Read Hidden Depths Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

Hidden Depths (9 page)

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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He could have set a bomb off inside her pussy and not had as great an effect on her. Her inner muscles clenched around his fingers, abruptly desperate for a different part of him to fill her.

“Put your cock in me. Make me your first woman.” He jerked back to stare at her.

She didn’t care how crazy she sounded. “
,” she insisted.

His deep blue eyes flared white, the flash almost bright enough to blind her.

He pulled his fingers from her body, grabbed her upper thighs in both hands, and wrenched them apart. She reached for his cock to put it where it belonged. The crest felt large against her.

Good thing she’d lubricated it really well.

He grunted and shoved once as a kind of test. Finding no resistance, he thrust to her end in a single stroke.

Olivia couldn’t have said which of them was happier about that.

He made a strangled sound at being surrounded, then pulled out halfway so he could plunge in again. “Jesus. You feel ... God, I don’t even know how to describe it.”

Thankfully, he stopped trying. It wasn’t long before his half plunges turned to full length pumping, maximizing the smooth thick drag of every inch of him against every inch of her.

Apparently, he felt compelled to accompany this activity with groans of praise. Olivia was right there with him on the overwhelming excitement scale.

Either of them could have gone in two seconds, but neither wanted to let go. This was too delicious to cut short. Anso stretched one arm toward a metal handhold sticking out from the glittering gray wall, using it to power more forcefully into her. Perceiving the benefit of this, Olivia grabbed it too, their white-knuckled fingers wrapped next to each other. They were anchored well and good then. They could fuck as hard and fast as they were able.

Their gazes met even as their bodies jolted. Olivia had the strangest impression that her eyes were glowing too.

“Thank ... you,” he said, his words broken by the force of their impacts. “I need you ... with me on this.” His eyelids squeezed shut as some blissful sensation threatened to send him over. His second hand tightened on her bottom to better guide her movements. “Please. Come with me, Olivia. I can’t ... I can’t -” She quickened her thrusts, which might or might not have been what he intended. Normally, she needed clitoral stimulation, but her pleasure was so sharp she felt like she was almost coming already.

Anso was closer than almost.

“Liv,” he cried, high and wild.

He slammed into her as his seed flooded out, his eyes flashing bright as his head pitched back with ecstasy. His semen detonated her sexual nerves, an explosion of pleasure no force on earth could have stopped. A climax this strong couldn’t be natural. Her inner muscles gripped him with such violence she feared she’d hurt him.

But maybe
wasn’t the word either of them would have chosen.

He growled, pleased, as her sheath clamped his cock. His hips jammed tight to hers as he continued to shoot in her. That felt amazing too, delicious spurts of heat that contrasted perfectly with the cool water. His threat that he was going to make her pregnant didn’t trouble her at all. In that moment, another child was her dearest wish.
child, a priceless gift from the other man she adored.

Her eyes flew open at her own thoughts.

His exotically handsome face was inches away, its muscles gradually relaxing as the fervor of his bliss faded. He’d stopped thrusting while he came, but now he pulled back gently to his flare and glided in again.

He was only a bit softer than before.

Olivia must have relaxed as well. Her hand was stroking up and down his spine, from his muscular shoulders to his tight buttocks. Her calves slid up and down the back of his legs the same way she liked to do after she’d had sex with James.

“You okay?” asked the stranger who’d literally rocked her world. His eyes were as warm and loving as any she’d ever seen. For all she knew, hers looked the same.

Olivia swallowed and nodded.

He smiled, the fingers of his free hand fanning around and fondling her bottom. Olivia realized two things simultaneously: a) she was meeting his lazy thrusts, and b) they both still clutched the metal handgrip beside her head.

“You look like you were hit by a train,” he said.

Olivia cleared her throat. If his cock were that that train’s engine, she’d definitely been hit by one. She squirmed around the hot pole inside her, causing Anso to suck in a ... a breath of water, she supposed. His cock twitched thicker between her walls, stretching them pleasantly. Apparently, he liked the constriction. He gave an extra push deeper.

