Read High-Society Seduction Online

Authors: Maxine Sullivan

High-Society Seduction (8 page)

BOOK: High-Society Seduction
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Finally he let the pace slow, stopping and leaving her trembling. She swallowed the taste of him, then somehow managed to croak, “Let me guess. That’s so people downstairs will think we’re lovers.”

“No, that one’s for me.”

ownstairs, Adam watched Jenna from across the room as she talked to one of the couples they’d met this afternoon. By the darting glances she gave him and the slight flush under her skin, he knew she was aware he was watching her. Satisfaction filled him. After that kiss in the bedroom, he had no doubts she would be his lover before the night was over. He knew when a woman was on a losing battle. She might be able to say no to him, but she couldn’t say no to herself.
“Adam, don’t you think what William is saying is
interesting?” Chelsea enthused, drawing his attention back to her and the other man at her side.

He smiled politely at them both. “Of course.” Chelsea had taken him away from Jenna on the pretext of introducing him to this bore of a person, but it had just been an excuse to separate them. God, he was so sick of this woman. If it wasn’t for Todd he’d have no hesitation in setting her straight. He didn’t like being held to ransom like this.

“William has quite a collection,” Chelsea said.

“Does he, now?” Adam said, not the least interested in the other man’s collection of butterflies. He’d prefer to collect women himself…and Jenna was one of them. And at least he’d set her free afterward, he mused.

Just then Adam saw the couple at Jenna’s side go off to talk to someone else, leaving her standing alone. He was about to go to her when another man moved in, as if he’d been waiting for that exact opportunity, and she turned to him as though he was a lifeline in a sea of faces. Adam’s hand tightened around his glass. That smile should be for

As fast as he could, he excused himself and moved to her side. “There you are, darling,” he murmured, slipping his arm around her waist, feeling her give a start of surprise as he pulled her hip to hip. He sent the other man a definite look that she was

“Er…this is Franklin,” Jenna said, looking wary.

“How do you do, Frank?”

The man’s mouth pursed. “It’s Franklin, actually.”

“Franklin, then.” Adam smiled briefly down at Jenna. “I see my lady has been keeping you company.”

Franklin stiffened, clearly getting the picture. “We’ve just met.” His eyes darted away. “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone over there I know.” He rushed off.

“Did you have to do that?” she whispered.

“Do what?”

“Scare him off like that. I might have wanted to get to know him better.”

“Not on my watch, darling,” he growled, taking a sip from his glass, his hand still holding her hip against him.

“Stop it. You don’t have to call me that in private.”

“But I’m only playing a part.” Just as
been playing when she’d made her escape as soon as they’d arrived this morning. Of course, he’d made her pay at lunch when he’d offered her the food from his fork. Oh, that mouth of hers…

“You’re going overboard with this stuff. I was merely talking to the guy and you’re acting like a jealous lover.”

He lifted a brow. “Isn’t that the point?”

She blinked, then sighed. “Yes, of course.”

Another couple came up to them then and the rest of the evening passed without incident. Adam refused to leave her side, not even when Chelsea tried to steal him away again. Neither woman had any chance of getting their wish.

Eventually the local guests began to depart, and Chelsea and Todd were kept busy seeing them to the front door. He saw Jenna look around at the six other couples staying here overnight, panic in her eyes, but it was a panic that was self-induced. He would never force a woman to do anything she didn’t want to do. But if she
to do something…

He firmly took her by the arm. “Come on, darling. It’s time we went to bed.”

“Oh, but—”

“She’s such a night owl at times,” he joked to the others. “Good night, everyone.” He led her from the room with a chorus of good-nights following them. It might be good-night for those people, but as far as he was concerned this was just the beginning.

Jenna wasn’t sure how she managed it, but as Adam went to reach for her inside the bedroom, in her panic she sidestepped him to move a few feet away. “You can sleep over there,” she said, jerking her head toward the chaise lounge near the window.


sleeping with me,” she said, aware she was struggling to remain unaffected. He’d been stirring chords of longing in her all evening…all day—ever since she’d met him, actually.

“So you’re not sleeping in the bed, then?” he mocked.

She watched him work his tie loose, and it was as if they were lovers coming home and getting ready for bed. As if they did this each night.

She swallowed hard. “You should be a gentleman and sleep on the lounge.”

“Sorry. I like my comfort too much.” He took off his jacket next and threw it over an upholstered chair. “Anyway, this bed’s big enough for both of us.”

not big enough for both of us,” she muttered, perhaps unwisely, she thought when she saw him moving toward her.

He took her by the arms. “You want me, Jenna,” he said silkily. “I know you do. Let me show you how much.”

Her stomach dipped. She wasn’t sure why she was fighting this so hard. Perhaps because he expected her to cave in, and she wasn’t going to let herself become one of his women. She’d fallen into bed with Lewis, and only ended up a number.

She lifted her chin. “I wouldn’t appreciate it tomorrow.”

With the speed of light the lines of his face turned rigid and he twisted toward the bathroom. “I’m going to brush my teeth, then I’m getting into bed. You sleep where you want.”

The door closed and she stood there for a minute, her breathing unsteady, her knees shaky. She’d done the right thing, she told herself. This way at least she wasn’t a statistic.

Knowing time was passing, she grabbed the comforter and one of the pillows and dropped them on the chaise lounge. Then she quickly collected her makeup remover and hairbrush from the vanity and her night things from the dressing room. As soon as he came out of the bathroom, she went rushing past him, catching an unnerving glimpse of bare chest exposed by his undone shirt.

