Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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“Hello, Mrs. Preston,” she said as she held out her hand. Grace carefully stepped forward and wrapped Beth in a warm hug.

“Welcome to our ranch, Beth. I am sure we are going to be good friends, and please call me Grace.”

“Mom, where’s your cane?”

“It’s right by the door, you worry-wart. I knew I was going to have your strong arm to lean on for the rest of the day, so I left it there.” She gave her son a breathtaking smile.

She turned to Beth. “I’m lucky to have three men who I can lean on, so I rarely need to use my cane. Come into the house with me. Jack will take your things to your room. It’s been a long drive, and you might want to nap. Whenever you’re ready, Rosa will start dinner.”

“I don’t want you to wait dinner for my sake.”

“It’s not a problem. If we’re hungry, we’ll snack,” Jack assured her. “Go and take your time, Beth. Mom and I always find something to talk about.”  He winked at his mom and she chuckled.


few hours later, Beth met Grace’s husband, Richard, and his son, David. Where Jack was light, these men were good looking with dark skin and hair, and they made her nervous. Jack had noticed it. He arranged for her to sit next to him at dinner.

“Jack told us you’re here undercover,” David said. 

“I guess I am.  It sounds more romantic than it really is.  I’m not allowed to discuss it really.”  David tilted his head and gave her a crooked smile.

“Okay, what can you tell us?  Before all this happened were you in school?  You don’t look old enough to be a career girl, and if you were married I’m sure your husband wouldn’t let you out of his sight.”

Beth always felt uncomfortable answering questions about herself, even before the mess with her father.  She tried to give as few details as possible.

“I help out with my father’s business here and there, and I spend time at the recreation center with my special kids.”

“Special kids?” Grace asked.

“Just some kids that need a little extra tutoring.” 

“What a wonderful way to give back.  How many children do you work with?”

“Just a few,” Beth answered slowly.

“Do you teach them to read?”

“I help them with whatever they need.” Beth looked down at her plate and toyed with her food.

“Well, that’s wonderful.  Not a lot of people give back these days.”

“It’s really not a big deal.  I have a sister who is three years older, and she is getting her masters in computer science.  She double majored in computer science and in criminology.  Now she is the interesting one.” 

“It seems to me like you’re both pretty fascinating.” Grace smiled warmly.

“Have you ever been on a working ranch?” David asked.  “I can show you around tomorrow.”

Beth concentrated on the Spanish rice she was eating, and tried to think of a way out of the invitation. 

“David, give the girl a little bit of time to acclimate,” Grace chided.  Beth was able to swallow.

“Just remember, when you need a tour, I’m your man.  Jack probably doesn’t remember the difference between a horse and a cow.”  Beth looked up, surprised this man would be putting down his brother.  But when she saw his face, she realized he had been teasing.

“Watch it, cowboy.  I can still ride circles around you.”

“Bullshit.  You’ve gotten soft.”  That was followed by laughter even Beth had to join in on.  The idea of Jack having gone soft was ridiculous.  She liked how the family interacted. 

“Jack, tell me more about the rescue efforts in Las Flores,” Richard requested.

“The devastation left by the earthquake was horrific, Dad.  But it was great seeing how many relief agencies came in the first week.  Then I was stunned to see how quickly it started to dwindle.”

“It was all over the news the first week, and then we didn’t hear anything,” David concurred.

“You were in Las Flores?” Beth asked.

“He was there right after the earthquake happened,” Grace answered.

“I didn’t think SEALs did rescue efforts like that.”

“We don’t normally, but there was a hostage situation we got involved in.  After it was resolved we stayed to help.”

“Then he got his father involved in coordinating donations for the people.  Richard is involved in charities so he might be able to help.”

David snorted.  “Don’t let Mom fool you.  Dad’s on the board of directors of one of the largest charities in Texas.  He can get donations out of a stone.”

“Was the hostage thing dangerous?”

“Everything Jack does is dangerous,” David said with a twinkle in his eye.

“That’s nothing to tease about.  Whenever Jack is deployed and I turn on the news I’m worried to death,” Grace said.  Richard reached over and put his arm around the back of her chair.

