Read Her Twisted Pleasures Online

Authors: Amelia James

Her Twisted Pleasures (9 page)

BOOK: Her Twisted Pleasures
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After the girls had gone home and we’d sobered up, Will and I talked about what we’d done with each other’s women. It was pretty hot knowing our girlfriends enjoyed sex just for fun. They were confident in their sexuality, and not having sex just to please us.

We rarely found women as open-minded as Sidney and Kristen, so we didn’t do it often —and only with casual girlfriends. I found it interesting that Will was letting me screw his serious girlfriend.

He thought she’d changed after they got together, that she was more withdrawn. I saw it too, but I didn’t think it was his fault. Rumors circulated at work about a lot of tension between Talia and her old boss, but she never said anything about it, and I didn’t ask. Didn’t matter to me as long as I got laid.

So I was fucking Talia with Will’s consent. She didn’t know he knew, and the secrecy made her feel guilty, but Will promised he’d tell her eventually. I didn’t get involved with that.

We had fun together. That was one of our few rules: it was all about Talia’s pleasure. I didn’t get attached; didn’t want to get attached. After my engagement fell apart, it became apparent I wasn’t boyfriend or husband material.

Happy to be single, I intended to stay that way.

Tonight’s party had been a last minute deal, so Will and I hadn’t planned for me to play with Talia. I flirted with her, and she flirted back, but that wasn’t new. I caught her in the hallway and dragged her off to a dark corner, but she hissed and clawed at me like a wet cat when I tried to kiss her. Too many people around.

She pushed me away and stormed off.

Damn, I loved making her mad. She got reckless when she was pissed, which was how I seduced her the first time.

Everybody else left as soon as the game finished. The three of us were just BS-ing when Will’s cell phone rang. He hung up, and signaled me to the kitchen, saying he wanted another beer.

Talia stayed on the couch, flipping through the channels.

“I gotta go to work.” He looked at his watch then glanced at the couch. “I’ll be gone for a few hours.” He grinned at me, and I read his mind.

“That’s too bad. What can I do for you?”

“Will you take her home?”

“Sure.” I lowered my voice.

“Are you gonna watch?”

“Can’t. The funny part is I really do have to go to work.

Just make sure she has a good time and tell me about it later.”

The funny part was a vice cop leaving me to play sex games with the woman he loved.

Back in the living room, Talia sprawled on the couch, engrossed in typing a text message.

Will leaned over her

shoulder. “I gotta go to work, baby, but Alex said he’d take you home if you want to hang out here for a while.”

Talia looked up at us with troubled eyes, clutching the cell phone to her chest. “Okay.”

Will kissed her goodnight and left.

As soon as the door closed behind him, I slid down beside Talia and put my arm around her shoulders.

She jumped and shoved her phone into her coat pocket, then flopped back against the couch, rubbing her forehead.

“Something wrong?” This went way beyond her usual guilty nerves.

“I am so sick of all this BS.”

Me? Us? Her and Will? The last thing I wanted was to have a discussion about

relationships, but damn it, I had to say something. “Talk to me.” I settled in for a long conversation.

She raised her eyebrows and her jaw hung open a little. We never talked. She wanted to tell me something—big. “Do you trust Holland Spencer?”

Not what I was expecting. “I don’t trust anyone.”

A cynical smile touched her lips. “You’re probably better off.”

“What has he done to you?”

“Who said he did anything?”

“Come on, babe, you can’t lie to me. I know there’s something going on between you two. Are you fucking him?”

“God no!” She shuddered.

“Sorry, I heard rumors.”

“Ew, seriously? No. You and Will are the only guys I’m sleeping with.”

“Then what is it?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

She dismissed the subject with an irritated wave.

I could’ve cross-examined her, dug for more information, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass about Spencer. “Is something wrong with you and Will?” As a rule, I never mentioned his name, but maybe letting her talk about their relationship would… get me laid? Really?

“He always has to leave when we’re all together.” She stared at the door. “Is he doing it on purpose? Testing me?”

Uh-oh. “Would he do that?”

“No. He trusts us.” She shook her head and a little frown wrinkled her brow. “He shouldn’t.”