Her hands shook as she changed into her negligee and robe, then completed her toilette, but she held her head high as she came out of the bathroom. Damn him, he was sitting up in bed, his arms crossed behind his head. She almost stumbled when she saw the light from the bedside lamps spilling across his naked chest.

“Don’t worry, I’m wearing the bottom half of my pajamas,” he pointed out with a touch of sarcasm.


Something in the air changed, and a deliberate pause hung in the room. “Not that I usually wear them. I generally prefer—”

“I never gave it a thought,” she cut across him, not wanting to hear him say out loud that he generally wore nothing in bed. The picture was too vivid in her mind right now.

She placed her folded skirt and top on the chest of drawers, then went to the chaise lounge and began plumping up her pillow. She could feel his eyes on her.

“Don’t you think you’re being ridiculous?”

She placed the pillow back down and straightened. “No.”

“You won’t get a good night’s sleep on that thing,” he pointed out.

“And I will over there with you?” she scoffed, picking up the comforter next, intending to spread it over the lounge.

He smiled appreciatively, then it faded and his face took on a serious note. “Look, we can put some pillows down the middle, if it’ll ease your mind.”

She halted, surprise rippling through her. “You would really do that?”


Then she made a face. “Ah, but can I trust you?”

“Of cour—”

Tap. Tap.

They both froze.

“Adam.” Chelsea’s voice came through the door. “I’m just checking that everything’s okay.”

A second passed, then Adam threw back the sheet on the other side of the bed. “Come and get in next to me,” he whispered. “And take off that robe first.”

Jenna heard the words but it was taking a moment to register. Get in bed with him? Take off her robe?

“Come on, hurry up,” he said in a low voice, irritation crossing his face when she still didn’t move. “Don’t spoil it now,” he rasped.

His words finally penetrated her mind. She dropped the comforter and did as he said, and soon he’d half dragged her across the sheets and into his arms before she could think or catch her breath.

“Adam?” Chelsea called out, louder this time, but not enough to disturb the other guests.

“Chelsea, everything’s fine,” he called out.

The door opened and she peeped around it. “I was just checking—” Her eyes flew to Jenna enfolded in the crook of his arm. There was no sign of Todd.

Feeling uncomfortable, Jenna tried to push herself away from Adam a little, but his arms tightened around her, keeping her firmly against his naked chest. She realized she was only making it look as if Chelsea had interrupted something.

A small flush rose in Chelsea’s cheeks and she quickly looked away. Then her gaze rested on the pillow on the chaise lounge and the comforter on the floor next to it, and Jenna felt Adam tense beneath her.

Chelsea frowned. “You don’t want the comforter?”

“No, we’ll be warm enough,” Jenna said quickly, and heard a rumble of laughter in Adam’s throat. She looked up at him and saw the amusement on his face. Her cheeks heated up, playing right into his hands. She looked away again.

“Oh. Okay then.” Chelsea still hesitated. “Well, let me know if you need anything.”

“We will,” Adam said.

There was an awkward silence.

“Good night, Chelsea,” he said with more firmness this time.

“Good night.” She closed the door and left them alone.

Jenna immediately went to push away, but his arms tightened. “Shh, stay there. She hasn’t gone yet.”

She stilled, waiting and listening. Half a minute passed. “Do you think she’ll come back?”

“Who knows with Chelsea?”

“We should lock the door.”

The words fell in a hush.

She felt the muscles of his chest flex beneath her palm and realized she was resting her hand on his bare skin. In fascination, she tilted her head back to find his eyes dark and deep and firmly on her. “Good idea,” he murmured.

But he didn’t move.

She wet her lips. “Er…the door,” she reminded him, and waited for him to release her.

He stayed still. “Do you really want to sleep alone tonight, Jenna?”

Looking into his eyes, smelling his warm male scent and intently conscious of the side of his body against hers, it was hard to think coherently. “Um…I should.”

“Should what?” He started to run his finger lazily down her bare arm. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

Her heart started to race as she sensed something turn in the air. “Don’t.”

His finger drifted to a stop. “I want to make love to you.”

Hearing him say it out loud in this tiny space between them made her gasp and had a red flag waving “Danger” in her mind. She had to get out of his arms before it was too late. She went to push back.


She stopped. His husky voice was working its way through her, draining her resistance. Who was she fooling? She didn’t want him to let her go. She wanted this as much as he did.

The red flag turned white. She mentally let it drop in capitulation. “I want you, too,” she heard herself whisper.


Something deep ignited in his eyes. “No regrets tomorrow?”

She shook her head. “No regrets tomorrow.”

He paused a second longer. “Don’t move,” he said, and eased away from her to slide out from under the sheet.

He went to lock the door, then came back toward her in a pair of pajama pants that left nothing to her imagination. He was aroused, and it turned her into a mess of bones, especially when his hands went to the waistband, intent on taking the pants off.

“Not yet,” she whispered, startling herself, aware she was suddenly afraid of losing total control. She’d never felt this way before with a man.

“I don’t usually make love with my pants on,” he teased.

Her throat felt blocked. “I’m not used to a…situation like this,” she admitted. And she wasn’t. She’d had a couple of lovers over the years, but they’d been men she’d thought she’d been in love with. And amazingly it hadn’t felt as powerful as what she was feeling for this man—whom she didn’t love.

His amusement disappeared. He wasn’t teasing now. “Do you want me, Jenna?”

She took a deep breath. Did she really need to think about this? “Oh, yes, Adam. I do.”

He turned the lamplight off. “Then when you’re ready,
can take my pants off,” he said in a low voice, and slid back into the bed beside her.

BOOK: High-Society Seduction
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