“Um,” he said, suddenly sounding less sure of himself. “Do you think you could stand to go again straight away? I mean, I
I could let you rest a bit, but I’d rather, you know, scratch the itch some more without waiting.” His hopeful words were all it took for a renewed ache to coil around her sex.

Olivia wanted to groan. She
want him again. He’d just given her - God forgive her - the best orgasm of her life. At that thought, the itch he’d spoken of flared in her.

She had to have it rubbed again or she’d die.

“Shit,” was all she managed to say aloud.

Anso’s eyes took on the brightness of compassion. “You think you’re being unfaithful for wanting me.”

“I am. I love James.”

He flinched, which made her feel confusingly guilty. “Olivia, I promise I’ll do my best to make sure he’s happy too.”

Olivia pressed her lips together and looked away from him. She wasn’t sure how she felt about what making James happy might entail.

“We’re going to do this again,” he warned. “Bloodmates need regular intercourse. We can have sex now, or we can have it later, but trust me we’ll have it. Lots and lots of it, whether we like it or not, for as long as we both shall live.” His tone had turned oddly grim. When she returned her gaze to his, his expression was guarded. Was he hoping she’d fall in love with him? Was he as much of a heart-and-flowers guy as her husband?

Lord help me
, she prayed, aware that the responsibility for her decisions was going to be hers. Now or later might be a small choice, but it was a choice all the same.

“Take me now,” she said with a sigh that wasn’t wholly regretful.

As his blue eyes widened, she pressed her mouth to his.


Forster was so horny he couldn’t think. Okay, he could, but he didn’t want to. This whole ... double abduction scene had to be a nightmare.

He didn’t understand why Olivia hadn’t fought that cocksucker - that
, according to the man who’d kissed him. James’s kidnapper had shoved him into a break room inside the underwater tunnel, and was even now performing the swimmer’s equivalent of pacing. The speed with which he zoomed from one tiled wall to the other was eye-popping. James didn’t know why, but he’d sent the other two men ahead, leaving him and James alone.

, the man called himself. God help James, but he was hot. Tall and well proportioned, with muscles that were for more than show. His chest was the sort women swooned over, his butt the definition of a nice ass. In their way, his legs were as sexy as Olivia’s.

James tried not to picture nuzzling his way up them.

He’d entertained the occasional fantasies about having sex with men. They troubled him a little, but he thought he knew where they came from. Since the day they’d met, Olivia had gotten him too revved up to question that he was straight.

Apart from one buddy he’d traded hand jobs with in high school, he’d never had sex with another male.

That seemed like an oversight now.

The Man From Atlantis had a huge hard-on. James could hardly keep his hands off his own, given that it itched like crazy and felt three inches longer than normal. He hung by the wall, out of the other man’s way, one arm crooked through a handy sway strap to keep from floating around. Ty had removed his gag and bindings once they’d entered this room. James supposed it didn’t matter if he screamed down here. That Ty could overpower him any time he wanted he’d already learned.

“You’re making me dizzy,” James complained to his captor.

He shouldn’t have thought that word,
. The reminder that he was a prisoner sent a shudder of excitement down his spine, one that didn’t stop until it zinged out his cock.

As if it had taken him a second to hear, Ty stopped whizzing back and forth.

He looked at James with his strange burning yellow eyes.

“Anso is fucking your wife,” he said, striving for a cool demeanor he didn’t quite pull off. “It’s going to be the best sex they’ve had. No matter how much she loves you, she’s going to want more of her new favorite drug. Now’s your chance to work on getting used to that.”

He had the voice of a British rocker, his looks appropriately golden. Golden hair, golden skin, slightly darker golden spots gilded over him. His pubic thatch resembled fur, the hair pelt-like rather than curly. His cock stood straight up from it. Had all that swimming back and forth felt good on his skin? Was that why Ty wasn’t touching himself? James wanted to touch him. James wanted to lick him up and down like a freezer pop. To him, Ty’s prick was as beautiful as his face.

James wrenched his gaze away with an effort. Jesus, how long had been staring? He focused on Ty’s eyes.

“Are you in love with the king?” he asked.

