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Authors: Katie Allen

Hide Out (13 page)

BOOK: Hide Out
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Being a large guy, Trevor had a hard time finding someone who was bigger than he was, especially someone who wanted to hold him down and fuck him. When Pete had tied him up the night before, he’d almost lost it right then. The memory made him squirm again and Pete flipped them both so Trevor landed on his back on the air mattress with Pete on top of him.

“Do I need to tie you up again?” Pete asked, sounding amused, and Trevor’s heart beat in double-time.

“Yes please,” Trevor gasped, and Pete’s grin fell away as his eyes lit with desire.

“When we finally get a bed,” Pete promised, his voice thick, “I’ll tie you up so you can’t even move an inch. Then I’ll shove my cock up your ass and fuck you until you beg.”

“Jesus Christ!” Trevor’s hips jerked, thrusting up toward Pete’s.

“For now though,” Pete continued, seizing both of Trevor’s wrists and tugging his arms over his head, “I’m going to have to settle for just holding you down while I fuck you until you beg.”

“Please,” Trevor moaned, even as he realized Pete hadn’t even gotten to the fucking part and he was already begging. When Pete sat back on his knees, Trevor groaned again, this time in disappointment, but Pete was just reaching for the condoms. He rolled one on as Trevor watched, mesmerized, and then he slicked his latex-sheathed cock with lube.

Trevor’s fingers itched to help, to slide his fingers down the length of Pete’s erection, but he resisted, keeping his hands locked together above his head where Pete had put them. Pete watched him with a knowing curve of his lips, as if he could see the struggle going on in his head.

“What a good boy,” Pete purred, and Trevor jerked, just the caress of the other man’s voice enough to bring him off the bed. “Let’s see how long you can last.”


Katie Allen

Trevor didn’t want to know how long he could last. He didn’t
how long he could last. He wanted the instant gratification of Pete’s cock in his ass. That didn’t appear to be Pete’s plan though, so Trevor braced himself. Supporting his weight on his hands on either side of Trevor’s chest, Pete dipped his head down and caught Trevor’s earlobe in his teeth. Trevor closed his eyes as the damp tip of his tongue ran over the shell of his ear, raising a trail of goose bumps down his neck. Pete’s lips brushed along his jaw and under, teasing his throat with delicate touches before closing his teeth just hard enough to send a thrill down his spine. His mouth was a little rougher on Trevor’s nipples, sucking and nipping with enough pressure to sharpen the nubs into swollen, needy points. Trevor was panting for breath already and Pete hadn’t even reached his waist yet. His back arched off the mattress, thrusting his straining cock upward, trying to press it against something, anything—Pete’s hand or cock or stomach. Trevor needed the slide of flesh against flesh, the friction, but Pete was out of reach and his erection met only empty air. Grasping Trevor’s hip with one hand, Pete shoved his body down, flat against the mattress, and held him there. The restraint only made Trevor more frantic and he twisted in Pete’s grip. With a husky laugh, Pete pinned his other hip and well and licked a path from Trevor’s breastbone to his bellybutton. There he paused to dip his tongue into the shallow depression. Trevor groaned at the delay. Pete’s mouth was close, so close, and he was spending what felt like hours exploring his bellybutton. He was dying to grab Pete’s head and force the other man to swallow the full length of his cock, but he didn’t move his hands except to grip his own wrist. He knew if he forced the issue, Pete would find a way to punish him—a sweet punishment, sure, but one that would last and last, delaying his orgasm for an infinite amount of time.

So he held his arms above his head, one arm pulling against the strength of the other, while Pete kissed a line down his stomach until he reached the desperate head of Trevor’s cock.

“Please,” Trevor moaned, not able to resist begging any longer. “Suck me, please!”

Pete chuckled, his breath hot against the wet head of Trevor’s cock. “Since you asked so nicely…” He circled his lips around the tip and drove the cock to the back of his throat.

Trevor let out a shout of pleasure, the need to grab Pete’s head almost unbearable now. He shoved his hips up instead, fighting the grip of Pete’s hands, trying to bury another half inch of his cock into the wonderful, suctioning heat of his mouth. Pete allowed it, sliding his hands down Trevor’s thighs. Tightening his lips around him, Pete raised his head, pressing his tongue against the sensitive underside of Trevor’s cock before easing down to the base again. Trevor’s hips matched the rhythm, driving deep into Pete’s throat before sliding back out, only to bury his cock inside the hot depths of his mouth once again.


