Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     Now that I’ve spent some bonding time with my
babies, I turn my attention to cleaning up their little poop messes.  I’m so
lucky that the pups are already familiar with puppy pads and use them willingly.
 After finishing that delightful duty, I focus on getting myself ready for
Jason and Adam’s birthday party. 

     This will be my first opportunity to really
glam up for Antonio.  I don’t know what his former lovers looked like, but I’m
sure they were very pretty, if not beautiful.  I’m a little nervous about dressing
up for him.  For the first time in years, I really want to impress a man.  First
things first…a leisure bath with lots and lots of scented bubbles.  After
drying, I head to my walk-in closet to find something that is sexy, yet
demure.  I choose and then discard several dresses, until I come across the
perfect party dress that I haven’t had a chance to wear yet.

     Before doing my hair and makeup, I pack
clothes, shoes, personal items and whatever else me and the pups may need while
we’re staying over at Antonio’s.  We’ll come back for this stuff later tonight,
after the birthday party. 

     Checking the time to make sure I’m keeping on
schedule, I finally get dressed –hair, makeup, heels, perfume, and of course
the star attraction…my ‘little black dress’.  As the saying goes: A girl can
never go wrong with a sexy little black dress.




     Why the hell do you keep staring at me?” 
Antonio asks Adam with obvious annoyance.  The Bentini siblings are gathered in
the family room awaiting their parents for a private family birthday celebration
before heading to the club to party.

     Facing Antonio and Robert, Adam grimaces,
standing a little straighter, then replies.  “I want to know if it’s true.”

     “If what is true?”  Antonio ask, not really
giving Adam his full attention.

     “Are you and Ti having an affair?”

     “What the hell?!”  Robert’s sharp stare slams
into Antonio.

     “Tony!  How could you?!”  Gabby gasp in dismay
from across the room.  All eyes are on Antonio waiting for him to confirm or
deny the accusation.  Into the charged silence, Alison Donavan’s voice rings
out.  “Who is Tiressa?”  

     William and Antonio immediately look at each
other, recalling previous conversations about the women they love in secret.

     “What the hell are you thinking Antonio?  You
know Tiressa’s off limits.”  Robert asks.

     “Tony.  Do you want her to get
fired?...Because that’s exactly what’s going to happen when Mom finds out.

     “Please don’t say you’re dating the
droll.”  Alison says in her customary snobby high-pitch voice.  William leans
close so that only Alison can hear him.  “Shut up Alison!”  He snarls in a
furious whisper.  Suddenly, Christopher—who’s down from University for the
weekend to attend the birthday celebration—leaps to defend his favorite
brother.  “Lay off Antonio!  It’s not right for the family to be against them
because they have fallen in love… regardless of how Mom or anyone else may feel
about it.  We have a responsibility as family to support one another.” 

     Everyone looks to Christopher in varying
degrees of surprise; it’s not like him to be so vocal about someone else’s love
life.  Antonio walks over to his youngest brother and gives him an appreciative
thump on the back.  Antonio and Christopher share a secret of their own;
Christopher has confided in his brother that he’s dating a
college and their relationship is becoming serious.

     “Who the hell said anything about them being
in love?” Robert demands.  Antonio glances around the room, his gaze touching
on each member of the family.  “Yes.  Ti and I are dating.  Our relationship
isn’t some fly-by-night affair.  We care for one another…deeply.”  He vividly
recalls his conversations with both Derrick Matthews and Allen Langston,
warning them to stay away from Tiressa.  “We are committed to one another.  I’d
appreciate your allowing us to tell Mom, and everyone else, in our own time, in
our own way.  This is Adam and Jason’s night; let’s table this discussion until
another more appropriate time.” 

     Before anyone can respond, Mr. Bentini breezes
into the room with Mrs. Bentini on his arm, all smiles and happiness at seeing
all of their children back together in the nest.



