His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (6 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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Chapter Six


Six months later

“If you don’t get off me sweetheart, we’ll miss the fundraiser altogether.” Ryan grasped her hips, keeping their bodies connected as her hips continued to roll. He groaned. “Miri you feel too good and if you don’t stop, I promise we’ll be late.”

She giggled and leaned in for a kiss. “You’re insatiable, my love.” Her inner muscles squeezed and he groaned, flipping their positions while she squealed wildly.

“Me? You go one tiny little week without getting any and all of a sudden you’re a sex fiend.” Ryan licked her neck and sank deep into her wet, waiting body. “But if you’re not a fiend, I can get up right now.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened. “Don’t even think about it Ry, just be quick about it.” Her laughter rang out when he bit down on her neck and drove into her over and over again. “Ryan!”

“That’s right sweetheart, it’s me deep inside you right now, making you feel so good. So good.” She shivered at his words and pulsed around him.

“So. Good. Ryan.” All too soon they both peaked and collapsed on the bed, sweaty and sated. “See babe, I knew you could be quick.”

“Never say the ‘Q’ word again or I’ll be forced to forget we have some place to be tonight.”

“Not tonight Ryan, in about an hour. So we need to get dressed.” She slid off the bed and turned to him, “And we need to be quick about it!” She howled with laughter when he tossed a pillow that barely missed her. “Love you,” she shouted from inside the bathroom.

“Yeah, yeah.” Ryan stood and crept to the door, pushing it open. He loved watching her, especially now that he had the right to do so. Whatever strange glitch in the universe that had allowed a woman as great as Miri to love him, well he was grateful for it. “I have something for you to wear tonight.”

She eyed him in the mirror. “I already have a dress, Ryan. That champagne colored silk dress that I can’t wear a bra with, remember?”

He groaned. “Don’t remind me.” He estimated he’d be able to hold out for an hour before he pulled her into some dark corner and had his way with her.

“It’s not a dress then, what is it?”

He dropped a kiss on the crook of her neck. “I’ll tell you when you’ve had your shower.” He turned and left with a smile, knowing the suspense would kill her.

Not ten minutes later, Miri strolled out of the steaming bathroom wearing nothing but a few droplets of water. “I have something for you too,” she said and disappeared into the dressing room he’d designated as hers three months ago when they moved in together. Well, when she moved into his place. “I bought this with you in mind,” she smiled and twirled, wearing nothing but a scrap of gold silk, garters and tights with lace on the ends.

“Miri you look stunning.” He slid to the foot of the bed and pulled her to him. “I love you so much, you know that don’t you?”

Her smile set him on fire. “I do know and I love you too. More than words.”

“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you Miri, never thought I would especially after watching my parent’s marriage.” He turned his face into her palm, relishing her silky touch. “But you knocked me on my ass with your smile and your strength. Your body,” he chuckled and squeezed her lush ass.

Miri bent to press her mouth to his, ignoring the delicious feeling of her bare breasts and sensitive nipples pressed against his chest. “I never thought men could be like you, Ryan. But you’re a good man, the best man.

He smiled. “I am, and I would like to be your man forever.”

“Like I’d ever let you go.” She kissed him again, pouring all the love and affection she felt for him into the kiss. She pulled back, golden brown eyes glowing a liquid gold. “You’re mine.”

“Miri,” he held up her hand to show her the yellow diamond he’d slipped onto her finger, “will you marry me?”

“Ryan,” she covered her mouth as tears trickled from the corners of her eyes. “Ryan, I would love nothing more than to be your wife.” She pushed him back and jumped on him, dotting his face and neck with kisses. “We’re definitely going to be late.”

Ryan laughed with her and he knew, somehow, that they would still be laughing together like this fifty years from now, surrounded by kids and grandkids, and more love than either of them ever had growing up.

Yes, their future would be bright and full. Of love and passion and family.

The End

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Twice Desired, Choosing Alpha

Chapter One


Sloan and Grey watched the woman with the caramel skin and hazel eyes as she slowly approached their table. She moved with the grace of a feline, slow and steady steps that spoke of a woman with confidence. Her hips swayed seductively, drawing the eyes of every man and woman in the restaurant and she was completely oblivious to the attention. She wasn’t dressed like any doctor either of them had ever seen, in tight jeans that showcased her long legs and round ass, breasts perched on display in a white scoop neck top that clung to her like a second skin.

“She could be the one, Sloan.” Grey couldn’t take his eyes from her, the distance between them shortened with every step. It wasn’t just her beauty though it was the main attraction, it was something else that drew him to her.

“We don’t even know her.” Sloan reminded him with the patient voice he used so often lately. “Stop thinking with your dick for a change and use your head.”

“No thanks man, my dick has never lead me astray.” He patted his friend on the back with a quick laugh.

They both stood as the dark skinned beauty came to a stop at their table in the near empty restaurant. “Sloan Harper and Grey Maxwell?” At their nod she extended her arm. “I’m Sascha Mitchell.”

“Dr. Sascha Mitchell?”

She smiled at the man with blonde hair and dimples, noticing his dark brown eyes with a hint of gold that spoke of his wolf heritage. “That would be me.” She slid into the seat next to the one with black hair and blue eyes. “Sorry I’m late, parking was atrocious.”

“No problem. We don’t mind waiting for a beautiful woman,” the blonde said with a flirty smile.

“You must be Grey,” she said with a melodic laugh.

