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Authors: Sylvie Kaye

Her Sinful Secret (9 page)

BOOK: Her Sinful Secret
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“Tell me where else you hurt.” He nuzzled her neck, moist with droplets from the shower, and licked her flesh which was water-warmed, pliant and sweet-smelling.

“When you do that, I ache mostly down below.” She cradled the back of his head with her uninjured palm and gently scratched his scalp.

“Show me where.” He clasped her hand and trailed it down her thigh.

“Here.” She moved their joined hands between her thighs.

“You’re pubic hair hurts?” He slid their fingers into her damp curls.

“No, silly, Lower.” With a throaty giggle, she moved their hands between the folds of her pussy.

Her flesh was hot and sticky. He curved his large finger over her smaller one and inserted them. They slid easily into her slick opening. He teased her G-spot with their crooked fingertips before penetrating her completely. She gasped.

He plunged their fingers in and out, slowly,
sped up. Their joint masturbation of her was erotic and enticing.

“Do you want to come?” He stopped, awaiting her answer.

“No.” She shook her head on the pillow, rolling it from side to side. “I want us to come together.”

He withdrew their fingers and held them up in front of their faces. He licked at them, urging her to do the same.

She tasted her juices for the first time. The experience was risqué and somehow natural, both at the same time.

“I promised to lick your wounds. She reached down. Gripping his penis in her fist, she pumped, squeezing while he got hard and even harder.

Before she lowered her head, he stilled her hand. “Babe, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

He sheathed himself and entered her. Locking his dark eyes with hers, he connected with her in a way that somehow seemed more intimate than sexual. His gaze penetrated her as deeply as his thrusts. She felt consumed by Max, body and soul. When she lifted her hips to meet his plunging movements, it was so she could get closer yet.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she arched her back higher and murmured, “I need you deeper.”

He unlocked her legs and placed them over his shoulders. He re-entered her, sinking in all the way. His eyes pierced hers, reflecting the emotions swirling through her.
Caring ones.
Withdrawing, he plunged again and again. Friction was electric. Skin slapped skin, muscle met muscle. She felt needed, wanted, fulfilled. Sensations escalated as he drove her closer to the brink of her orgasm. She clawed at the sheets, wanting the delicious torture to end, wanting it to last forever.
Wanting to stay this close to Max forever.

Then he took her more rapidly and she gave herself over to desire. His hips hammered into her. Her bottom and the back of her thighs were pounded by his weight.

Harder, deeper, faster.
He forced her closer to her orgasm with each lunge. He gasped and panted with his efforts. Her breathing quickened as her climax overtook her. In a rush to climax, she came. He continued to pump until he groaned loudly and erupted. Stilling, he smiled into her eyes before lowering her legs. With her legs draped at his sides, he dotted panting kisses on her stomach.

Slowly, his breathing evened and he rolled onto his back next to her on the bed. Without looking, he peeled off the condom.

She took it from him and tossed it into the wastebasket. His cock wasn’t limp or soft. She touched the shiny cum glistening on his shaft.

“Now you can lick my wound.”

Shock jerked her eyes open wider while erotic excitement tickled her insides. His challenge took hold of her. She bent her head and ran her tongue along his shaft. His cum tasted salty and musky, slightly tart. She lapped along his length until she’d licked him clean. His cock became erect again. She took the entire engorged head into her mouth. Moving her head up and down while she fisted his shaft tight in her hand, she pumped. He became even more rigid and the slit opened. When he began to spurt, she wasn’t sure what to do.

He laughed, pulled her away and mopped it up with the corner of the sheet.

“I was getting prepared to swallow,” she said.

“Knowing you were willing is good enough.” He kissed her, his mouth tender and lingering.

When he broke away, he said, “Now let’s talk business.”


* * * *


An hour after Max left in the morning, the doorbell rang.

Wendy peeked through the front door safety viewer. It was Tyler.

She flung the door open. “Did you lose your key?”

“I was being discreet in case you had company.”

“Thank you for your consideration.” She kissed his cheek and tucked her arm in his, ushering him into the kitchen where fresh brewed coffee warmed on the burner and scented the room.

He hopped onto one of the wooden bistro stools while she poured coffee into two
ceramic mugs. Handing him one, she took hers and sat across from him.

“I talked to the police this morning. They caught the carjacker. He had a client, who remains nameless for now, willing to pay a high price for that particular model and
.” He shrugged. “Status thing, I guess. People always want what’s the hardest to obtain.”

“Thank goodness he’s behind bars.” A shiver ran through her, recalling his brutal treatment and evil laugh.

“Yes, especially with me flying out to join the professor and the
team in the Indian Ocean. Otherwise, I’d feel like I was abandoning you.”

She was more concerned with not seeing him for months than with the thief who was safely locked away.

The research project came together quickly.”

Fingering the rim of her mug, she decided to go for broke. With Tyler’s recent acceptance of Max, he might as well know everything.

“Max wants to buy into the dealership as a partner. As a financial consultant, he has knowledgeable ideas for expansion and development.”

’s cup stopped midway to his mouth. After a brief hesitation, he placed it back on to the table. “Why is he investing in the company? It’s always been solely family owned.”

“I haven’t had a vacation in years. With the partnership and restructuring, I’d have time off to pursue my own interests. Like you, with your research.”

“What interests?” He crooked his eyebrows.

“I love to sketch and want to take lessons and visit exotic places.”

“With him?”

