Read Her Soul to Keep Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Her Soul to Keep (3 page)

BOOK: Her Soul to Keep
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She shoved at his chest. “Don’t I even get a say?”

“Mariah…” He lifted her head, forcing her to meet his gaze. How could he make her understand? “Dying isn’t the worst thing that can happen.”

Her eyes and nose were red now, her face wet with smeared tears. “Then explain it. Make me understand how you could just abandon me.”

His thumbs wiped the moisture, then he slipped his hands beneath her arms and pulled her higher until her face hovered just above his. “Your soul could slip away, not make the journey. If that happened, I’d have to kill you.” He forced himself to finish it, despite the jagged edge entering his voice, despite the burning at the back of his throat. “I just…can’t.” Tears landed on his cheeks, each one stabbing his heart.

“I remember the day you disappeared. I thought I saw you outside. On the sidewalk.”

“I had been attacked and turned. Bloodlust overcame me. I had just enough sense left to know I couldn’t come to you. I would have devoured you.”

“Where did you go?” The edges of her mouth turned down.

“To a den. An orgy. Blood in buckets. I sated myself, then got sicker than a dog.”

“What about women? Has there been anyone else?”

Although he knew the answer would hurt her, he wouldn’t lie. “No one that mattered.”

A sudden gasp sounded, and her eyes closed.

His hands gripped her waist hard, pinching until she looked at him again. “Bloodlust, sexual lust. They’re both primal hungers and have to be fed or we get crazy. Even the most devoted lovers have to feed outside their relationship.”

She sniffed and wiped a hand across her face. “I don’t know if I could do that. Let you be with anyone else.”

Angry at having this conversation again, he gave her a little shake. “Do you see why I left? Why I didn’t seek you out?”

“You couldn’t have just broken it off? Left me something, if only my memories?”

“I was afraid you would try to find me. That you wouldn’t be able to resist.”

Her eyes narrowed. Then a small, tight smile curved her lips. “Again, you think you’re so irresistible?”

“Aren’t I?” He lifted one brow. “To you?”

Wry, sad humor gleamed in her eyes. “You had me here in this bed inside a half an hour. I guess you’re right.” She released a deep sigh. “Danny, what happens now?”

A hand caressed the hollow at the base of her neck. “We have a little time left before I have to get back.”

“How will you do it? Make me forget?”

“I’ll kiss you. When I leave, you won’t remember me at all.”

“Danny…” she said, her voice softer this time.


“You’ve come to me before, haven’t you? Like this. I don’t want you to free me.” Her fingers ran over his chest. “If this is all we have, just these few hours of…connection…I accept it.”

Tears burned the backs of his eyes. “It’s not fair.”

“How would you feel, knowing I’m in this world, but not waiting for you?”

Astonishingly, she wasn’t thinking about herself. The thought nearly made him weep. “I’d be in Hell,” he muttered. “But I’m willing to let you go. I want you happy.”

“I’m not unhappy. Just…a-sexual. And I don’t miss it.” Her head shook. “I don’t even know I shouldn’t feel that way. I want this again. With you. Please.”

“All right,” he said gruffly, his throat tightening.

Her head canted. “Have you offered me this choice before?”


Her eyebrows rose and a small grin stretched her lips. “It’s good to know I’m consistent. Are you still a cop?”

“I work undercover,” he hedged. How could he explain he ran one of those vampire dens, rolled around in bed most nights with willing blood hosts, and pretended to befriend the most vicious of the undead, even if it was for a just cause? “You done crying?” he growled.

“I don’t want to waste our time together crying, but I do have one more question. Where’s my wedding ring?”

Viper sighed and untangled himself from her body. He rolled off the bed and reached for his jeans. He drew out his wallet, slipped his fingers into a narrow pocket, and pulled out the gleaming circle of gold.

When he turned, she lifted her hand and waited while he slid it onto her finger. He curled her fingers and raised her hand to his lips, giving her soft fingers a lingering kiss.

Tears gleamed in her eyes, but she smiled and opened her arms.

