Heartstrings (Rock With You #1) Rock Star Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Heartstrings (Rock With You #1) Rock Star Romance
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tried to make you out to be the bad guy, but I can’t think that way anymore.
You’re not the bad guy. You’re actually quite nice…I think you’re growing on

I’m ‘quite nice’ then? You’re damning me with faint praise, girl. I see I’ll have
to do much better than last time.”

opened her mouth to respond, but Logan’s lips found hers and her reply was

kiss was not only sensual and skilled, but intense, full of passion and the
hint of longing that she remembered his kisses held. She let herself relax into
his arms, let this kiss consume her.

was several minutes later when he ended the kiss, straightening, his arms still
loosely around her waist. Eyes still closed, she leaned forward, lips parted.

Melody opened her eyes, a bit dazed as she looked up at Logan.

was that just ‘quite nice’ or something better.”

much better than quite nice. Very much better.”

you ready to move this down the hall? As much as I enjoy kissing you, I’d much
rather be between the sheets, making love to you.”

smiled, letting him take her hand as he led her to the bedroom. “You have such
a way with words, Logan.”

the dim light of the bedroom, Melody stood in Logan’s arms, her fingers slowly
undoing the buttons on his shirt as he watched.

know, there are things you could be doing, rather than watching me.” She
concentrated on the task in front of her, her heart beating fast. Whether from
arousal or nerves, she didn’t know. And she really didn’t care.  The
consequences could wait until tomorrow. Being this close to Logan, willingly,
was a powerful feeling.
I could get used to this.

know. But this is fine. I don’t want to spook you; I want you taking your own
sweet time.”

undid the last button, pulling the shirt from his arms, running her fingers
over his broad chest. Logan’s hands came up her torso over her blouse, cupping
her breasts, thumbs sliding across her nipples. She caught her breath, her
hands still on his body, looking up at him.

not afraid anymore, Logan. I want this now…I want you.”

claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss, Melody returning the emotion. All
reserves Melody had melted away and she met him fully, seeking just as much
from him as he did from her.

closed, Melody felt Logan’s hands moving over her body, felt the tug of the
zipper on her skirt being pulled down, the soft whisper of fabric against her
skin as he removed her blouse. She shivered slightly as cool air moved across
her naked body, then again as Logan held her against his warmth. Somewhere
along the way he’d removed his jeans and he pressed himself against her, his
arousal evident.

with me.” Logan’s voice was low and seductive, and Melody thought at that
moment, she’d follow him anywhere. He led her to the bed, laying her gently
down on the soft sheets, settling himself next to her.

going to make love to you Melody, long and slow, and then again after that. I
don’t expect we’ll get much sleep, but there’s time for sleep later.”

looked at him, his eyes filled with passion…for her. No man had ever looked at
her like this, not even Patrick. It made her heart swell, almost took her
breath away. She lifted one hand, cupping his cheek for a moment and nodded,
not trusting her voice. And at this moment, ethics and rules and what was right
or wrong didn’t matter. What she felt when she was wrapped in his arms was all
that she wanted and needed.

smiled and then brought his lips to hers. She felt the corners of his lips
holding that smile until he deepened the kiss, the smile replaced with heated

he moved over her, parting her legs. His first thrust took her by surprise, not
with size or force, but with the total certainty with which he laid claim to
her. There was no doubt in her mind she was what he wanted and he was taking
what was his.

Melody gladly gave him what he sought, meeting him as an equal, taking from him
as much as giving. Logan gave her pleasure, no argument there, but he gave her
something else, something she’d never expected from any man.

Logan’s sheer physical presence, his intoxicating sexuality, beyond the
delicious movement of their bodies together, she felt the freedom to let her
emotions go. Logan gave her the freedom—and the security—to let
this experience touch her heart. And it did, in an unexpected but not
unwelcomed way.

the end, as she cried out, arching up against him, he held her face between his
hands, kissing her cheeks and lips and eyelids, as focused on her then as he
had been from the beginning. She heard him murmuring something against her neck,
soft words she didn’t understand. But her body was so filled with physical
ecstasy, every cell alive as her release washed through her, that she became
lost in her own pleasure, her arms clutching Logan, her legs wrapped around his
hips. His words were lost in her cries.

joined her then, his head thrown back, his body seeking its own release. Melody
watched in amazement as he gave himself over fully to what his body was
experiencing, his own emotions playing across his face. She felt tears of
wonder well in her eyes, knowing he felt so unrestrained, so free to let
himself go as she had.

it was over, they lay in each other’s arms, both breathing heavily. Melody was
reluctant to move, not wanting to break the bonds, both physical and emotional,
between them. It was Logan who finally raised his head, looking down at her.

so, that was good for you then?”

in the dim light she saw the teasing glint in his eye.

you would say…aye, t’was.” Giggles overtook her as Logan rolled his eyes,
shaking his head in mock reproach.

no…I’m sorry. Never let me try to imitate you again.”

giggles subsided as Logan rolled onto his side next to her, his fingers tracing
the line of her cheek, her earlobe, moving down over her throat. She took his
hand, kissing his fingertips.

yes, it was good. More than good. Exceptionally good.”

was Logan’s turn to laugh. “You’ll have my head swelling if you keep that up.”
He grew serious.

it is special, no? What’s between us, I mean. There’s something different with
you, Melody. Sex is sex, and I’ve had too many women where it’s been just sex.
Fun, yes. But nothing more. But with you…it goes deeper, lasts longer. I feel
you here…” He took her hand, placing it on his chest, over his heart.

were you saying to me? The words, I mean? I couldn’t understand you.”