“You know our son is the best at what he does,” Richard said in a soothing tone. “He can take care of himself.”

“It still doesn’t stop a mother from worrying.”

Beth looked through her lashes at Jack.  She could easily see him as one of the men who rescued her and her family in the Mexican jungle.  He had the same air about him.  She felt safe with him, but she knew if the wrong people came around they’d be in trouble.  She was amazed she was comfortable with Jack.  It was certainly an anomaly.  Her reaction to Richard and David was more normal.  They made her nervous. 

The conversation changed to the running of the ranch, while Beth enjoyed the meal Rosa had prepared. Grace guided a great deal of the conversation. It was clear the three men at the table adored her. At one point, David said something to make Richard give a sudden laugh and Beth dropped her glass of wine. Nobody made a big deal of it.  Jack blotted the liquid, and slowly covered her trembling hand with his. Like in the truck, the small touch helped soothe her.  

As the conversation resumed, he let go of her hand and leaned over to her and whispered, “It will get easier, I promise.”

God, she hoped so.

Later that night, Beth took a better look around the room they had given her to stay in.  It was lovely, like something out of a movie.  Beth took advantage of the little vanity with the padded bench and the three way mirror to brush her hair.  It was the first time in forever she was able to look at herself in the mirror without flinching.

Even before the time in the jungle, she had been afraid of men.  She shied away from the whys and wherefores.  No point.  But something amazing was going on in front of the mirror tonight.  Normally she thought her looks were dirty and shameful somehow, but not as much tonight.  Today, for a few minutes with Jack, she was a little more like the girl she’d once been.  It felt good.  Wouldn’t it be nice if she could take back just a little bit of what had been stolen?


y the third day, Beth really began to feel comfortable in her new surroundings. The night before at dinner, Jack asked Beth if she knew how to ride a horse. When she said she didn’t, he asked if she would like to learn. Everyone seemed to be staring at her, but it was Grace’s encouraging smile that made her say ‘yes’.

Now she was on the porch waiting for Jack to take her to the stables. He opened the door loudly behind her, and she turned. She knew he did it on purpose. Jack had an uncanny way of entering a room silently and scaring her, but after seeing her fright, he’d begun to make noise announcing his presence.

“You ready?”

“I think so.”  Beth paused, and really thought about it.  Then said with more confidence.  “Yes, I’m ready.”

They walked down to the corral.  Jack shortened his steps and she was able to keep up.  When they reached the stable, two horses were saddled and waiting for them.

“Is this the horse I get to ride?”  She looked at the beautiful red horse, and immediately fell in love.  She looked at Jack for confirmation.  Jack smiled and nodded.

“You’re such a pretty girl,” Beth crooned, as she petted her neck.



“He’s a pretty boy.”  She looked from Jack to the horse.

“You’re such a handsome boy.  Look at you, with your beautiful hair, and your warm eyes.  Aren’t you a flirt?”  And he was.  He was already leaning into her hands obviously enjoying the attention. 

“I should have thought of this, but I didn’t. You’re going to need some help getting onto Bay. He obviously loves you, he’s really well-mannered, and won’t move as you mount him, but I will need to touch you. Is that alright?”

Beth looked from Jack to the horse and bit her lip.  Jack was worried and she hated it. Hated she needed to be treated like spun glass.

“If you tell me what you’re going to do I should be fine.” She tried, but she couldn’t stop the tremor in her voice.

“Sweetheart, your courage amazes me.”

“Well it shouldn’t.  I should be past this.”

“Ah Beth, you need to be kind to yourself.  This takes time and patience, and I think all things considered you’re doing amazingly well.  Now put your foot into the stirrup. I’m going to put my hands on your waist and help you into the saddle, okay?”

Beth held her breath and nodded. She did what he instructed, and he gave her an encouraging smile before settling his hands around her waist, plucking her off the ground, and putting her on top of the horse.

.” The man was strong.

“Are you okay?”

She was having trouble catching her breath.

“Beth, are you okay? Do you need to get down?” His hand hovered over her leg as he looked at her.

“I’m all right,” she whispered. He waited. “Really. I’m fine.”

