Heartsville 05 - Bloom Box (Cate Ashwood) (7 page)

BOOK: Heartsville 05 - Bloom Box (Cate Ashwood)
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Will had never seen anything as beautiful as Milo naked. He seemed proud and bashful at the same time, and Will’s fingertips tingled with the desire to touch and claim.

Milo climbed up onto the bed, aligning his body with Will’s. This time, Will didn’t need to be asked. He reached out, running his hands along Milo’s sides, pulling him impossibly closer.

Milo hooked his arm around Will’s neck and rocked his hips, pleasure skittering through Will’s body and making him dizzy with want. He dove back into kissing Milo, savoring the taste of him, memorizing the way he moved against him. He’d never felt anything this powerful before, and the soft needy sounds Milo was making almost undid him.

“God, Milo. This is… You’re just….” Will gasped once the kiss broke once more. There was no way for him to end those sentences, no way to accurately express what he felt.

“Please tell me you have stuff,” Milo said, his words slightly slurred.

“I do. I bought it last night, after…,” Will said, beyond bashful at this point.

Will rolled off the bed to retrieve the new box of condoms and bottle of lube from their home in his desk drawer. He hadn’t dared to hope, but wanted to be sure just in case. Now, he was grateful for his foresight as Milo took both from him and tore the box open. He fished a condom from inside and held it out to Will.

“You’re sure about this?” Will said, needing to be certain.

“You want to try to talk me out of it?” Milo asked, something flashing in his eyes.

Will shook his head dumbly.

“Good. Now come back here.”

Will climbed back onto the bed, walking on his knees toward Milo, who was waiting for him in the center of the mattress. Milo pushed him back until he was sitting with his back against the headboard, then Milo climbed into his lap.

The position was reminiscent of the last time they’d been in Will’s apartment together, but somehow, in twenty-four hours, Will had given up trying to fight his feelings. It had never been like this with Spencer, not even in the beginning. Will had never been so desperate for someone else, so desperate to touch and hold and taste, and so desperate to never let go.

He wanted to draw this out, to make it last, because the thought of it ending pushed the air right from his lungs. Or maybe that was just the way Milo was moving against him. The slick slide of skin against skin made Will lose all sense of time as he lifted his head to kiss Milo again.

When Milo moved his hand between them, Will batted it away. He stashed the thought of watching Milo bring himself off as something for another time. Tonight he wanted to be the one to make Milo feel good. He angled his body and slipped his hand around Milo’s cock, gratified when Milo’s head fell back and he moaned, rocking his hips up to meet Will’s strokes.

“You gotta stop,” Milo said breathlessly. “Not that it doesn’t feel amazing, but if you keep going, I’m going to come.”

“So I’ll make you come twice,” Will said, squeezing with just enough pressure to make Milo’s eyes roll up.

“No, please, I want you inside me when I come,” Milo panted.

Will’s hand stilled at Milo’s words. He knew that was coming next, but the way Milo’s voice sounded when he spoke the words, broken and desperate, turned Will on even more. He didn’t think it was possible, but in the brief time he’d known Milo, he’d been proven wrong more than once.

“I meant now, Will,” Milo continued, the urgency deepening with each word.

Milo climbed off his lap and Will maneuvered him with barely restrained force, rearranging them on the bed so Milo was reclined comfortably on the mattress, his knees open. Lying there, vulnerable and exposed, every inch of skin exposed to Will’s hungry gaze, Milo looked wanton and debauched. And Will wasn’t done with him yet.

Curling his body over Milo’s, he teased and tantalized, trailing his fingers over Milo’s skin until they reached the tender flesh behind Milo’s balls. Slicking his fingers with lube, Will massaged Milo’s hole before sliding one finger inside. Milo arched into the touch, forcing Will deeper inside. There was nothing tentative about the way Milo moved, fucking himself on Will’s fingers, begging him with his body to hurry. With as much care as Will could manage, he prepared him, stretching and manipulating, wanting this to be pleasurable for both of them.