He climbed over her, stretching his body to cover every part of her.

“Was it the bite? Is that how I remembered you?”

He nodded as he tenderly brushed the hair from her cheeks. “I can’t seem to resist that part.”

“Don’t ever come to me without letting me see.”

“I promise.”

Her eyelids lowered then slowly rose. “Make love to me again?”

“I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. But if you want, I can just hold you.”

Her nose wrinkled. “You were never a snuggler.”

“I’ve matured,” he scoffed, feigning a lightness of heart he just couldn’t feel. Not tonight, not now. “I’m content just touching you.”

“Well, I’m not.” She pulled him closer and opened her legs. “Leave me aching. I’ll wonder about it in the morning. I’ll think I dreamed it all.”

He bent down and kissed her, not wanting to think about leaving her again.

Chapter Three

This time, urgency didn’t drive him. Viper breathed deeply, forcing his body beneath his command. Relieved he didn’t have to pretend they were strangers anymore, he set about seducing his wife with savage intensity.

There wasn’t a part of her he wouldn’t touch, not a hair that wouldn’t be pulled, an orifice that wouldn’t be filled. He’d be methodical. Reduce her to a jumbled, quivering mess.

Actions he dreamed about every time he fucked some nameless blood whore. But he didn’t want to think about the countless dark-haired women he’d used to fill her place. Didn’t want to think about the hollow feeling they left when he was through.

This time, he’d revel in the joy of being with her. His wife. His Mariah.

She gave him a quavering smile. “You just going to look at me?”

Viper grunted. “You in a hurry?” He wasn’t. Not yet. His body half-covered hers. His cock was trapped against her belly, warm and just beginning to surge again.

Her smile deepened, committed. “It’s a funny thing—being with you. I always think I want to savor the journey…”

“And then something happens?”

happen.” She bracketed his face between both hands and leaned up to kiss his mouth. “The first night we met you had my pants around my ankles before I knew what had hit me.”

He remembered. She’d wanted to be coy and mysterious, but he’d destroyed her composure with just one kiss. “I was rather proud of myself.”

“I was never that fast with any other man. That should tell you something.”

He turned his face and bit her thumb. “Don’t.”


Now wasn’t the time for regrets. He resettled himself between her legs and leaned down to kiss her. He rubbed his mouth over hers, lightly at first, but she dug her fingers into his scalp.

He growled into her mouth and then thrust his tongue inside, deepening the kiss, tasting her, mingling his tongue with hers and reacquainting himself with the ridges inside the top of her mouth, the blunted sharpness of her teeth.

She in turn scraped her tongue on the points of his incisors, leaving behind a trace of blood that set his body on fire. He broke the kiss. “Witch!”

“Danny, I don’t want slow.”

“Baby, let me be in control.”

“You always are.”

He gave a violent shake of his head. “Let me be in control of myself.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

“You should be,” he whispered harshly. But already he felt the change coming on. Felt his teeth descending. Felt his body hardening. “No!”

With a sharp tug, she pulled his hair. “Yes!”

He reared up to put space between their bodies. Then he thrust his hands beneath her bottom and lifted her up until only her head and shoulders lay on the mattress. She draped her legs over his shoulders and thrust a hand between her legs to spread her folds, inviting him to look.

Her scent, mixed with his, intensified, feeding the hunger growing inside him. Her eyes widened, and he knew she was staring at his eyes, at the animalistic glow reflected by the lamplight. He bent toward her sex, inhaled her fragrance, and then sank his mouth into her slick folds.

His tongue lavished her, licking clean the soft swollen folds. Her thighs tightened, trying to draw closed, but he swung his head side to side and sucked at her inner lips until she trembled and opened, inviting him deeper. He pointed his tongue and tunneled into her, licking at her inner walls, consuming her creamy arousal.

Her fingertips clutched at his hair, tugging rhythmically, stinging his scalp. A deep-throated growl vibrated through him. Her heels dug into his back, and she pumped her hips up and down as whimpers slipped from her mouth.