I leaned over and licked her ear to derail that train of thought. “He doesn’t know what a bad girl you really are.”

More lies.

She cringed and slapped my arm. “Stop it.” Then she sighed and laid her head on my chest, her hand on my heart.

I usually got turned on when she touched me, but I didn’t know what to do with this. Was she looking for comfort or affection? I couldn’t give her either, so I changed the mood real quick.

I plunged my hand down the front of her shirt and groped her naked tits. Damn woman isn’t wearing a bra. “Dirty slut. With all these people around?”

She smiled and shifted so I could get a better grip. “You didn’t even notice until now.”

I pinched her nipple and she squirmed.

“Stop it.”

“Whatever. Get naked.”

“No.” She pulled my hand away and crossed her arms over her chest, as if that would stop me.

If she’d said no and meant it, I would have stopped. I’d never force her to do anything she didn’t want to. Talia always put up a good fight, but she had yet to refuse me, especially when I turned up the heat.

“I know you want to fuck me, baby.” I stroked her thigh and she pulled her legs closed, trapping my hand. It was hard not to laugh at this passive aggressive bullshit. I pushed my mouth against her throat.

“Com’ere and let me make you come.”

She moaned and her body relaxed. Her thighs fell apart and I rubbed her hot pussy through her jeans. She grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me.

Aw, that was too easy. I’d hoped for more of a fight. What could I do to make her squirm?

A hundred dirty thoughts ran through my head. Oh yeah….

This time she heard me laugh. She looked at me with wary eyes, and her heart pounded hard against my chest.

That’s more like it. I liked to feed her fear. It kept things interesting.

“What are you thinking?”

“Do you really want to know?” I deepened my voice to make it threatening.

She shook her head, her green eyes wide—scared but turned on.

“I think I’ll do what he asked me to.”

“What did he…?”

“I’m gonna take you home.”

Her pout made me hard.

“To his place.”

The panic in her eyes told me she had started to catch on, but didn’t want to.

I waited one more beat to let it sink it. “I’m gonna fuck you in his bed.”

“No, no, no, no, no….” Her hair fell into her eyes as she shook her head.

“Yep. Come on.” I grabbed her hand to pull her up, but her feet wouldn’t move.

“Let’s go to your bed.”

“Nope. His.”

“No way.”

“His or not at all.”

She growled, frustrated.

So damn sexy. If she refused to play my game—and meant it —I’d fuck her right where she stood. She chewed her lower lip and twisted her hair—all signs she wanted to give in—so I grabbed the keys to my truck, opened the front door and beckoned her to come.

She did.

In my truck, she slid across the seat and kissed me hard, crushing me against the door.

I’d kissed a lot of women and Talia was one of the best. She put her whole body into it—her tongue, her lips, even some teeth. But she saved her heart for Will.

She pulled back, out of breath. “You’re going to pay for this.”’

I grinned. “I hope so.”

She slid over and buckled her seatbelt, not saying another word all the way there. Her hands shook when she

unlocked his door. Inside, she didn’t take off her coat or turn on the lights.

I moved close behind her to put my hands on her shoulders.

“It’s just sex, babe.”

“I know.” She didn’t turn around.

I slipped my hands under her shirt, caressing her soft, bare skin, giving her another chance to say no. “Tell me you don’t want me.”

She turned around but avoided my eyes. “You know I can’t do that.”

I lifted her chin and kissed her, soft and slow, offering what little comfort I could.

Change this mood right now, Alex.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you, slut.”

When she finally looked at me, her eyes glittered in the dimly lit room. “I want you to fuck me.”

Much better. “Where?”

Her tongue teased my

mouth. “All over.”

She didn’t make a lot of sense when she was horny, nervous and guilty all at once, but I knew exactly what she wanted. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist, lifted her off her feet, and carried her toward the bedroom. Her hands clutched the wall, stopping us in the hallway.

“Not yet.”

“All right.” I turned toward the kitchen.

“Not his kitchen.” She squirmed in my arms, and I had to set her down. “That’s more sacred than the bedroom.”

“Okay. It’s your choice.”

She rolled her eyes and led me to the couch. We’d fucked on this couch before, so it probably felt familiar to her.

I didn’t want her to feel safe.