Chapter 19


hope that Antonio thinks I’m beautiful
and sexy and dazzling and all those other words that basically mean I turn him
on in a major way.  I used to scoff at women who dressed for the sole purpose
of pleasing a man.  But that’s exactly what I’ve done.  I want my man to find
me the most desirable woman he has ever had.  When the doorbell rings, I waste
no time opening it, revealing the absolutely devastating man standing on the
other side.  He’s dressed with casual elegance, wearing a dark gray and black
patterned shirt, with a black leather jacket, dark gray pants and nice pair of
expensive looking black shoes.  Indeed all of him looks expensive.  I’m not into
fashion and I never have been.  I don’t know the name of his footwear, or who
designed his clothes, or the name of his cologne, or even what type of watch
he’s wearing.  I don’t know and I don’t care.  What I do know is that Antonio Bentini
is a sight to behold as he effortlessly assaults all my senses without moving a
muscle.   My heart began beating erratically the moment I opened the door. 
He’s fabulously sexy, rich, and confident…and it shows.  I can’t help thinking,

What the hell am I doing with him?”
… “
What the hell is he doing with

     “Tiressa, my gawd, you look absolutely stunning.” 
I stare long and hard, taking in all of her.  She’s always beautiful to me, but
seeing her like this…shoulders glowing, in a V-neck sleeveless, velvet and lace
black dress, cinched at the waist and falling to just below her knees with a ten-inch
slit up one thigh, hugging every curve as it’s outlining her firm thighs, thick
ass and hourglass figure.  She can’t know what seeing her like this is doing to

     “Come on in Antonio.”  I’m not even attempting
to restrain my delighted smile.  This is the response I was hoping for.  “You
look great Antonio.”  I eye him up and down, loving the way his black curly
hair rests on the collar of his leather jacket.  “You’re the sexiest man
alive.”  I whisper up to him as he slowly walks towards me like a panther
stalking his prey.

     “Tiressa.”  His voice is low and so so
smooth.  “You are absolutely beautiful.”  He proclaims just as his mouth gently
descends on mine.  I’m instantly hot for him…from the moment I opened the
door.  “Tiressa.  Do you know that I’m a sucker for naked caramel shoulders and
sexy calves in black silk pantyhose?”  Our lips gently clash and the only thing
keeping me from falling to the floor is the wall at my back.  Breathless, I
whisper, “They aren’t pantyhose.  They’re black silk stockings held up by thin black
straps attached to a lacy black garter belt.”  Antonio groans deep in his
throat as he drives his fingers through my hair cradling my head as he ravishes
my mouth. 
My man smells of wealth and tastes of power.  And
for this small moment in time, I hold his power in the palm of my hands.

     “Antonio we can’t!  Put me down.”  I pant

     “Not yet.”  He moans into the side of my neck.

     “Tony stop!  You’re ruining all my work.”  He
finally stops and sets me back on the floor –I’m surprised to find that my
heels are still on my feet.  “Baby.” He whispers as he places little kisses all
over my face.  “I love you.” 

     Never do three small words cause me so such
panic.  “It’s okay.”  Antonio says close to my ear.  “You don’t have to say it
back to me.  I know you love me.  Even if you’re not ready to say it yet.  I’m
not a patient man, but you’re worth the wait.”  He whispers as our lips gently entwine. 
Feeling tears on my cheek, I break the kiss.  “Tony, I’m a mess.”   

     “Never.”  He declares, cradling my face as he
wipes my tears away, then leans down and takes my lips in a brief hard kiss.

     “Let me go repair the damage and then we can
be on our way.”  I practically run to my bedroom.

     In less than ten minutes, I’m back –hair and
face repaired, with my little black purse in hand, and ready to go.  “Let check
on my babies and then we can leave.”  They have followed me back into the
living room and I waste no time scooping them up into my arms and loving on
them for a minute before setting them back on the floor to rump and play with
each other.  Turning the television on, to the animal channel, I walk towards
Antonio near the entryway.  He takes me in his arms. “Have I told you how
absolutely beautiful you are Ms. Hawkins?”

     “Yes, you have Mr. Bentini.”  I reply,
prepared to box his ears if he makes one move towards my face and hair.  “Well,
it’s true and nothing can match your beauty.”