He gave her one last look and winked.

“Okay, here are the reins. I’m going to help put your other foot into the stirrup.” He did as he said with an economy of motion. Soon, he took back the reins, and was on the other horse and leading her around the corral.

She was riding a horse! She had handled his touch!

He looked back at her.

“That’s an awfully big grin, Miss Beth.  Care to share with the class?”

“I’m having a great time.”  She leaned over and patted Bay.  He nickered. 

“I think your horse likes you.”  Jack kept them going at a slow and consistent pace around the corral. 

“Shouldn’t we drive faster?”  He laughed.

“I think we’re
fast enough, sweetheart.”  Jack easily rode his horse, as well as held the lead for Bay so he could guide him around the paddock.  She admired how the man looked in the saddle.  She might be nervous around men, but it didn’t stop her from noticing handsome works of art.  Jack’s butt in a saddle was definitely a work of art.

Bay made an odd step and she gripped the saddle horn and squeaked.  Jack’s head whipped around.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” But he must have heard the tremble in her voice.

“I think that’s enough for one day.”

For an instant she considered protesting, kind of like as a child when her parents wanted her to come in from riding her bicycle.  But she subdued the thought and nodded.  They made their way back to the stables, and she didn’t have a panic attack when he helped her off the horse.

She helped Jack brush Bay and fed him some carrots.  When she got back to the ranch house, she realized she’d actually ridden a horse.  It was like she was floating on air.


, what are you doing in here?”

“I was wondering if I could come and help cook dinner.”

“Help or cook?” Rosa asked.  Beth blushed.

“That’s what I thought.  You like to cook, don’t you?” 

“I love to cook, bake, and clean.  I’m weird,” Beth admitted.

Rosa laughed.

“No, you’re not weird.  Most women these days wouldn’t admit they like caring for a home.  I like doing those things.  So does Grace.  She’d do more if it weren’t for her hip.”  Rosa bustled over to the refrigerator and opened it.  “I have pork, chicken, and beef of course.  What would you like to make for tonight’s meal?”

“What kind of apples do you have?”

“Come and look.” Rosa invited.

Beth peered into the crisper and was delighted to find some Fuji apples. 

“Herbed pork and apples, and apple crisp for dessert.”

“Let’s get to it.”

Beth rubbed her hands together.  This was going to be fun.  They had the pork roast in the oven when Grace came in the kitchen. 

“I see you ladies have been busy.  I was coming to get some sweet tea, but I think this calls for a glass of wine.”  Beth giggled at the thought of the three of them having wine in the afternoon.

“I’ll pour.  Chablis?” Rosa asked.

“Is that what you want to drink?” Grace asked.


“Well okay then.  How about you, Beth?”  It all seemed so naughty and she loved it.  She measured out the brown sugar and said Chablis sounded wonderful.

“You know we’ll have to taste test this before the men can have any for dessert,” Grace warned her.

“As a matter of fact we might have to do a lot of taste testing.  You should probably double the batch,
.”  Beth giggled as she took a sip of her wine.

“So even though you’re undercover, what can you tell us about yourself?” Grace asked.

“I’m not sure.”  Beth continued measuring out ingredients.

“Can you tell us how old you are?”

“I’m almost twenty-three.”

“You have a sister, right?” Rosa asked as she pulled out more apples for Grace to cut up.

“Yes, Lydia.  She’s brilliant.  She’s working on her master’s in computer science.  She wants to work in criminal justice.”

“In Mexico? 
Madre de Dios
.  They’ll eat her alive!” Rosa exclaimed.

“It scares me to death.  But there are animals who need to be brought to justice.”  Beth stirred the mixture so hard some flew out of the bowl.  She looked up and found both women looking at her oddly.

“Are you okay, Beth?” Grace asked.

“Oh,” she looked down at the mess, embarrassed.  “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not a problem.”  Rosa used a paper towel and scooped up the splatter.  “There, all fixed.”

“Beth, I agree, there are some bad people.  Is there anything you want to talk about?”  She looked at the kind faces of the two women, and gave a small smile. 

BOOK: Her Adoring SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 3)
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