“Enough. Please,” Milo begged.

Will didn’t need to be asked twice.

Withdrawing, he watched Milo’s face as he pulled out. There was no hint of discomfort, only naked need. He slipped a condom on, rolling it down completely before poising himself at Milo’s entrance. A brief pause allowed Will a moment to gather control before he pushed slowly inside.

Will groaned, the sensations overwhelming him. His control slipped away as he pushed inside. The tightness at Milo’s entrance slowly yielded, and Will drove himself forward into the heat of Milo’s willing body.

“God yes. Just like that,” Milo said as Will began to thrust, keeping his tempo unhurried and even. Over and over, Will pulled almost all the way out before burying himself once more, bottoming out, his hips slamming forward. Will quickened the pace as he felt the pressure inside him building, his balls tightening up as the sparks of pleasure washed through him. Milo gripped him tighter, his breathing labored.

All too soon, Will knew he couldn’t hold back much longer. Angling his hips to give him access, he slipped one hand between them, wrapping it around the hardness of Milo’s erection. Timing his strokes with his thrusts, he jacked Milo, and a moment later Milo came, heat spilling over Will’s hand.

Watching Milo come was one of the hottest things Will had ever seen, and the sight of him, lips parted, eyes unfocused, crying out as his orgasm slammed into him pushed Will right over the edge. He slammed in hard, burying himself as far as he could inside Milo as he rode out his own orgasm.

It took a moment for them both to come back to themselves. Will kissed the tip of Milo’s nose before carefully pulling out. He discarded the condom and found a cloth to clean them both up before gathering Milo into his arms and pulling the blankets over them.

“I’m so glad I walked into your shop that morning,” Milo said, kissing the curve of Will’s shoulder as they settled in against one another to sleep.

“Me too,” Will admitted. The first time he’d seen Milo, sopping wet and muttering nervously, he knew there was something special about him, but never would he ever have pictured them ending up as they were now: tangled together in sweat-soaked sheets and happier than he’d ever been.


Chapter Nine



The last few weeks of August passed quickly and before Will realized, September was almost upon them. The days seemed to run together, settling into a routine of flowers and kissing and the best sex Will had ever known. He was addicted to Milo, and he didn’t want that to ever change. He knew it would be a short-lived relationship, that Milo would likely soon lose interest and move on, but for as long as Will was able, he was keeping him.

Milo had stopped going home after work. The apartment above the shop was small, but it functioned well enough for the two of them. The bed Will had bought on discount from the furniture shop down the road, not anticipating having to share the small mattress with anyone else, was the perfect size for the two of them, given Milo had taken to sleeping half on top of him.

The square footage left a little to be desired and collisions were a daily occurrence, but still, in the honeymoon stage Will hoped would never end, the small space seemed cozy rather than confining.

On the last day before Milo began classes once more, Will awoke before his alarm, Milo’s mouth hot on his skin. They moved together, backs arching and heavy panting, all hardness and wetness and easy pleasure. Will wiped the sleep from his eyes as Milo wiped the rapidly cooling come from his chest.

“Best wakeup ever,” Will said, his voice soft.

“I concur,” Milo said with a wide grin.

“Should we get up?”

“Staying in bed forever sounds like a much better plan.”

“It does. And you naked next to me isn’t a great motivator for actually getting my ass in gear, but we have the Connolly wedding to get ready for, and as much as I want to dive right back under the covers with you, if we don’t have Riley’s order ready by three o’clock, he’ll have both our balls in a vise.”

“We wouldn’t want that. I have other plans for your balls,” Milo said.

Will chuckled. “They’re yours to do with as you please.”

“I’m holding you to that,” Milo said, leaning down to press a kiss to Will’s shoulder before rolling out of bed with more energy and enthusiasm than any one person should possess before 7:00 a.m.

