Read Hard Core (Hard As Nails Book 3) Online

Authors: Hope Conrad

Tags: #Hard As Nails, #Book Three

Hard Core (Hard As Nails Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Hard Core (Hard As Nails Book 3)
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Rich, smooth, and powerful.


Slate Rawlings keeps mobsters out of prison, but now he’s tasked with defending an innocent woman who makes him imagine all the naughty things he can do to her…


Slate battled his way to the top and now he’s the most successful lawyer in the city.

His clients have pasts even darker than his, so he avoids honest, decent women.


The moment he sees kindergarten teacher Rose, however, he’s overcome by desire. She has blue eyes, pale skin and legs made to wrap around his hips. He wants to push her sweet body against the wall and f**k her until she cries out in complete surrender, but she deserves better than the monster hiding inside him.


Only Slate can’t leave Rose alone because he’s the only one who can save her.


And eventually he knows he won’t be able to resist temptation.


Blackened soul or not, he’s going to make Rose his in every way imaginable.



Hard Place
(Book 4)



Haunted, determined, and desirable


Jericho Grant never thought he’d survive the fires of hell only to get a shot at possessing her, his very own angel…


After surviving unbearable loss, Jericho is gifted a second shot at happiness, which includes Delia Faith, a fresh-faced, golden-eyed stepsister who adores him. She’s sweetness and light, and Jericho never imagines she can be his, but he swears to protect her, even from himself.


Then fate intervenes, ripping Jericho’s world apart again, and he has no choice but to push Delia away in order to keep her safe. When she walks out of his life, he fully embraces his true nature, certain he’ll be lost in darkness forever.


Years later, a grown-up, sexy-as-sin Delia strolls into Jericho’s garage, demanding answers.


He warns her he’s not strong enough to turn her away a second time.


When she returns, he goes all in, determined to prove what he’s always known: no one can ever love her the way he can.



Hard Act
(Book 5)



Brilliant, scarred, and enticing…


Davis Young is a wealthy, handsome, financier with a secret longing for the forbidden, including the daughter of his sworn enemy…


An orphan with few options, Davis ends up in the service of King, a dangerous mob boss. His only consolation? Occasional sightings of King’s daughter, Bella Prince, an icy blonde who’s always looked through Davis as if he doesn’t exist–until she doesn’t. Davis falls for her, the woman who heats his blood like no other, only to be betrayed.


Years later, Bella shows up for help, and in a moment of weakness, she reveals she never betrayed him and she’s longed to be his. In his bed. In his arms. Even on her knees. A strong woman, she’s dreamed of Davis dominating her in a way she’s never allowed a man to do before.


Davis is more than happy to give Bella what she wants, because it’s what he wants, too.


And when several forces, including her father, try to take Bella away from him, Davis declares war.


He’s always been a soldier at heart. For Bella, he’ll form an army to defeat their enemies and make her his.





Hope Conrad writes sultry, intense contemporary romance. Her
Hard As Nails
series features her favorite kind of heroes: bad boy alpha males whose quests for redemption are fueled by their love for the strong women who take them on.

Hard Core

Copyright © 2016 by Hope Conrad


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


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