Read HauntingMelodyStClaire Online

Authors: Ditter Kellen and Dawn Montgomery

HauntingMelodyStClaire (6 page)

BOOK: HauntingMelodyStClaire
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“How do you know?” She brushed at the tears soaking her
cheeks. “I don’t see them here. Shouldn’t I feel them or some kind of peace?”

He tilted his head. “Are you ready to do this?”

She stood and he rose with her. “Of course. Wouldn’t you
want to know if they’re together and happy?”

He nodded.

“What do I have to do? You’re not going to kill me or
anything, are you?”

He shook his head. “Come with me.” He held out his hand once
more and she took it without hesitation. He led her a few more rows down. They
stopped, and she looked around.

“I don’t see them.”

Her gaze followed his down and to the left at another grave.
The words froze her heart.


Melody St. Claire

Beloved daughter and teacher

Taken too soon



Chapter Six


Melody’s eyes glazed over the dates. She jerked away from
his touch. “Is this a sick joke?”

She dragged her gaze from the words to Travis’ face. Pain
twisted his features, and agony burned between them. “I’m so sorry.”

“Sorry?” She shoved her fists against his chest. “I’m not

“What happened the night of the fire, Melody?”

She gripped her grandmother’s necklace. “I didn’t make it
there in time. The fire was already going by the time I—”

“No.” The word cut her off. Anger tightened his expression.
“You were there when it started. Woke on the couch, remember?”

She sliced her hand in the air. He was lying. “Those are
nightmares, not reality.” Panic sent her pulse racing.

“What’s reality, Melody?” He stepped forward and she moved
away. Pain echoed from him. “Which makes more sense? You’re suddenly a medium
to the spirit world, or that you are one yourself?”

“But Kassa—”

“Kassa is special.” His expression softened. “She’s talked
with the dead since her first words.”

Her world tilted and her knees buckled. “I’m not dead.”

Travis gripped her biceps, jerking her attention from the
ground to his face. “When was the last time you ate anything?”

She tried to shrug him off. “I don’t know. I mean, I’m just
not hungry.”

He gripped her tighter, shaking her a bit. “When was the
last time you went to work?”

Why was he doing this to her? “I’m a teacher. Summer

“Summer ended months ago. You know I’m telling you the

She looked around as though seeing the world for the first
time. Leaves had long since fallen from the branches. She’d noticed the birds’
songs missing. The dried leaves on the way to the cemetery. Why hadn’t she…
“This is impossible. I would know if I was dead.”

“What year is it, Melody?”

“It’s 2011.” She glared at him.

“It’s 2013.” He crossed his arms.

Something ripped open in her heart. “No way in hell.” She
shoved his chest. “You’re lying.”

“I’ve watched you, talked to you. Been with you for two

“I would remember.”

“Would you? Think. You were a tortured spirit, raging
through the burned ruins of your home. I found you there.”

“You’re lying to me.” Her voice was raw with pain. She
gripped her hair at the temples.

“How did you die?”

“Stop it. Please?”

He shook her again and grabbed her hands, lifting them up
between them. “Where are the scars from the fire? Think, Melody. Remember.”

She looked down at her arms and saw smooth skin free of

Her memories cracked open and pain sliced through her. The
fire. Their screams. Sobs racked her body.

“I was on the couch.” She ran her hands up and down her
arms, trying to piece it together. “Smoke everywhere. My mother screamed.
Everything burned.” She pressed a palm against her throat. “My lungs hurt,
and…” She choked on another sob. “I remember.”

“After the fire. After you died.” His voice was softer,
easier. “What do you remember?”

She clenched a fist to her stomach. Pain ravaged her mind
and heart. “I just remember the fire.”

“Please, Melody. Think.” She glared at Travis. The pain
there, the deep echo of it tore her apart. She’d seen it before. Hadn’t she?

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you let me believe I was

Kassa. Betrayal and anger warred in her chest. “You both
knew.” She stared at her tombstone. Melody rose to her feet, numb, while a
hysterical laugh threatened to erupt. She was dead. “Was this fun for you two?”

“Fun? You have no idea.”

“I lost everything,” she yelled in his face. “I can never
have a life. A family.” She jerked away from him.

“Yes, you can, Melody. It’s not over. Look at what’s right
in front of you.” Travis took a step toward her.

“I don’t want this life.”

His expression froze and a muscle ticked in his jaw. “You
don’t know what you’re saying. You’re in shock.”