Will followed him into the shower, where they cleaned each other with tender efficiency before dressing, then heading downstairs to open the door. The morning was a blur of arrangements—seventy-five table centerpieces, three bouquets, and nine boutonnières—all on top of the regular walk-in traffic.

Riley arrived right on schedule, not a minute early or late, and seemed genuinely pleased with the arrangements Will and Milo had done for him. While most brides and grooms left the delivery to the florist on their wedding day, Riley was very hands-on and wanted to be sure everything was perfect for his big day.

Once he’d gone, the tension in the shop vanished. The one order was almost enough to pay the rent and utilities for the entire month, and although it had been a stressful account to manage, Will found that Riley’s overenthusiastic approval of their work left him feeling incredibly satisfied.

The sound of the door opening pulled Will’s attention up and off the grouping of cream-colored roses he was putting together for the lobby of the River Pointe Hotel, and the sight of the person walking in the door made his stomach drop instantly.

“Spencer,” Will said, tipping his head forward in wary greeting.

“Hey, babe,” Spencer replied.

Will cringed at the pet name he had never liked when they were together. Now the word set his teeth on edge. “What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to talk to you for a second.” Spencer glared pointedly at Milo, an expression that made Will want to wipe it off his face with his fist. He’d never been one for violence, but in that moment, he was willing to make an exception.

“I’ll be in the back if you need me,” Milo said, giving Will’s hand a squeeze as he brushed past.

“You don’t have to—”

“It’s okay. I’ll give you guys some space to talk.” With that, he disappeared and Will was left alone with Spencer. He wanted to call Milo back, to force Spencer out of the shop, but he’d known Spencer long enough to understand how to deal with him.

“What can I do for you?” Will repeated.

“I just wanted to see you, that’s all, to see how you’ve been.”

“I’m fine.”

“Seems so. Are you really fucking that kid?”

“I really don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Will said coldly.

Spencer picked up one of the business cards from the counter and turned it over in his hand. “I was just wondering. It seems awfully fast for you to be in a relationship already….”

“What do you want, Spencer?” Will asked, his temper quickly running out.

“I just want to talk to you. I miss you.”

“You have no right to miss me. You walked out on me, remember?”

“I didn’t. You kicked me out,” Spencer argued, the petulance rolling off him in waves. Will wondered if he’d been blind to Spencer’s immaturity when they’d been together. Now that the rose-colored glasses were off, Will had a difficult time seeing what he’d ever found attractive in Spencer in the first place.

“Semantics, Spencer.”

“You never gave me a chance to explain myself. It didn’t mean anything with him—it was just sex. I love you. I still love you, Will. Please, give me another chance. I want us back.” There was a deep sadness etched into Spencer’s expression.

“It doesn’t matter what your intention was. The point is that you cheated. You broke the trust, and when it happened, I didn’t know if we could ever get that back. Now, I don’t want to try. It’s not going to happen. I don’t love you anymore.”

“Come on, baby. You don’t mean that. I know you don’t. Why don’t you send the twink home and you and me can go upstairs and I’ll remind you exactly what you’ve been missing for the last few months.”

Will’s temper boiled over the edge, spilling down the sides and hurling him into a fit of rage.

“I want you to listen closely so you can get it through your thick skull, Spencer. I don’t love you. It’s not going to happen. For the first time in years, I’m actually happy, and a lot of that has to do with no longer being with you. We were done months ago, and we’re still done.”

Spencer’s eyes, which had widened with each of Will’s declarations, looked as though the tears were going to spill at any moment. Spencer clamped his mouth shut, turned on his heels, and stormed out.

Will exhaled, letting the venom seep out with his breath as the door closed behind the worst mistake he’d ever made. He turned around to head to the back to find Milo, but before he could process what was happening, he was wrapped in Milo’s tight hold, Milo pressing a gentle kiss against his temple.

BOOK: Heartsville 05 - Bloom Box (Cate Ashwood)
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