Hide Out

“I’m close,” Trevor gritted out and Pete pulled away. “No!” Trevor’s voice was almost a wail but he was too far gone to be embarrassed. Pete showed no mercy. Instead of returning his addictive mouth to Trevor’s desperate cock where it belonged, he ran light hands over Trevor’s thighs, catching him under the knees. He pushed Trevor’s legs toward his chest, confusing him for a moment before he realized what Pete intended. Irrational panic flowered in his chest and Trevor twisted, trying to turn over.

“Wait,” Trevor panted. “Not this way.”

“Yes.” The head of Pete’s cock pressed against the clenched entrance of Trevor’s ass. “This way. I want to watch you when you come.”

The feel of the blunt intruder penetrating his tight opening distracted Trevor, although the panic was still sharp. “Please,” he begged, reaching to grab Pete’s wrists.

“I’m not…” He stopped, not even knowing how to finish his sentence. To his relief, Pete paused. He leaned down and gently kissed Trevor’s mouth.

“Don’t worry,” he soothed. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.”

Trevor stared at him, searched his face for reassurance. Pete looked steadily back, his gray eyes soft. The panic eased and Trevor nodded slowly, releasing his grip on Pete’s arms and placing his hands over his head in surrender. Pete kissed him again, more deeply this time. Relaxing a little more, Trevor arched into the kiss, the final shreds of his fear disintegrating until only hunger was left.

“Okay,” he said hoarsely when Pete lifted his head. “Look at me if you really have to look at me.”

Pete grunted a laugh. “I do have to look at you,” he told him, bracing his hands on the air mattress on either side of Trevor. “I really do.” Holding his gaze, Pete pressed the tip of his cock against Trevor’s rear opening, pushing through the resistance until the head was lodged inside his ass.

His eyes wanted to close, to block everything out but the wonderful, stinging stretch of his ass, but Trevor kept them open and locked onto Pete’s eyes. As he entered him, Pete’s gaze softened and his face flushed. Looking at him, Trevor could almost imagine how the grip of his ass felt around the sensitive head of that cock, how hot and tight and amazing it must feel for Pete.

“Fuck,” Trevor hissed, overwhelmed by the dual onslaught of sensations, of glimpsing Pete’s ecstasy while experiencing his own intense pleasure.

“Okay?” Pete asked, sweat beading across his forehead and temples.

“Not if you don’t hurry up and fuck me,” Trevor gritted out. A half-smile flashed before Pete’s intent expression returned. Slowly, so slowly, he pushed into Trevor, inch after inch until the entire thick shaft throbbed inside him. He felt huge and incredible and Trevor tightened his body around the invading cock, just to watch Pete’s face contort with pleasure.


Katie Allen

“Tease,” Pete accused in a gasp. Trevor huffed out a laugh. It was Pete’s fault for insisting on the face-to-face thing. If he hadn’t, Trevor wouldn’t have known it was so fun to torture him.

All thoughts of teasing disappeared as Pete began to move. His cock slid out and back in, starting slow and then getting a little faster, a little harder. With each thrust, Pete’s belly rubbed against Trevor’s rigid shaft, finally giving him the friction he’d been begging for all morning.

Pete’s face was tight, his eyes molten silver as he drove into Trevor. As the tension built, the pleasure ratcheting up with each plunge of Pete’s cock, each stroke of his hard belly across Trevor’s erection, so did Trevor’s renewed panic.
He’ll see me, he’ll see me
, repeated over and over in his mind. He had no idea why that scared him so much but it did, and he twisted his head away.

“Look at me,” Pete rasped, and he did, unable to deny that commanding voice. The panic kept growing though, accelerating his heart until it felt as if it would beat right through his chest. Pete was hammering into him, not letting him look away.

“Hang on to me,” he ordered, and Trevor grabbed his arms. That helped a little, although he was still terrified as Pete drove into him, never breaking eye contact. Trevor hung on, fighting back his climax, too scared to go over the edge with Pete watching.
He’ll see me!

Pete kissed him, a short, hard press of his lips. “I’ve got you,” he told him. “Come. Now.”