“Yes, starting with a mini-trip to
this month and finishing with an extended vacation in Peru at the end of the year.”

“Are you sure you’re not moving too fast?”

“It’s what I want. He’s what I want.” She paused to let it sink in. Her years of responsibility were ending. She was looking forward to this new time in her life. She reached across the table and patted his hand.
“Any objections?”

Slowly, he shook his head.
“Can’t think of any.”

“You’ll still get funding for your research. Your share of the profits won’t change.” She smiled.

“I had him checked out, financially, personally, criminally. I got the report yesterday.
Planned on telling you the details last night.”

Her mouth gaped open.

“Don’t you want to know how he did?”

“No.” She trusted Max.

“Time for me to go.”
He slipped from the stool and gave her a hug before heading for the door. After opening it, he turned and winked. “He passed with flying
. I’m glad you’ll be in good hands when I’m out of the States.”


* * * *


A few days later, Max took her to dinner. Sitting across a candlelit table, he held both of Wendy’s hands in his. “I have some bad news. I called the police detective to see if there was anything new with the car theft case. The carjacker posted bail.”

She snapped upright in her seat, jerking his hold loose. “Are we safe?”

He took her hands in his again, his grip firmer. “I’m not sure. Apparently, he’s not a flight risk or the judge wouldn’t have allowed bail.”

“Did they lift any prints from the car?” He could almost see her mind clicking, piecing together what she knew and needed to know.

He shook his head, met her eyes. Hers appeared frightened. He forced calmness into his voice he didn’t feel. “The hybrid came up clean. The bastard must’ve kept his gloves on even after he drove off.”

“What about the other cars or witnesses in the string of hijackings?” Her hands felt cold in his.

“They haven’t recovered any other vehicles. The only evidence against him is our eyewitness testimony.” He thumbed her wrist where her pulse fluttered.

“So we’re the only two people who can testify against him.” She tugged free and snatched her purse from the table, nearly knocking over the burning candles. Pulling out her phone, she hit speed dial. Then she clicked
and tossed the phone back inside. “Tyler’s in the middle of the Indian Ocean. There’s no sense worrying him.”

“That’s up to you.” Lacking parenting experience, Max deferred to her in regard to Tyler.

“What about us?” She took a deep breath to calm herself.

“It’s the perfect time for a getaway to


* * * *


An impromptu getaway took some arranging. Before Wendy and Max could escape to
, Max had to juggle some meetings and clients. She had to interview and hire a general manager for the dealership, then walk her replacement through things. She left her phone number with him in case he encountered any unforeseen problems.

Upon arriving at the
International Airport ten days later, she and Max
along the coastal highway of Riviera Maya. Eighty miles later, he pulled up to a remote area on the beach alongside a rustic, thatch-roofed cabana he’d rented, which had no electric and no telephone.

For the next two weeks, the squawk of exotic birds woke them in the morning and the lapping waves eased them into a sound slumber at night.

Wendy’s eager fingers sketched the spectacular, turquoise ocean from a front porch canopied with palm fronds, and tried to capture the density of the verdant jungle from her bedroom window. She drew a picture of the curious crabs scrambling along the powdery, white sand and another of the sea turtles mating in the bubbling surf.

“I feel like a voyeur.” But she couldn’t tear her eyes from their sexual act.

“We could give them competition.” He reached over and took the sketching pencil from her hand.

Kissing her open palm and running his wet tongue along her love line, he put an end to her fascination with the turtles. Shivers ran up her spine. She
alongside him on the terry beach blanket and spread her tanned, nude body open to him. Knowing her erogenous spots well by now,
coaxed her flesh into eager submission.

He plucked her turgid nipples and slipped his finger over her slick clit. He pinched and aroused the throbbing nub until stabs of want clenched her vaginal walls, and she ached to have him inside her body.

“I love having anal sex with you,” he murmured in her ear.

“I love making you happy. But it doesn’t appear as if the sea turtles are doing it anally.” She flicked her tongue along his ear and tugged his lobe with her teeth.

“They don’t know what they’re missing.”

Enthralled, she rolled over and, with a moan of anticipation, opened her body and mind to him.

He slapped her bottom playfully, then twice more with a little more pressure. Her cheeks heated and warmth quickly spread between her thighs and into her pussy. He cupped her buttocks and massaged the hot spots he’d swatted. Desire flooded her. She became damp and horny. Her nether lips quivered and her bottom puckered and pulsed. Max never failed to take her to new heights of arousal.

He positioned her on her knees, lifting her hips and arranging her bottom at the best angle for his penetration. She rested her head on her arms and felt his body heat from behind. Slipping his fingers between her thighs, he toyed with her clit, setting a rhythm her hips were fervid to imitate.

His pubic hairs tickled her cheeks before his shaft nuzzled her tight bottom. His hips joined in the tempo she’d set, and she became more frantic to have him satisfy the sizzling desire escalating with each jerk of their bodies.

The plump head of his penis rubbed against her pussy, smearing her juices backward to moisten the tight bud of her anus. Taking a cheek in each hand, he spread her open and slowly pushed his cock inside. She shuddered as her tight hole burned to accept his size.

He slipped one hand around to tease her clit as he began to thrust in and out of her tight opening, stretching her with each pump of his hips. Intense sexual pressure exploded through her nerve endings. Her whole body throbbed with her lust. She bucked her bottom backward against his thrusts, her frenzy contagious.

BOOK: Her Sinful Secret
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