Viper latched his lips around her clitoris and suckled, drawing gently at first, then pulling stronger as the rounded knot hardened and protruded, stretching past its protective hood. He swirled his tongue atop it, over and over while her bottom wriggled and her tummy undulated.

Only when she gave a short, shrill scream did he relent, lowering her to the bed.

Once again, he lay over her, resting on his elbows while he watched her face as she recovered. Her lips were swollen and blurred, her cheeks a pretty, intense rose. Her eyelids fluttered then sprang open, catching him staring down at her.

“You are diabolical.”

He tapped the end of her nose. “Who even uses that word anymore?”

“Don’t change the subject,” she said, pausing to drag in a deep breath. “That nearly killed me.” She slid a hand between their bodies and cupped her sex. “I’m so hot.”

Viper ducked down and kissed her. “And wet. Running like a faucet.”

Mariah gave him a glare. “Are you looking for praise? Because you’re not endearing yourself to me at the moment.”

He laughed, the sound catching him by surprise.

“I love that sound.” Her expression softened. “I love you.”

Warmth filled his chest. “I’m not nearly through with you,” he said, a ragged texture to his voice.

Her eyelids dipped then lifted, spearing him. “Can I return the favor?”

Lord, he didn’t think his heart could take the sudden spike of adrenaline surging through his body.

Her hand turned between them and cupped his sex, gliding up and down his shaft.

He rolled to his side then tucked an arm beneath his head. Both their gazes turned to where her hand fisted around him.

Mariah came up on her knees, then pressed her hands on his shoulders to force him onto his back.

Not that he wanted to resist. So many times, he’d surrendered, just like this, giving her control to explore. Up to a point. They both knew he had a short fuse when her mouth was anywhere near his dick.

Her mouth trailed across his chest, pausing to torture his flat nipples with tentative licks followed by a more assured suckle. With her mouth busy, she thrust a knee between his legs to make room for herself, then she began to scoot downward, following the trail of dark hair that arrowed toward his groin.

His cock swelled, so tight he felt as though the skin should split. His balls hardened and drew closer to his groin. A hand cupped his sac.

Mariah ventured a glance at his face to gauge his comfort as she fondled and tugged.

He knew how he must look. His face a tight mask, color staining his cheeks. His eyes feral, frightening slits.

But she only smiled and ducked down again.

Viper had never seen a more erotic sight. Her flushed face bent over his cock. Her small hands engulfing his balls and sliding on his staff.

The first touch of her tongue against the tip of his cock had him drawing air in a harsh hiss between clenched teeth. That first caress was electric. He clenched his fists in the bedding, pulling up a wad of sheet and comforter to keep from reaching for her.

Her sweet lips formed a lush “O” then surrounded him, sinking slowly over the cap, lipping it, then tugging as she came off again. Again, her tongue shot out and feathered the sweet spot just beneath the cap, over and over until he growled a warning.

She smiled like a siren then sank over him again, taking him deeper. A long, hot caress that curled his toes.


Her muffled chuckle made him smile and he couldn’t resist flexing his hips to drive upward, sliding past her tongue to hit the back of her throat.

She gurgled, but her mouth tightened and she began to suck, bobbing on his cock in slow strokes that drove him crazy.

Just when he thought he’d be reduced to begging, she raised her head, leaving a thread of spit behind. She licked it away then bit her lower lip. “Danny? Please?”

Sometimes being a vampire was good. Viper had her turned and on her knees before she had time to draw another breath. Leaning over her back, he whispered in her ear, “You shouldn’t tease me.”

Struggling to catch her breath, she shook against him. “But it’s so much fun.”

Viper flexed and rubbed the length of his cock from her pussy to the crease of her shapely buttocks. “I wanted to go slow.”

“Why? That never worked for us.”

So right
. He nipped her earlobe. “Whose fault is that?”

She laughed, but the sound was strained. Her bottom wriggled against him. “Are you going to do something with that ginormous cock of yours? I worked damn hard to, um, get you hard.”

