily and Connor's, hence why I'm rewriting the series in his voice.

If you haven't already, sign up for my email list at
so you can know as soon as ALL THAT SHE WANTS VOLUME 1 is ready. Since the plot and dialogue is already established, I hope to have Volume 1 out by January 2015, with Volume 2 following shortly thereafter, and the sequel in the months after that.

Wish me luck - and again, thank you for all your support, kindness, and prayers! I am truly blessed to have all of you as my readers.

Olivia Thorne
PS - OMing and OneTaste are absolutely a 'thing.' It all exists, in much the way that Ryan explains it to Kaitlyn. If you're interested, adventurous, and you live in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or London, I would suggest looking up introductory classes on the company's website, If you don't live in those cities, or you would prefer more information in written form, I suggest Nicole Daedone's
Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm
or - if you want to introduce your man to it, but from a guy's perspective - Tim Ferriss's
The 4-Hour Body,
which has an entire chapter dedicated to OMing in 'dude-speak.' Enjoy!
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Books By Olivia Thorne


Over one passionate weekend, mysterious Connor leads Lily through a world of sensual delights - but every forbidden fruit comes with a price. Connor is not the man he claims to be, and dangerous figures from his past are lurking in the shadows, waiting to destroy him – and Lily, too, if she gets in their way.


If you want, you can also buy Parts 2, 3, and 4 separately, though all are included in Volume 1 for slightly cheaper:


It has been the most thrilling and sensual week of Lily’s life, but all that is about to change. Enemies from Connor’s past have resurfaced, determined to destroy him – and they plan to use Lily to do it. Will Lily and Connor’s love for each other survive the destruction all around them?
Connor’s Point of View Part 1
(Free on
Revisit the first passionate meeting of Lily and Connor - but retold from Connor's point of view!
Kaitlyn gets her big break as a journalist, but it’s the one job she doesn’t want: a
Rolling Stone
cover article on rock star Derek Kane, the ultra-hot, bad-boy rocker who spent one unforgettable night with her four years ago.
Four years after one passionate night together, Kaitlyn is finally face to face with Derek Kane once again. Kaitlyn is wary. But Derek is gorgeous, charismatic, and seductive – and he still seems to be in love with her. The longer Kaitlyn holds out, the more she wants to give in to him… body and soul…
The Rock Star’s Seduction Part 3
The conclusion of the trilogy! Betrayal. Heartbreak. Devastation. All of Kaitlyn's dreams and hopes seem dead... but could she find happiness with someone else waiting in the wings? Or will Derek, now obsessed with her, refuse to let her go?
Master and servant, aristocrat and commoner... Passion brings them together, but pride will tear them apart. When Marian is in danger, will Evan risk everything - his fortune, his title, his life - to save the woman he loves?

Hard As Rock (The Rock Star’s Seduction Part 3)

Copyright 2014 Olivia Thorne

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, used, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Olivia Thorne.

Edition: November 2014

BOOK: Hard As Rock
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