“How does any of this tell me about my parents? Or was this
all a bullshit reason to get me here?”

“No bullshit.” He stood next to her parents’ graves with his
arms crossed. A breeze blew, but his clothes and hair were unaffected.

She looked down at her hands, realizing the wind didn’t
touch her either.
Could it be true?
“But how is this possible, Travis? I
moved things.” A memory surfaced of the water hitting her skin in the shower.

Travis touched her. “You are a very powerful spirit, Melody.
It took me years to do what you’ve managed to accomplish in such a short time.
Your sense of life made you an incredible anomaly.”

She glared at him. “Anomaly? How very scientific of you. Did
you enjoy studying me, manipulating me?”

His jaw clenched. “Your parents are right here, waiting for

She threw her arms out in irritation. “Where?”

He shoved his hands deep in his pockets. “You have to want
to see them.”

“How dare you? I love my parents. Why wouldn’t I want to see

He narrowed his gaze at her. “Some part of you still thinks
this is a joke. It’s easier for you to believe that I would try to make you
insane than for you to believe you’re dead.”

“You don’t know me, or what I believe.”

He flashed in front of her, so close she could feel the heat
from his body. “I know everything about who and what you are. You can deny it
here.” He touched her temple. “But you know the truth here.” He tapped lightly
on her chest. “I’m not the one playing games.”

She reeled as though slapped. “Go to hell.”

“You want to use me for your emotional punching bag, fine.”
Rage and pain boiled off him in waves, while the air grew frigid around her.
“Don’t lie to me or yourself. You’re dead, and if you don’t figure it out and
really believe it, you’re going to become too dangerous to be around. The more
unstable you grow, the more those nightmares of yours will become real until
everything you touch burns.”

The air became too thick to breathe. “What are you trying to
say? I didn’t start the fire in my parents’ house.”

“No, but you died by fire. And you are powerful enough to
charge the air around you.”

“Lies.” Her rage grew until it simmered just below the

“You are dangerous. More dangerous than anything I’ve ever

“I would never hurt anyone.”

“You hurt Kassa.” His bleak expression snapped something
inside her.

“No.” She shook her head frantically while fire erupted
around her. Dried leaves ignited and she screamed in shock. The back of her
hand pressed against her open mouth and she looked at him in horror.

He dragged her into his arms. “It’s okay, Melody, you didn’t
mean to.” He made soothing noises in his throat and rocked her back and forth.

“How…” She couldn’t find the words. Melody collapsed against

“Twice now your nightmares have caused actual fires.” He
kissed her forehead. “I can smother them, see?” He held out his hand and they
both watched the flames smolder, then stop.

Melody thought of Kassa’s beautiful house. How close had she
come to destroying it? She couldn’t believe she was dead. “I want to see my

“I’m right here.” Her mother’s voice called from behind her.

Melody slowly turned around. She took in the familiar smile
and curly hair. Eyes as beautiful as she remembered. “Mom.” She stumbled

Her mom opened her arms. “Hi, baby.”

Melody ran to her, wrapping her up in a tight hug. “Mom,
you’re here.” Tears ran down her face. “I’m dead.”

Her mother’s smile was sad. “Yes, honey. I’m so sorry. It’s
kind of a shock, I know.” She ran her hands down Melody’s face. “It sure took
you awhile to get here.”

“I know, and I wouldn’t be here now if not for Travis. He
made this possible.” She turned back to him and held out her hand. He nodded once
but didn’t move toward them.

“Thank you, Travis.” Her mother touched Melody’s arm,
lowering it. “I’m holding it closed as long as I can, but there’s not much

He was staring back at Melody in quiet desperation, but was

“Travis…” She took a step forward, reaching for him again.

He moved back and shook his head.

“He can’t stay here, baby.”

“Why? I don’t understand.”

“Once the portal opens, he has to cross.”

“Portal?” She tentatively slipped out of her mom’s embrace
and took a step forward. “What is she talking about?”

Travis hesitated. “I haven’t crossed because I choose not
to. Once the light touches you, it’s over.”

“Come with me.”

His lips twisted in sadness. “I can’t.”

She wanted to argue. “But—”

He hauled her up against him. His kiss was raw and powerful,
intensifying the emotions tearing through her. He put his forehead to hers.

“Travis.” Her mother’s voice held a warning. “It’s opening.”

“I need you here with me. Remember what happened after the

Her memory was blank. “I can’t.”

