Read Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss) Online

Authors: Robin Bielman

Tags: #accident, #entangled publishing, #romance series, #Romance, #Robin Bielman, #boyfriend

Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss) (20 page)

BOOK: Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss)
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Their audience chuckled.

“Hey,” he brushed the hair away from her face with his free hand.

“Hey,” she breathed back.

“You look beautiful.”

“So do you.”

“Get on with it already!” somebody—Luke maybe?—shouted.

He took a deep breath and held eye contact. “Kay, you are the woman of my dreams, the woman I want to make proud, the woman whose every kiss I savor. I want to help you spread your wings and watch you become the woman you’re destined to be. I want to coast through life with you by my side. You brighten every moment I’m near you. Like the song I just belted out said, I’m whole because I’ve found you. And if you’ll let me, I promise that every day I’ll love you more than the last.

“Kagan Owens Donaldson, will you marry me?” He pulled something out of his pocket—a bright red ring pop. “I’ll replace this with the real thing soon,” he said under his breath.

“It’s perfect,” she said, holding out her hand so he could put it on her finger. “And yes, I’ll marry you, Shane Sullivan.”

Cheers and applause rang out, but the second Shane took her mouth in a searing kiss, she tuned everything else out. His arms went around her waist. She wrapped hers around his neck. He ravished her with a kiss that flipped her stomach in a way it never had before—because this kiss was the start of forever.


They broke apart and scanned each other’s faces before Shane helped her to stand. Their ridiculously delirious smiles were probably permanent. Then they turned, side-by-side, to answer to her father.

“You make sure not a day passes that she isn’t happy,” her dad said, his voice a little raspy.

“That’s the plan.” Shane tightened his arm around her.

“Good.” He took a deep breath. “Kay, I’m sorry it took me this long to see… to give you…” He swiped at the corner of his eye.

Kagan took him in her arms. “It’s okay, Dad.”

“I love you,” he said, returning the hug.

She squeezed him tighter. It had been a long time since he’d told her that. “I love you too.”

“So, Shane,” he said, releasing her. “You and I—”

Her father didn’t get to finish his sentence because Charlotte and Sela and Luke and Meg and Henry descended on them with congratulations, laughter, and affection. Introductions were made, of which her father was more gracious than she’d ever seen him.

Other friends filled the street too, but all the while, Shane held tight to her hand. When he tugged her away from the crowd, she willingly went.

He led her into the backseat of the cab. “Think you can back out of here?” Shane asked the driver.

The cabbie gave a wink into the rearview mirror and slowly put it in reverse. Cones be damned.

“Where are we going?” Kagan asked.

“Back to my place where I can show my bride-to-be how much I love her.”

Kagan climbed into his lap. “I think that might take awhile.”

“I’m planning on a lifetime.”

“Me too.” She touched her nose to his and thanked her lucky stars she was right where she wanted to be, with the man not only of her dreams, but who dreamed beside her.



October 10

Shane Sullivan and Kagan Donaldson hit New York and make a splash! Their recent visit garnered plenty of attention but Cascade will always be “home,” they say. We hear an engagement party is in the works.

Luke Watters and Sela Sullivan married? How dare they tie the knot in Irleand! Word is a reception is being planned for the town to share in the matrimonial bliss. Count on the
to bring you every detail.

In other news… Erin Watters takes a trip to the ER and rumor is her rescuer, Troy Streiber, is quite the catch. Could romance be in their future? We’ll keep you posted…


This book was so much fun to write and I couldn’t have done it without the wonderful support of some pretty special people.

Thank you times a thousand to my awesome editors, Stacy Abrams and Wendy Chen. You guys are the best and I am so grateful for your guidance, patience, smarts, ideas, time, and overall greatness. I’m super lucky to have you both!

Thank you so much to my Entangled Bliss team—Alycia Tornetta, Debbie Suzuki, and Jessica Cantor. You ladies rock and I so appreciate your help, creativity, and kindness! Extra thanks to Alycia for your Twitter love!

Thanks to everyone at Entangled, especially my fellow authors, who are the nicest and most supportive writer pals around. Special thanks goes to Samanthe Beck, Karen Erickson, and Rachel Harris. Guys, your friendship is a true gift and I treasure it more than I can say!