He let go. Trevor gave himself up to the pleasure, disintegrating into a million pieces while Pete watched. The panic had intensified everything and he came hard, convulsing over and over until it felt as if everything inside him had erupted, spilling out into the open where Pete could see. He held on the whole time, anchoring himself by digging his fingers into the strength of Pete’s arms. The muscles shook under his hold and he vaguely realized Pete had come too, had jumped over the edge with him. This yanked him back into a series of aftershocks. When that passed, he drifted on the final strands of pleasure, gradually coming back to reality to find Pete still deep inside him, his arms wrapped around Trevor in a bear hug and his face buried in his neck.

Trevor slid his hands over Pete’s back, returning the embrace. Tipping his head forward, he kissed him on the head, his hair soft against Trevor’s lips. Pete’s arms tightened around him in response as he pulled his cock free, sending a final ripple of pleasure through Trevor.

“Okay?” he asked, stroking a hand over his shoulder blade.

“Yeah,” Pete finally answered without looking up. “Mind if we stay like this for a little while?”

“I don’t mind.”
Not at all.

They fell asleep with their arms locked around each other. 76

Hide Out

Chapter Seven

“Want some?” Pete held out his water bottle. It was mid-afternoon and hot, and they were still working on the fucking porch floor. They would’ve been done if they’d gotten up a little earlier—as it was, they’d rolled out of bed around lunchtime.

“Sure.” Trevor’s fingers brushed his as he took the bottle and Pete felt the shock all the way down to his balls.

Isn’t fucking supposed to get him
of my system?
he wondered, watching as Trevor tipped his head back and drank, his throat moving as he swallowed. It had actually accomplished the opposite—now Trevor was firmly embedded inside him. Pete snorted a laugh and Trevor raised an eyebrow.

“You’re like a splinter,” Pete non-explained.

“Thanks?” After a final drink, he set the water on the porch floor in a spot of shade out of their way.

Pete laughed again, stepping close enough to slide his fingers down Trevor’s arm and take his hand. “You’re there, under my skin,” he said, running his fingertips across Trevor’s. “Sometimes painful, sometimes annoying—”

“Hey!” Trevor interjected.

Closing his fingers around Trevor’s hand, Pete yanked his arm so he stumbled forward a step, bumping against Pete’s chest. “The only problem with that comparison is, I’ll never want to pull you out.”

“I’d say there are other problems with calling me a splinter,” Trevor protested. Although he was attempting to look surly, he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. His tongue dampened his bottom lip while his eyes sparked with hunger. Leaning close, so his mouth brushed Trevor’s ear, Pete said very low, “I wish all the neighbors would disappear for a while so I could tie you to this post and suck you off. Or maybe I’d bend you over the railing and—”

“Joey!” a woman’s voice called, interrupting Pete’s little fantasy. “Pete!” Trevor moaned under his breath.

Taking a deep breath, Pete turned and forced a smile, keeping the porch railing in front of him in the hope it would hide a certain unruly portion of his anatomy until it could settle down. “Hi…um, Abby, is it?”

She beamed at them. “Aren’t you good with names. I would never have remembered after meeting so many people last night.”

He shrugged. “It’s useful for the job.”

“Right,” Abby nodded. “I suppose you needed to remember all your clients.”


Katie Allen

Right—financial advisor.
“Um, sure.” Pete stumbled a little over the word, kicking himself for almost forgetting their cover story. He decided to change the subject before he said something to totally fuck everything up. “So what are you up to?”

Holding out the cardboard box she’d been clutching to her chest, Abby said,

“Tomatoes. I have a few vegetables growing out back. Since it’s too late for you to start your own garden, I thought you’d like some fresh produce.”

“That’d be great, thanks.” He reached down to take the box from her, still not ready to move away from the railing. “That’s really nice of you.”

“Oh, there’s plenty,” she assured him, although her face was flushed with pleasure. Trevor peered over his shoulder into the box. “Those are huge,” he told her. “What d’you feed those suckers?”

Her cheeks brightened even more as she giggled. “I have a composting bin,” she explained. “Plus the soil here is…” She trailed off, ducking her head. “Sorry. You don’t want to hear boring gardening stories.”

“Actually, I love gardening stories,” Trevor said with a sweet smile that squeezed Pete’s heart. “Would you mind if we asked your advice next spring when we start ours?

We’re pretty hopeless gardeners.”

“Oh, I…of course!” She was completely flustered and Pete couldn’t blame her. Trevor at his most charming could turn anyone’s brain to mush. “But I’m sure you’re not hopeless.”

BOOK: Hide Out
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