     “Ahhh.  Where I come from a man can get cut
for saying such cheesy words to his lady.”  He actually blushes, I can’t resist
reaching up on tiptoes and planting a big kiss right on those delicious lips. 
“But don’t worry, you’re my man and I like and appreciate your cheesy words.”   I
give him another quick peck and move to the door.  “Come on babe, we’re going
to be late.” Antonio hugs me from behind with one arm.  “That’s the first time
you’ve ever called me by an endearment.”  He says, playfully kissing the side
of my neck.  “Come on Tony, we have to go.”  I sigh, reluctant to leave the
heat of his hard body. 

     “Okay, Baby.  But one more thing.”  He says,
bringing his other arm in front of me.  “What’s this Antonio?”  I ask, eyeing
the expensive looking wrapping paper on the gift-wrapped box.  “It’s not going
to bite you Tiressa.  Here take it.  It’s a special gift for my special lady.” 
I don’t know why I hesitate, but this feels different than getting flowers and
puppies.  “Open it, Tiressa.”

     I’m not one of those people who shreds
wrapping paper and rips open boxes.  I happen to
love, love, love
simplest things about gifts…like really nice bows and gift wrapping paper, the
feel of fine tissue paper as it crinkles when you touch it, and most
importantly gift boxes, bags and baskets.  Turning around, I walk back to the
sofa, drop my purse on the coffee table and put the beautifully wrapped gift on
my lap.  Looking up, I see that Antonio is watching me with a bemused
Men… they just don’t get it.
  I carefully loosen the
beautiful bow, and unwrap the paper …and softly gasp.  The box is absolutely
beautiful.  It has an intricate design in glossy cherry red and some type of dark
burgundy velvet.  I’ve never seen anything like it before.

     “Damnit Tiressa.  The box
present.  Open it.” Antonio says with an impatient arch of his brow.  “I know,
but it’s such a beautiful box.  I told you how much I love boxes and you
remembered…I only mentioned it once and you remembered.  Just like you
remembered when I told you how much I love West Highland Terriers.”  I look at
him with misty eyes.  “Damnit Ti, don’t you dare start crying again.” 

     “I’m not.”  I say blinking my eyes to keep the
moisture at bay as I take the lid off the box …and this time I can’t hold back
a loud gasp.  “Oh my gawd, Antonio!  It’s breathtaking!  I love it!”  I move
the now empty gift box to the coffee table and place the beautiful chest carefully
on my lap.  Reading the information card, I learn that it was hand crafted in
Peru, in traditional Peruvian style.  It’s approximately twelve inches long; ten
inches wide and maybe about ten inches deep, with three stacked compartments. It’s
an intricately designed, tooled leather jewelry chest made of mohena wood, which
is similar to the color of mahogany wood, and etched in a colonial art style with
ornate bronze handles on each side.  “Oh, Antonio…I
absolutely love this jewelry box…I’ll treasure it always.”  I beam at him.

     “You, my caramel delight, can
be so exasperating.”  Antonio says as he sits down next to me, kissing my bare
shoulder.  “Baby, turn the key and open the box.”  Doing what he asks, I turn
the key, lift the lid and… immediately bring my trembling hand to my chest.  “Oohh,
Tony no…I can’t…”  I try to close the lid, but he stops me.  “Yes, Tiressa…you
can.”  Taking my chin in his hand, he lifts my face up to his.  “Please Baby…this
means so much to me.  I chose each piece personally. For you.”  Inside the box,
lying on gray velvet are several pieces of jewelry.  I don’t know jewelry, like
I don’t know high-end fashion, so to me the jewelry just looks beautiful…and
expensive.  There is a black pearl necklace on a thin silver chain, a thin
diamond necklace, a diamond bracelet, two pairs of diamond earrings, and two
diamond rings.  The pieces are more beautiful because they are simple—not flashy
or gaudy—not that I would expect that of a man like Antonio.

     “I don’t want to hurt you. 
And it’s not that I don’t appreciate your generosity because you know that I do. 
I care about
, not what you can give me.  They’re beautiful Antonio, really
they are, but I can’t accept them if you’ve paid some ridiculously outrageous

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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