Huge thanks to my friends and family for their cheers and excitement and confidence in me. To the three guys in my life who I love more than anything, thanks for making this wife and mom feel special even on days when I’m so lost in a story that we’re eating cereal for dinner. Again.

And lastly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to my readers. I am so very grateful to those of you who have taken the time to read my books. It’s one of the best feelings in the world when others love my characters as much as I do.

About the Author

Robin Bielman lives in Southern California with her high school sweetheart husband, two sons, and crazy-cute mini Labradoodle, Harry. When not attached to her laptop, she can almost always be found with her nose in a book. She also loves to run, hike, and dip her toes in the ocean. Writing is a dream come true, and she still pinches herself to be sure it’s real. She is also the author of
Kissing the Maid of Honor
, as well as
Risky Surrender,
Worth the Risk
Yours At Midnight
from Entangled’s Ever After line.

Visit her online:

Twitter @RobinBielman

Don’t miss the first book in Robin Bielman’s Secret Wishes series

Kissing the Maid of Honor

Available online now!

Kissing her best friend’s brother never felt so right…

Sela Sullivan is resolved to be the best maid of honor ever, even if it means tolerating the best man. Insufferable, too-handsome Luke Watters is not only the guy who humiliated her at a kissing booth in high school, but he also happens to be her best friend’s older brother. Positive he’s the same arrogant jock, Sela vows to focus on her duties and steer clear of the frustrating—and frustratingly tempting—Luke.

As a world-renowned extreme-sports photographer, Luke is used to undertaking life-risking adventures. But risking his heart for the beautiful Sela Sullivan, who clearly still hates him for his rejection all those years ago? He didn’t see that coming. Sela inspires a passion he’s never known, and the more time they spend together, the more he craves her. But can he prove to the maid of honor he’s become a man of honor?

Find your Bliss with Rachel Harris’s Taste the Heat

Sweeping her hands aside, he glided his thumbs across her cheeks. Wiping away the lines of smeared makeup, he looked into her clearing gray eyes and said, “You’re gorgeous.”

A flash of uncertainty crossed Colby’s face, and he bent his head to prove it.

The first brush of his lips was light. He didn’t want to take advantage of her emotions. He just wanted to assure her that regardless of her tears, she was still one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. But when a sigh escaped her parted lips, and she fisted her fingers in his hair, Jason abandoned timid and gentle. He gave in to the desire that had been snapping and building between them since the day of the competition, and proceeded to kiss her senseless.

Reaching down, he palmed the smooth skin of her calf. It felt like silk in his hands. He skimmed his fingers down the soft length to her ankle, hooking it around his hip. Colby made a satisfied noise in her throat. She wiggled closer and, happy to oblige, he tugged her fully against him and deepened the kiss. He swallowed her moan.

Leaves rustled in the wind. Unseen wings fluttered and buzzed. And their heavy breaths filled the air, turning Jason on even more. Colby’s mouth tasted of citrus. Sweet, like the daiquiri she had drank, and like her. He teased the corners of her mouth. Licked the satiny skin of her upper lip. And gently bit down on her pouty lower one. He knew he needed to break the kiss soon—his daughter was sleeping in the tent only a few yards away—but this woman was like a drug. And he was quickly becoming an addict. Jason shifted to press his lips to the sensitive skin just under her ear.

Breathless and panting, Colby tilted her head as he trailed his mouth along the column of her neck. “I’ve always wondered,” she admitted with a shiver, “what it would be like to kiss you.”

He arched an eyebrow in surprise and grinned against her skin. “If memory serves me right, this is our second kiss.”

A shocked gasp of air escaped her throat.“You remember Kiss and Catch?”

He looked at her and nodded, remembering every stolen moment of that childhood kiss.

She gazed back with dazed eyes, and chewing the corner of a slightly swollen lip, admitted, “That was my first kiss.” Her tone was almost bashful, the flush of her skin darkening to rose before a hint of the vixen came back and she said, “Okay, so I’ve been curious how the adult Jason would compare.”

He chuckled as he dipped his tongue into the hollow where her pulse fluttered. “And the verdict?”


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, but he definitely has no idea Angelle told her mama they were engaged. Tattooed, muscled, and hotter than sin, Cane can reduce Angelle to a hot mess with one look—and leave her
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BOOK: Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss)
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