Ty blanched, his golden skin going pale. “Get real,” he said, recovering a second too slowly to be believed. “I’m Lord Tykon, the Great Whore of Oceana.

I’ll never settle for one partner.”

Olivia often complimented James on being a good listener. James was never as impressed by this as she was. He knew he was naturally interested in other people’s stories - born nosy, he supposed. In spite of the situation, this man’s story intrigued him.

“The great whore,” he repeated. “Do people pay you to sleep with them?”

“No, they don’t pay me,” he snapped angrily. “What’s the matter with you?

Your wife is fucking another man. Are you so dickless that doesn’t bother you?”

“It bothers me,” he said, though he felt oddly calm. Maybe his CEO half was coming to the fore. What was done was done. He and Olivia had to find a way out of this, whatever

Ty stared at him. The other man was hanging there in the water like he was used to it. His gaze descended to the stingingly hard erection that bobbed between James’s thighs. The corners of his sensual mouth turned up. “That boner should have worn off by now. I kissed you a while ago.” James blushed hot enough for his cheeks to burn.

Ty’s smile broadened mockingly. “Maybe you
interested in payback for that pretty king-fucking wife of yours.”

James should have been furious. Instead, a thrill surged through his pounding veins as a quart more blood squeezed into his penis.

“Jesus,” Ty breathed, watching that. “I could eat you up for breakfast.” And then he put his words into action. He zipped to James in that insanely speedy way and gripped James’s hips in hard golden hands.

“Yum,” he said, licking his beautiful spoiled-boy mouth.

James meant to push him away, meant to say
Get off me
What the fuck do
you think you’re doing
? But the road to hell was paved with
meant to
. Somehow, his free hand fell to the back of Ty’s gilded head and pulled him closer. When Ty’s sleek tongue swept across his glans, James shook so hard he could have been suffering from a fit. When Ty engulfed the knob in his big warm mouth, the instant explosion of pleasure shoved him to the verge of coming.

“Not yet,” Ty growled. To enforce this, he gripped the base of James’s ball sac and pulled down sharply.

The pain forestalled him from ejaculating, but not from enjoying what Ty was doing with his mouth. Possibly, given James’s kinks, the pain made him enjoy it more. He’d never had a man suck him off. Ty’s mouth was harder and bolder than a woman’s.

It also took more of him.

Moaning and unable to stop himself, James bucked his hips forward.

“That’s it,” Ty praised, rising up to drag his warm tongue around the head.

“Give me more of that. Fuck my mouth like you’re going to die.” He was going to die, and soon, if Ty didn’t yank his balls down again. James dug his fingers deeper into Ty’s hair, which floated teasingly around them. His body was really get into this. Ty set up a steady rhythm. Up and down. Sucking and licking. Wonderful sensations gathered in James’s groin, like weights were massing there. He remembered Olivia kissing the king as he’d held her above the waves. She hadn’t been resisting. She’d been eating at his mouth like she did with James if it had been a while.

Did Ty and the king fuck each other? Was the ruler of Oceana truly a cocksucker? That made more pictures in his mind. A cry escaped his chest as Ty’s head started bobbing faster. James was writhing now, unable to control himself.

The currents caressed his body with each movement. God, he’d never experienced a rush like this. His balls were going to turn inside out.

He clenched his teeth and tried to hold onto the pleasure.

He might have succeeded if he hadn’t opened his eyes to watch his captor going down on him. There was a reason Ty hadn’t tugged his balls. His right hand was occupied with his own erection, pumping it up and down as fast as he’d been swimming. The head of his cock was reddened, the shaft veiny and swollen. Even as James watched, precum welled from the slit.

His scalp prickled so strongly, it could have been peeling off. James gasped a second before he came. Ty’s answering grunt around his penis said he was coming too. That really kicked James around the bend. His ejaculation shot out so hard it hurt - and James enjoyed that fine. Images rolled across his mental movie screen as ecstasy roared through him. Olivia coming. The handsome king suckling her breasts. The four of them forming an eight-legged monster as they fucked each other in someone’s bed.

James’s climax spiked until he was screaming silently.

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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