“Melody, you don’t know what staying will do to you. You’re
powerful. Dangerous. He’s gone against nature and remained here. That’s not a

She thought of the fire, the idea of hurting Kassa. Her
heart shredded. It was too much.

He kissed her again. “Or go. And don’t look back. This is
your decision. Do what your heart tells you. You know where I’ll be.”

Her arms held nothing. Sudden, awful pain ripped through
her. He was gone. “Travis!”

“We have to go, honey.” Her mother wrapped her arms around her,
pulling them back toward the gravestone. “They don’t give us much time.”

She glanced back to where Travis had stood and clutched the
locket around her neck. Travis.

Light enveloped them and Melody’s heart cracked.

The world faded to nothing and she trudged behind her mom in
numb shock. Everything was happening so fast. Something tugged at her neck and
she realized it was her grandmother’s necklace. Melody gripped it in her palm
and the weight of it pressed against her. She jerked to a stop. “Mom, wait.”

“What is it?” Her mother leaned over. “Is that your
grandmother’s necklace?”

“Yes. It’s…” Warmth enveloped her and the familiar scents of
butterscotch and coffee tickled her nose.

“Nana?” Her throat tightened and tears blurred her vision.
In a moment, her grandmother stood in front of her.

Soft blue eyes with a mischievous twinkle. A smile bloomed
across her face. “Hey, baby girl.” She held out her arms and Melody rushed to
her, wrapping her in a huge hug.

“Nana, you’re here.”

“Of course I’m here. The afterlife party just isn’t the same
without me.”

Melody would have laughed, if not for the lump in her
throat. Her fingers curled around the chain at her throat.

Nana stood back and looked her granddaughter up and down,
her gaze paused on her hand. She clucked her tongue. “You’ve lost weight.”

“I missed your brownies.” Melody gave her a watery smile.

Her grandmother glanced at her mother. “Meredith. Why don’t
you give your daughter a hug and a kiss? I’ll bring her on in a bit.”


“I want to talk to her alone. I’ll make it quick.”

Her mom sighed. “Okay.” She drew Melody into her arms and
gave her a kiss. “We’ll see you soon.”

Melody nodded and her mother faded. A sharp pain dug into
her chest and she reached out. “Where did she go?”

Her grandmother shrugged. “She went ahead. This is a part
you only have to go through once.”

“What part?”

An orange glow drew Melody’s attention. Icy tendrils of fear
slid down her spine. Her body broke out in a cold sweat. “What’s happening?”

“You have to pass through your death to cross over.” Her
grandmother turned them to face her old living room.

Fire engulfed most of the furniture and Melody recoiled.

“We all have to do it.” Nana squeezed her into a side hug.
“I’ll be right there waiting on the other side.”

“And that’s it? I cross through and it’s over?”

“Well, you won’t be able to maintain time on Earth anymore,
but I wouldn’t say it’s over.” She waved a hand and a bench appeared. “Let’s
sit down for a bit.”

Melody took it in stride. A bench appearing in a white
tunnel was on par with the rest of the day’s insanity. She collapsed on the
seat and gazed at the fire.

Her grandmother sat beside her. “Not many of us can carry
material things, much less wear them.” She gestured to the locket.

Melody held it up. “This is the real necklace?”

“Yes.” Nana put her finger on the delicate painted flowers.
“Would you mind?”

Melody smiled and released the clasp. Her grandmother’s eyes
closed on the first bars of
Time in a Bottle
and she sweetly hummed
along. It brought the past rushing up to her. The music ended and Melody closed
the locket with a quiet snap.

Nana sighed and touched her granddaughter’s hand. “I love
that song.” Her smile was wistful. “You are very powerful. That’s common with
those who die before their time.”


“You weren’t supposed to be in that fire.”

“But nothing strange happened to keep me in the house.”

“No. You’ve got some of the higher-ups closely watching over
you. There’s all kinds of strange things happening in our neck of the woods.”

“I’m nothing special.”

Her grandmother smacked her arm. “That’s enough of that. So
tell me what has my grandbaby lookin’ so sad.”

“I feel like my heart is being ripped in two.”

“That Travis guy?”

“Yeah.” Melody blinked. “How do you know about Travis?”

“I know a lot about a lot of things. I’ve been watching you
since I passed on.”

That filled her heart with a euphoric joy. All those times
she’d wondered. “Mom said he had gone against nature.”

BOOK: HauntingMelodyStClaire
10.48Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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