Tha gaol agam ort
…” Logan went silent, rolling onto his back,
still holding her hand. She could feel his heart beating beneath her fingers.

What does it mean?” She leaned on her elbow, looking down at him as he lay with
his eyes closed. He spoke without opening them.

be alarmed…remember, it was spoken in the heat of the moment. I don’t expect
the same sentiment from you; I have no claim to lay there.”

opened his eyes, his look direct, unflinching. “It means ‘I love you’.”

eyes widened. “And do you?”

turned toward her, kissing her fingertips. “Aye, I did when I said it.”

you still?” Her voice was breathless.
He must be teasing me.

his eyes were serious, as was his voice. “Aye, I do.
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat

Melody held her breath. Logan kissed her gently before
he spoke, her hand still pressed against his chest.

“My heart is within you.”


* * *


thought Logan had fallen asleep but he stirred when she tried to pull the sheet
over her shoulder, tugging it from beneath his arm.

ye cold? I’m a blanket thief, you’ll have to forgive me.” Logan sat up,
untangling the sheet and pulling it over both of them.

why did you leave last time without waking me? Why just a note?”

was wondering when you’d ask about that. It was selfish; I had a plane to catch
and I knew if I woke ye, there’d be no hope for me, I’d never have left. I
wanted you too badly.”

arm was around her shoulders, his fingers idly running through her hair, his
voice soft and low. “I saw you there, asleep, in the wee hours of the morning,
and I thought I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I wanted to wake
you and take you, then and there. But I wrote a note instead, snuck away like a
coward and then…well, we know the rest.”

shifted, pulling her closer. “I am sorry, Melody. Truly. It was a coward’s way
out. I shouldn’t have just left a note. I should have woken you, made love to
you again, left you happy. At the very least, I should have sung you back to

smiled against Logan’s chest. “Well, it’s in the past now. But don’t ever do it

never again.” He found her lips in the dark, his kiss gentle but quickly
deepening. After a time he broke away, gasping.

do things to me, Melody, things that no woman has ever done. I can’t explain

fingers traced the curve of her cheek, over her throat, down to the fullness of
one breast. It was Melody’s turn to gasp as his fingers, and then lips, softly
caressed her, sending shivers through her body.

he lifted his head, she cried out softly in protest. Logan’s voice was rough
with passion.

all that I need…all that I’ll ever want.”

was a long time before they slept.


* * *


woke with a start. The room was still dark, the bed unfamiliar. But she knew
she was in Logan’s hotel room. She rolled over, reaching for him, finding his
arm and then broad chest with her hands. He made a soft noise, reaching for her
hand. Without speaking, he rolled toward her, pulling her against his body, his
lips finding hers in the dark. The kiss had that same longing intensity,
searching her lips for answers.

much as she wanted to answer him, surrender to their desires, to let him take
her on that wild ride again, she gently pushed him away. She heard him sigh in
the dark.

I can’t. I have to go…I need to go home, change, and get to work. Ryan wants to
meet with me…about your case.”

thought of Ryan Marshall made her frown. And the force of what she’d done, that
she’d slept with a client, hit her with a physical force, making her stomach
drop. She’d given in to her desires, risking Logan’s case, her career…everything.

I thought as much.” He rolled away, flicking on the bedside lamp. Melody
blinked in the light. Looking at Logan almost took her breath away, with his
messy hair and heavy-lidded, sexy eyes.
And his lips.
Those kissable lips,
the ever-present grin that made them too sexy too resist.

something I need to tell you. I should have said something before…before last
night. But I…didn’t want to.”

looked down, playing with a corner of the sheet. Logan turned toward her,
rising on one elbow, and she wondered how she’d ever be able to explain how she
was feeling without him thinking she regretted him. She didn’t. But then the
words just tumbled out.

was wrong to sleep with you.”

eyes darkened, and for the first time Melody saw pain in their depths. She
reached out, her hand on his shoulder. She hurried to go on.

of your case…not because of you.”

frowned, confused. “And why is this?”

a conflict of interest, to sleep with a client. Before the case…that was different.
But now…it’s complicated. And it’s a breach of ethics.”

you regret what we did…do you regret this?” Logan’s voice was steady, but the
pained deepened in his eyes, and her heart ached.

no. Not this…not you. Not at all.” She curled against him, resting her head on
his shoulder, her hand on his chest.

wouldn’t give that up for anything. But I want you to know now, even though
it’s too late, there might be consequences…if anyone finds out.”

lay back on the pillow and Melody rested against him, hands splayed across his
chest, looking down at him. The pain had receded from his eyes, replaced with

risked your career for this…for me?”

nodded. “Yes. And I’ll keep risking it. But you need to know…I should have told
you last night…before we…well, you know. It’s your risk too now, I guess,
although I’d be the one facing the consequences, or the most serious ones.”

as? Your career?”

BOOK: Heartstrings (Rock With You #1) Rock Star Romance
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