As soon as she unbuttoned her coat, I pushed her down on the cushions. She gasped as she fell, landing on her stomach, and I dropped on top of her, pinning her between my knees. She wriggled under me, and I lifted up enough that she could roll over, her hip grazing my hard cock as she turned.

Tonight’s scenario was pure luck, and I planned to enjoy fucking her.

She grabbed my crotch and rubbed through my jeans. “Ooo, nice and hard… just the way I like it. Is this for me?”

“It’s all yours, baby.”

The best way to get her to do what I wanted was to give her the same courtesy; she was much more open to suggestion after she’d come a few times. So I let her unzip me, let her hot little hands explore me, push me back and suck me.

Yeah, that’s a pretty nice deal.

Talia liked to tease, but I could take it. She flicked her tongue across my cock, dragging her lips down my shaft—God she’s good!—then pulled me into her mouth and sucked hard. Damn. My balls tightened and I grabbed her hair, holding her down so she couldn’t stop. She didn’t fight—

enjoying it as much as I was, maybe more. She liked to suck cock, but…. Wait a minute. She had me this close to coming. I lifted her by the hair, but her hot wet mouth closed around me like a vice. Oh hell.

“That’s enough,” I groaned.

She shook her head with my cock still in her mouth—almost got me off right there.

“If you think you’re gonna finish me now so I can’t fuck you before he comes home….”

Her laugh nearly made me lose it. I pulled her hair again and she screeched, “Ow damn it!” She rubbed her head and scowled.

So cute. But I wasn’t in the mood for cute.

I dragged her to Will’s bedroom. “I was going to play nice, but since you wouldn’t listen to me, I’m gonna have to play dirty.”

“You were never going to be nice.”

Ha, she called my bluff. I pulled the covers back, threw her on the bed, and flipped the lights on.

“Turn the lights off!”


She chewed her lip. “If he finds out….”

“He won’t.” I couldn’t wait to tell him about this one. “He’ll never know I was here.” Don’t laugh. Don’t even smile.

She raised an eyebrow. “I don’t trust you.”

“I don’t care.” I stalked her toward the bed and pulled off my shirt. “Take off your clothes.”

She shook her head.

With one quick step, I closed the gap between us and literally ripped her shirt open.

She either gasped or moaned; I couldn’t tell, but she liked it. I pushed her down on his bed and fell on top of her.

She tried to shove me off, but that was part of our game—

along with me pinning her arms behind her back while she wiggled under me.

“You know I love it when you fight me.” I nibbled her neck and breathed in her ear.

“Feels so good.”

She squirmed and twisted, dragging her hard nipples against my skin. She managed to pull an arm free and punched my shoulder.

I laughed and pulled her pants down to reveal some flimsy lace panties, which I also ripped off. She made that gasping, moaning noise again while I got rid of my jeans.

Naked and quivering on her boyfriend’s bed, she looked so damn sexy. Her fat pink nipples begged to be touched and her legs spread, giving me a peek at her pretty pussy. I stared at her for a long time—

maybe too long, because she seemed to get nervous, and tried to cover her breasts with her hands.

“Don’t do that.” I dropped down beside her and pulled her hands away from her tits. My head hit the pillow and I caught a whiff of coconut and lime. “When was the last time you slept with him? I can still smell your scent on his pillow.”

“Last night.”

This was going to be fun.

“What did he do to you?” I pulled her close and nibbled her neck.

She blinked and blushed.

She should know me better than to be shocked. “He made love to me.”

“Made love. What’s that like?” It was an honest question. I’d had sex with more women than I could count, but only made love to one.

Memories of her were old and faded but they still hurt.

“It’s nice. He’s very romantic and… loving.” Her voice trembled when she said that word.

Shaking off the past, I shot Talia a smile that made her shiver. “But you don’t like nice.”

“I do like nice.” Her skin got hot and she looked at me with dark eyes. “But I like naughty too.” She stretched against me.

I rolled on top of her, slipping my cock between her thighs but not into her. “And I’m naughty?” I planted my knees and pushed forward, teasing her hot pussy.

“You’re evil.” She spread her legs, trying to get more of my cock.

BOOK: Her Twisted Pleasures
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