Viper snorted, smiling even though his eyes were burning again. The teasing came so easily. Like they’d hadn’t been apart for a whole goddamn year. But being together was always like this. She was sweet and sassy—stronger than he was in ways she’d never understand.

He straightened, gliding his hands down her sides, then over her ass. “Did I even tell you how pretty your ass is?”

“A time or two, but always when you were horny.”

“It’s small,” he said, cupping the globes and squeezing, “but shaped like an upside-down heart.”

“You were never a talker.” She shot a glance over her shoulder. “Are you trying to make me scream?”

He arched a brow. “You think I have to try?”

She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and faced forward again. But her back sank in the middle, lifting her bottom higher.

He didn’t mention it, but cupped her sex and thrust a finger inside her. Her pussy tightened, moisture spilled over his hand. He withdrew his finger and traced a wet path upward. As he neared her tiny hole, she inhaled sharply and held the breath.

With his finger poised to sink in her ass, he nudged her pussy with his cock, centered himself, then slowly pushed between her lips.

Mariah’s back shivered, her breath returned, but much shallower, nearly panting now. He knew what she waited for, even though he was also well aware she’d deny it to her death. Slowly, he pulled away and then began to press forward again. He pushed his finger inside her.

“Danny!” she gasped.

“What, sweetheart? Want me to stop?”

She nodded, making her fine hair shiver.

With his lips twitching, he began to pull his finger free.

,” she whispered.

“Sure about this?” When she didn’t answer, he removed it. And his cock. Then sat back to massage her bottom while she pulled in deep breaths.

“I didn’t mean for you to stop…everything.”


“You’re a butthole.”

His eyebrows shot up. No one dissed him these days. Ever. He had a certain reputation—for ruthlessness and hair-trigger retribution. However, most of his adversaries weren’t hoping to be spanked. “I’m the one with a hard-on that won’t die. Really think you should be talking to me that way?”

She tossed back her head then aimed a killing glare over her shoulder. “Like I said before, I’m not afraid of you.”

He narrowed his gaze and smoothed a warning hand over her rump. Her eyes smoldered like hot-burning coals.

He whipped out a hand and smacked her butt. The slap rocked her forward, and shock registered on her face. Her mouth dropped, then clamped closed.

A hand against her pussy confirmed what he’d suspected. He slapped her again.

Mariah groaned and faced forward, lowering her head to the bed. Her fingers clenched the bedding, and her entire body tensed as she awaited the next sharp smack.

He was happy to do it. Knowing she wanted it for a couple of reasons. First, nothing made her hotter faster. Second, she hoped he’d leave marks on her ass that she wouldn’t be able to explain the next day.

However, he was careful not to raise a welt. Not to leave a single lasting visible sign. If her rump was tender in the morning, she’d not have a visual clue as to why.

One more slap, and then he bent quickly and tongued her pussy, spreading her lips with his fingers then diving inside to lap up the fresh hot fluids streaming from inside her. But he didn’t forget he had another agenda. He licked his way upward, teasing her sensitive perineum then sliding up again.

Her hand reached back to push him away. “Danny!”

He pressed a kiss against one side of her bottom. “I’d forgotten how nervous you are about anal—”


“All right, so you won’t let me lick it. Can I fuck—”

“Hell, no!”

“Finger it?”

Her swift denial didn’t come. He smiled. They’d done this before, him working his way past her objections in a steady, but stealthy, assault.

“Just—just get on with it!”

“It’s sweet how you let me have my way. So giving.”

“Lord, I’ll kill him myself,” she muttered.

“No need to risk your soul on my account,” he murmured. Then he cupped her warm buttocks and slid a thumb between them.

“That’s bigger!”

“Yes, it is,” he said, pushing it inside. He didn’t give her time to complain again, thrusting his cock inside her pussy.

He gritted his teeth as her slick walls rippled along his shaft. She came up on her arms and shoved backward, forcing him deeper. And he was lost. With his thumb swirling inside her, he powered into her hot cunt, groaning every bit as loudly as she did.

BOOK: Her Soul to Keep
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