His smile dimmed briefly before brightening to reveal two rows of perfect white teeth. “How’d you know?”

“Research. Grey is the outgoing flirt with dancing dimples, and Sloan,” she turned her hazel gaze to his intense blue one, “is the steadfast quiet one. At least that’s what the papers say.” She felt Sloan’s gaze touch and heat up every particle in her body and the telltale signs of her arousal were present and accounted for. Nipples pebbled and pressing painfully against her top, moist clenching inside her jeans and a rapidly beating heart. Yep she was turned on by these sexy beasts but she had to shake it off. No matter that both of these men were the sexiest male specimens she had ever encountered, they were subjects for her newest research and therefore strictly off limits. Too bad.

“Tell us about your research Dr. Mitchell.”

Sloan’s deep voice washed over her like warm brandy coursing through her veins. She shivered. “Please call me Sascha.”

“Sascha,” Grey said playfully, licking his lips as though he could taste her. “I love the sound of that.”

Her smile was indulgent. “I would like to present your unique relationship as a case study to disprove the current theories about lycan shifter culture. Your situation is in strict contrast to everything we currently think we know about wolf shifters.” She took a deep calming breath, always feeling excited and exhilarated when she spoke of this new field of research. Her best friend Charley said she tended to “nerd out” about her research.

“And what is it you think you know about our situation?” She turned to the side, casting a long glance at Sloan. His blue eyes were intense and hot as they scraped over her body, his tone just as abrasive.

“I don’t know much Mr. Harper, which would be the point of the research. However I do know that it is most unusual for two Alpha shifters to be as close as you two.” She’d overheard the story of one of her students who had taken on two shifters from different packs at once and she was instantly intrigued. And if she was also a little turned on, well it was no one’s business but her own.

“Well so far you’ve got it Sascha. We are unique.” Grey smiled at her again, this time his eyes dark with the desire she felt just by being in the presence of these two powerful men. “Of course there is much more to learn about our ah, situation.”

“Grey,” Sloan warned.

“Don’t worry Sloan, I’ve got this.”

Sascha watched, fascinated by the silent communication that seemed to take place between them. Sloan’s blue eyes narrowed until they were just slits of gold and Grey’s dark brown eyes did the same, low growls erupted deep from both men. Lord save us all from alpha males. “Look boys if you’re not interested just say so. I need to know if this is research worth pursuing, if not I need to move on.” She stood and placed her card on the table between them. “Let me know when you make up your mind.




“What the hell was that, man?” Grey’s eyes were practically all gold as he stared angrily at his best friend.

“Just because I wasn’t drooling all over Ms. Mitchell doesn’t mean I’m not…intrigued.” He was intrigued. In fact he was downright enchanted with the lovely doctor. Not only was she gorgeous with a body made for sin but her scent enraptured him. He could still smell that earthy mixture of soft flowers like lavender and something else, something primal that told him she was special.

“Then why the hell were you acting like a jackass to her?” He slammed his hands on the table and the approaching waitress turned quickly in the opposite direction. “You probably scared her off. Shit!”

Sloan took a sip of his drink, slow and deliberate. “If she’s scared so easily, she is definitely not the female we need.”

“Okay fine so you didn’t scare her, but your cold asshole routine probably turned her off.”

Sloan was willing to concede that perhaps he could have been more cordial. Hell, he didn’t know why he wasn’t. Typically he was considered the ‘nice guy’ to Grey’s flirtatious playboy. “You’re right, okay?”

“I know I’m right, man, what I’m asking is ‘what the hell’?”

“I don’t know. Her scent threw me off.”

Grey relaxed into the booth, one arm resting across the back and smiled. “So you smelled it too?”

He nodded. “I did.” His shoulders fell in resignation. The last thing he wanted was some professor digging into the ways of the Silver Mountain and Graeves Peak packs. They were special, dammit. That didn’t mean Sloan wanted the whole world to know about them. He and Grey and had been best friends since childhood, they grew up in different packs from pups to grown men and eventually each became the alpha of his respective pack. Nothing had weakened their bond or their friendship. If anything being alphas strengthened their bond and recently, brought to light a way to merge the packs permanently and form their own clan. “Hell I didn’t expect her to be so young or so fucking sexy.”

Gray smiled. “I know! Over the phone she sounded academic, kind of sexy but mostly just…smart. But in person, hot damn that is one fine ass lady.” He exaggerated a shiver to illustrate his point. “And,” he sobered, “she is probably the one we need.”

Sloan growled. He never did like following orders. “We don’t need anybody.”

“We do if we want to merge our packs Sloan. Why are you being so difficult about this? We’ve talked about it and this is the only way.”

He sighed and all the tension melted away. They had talked about it but that didn’t mean he had to like it. “I know dammit.”

“So what’s the problem? You don’t want to share? I mean we’ve shared in the past so I don’t see what the big deal is.”

He shrugged, his actions as dismissive as his tone. “It’s not that, not really at least. But it’s just that we can’t simply merge them, we have to do it this way.”

Grey finished his drink and motioned for another. “Look man I know this isn’t the way you want to do this, hell I just want to get it done. But according to both our pack elders the only way to form a clan is through a uniting alpha female, one strong enough to bring the alphas together and, more importantly, keep them together.” It was a story they’d heard often as pups but held no meaning. These days it was all they could think about. He placed both hands on the table, gaze focused on his best friend. “It’s her Sloan. You know it and I know it. We have to get her back.”

“I know.” Dammit, I know.

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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